The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2713 a goldfish

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This expert's point of view made many people sneer and express disdain. What this tm said is nonsense.

Every idiot knows that this must be an organized and premeditated kidnapping!

But the key point is, what method did the gangster use to kidnap people without anyone noticing? Don't tell me that the one who kidnapped them is a ghost!

These people were a little guilty. They seemed to say that it was a ghost who kidnapped them, and they didn't really want to refute it.

More importantly, why didn't the kidnappers contact their families to ask for a ransom after helping them leave? Don't they want money?

If it's not for money, what is it for?

Quite a few people felt a little thumping in their hearts. The problem that money can't solve is really a big problem.

They felt that their buttocks were burning hot, and with so many powerful young masters missing mysteriously, they might not be able to sit safely in this position.

An expert hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Behind each disappearance case, is there some connection with Zhou Shaotian's beating case? Or, could it be done by the same organization?"

As soon as these words came out, many people's complexions became serious, and they secretly took a breath.

"You identify Zhou Dafu as the breakthrough point of the case?" Someone asked in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, someone started to gasp again.

The expert nodded, and said solemnly: "Zhou Dafu's behavior was too weird before, and he strongly demanded that the matter should not be pursued, so it is hard not to make people suspect that Zhou Shaotian's matter has nothing to do with him .”

"However, we don't have definite evidence, so there is absolutely no way to bring Zhou Dafu back for investigation." Another expert had a terrible headache.

The atmosphere at the scene became weird. Many people looked at their noses and noses and their hearts, but they scanned the surroundings with the corner of their eyes.

Everyone knew that many people present had personal relationships with Zhou Dafu, so they probably knew that someone planned to use him as a breakthrough to investigate this strange disappearance before the meeting was over. .

Immediately, many eyes fell on Liao Ju, who presided over the meeting. He was the initiator of the meeting and the most senior among the people present, so he naturally had to designate the best plan.

Liao Ju was in his fifties, and his normally combed hair became messy, and his eyes shrouded in smog were bloodshot.

Having been tormented by Zhou Shaotian's matter before, Zhou Dafu finally let go of the matter, Liao Ju finally heaved a sigh of relief, and finally calmed down.

Who would have thought that weird disappearance cases would happen one after another.

Now, the evidence seems to point to Zhou Dafu... What a headache!

"Liao Ju, what do you think?" someone asked.

The corner of Liao Ju's mouth twitched, wanting to curse, what do I think? If I have an opinion, how about gathering all of you elites here for discussion?

At this moment, all the lights in the meeting room suddenly went out, and the whole meeting room was plunged into darkness.

The cigarettes in the hands of these experts, like will-o'-the-wisps, danced chaotically in this dark space.

"How is this going?"

"power cut?"

"Impossible. Whenever there is a power outage, the generators in the bureau will start automatically and immediately. It is impossible to have a power outage."

"Xiao Wu, go and see what happened..."


In just a few seconds, all the lights in the meeting room were turned on, dispelling all the darkness in an instant.

A brief power outage will only make these experienced and expert detectives wonder, not enough to cause them to panic.

But someone immediately discovered that Director Liao was not in his seat!

You must know that a few seconds ago, he was still sitting there smoking a cigarette with a serious face, and everyone was watching him eagerly and asked him to formulate an investigation plan, but now, he can't let it go!

"Where is Bureau Liao?"

"Junior Liao..."

"Won't you go out?"

After these people searched for several laps,

He was horrified to find that Bureau Liao was not in the office, or even in any corner of the police station!

There are surveillance cameras inside and outside the police station, but none of the surveillance cameras captured the scene of Director Liao leaving the police station.

The entire city bureau was in a mess because of Liao Bureau's bizarre disappearance, and absolute fear lingered in everyone's heart!

At this time, Liao Ju was lying on the cold ground, his clothes had been taken off, and his chest had already been cut open by a sharp knife.

He is not dead, his breathing is still steady, and there is no pain on his face, as if he has fallen asleep.

Li Zedao glanced at Liao Ju's lungs that had turned white, and confirmed that he was also patient zero who was poisoned by Tianmeng.

A few days ago, when Tianmeng was enjoying a big meal in a certain restaurant, he happened to run into Liao Ju.

Then, it was a tragedy for Liao Ju, who just looked at Tianmeng one more time.

Li Zedao stuffed a pill into Liao Ju's mouth.

A miraculous scene appeared, the wound on Liao Ju's body closed up quickly with a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a minute, his chest was still smooth, and no cut wound could be seen.

Li Zedao stared at that face with hesitation.

After a moment of silence, he said to himself: "I didn't want to kill you, but I'm sorry, I can't save you, and that woman will definitely not give you the antidote, so you'd better disappear."

