The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2798 Master Flowing Water

Mr. Gao Shan? "Scary"?

Li Zedao was naturally a little confused, so he wanted to ask Fairy Fanyin if there was a kindergarten or elementary school in this heaven, and he wanted to go to school to eliminate illiteracy.

Li Zedao worried that if he continued to be so illiterate, one day he would suffer a big loss because of ignorance.

Sure enough, no matter where you are, being uneducated is a terrible thing.

"Vice Sect Master Ning, be careful," Fairy Fanyin reminded.

"Watch out?"

Before Li Zedao could react, suddenly, the extremely low sound of the piano came from the small bamboo house.


In an instant, the terrifying coercion swept across like a monstrous wave.

Li Zedao's body tensed up instantly, and in a trance, he felt that his soul seemed to be chopped into pieces by the sound of the piano, which was really painful.

The next moment, there was a severe tightness in the chest, and scarlet liquid flowed from the nostrils and ears at the corner of the mouth.

Then his legs went limp, and he sat down heavily on the ground, panting heavily, really terrified.

He never expected that such a short note would possess such a terrifying coercion, not at all inferior to the intense murderous aura erupted by the powerful man of the Great Dao Realm that Yunmengxi sent to hunt him down before.

"Deputy Sect Master Ning, the enemy may not kill you just because you play the flute well," Fairy Sanskrit said.

Li Zedao struggled to stand up, it was really difficult to calm down.

Only then did he realize that he had actually entered into a misunderstanding.

He thinks that temperament is something to cultivate one's sentiments, it's a tonic for one's mood, and it can't improve one's self-cultivation.

But it is not.

A powerful rhythm can also be an extremely superb spiritual skill, its lethality is extremely terrifying, and its coverage is also extremely wide.

The enemy can indeed not kill you because you play the flute well,

Of course it's not that I can't, but I dare not!

"Thank you Fairy for clarifying the confusion! Dare I ask Fairy, how can the sound of the flute played by a little one hurt people?" Li Zedao asked.

"Your cultivation base is too weak, you can't turn the notes into a powerful breath! If you wait for you to enter the Dao Realm, you will naturally understand the mystery of it." Sanskrit Fairy said.


The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, thinking that it is better not to continue playing, it is king to seize the time to practice and improve his cultivation.

At this moment, Mei Shengji entered the courtyard.

After she nodded respectfully to Li Zedao, she walked to the hut and reported in a low voice: "Master Liushui is here to visit."

Inside the bamboo house, those eyes that looked like stars were slightly wrinkled, and said, "Send Vice Sect Master Ning back to Meiwu."

"Yes." Mei Shengji bowed.

Turning around, he looked at Li Zedao and bowed slightly, and said, "Vice Sect Master Ning, please."

Li Zedao bowed his head and nodded, thinking that this Young Master Liushui might be a distinguished guest, so he must be recognized as a distinguished guest by Fanyin Palace, he must be an extremely extraordinary person.

After walking out of the bamboo forest, Mei Shengji looked slightly apologetic, and asked in a low voice: "Vice-Sovereign Ning, please stay in the guest room for now, and don't play the piano, so as not to be heard by Mr. Liushui and cause trouble .”

Li Zedao was slightly stunned, and nodded: "I know."

"Young Master Liu Shui is a sound addict, and he is also a fanatical suitor of the Palace Master." Mei Shengji explained a little more.

Li Zedao understood, and nodded, thinking that he is so good, then Mr. Liushui must be envious and jealous when he sees him, and it is right to curl up in the room at this time.

After a few incense burns, a man in white, led by Mei Shengji, walked through the woods to the courtyard, but he did not enter the courtyard.

Even if he is Mr. Liu Shui, he can only stand outside the courtyard, and he has no right to enter this courtyard at all.

The man has disheveled hair and is dressed in a loose white coat like snow, with a slovenly appearance.

Under the long hair, that side looked ordinary, but his skin was extremely pale, without the slightest color of blood, but his eyes were very black and bright, like two glowing coals in the white snow.

