The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2491 Attack from the Snakeman

"Be careful everyone, a storm is coming."

The guide's yelling with a hint of uneasiness clearly entered everyone's ears.

Everyone clearly felt that even this guide, who had been rolling in the desert for many years, was nervous.

As a result, they became even more nervous, staring around with serious eyes.


Just as the guide finished speaking, the terrifying gust of wind appeared to one side out of nowhere, making a terrifying roar and crushing it.

It felt as if this terrible storm had been lurking around all this time, silently accumulating its own strength, but now, it released all of its strength in one go.

It's also like a bomb that looked cute, but suddenly exploded, and then everything around it became quite uncute, and even turned into a hell on earth.

In an instant, everyone felt that the yellow sand was falling on them, as if they were going to be completely buried in the yellow sand.

It is not fatal, but it is extremely uncomfortable like a needle prick, and bloodstains appeared on the skin exposed to the air.

They didn't dare to open their eyes casually. If their fragile pupils were swept away by this kind of wind and sand, they might be blinded.

The only thing they could do was to lean close to the divine camel that was as stable as Mount Tai in the storm, while imagining some beautiful pictures to pass this extremely uncomfortable time, while silently cursing their mothers in their hearts.

When the strong wind was blowing, dozens of figures appeared abruptly but naturally. They just crawled on the ground that was still extremely hot, braving the storm, and squirming forward bit by bit.

These figures are all wearing clothes that are almost the same color as the sand, as if the clothes on their bodies are made of sand. In short, from a distance, they blend perfectly with the sand, without any sense of disobedience.

They also wore a pair of specially made goggles in their eye sockets, which allowed them to open their eyes well and see everything around them clearly even in this extremely violent sandstorm.

You can clearly see that in the goggles, there are pairs of bloodthirsty, ferocious eyes full of hatred and death-defying eyes.

From time to time, they raised their heads slightly, looking at the snake slaughtering team that was avoiding the storm in front of them, just like poisonous snakes staring at their prey.

They are like small boats in the upstream, or like snails who have been seriously injured and have to go to the hospital quickly or they will die. In short, they squirmed forward slowly and with difficulty, as if every inch they squirmed forward, they had to It seems to consume a lot of their energy.

But slowly but without the slightest stagnation, strong willpower and monstrous hatred are constantly stimulating their bodies.

The camouflage that was almost integrated with the sand, the slow but extremely patient speed, and the astonishing wind and sand that filled the sky helped them eliminate their breath, and also eliminated the vigilance that this snake slaughtering team had always maintained.

In other words, the attention of this snake-slaying team is actually focused on this extremely violent sandstorm at this time. After all, they can't imagine that the enemy not only knows where they are at this time, but also knows that there is such a situation. A terrible storm is about to happen, and they know that they will definitely huddle here to avoid the wind and sand, so they lurk in advance and prepare to attack and kill.

This is simply impossible, so they put all their vigilance against the snake man on this sudden storm.

The wind and sand continued to rage unscrupulously, and these dozens of figures were still shortening the distance between them and the powerful snake slaughtering team in front of them.

They are excellent hunters, and the most important thing a good hunter possesses is absolute patience.

Finally, a figure crawled in front of a divine camel, and on the other side of the divine camel was a middle-aged man curled up there.

Like Li Zedao, this middle-aged man is one of the weakest people in the snake slaughtering team, so he is also responsible for the logistics.

At this time, the middle-aged man was leaning against the motionless camel, his face was wrapped with a piece of black gauze, and the gauze was already covered with sand grains.

At the beginning, he used his big rough hands to pat off the fine grains of sand stuck to the black cloth covering his face from time to time, but later he found that this was simply doing useless work, so he simply curled up there honestly.

When the large amount of yellow sand brought by the strong wind kept hitting the face wrapped in black gauze, a cold light followed.

While enduring the pain like a needle prick, the middle-aged man kept cursing the damn weather in his heart, while imagining some kind of picture that made him extremely hot, so he didn't realize it at all, saying, Suddenly, a sharp blade gleaming with cold light appeared in the storm.

Li Zedao, who was not far from the middle-aged man, saw it clearly.

It is more accurate to say that Li Zedao became aware of his existence when the figure that was struggling to crawl forward came several feet away.

On the one hand, Li Zedao is a rookie in charge of logistics, so his position is naturally at the outermost edge of the team.

