From time to time, Li Zedao began to miss Tianmeng, and he didn't know if her toys still had electricity. If they ran out of electricity, you should come back quickly. I have batteries here.

He still misses Princess Long and others who were waiting for him to go back in that foggy city.

I also miss Nintendo and their women who have long been turned into bones.

Occasionally, Li Zedao would also think about the suzerain, wondering if the thing he gave her was the fire cloud stone she was eager to get.

If not, Li Zedao would be helpless, and she would have to marry that Yunmengxi.

Li Zedao, who was practicing, opened his eyes suddenly, showing strong vigilance.

He hurriedly got up and turned around, but saw a middle-aged man looking him up and down with scrutinizing eyes, and his elegant face was full of inexplicable smiles.

"It's not bad that the peak of the lower rank of the Lingyu Realm has such vigilance." Yun Mengyao praised without hesitation, thinking that Vice Sect Master Ning is not bad.

I don't think those disciples of Yunmeng Villa who have cultivated themselves are not so vigilant at all.

Just because of this, he won the favor of Hanguang Maple Leaf, and let Old Crocodile follow him around to ensure his safety? Is Hanguang Maple Leaf's vision that bad?

Logically speaking, Hanguang Maple Leaf's vision is quite high, after all, she doesn't even look down on the young master.

No wonder, Young Master takes such a weak person seriously.

The young master originally asked him to kill the weak man, but later changed his mind and invited him to attend his wedding ceremony instead.

Young Master, why can't you wait to torture Hanguang Maple Leaf?

Forget it, let's torture it, it's none of my business.

"Who are you?"

Li Zedao's face was full of vigilance, and he glanced at the so conspicuous auspicious cloud on the opponent's chest, his heart skipped a beat.

He thought of Yunmengxi, Mr. Feng and Zhao Guanglu who had been killed by him also had such an insignificant auspicious cloud embroidery on their chests.

Yunmeng Villa!

Is this person the strongest in Yunmeng Villa? Yunmengxi sent someone to kill him again?

What about old crocodile? Why didn't Elder Crocodile stop him? Or is it that the old crocodile is too busy to take care of himself? But why is there no violent conflict coming?

Yun Mengyao smiled slightly, and said quite politely: "Compared to the deputy suzerain of Hanfeng Sect whose reputation has already spread throughout the medicine domain, he is nothing more than a mere unknown person, and the deputy suzerain will not worry about it."


No matter how shameless Li Zedao was, his cheeks were burning hot at this moment, which was extremely embarrassing.

Judging from the aura emanating from this person that almost made Li Zedao's breathing stagnate, this person is at least a strong man in the quasi-great realm, and even very possibly a strong man in the great realm.

But he said such a thing, isn't that making people happy?

Li Zedao's inner vigilance became stronger again.

A dog that can bark doesn't bite. This guy not only can't bark, but also praises you vigorously. Naturally, he has no good intentions.

"Well, you are really a small one. The small one is only a low-level peak cultivation in the Lingyu Realm... I don't know what you are looking for?" Li Zedao swallowed, looking extremely uneasy.

"That's it. I would like to invite Deputy Sect Master Ning to go to Yunmeng Villa with me to attend my son's wedding ceremony." Yunmengyao said politely.

Since the young master ordered to use "please", then naturally he had to be polite, otherwise Yun Mengyao would have killed half of his life and dragged him away.

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

Yunmengxi didn't kill him right away, but played like this, wouldn't it be...too childish?

Why did he think that he had an affair with the suzerain? Why does he look down on himself so much? How could I fall in love with her without seeing the face of the suzerain?

He is hungry and thirsty, but it is far from that kind of hunger.

Li Zedao can only continue to sigh with emotion, people really can't be too attractive, too attractive is easy to be envied by others.

"Yunmeng Villa is still one of the thirty-six glorious families, and Mr. Yunmeng is even more famous in this heaven. I am just a humble and weak person. How can I be able to participate in Mr. Yunmengxi's big wedding?" As for the gift, don't make fun of the little one."

Li Zedao's voice trembled even more, and he almost cried from fright.

Yun Mengyao politely made an invitation: "Vice-Sovereign Ning, don't underestimate yourself. Although you are indeed worthless, our young master is also approachable, knowing that you are the young master's wife... Oh, the Hanzi established by the prospective young master's wife Vice-Sovereign of the Maple Sect, so if I come to invite you, Vice-Sect Master Ning will not refuse, right?"

Yun Mengyao's expression was so serious that he was not joking.

Li Zedao wanted to swear, you are useless.

His eyes suddenly widened, he looked behind Yun Mengyao, and shouted: "Old Crocodile, save me!"

Yun Mengyao's body tensed instantly, thinking that he had already moved out the North Kuang Swordsman, yet Lao Crocodile still insisted on ensuring the safety of this weak man?

Does he really want to watch the North Sea swordsman die?

The moment Yun Mengyao's body tensed up, Li Zedao seized the opportunity, and his figure instantly turned into an afterimage, and he quickly retreated.