Li Zedao still doesn't know what kind of poison Tianmeng used. Before, he tried to make these zero patients take some precious pills, but it didn't have any effect.

That woman's knowledge and accomplishments in the journey of elixirs are not weaker than him, so it is normal for Li Zedao to be unable to decipher her poison for a while.

In addition, Li Zedao didn't know when the toxicity would explode and infect others, so... let's kill it.

Liao Ju's steady breathing suddenly stopped, turning into a cold corpse.

Immediately, the corpse was enveloped in blue flames, unable to breathe in just a few moments, and turned into a pool of ashes.

A gust of wind hit, and all the ashes disappeared into the invisible, completely disappearing in this world.

Another burst of breath-taking fragrance hit, Tianmeng stepped on high heels, and came to Li Zedao with all kinds of flair.

"Why don't you give me the antidote?" Li Zedao asked. He actually didn't want to kill anyone, but Tianmeng didn't give him the antidote, so he had no choice but to kill him.

"Why did my sister give you the antidote to save an ant?" Tianmeng asked with a sneer.

She poisoned an ant, which was a matter of losing her identity. If she had to give an antidote after poisoning, then it would not be losing her identity, it would be a shame.

Tianmeng felt that she was not a little Taoist, and she absolutely did not want to do such a cheap thing.

"Is this the last one?" Li Zedao asked.

In the past few days, killing people one after another made him depressed.

He is not Tianmeng, he never thinks that blood is something that will make people feel happy, on the contrary it will make him feel sick.

Tianmeng gave Li Zedao an angry look, "The last one."

Damn Xiaodaozi, you don't believe what I said?

"Are you sure?" Li Zedao really didn't believe it. This woman has no character at all.

Tianmeng scolded: "Damn Xiao Daozi, dare to question my sister? Why don't my sister swear by your character and handsomeness?"

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "Sister Tianmeng, I actually have quite doubts about my character and handsomeness."

"Hehe, Xiao Daozi, you are really really really shameless." Tianmeng was directly defeated by Li Zedao's shamelessness.

"Since you are so shameless, my sister has no choice but to tell you the truth."

Tianmeng looked at Li Zedao with big eyes, and said with certainty: "This is indeed the last person."

Immediately, the topic changed: "However, this is not the last poisoned person."

Li Zedao frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Because the poisoned person is not a human, but a goldfish." Tianmeng giggled.

"... beast!"

Li Zedao was heartbroken, this woman, she didn't even let a goldfish go, she was so vicious!

A few minutes later, in the luxury villa, Li Zedao looked at the pile of glass shards and water stains on the ground, the muscles on his face twitched violently, and he was in a state of bewilderment, unable to believe what his eyes saw.

There was originally a small fish tank on the table, and there were two small goldfish in the bathtub!

The little goldfish was bought by Tianmeng when she was passing by the flower market. Li Zedao thought that she was getting into Mortal Realm's life little by little, and wanted to try to raise a goldfish, and maybe she would raise a kitten and puppy in the future.

But unexpectedly, the purpose of her raising goldfish was to create a real zero-infected person!

But now, the fish tank was strangely broken, the water was scattered all over the ground, and the goldfish poisoned by Tianmeng was nowhere to be found!

Tianmeng was also stunned for a moment, then smiled gloatingly, and said, "Hehe, I'm afraid it was eaten by some cat that steals fish?"

Tianmeng noticed some small shallow footprints, which cat should belong to them.

Li Zedao glanced at Tianmeng, his face was extremely stern. Naturally, he also noticed those footprints, and he also noticed that the window in the hall was not closed, and the sneaky cat probably slipped in through that window.

Immediately, Li Zedao quickly came to the monitoring room of the villa and retrieved the monitoring video.

From the surveillance screen, Li Zedao clearly saw a big yellow cat slipping in through the open window, even jumped onto the table, knocked the bathtub over to the ground, and then swallowed the bouncing fish on the ground. up

"So, the poison was transferred to the cat?"

Li Zedao looked back at Tianmeng with an ugly expression, and had the urge to fight this woman for hundreds of rounds.

If you poisoned dudes who weren't such good things, why would you poison a fish?

Look how cute that goldfish is, how can you be so vicious?

Now, the fish was eaten by the cat, where do you want me to find that damned yellow cat?

"Hehe, what do you think?" Tianmeng's face was filled with joy.

She felt that the idiot Xiao Daozi asked a rather idiotic question. The cat ate the fish, and the poison was naturally transferred to the cat. Isn't this nonsense?

Even if the toxicity broke out, anyone who came into contact with the cat would be poisoned.

"Then what should we do?" Li Zedao roared in a low voice. ?

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