On the other hand, when the storm hit, Li Zedao was thinking that if he were the Empress Bo Ya, he would definitely choose to launch the attack at this time.

Thinking so in his heart, Li Zedao subconsciously paid attention to the movement around him.

Then, he noticed the figures that were almost perfectly blended into the sand.

After all, Li Zedao didn't make a sound to remind him, because he is a weak person, and the weak person's perception ability in this kind of strong wind is not so sharp at all... Well, the main reason is that this is a battle between a snake-killing team and a snake-man clan. War has nothing to do with him.

He had indeed had contact with Empress Boya. Empress Boya never killed him, and even wanted to take him back many times. Training him to be her right arm and right arm might also help warm her bed... Li Zedao looked at it Looking at her little face that is as beautiful as a fairy, I think you are beautiful.

But Li Zedao also repaid her, so the two sides are considered even.

He didn't even help the Snake Clan, let alone help Baili Kuanglang deal with the Snake Clan.

So Li Zedao watched the dagger silently but firmly pierced into the middle-aged man's throat like iron, and then quickly swiped it in a circle.

The dagger was quite sharp, and the attacker's killing skills were even more proficient.

Therefore, the middle-aged man didn't even groan, his head fell to the ground, and the blood poured out all at once, but was instantly blown away by the strong wind without a trace, as if nothing had happened.

Li Zedao didn't even squint his eyes, as if nothing had happened.

Similar raids and killings kept happening around this place where there were more than 200 strong men and 300 or so divine camels. From time to time, some people's heads were cut off or their hearts were crushed.

Finally, someone suddenly smelled an extremely unusual smell in the strong wind, and he also felt that the wind that was blowing on his face like a sharp knife turned out to be sticky and pungent bloody taste.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, trying to check for movement, and then, his pupils subconsciously widened.

Because, there was a blood hole in the neck of the man who was only a few steps away from him, and the blood was gushing out continuously, but was blown away by the strong wind all at once.

In the breath, not only a large piece of yellow sand appeared in the man's widened pupils, but also a bloody dagger appeared. The dagger cut through the storm like this, and it reached his neck in the blink of an eye.

A touch of fear from the deepest part of life crazily occupied the man's body, but it also aroused his most instinctive reaction, and aroused the level of cultivation that he should have as a peak middle-rank middle-rank in the spiritual realm.

He shrank his head back while screaming, and narrowly escaped the attack of the dagger. At the same time, his body was still rolling quickly on the ground, giving people the feeling of being blown by the wind. Like ran away.

"Enemy attack..." The man opened his mouth and roared, but his voice was hoarse and weak, because his mouth was full of yellow sand.

Then, he suddenly felt that his back was icy cold, and his wide eyes that exuded horror were suddenly covered by yellow sand all over the sky.

I can't see anything!

The weakest of these people also had a low-level cultivation of the Spiritual God Realm, so those who were closer to the man could still clearly grasp those two words, and vaguely noticed the terrifying coldness hidden there.

While shouting "enemy attack", these people got up early, with weapons already in their hands.

It's just that the strong wind was still attacking unscrupulously, which seriously blocked their sight. If they hadn't stood there with their legs violently, they might have been blown away by now.

In addition, the enemy is good at camouflage, so even if they know that there is an enemy invasion, they don't know where the enemy is and how many people there are.

But at this moment, an extremely ferocious word "kill" spewed out from someone's mouth, and then there was a terrifying sound of "click!" It was obvious that his neck was broken by someone using the simplest and most brutal method up.

In an instant, those people who were prostrate there and perfectly combined with Huangsha no longer continued to play sneak attacks, and did not choose to retreat because their tracks were found. Inside the snake slaughter team.

A bloody attack unfolded without warning in this seemingly never-ending storm.

All of a sudden, the screams, cursing, the shrill neighing of the camel, the sound of spiritual energy bombarding together, the sound of knives cutting into the flesh, etc. All the movements were mixed into the strong wind, and then turned into The roar of the wind.

From a distance, this is an area shrouded in storms. There is nothing but yellow sand all over the sky. It's as simple as that.

However, Li Zedao, who had long been lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and even lifted the body of a slain camel against his body to block the murder weapon that didn't have eyes at all, clearly saw that this What kind of horrible scene is happening in this area.

Li Zedao smashed his mouth, watched the people fall one after another with a lively attitude, and at the same time had to admire the strength of the snake man.

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