Yun Mengyao came back to his senses, the muscles on his face twitched, and he shrugged helplessly.

He even invited him so politely, but he didn't give it to him? Does he have to think highly of himself so much?

The figure turned into an afterimage and was about to chase after him.

The next moment, Yun Mengyao's figure froze slightly, and there were unexpectedly more powerful defensive soul formations ahead, which directly blocked his way.

Yun Mengyao was surprised, he really didn't expect that this weak person with the peak cultivation base of the lower rank of Lingyu Realm would have such a skill.

He was just surprised, and then slapped him lightly.


All the soul formations in front of him dissipated and ceased to exist.

But breathing, Yun Mengyao's figure is already like a ghost, appearing behind Li Zedao, but he is not in a hurry to slap him half to death, but is interested in admiring the fearless expression on the face of the prey help.

"You can escape so far in front of me with a low-level peak cultivation in the Lingyu Realm. Sect Master Ning Feng, you can really be proud."

With a ghostly voice lingering in his ears, Li Zedao was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, he destroyed the aura of heaven in his body to the extreme, and fled forward crazily.

But Yunmengxi was like a maggot attached to his bones, following him like a shadow, and he was not in a hurry to make a move, so he slowly put pressure on Li Zedao.

Anyway, idleness is idleness, and occasionally teasing the weak is also very good.

The fear in Li Zedao's eyes became more and more intense, and there were already a few more pills in his hand, and he threw them back crazily.

It's just that the elixir did not cause any harm to Yun Mengyao at all, and even collided with the devilish energy emitted by Yun Mengyao, it immediately turned into ashes and ceased to exist.

Yun Mengyao found it even more interesting. From his point of view, Vice Sect Master Ning was so frightened that he used the pill as a hidden weapon.

At this moment, two more pills came.

"Deputy Sect Master Ning, since you refuse to accept the invitation and follow me to Yunmeng Villa, then I have no choice but to beat you half to death, even abolish your cultivation, and then drag you back." Yunmengyao laughed.

Before he finished speaking, the two pills that he ignored directly collided with the aura erupting from him.

Yun Mengyao's pupils widened all of a sudden, and he felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart.


The two elixirs did not turn into ashes as before, but a violent explosion occurred.

The explosion didn't make Yunmengyao lack arms or legs, but it was so unpredictable that Yunmengyao was really embarrassed, and the ghostly figure following Li Zedao also came to a standstill.

The next moment, the extremely weird black mist entangled him tightly.


Yun Mengyao's eyeballs widened even bigger, his mind roared violently, and there was a hint of shock in his pupils.

He clearly felt that the devilish energy in his body had been partially suppressed.

He is still a strong man in the Dao realm, but he is far from the power of a strong man in the Dao realm.

"This poisonous mist is actually poisonous? And the toxicity is so overbearing?"

Yun Mengyao quickly swallowed one of his sect's healing elixir, but was horrified to find that his sect's healing elixir didn't have any effect.

Yun Mengyao looked up at the weak man who was almost invisible in front of him, his breathing became thicker, his eyes were ferocious and bloodthirsty.

Yun Mengyao felt extremely ashamed that a strong man with a low-level cultivation in the Great Dao Realm was so embarrassed by a weak man with a peak low-level cultivation in the Lingyu Realm, and was even poisoned.

Originally, he just wanted to beat him to death and drag him back, but now he just dragged his body back to do business.

Yun Mengyao let out a low growl, and the next moment, the black mist wrapped around him exploded in an instant, and then he turned into an afterimage, chasing after Li Zedao crazily.

Feeling a strong sense of oppression, like a tsunami, Li Zedao was so frightened that his legs were going weak. The only thing he could do was to grit his teeth and run forward desperately.

Li Zedao didn't know how much damage the big idiot would cause to the powerhouses of the lower level of the Great Dao Realm, but now it is completely clear.

A big idiot is not enough to knock down the strong ones at the Great Dao Realm, at most it is to limit their strength.

But this kind of pursuit speed, that kind of terrifying sense of oppression, is probably at the level of the top-rank peak cultivation level of the Lingyu Realm!

Still can't beat it!

"This is how to do ah?"

The big moves at the bottom of the box are all useless to the opponent, Li Zedao feels a strong sense of powerlessness, and really wants to cry without tears. If this continues, he will definitely be caught up.

And this guy seems to be very angry. Once he is caught up, he is afraid that he will beat himself to death.

"Sect Master, help me."

Now the one panicked and fled forward, while the other one was full of murderous intent, chasing after him.

Seeing that Yunmeng was about to catch up, a pill suddenly began to magnify infinitely in his pupils.

For the sake of face, and also worried about the deepening of the poisoning, Yun Mengyao naturally did not allow himself to be blown up by that weird hidden weapon once, and entangled by that terrifying black mist once, so his body stagnated instinctively, and then quickly retreated.

Li Zedao quickly took this opportunity to widen the already approaching distance.

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