At the waist, there is a pitch-black flute and a wine bottle that is also pitch-black.

If Li Zedao saw this Mr. Flowing Water, he might secretly comment: What a down-and-out artist with an ordinary appearance.

Soon, a woman brought a chair and placed it in front of Mr. Liu Shui, bowing respectfully: "Mr. Liu Shui, please sit down."

Mr. Liushui didn't sit down, his eyes were as black as ink, emitting an incomparably hot light, but he looked at the small bamboo house in front of him like crazy.

The scorching light seemed to set the bamboo house on fire.

"Fanyin, here I come." Mr. Liushui said foolishly.

In the bamboo hut, the lavender figure stood there quietly, looking at the strings in front of him, as if he didn't hear Mr. Liu Shui's words.

Mr. Liushui was not embarrassed, he was used to it anyway.

"Sanskrit, when I was outside the valley just now, I vaguely heard a series of weird but extremely fresh notes coming from the valley. What kind of instrument is that sound? Who compiled this song? Why have I never heard?"

Master Liu Shui's complexion became even hotter, and he even hummed a short note that he had just heard.

It was the last segment of the last piano piece "My Heart Is Eternal" played by Li Zedao.

Fanyin Fairy frowned slightly when she heard the words, thinking that the sound of the piano played by Deputy Sect Master Ning was actually heard by him, and it was really troublesome now.

Based on what she knew about Mr. Liushui, if he didn't get the answer he wanted, he probably wouldn't let it go.

He responded lightly: "The instrument is the sound made by me after slightly modifying the Yaoqin. It is not something special. As for the song, it was also arranged randomly by me. You don't need to worry about Mr. Liushui."

Mr. Liushui shook his head, looking extremely disappointed: "Fanyin, Sanskrit, I think you are taking me for a fool. I think no matter how you change the Yaoqin, it will never be able to make that kind of sound that seems so wide and seems so deep. ?”

"Mr. Liu Shui doesn't believe it, and I can't help it."

Mr. Liu Shui's complexion became gloomy, and there were bursts of pain between his brows.

As if he was a poor man who was betrayed by his lover, he said sadly: "Fanyin, for a mere weakling in the spiritual realm, you actually concealed it from me so much?"

Fairy Sanskrit frowned.

Mr. Liushui wrinkled his nose and said, "Then it's Vice Sect Master Ning's. He was in your courtyard just a few minutes ago, and I can even smell his breath left in this courtyard."

Fairy Fanyin frowned even more.

Mr. Liu Shui said sadly: "Fanyin, Sanskrit, I am infatuated with you, but I have never even entered your courtyard. But a weak person in the spirit world can enter this courtyard? Sanskrit, this is forcing I'm crazy."

Fairy Fanyin didn't choose to continue to hide, and responded lightly: "I don't think I need to ask Mr. Liushui for instructions for whoever I want to let into this courtyard?"

Mr. Liushui felt that he had been hit hard by the strong man in the chest without reservation. He was really uncomfortable, and his voice was extremely bitter: "Sanskrit, I am infatuated with you, how can you be so unfeeling to me?"

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with Bengong."

Mr. Liu Shui sighed: "Since this is the case, I can only kill people. I want to kill that Vice Sect Master Ning."

Fairy Fanyin's voice became colder: "Young Master Liushui, this is Fanyin Palace!"

Mr. Liushui sat down on the chair in a very chic manner, looked at the small bamboo house in front of him with fiery eyes and said, "So what? Sanskrit, if I want to kill someone, even if it's in your Sanskrit Palace, you can kill me." Can't stop me."

Fairy Fanyin's face was extremely ugly, she knew that Mr. Liushui was not exaggerating.

If he wanted to kill someone, she would have no ability to stop him.

And after he killed someone in the Sanskrit Palace, he would pretend that nothing happened and continue to pester you affectionately.

This is a downright shameless person! A complete lunatic!

But such a lunatic has extremely terrifying strength.

"What do you want?" Sanskrit Fairy asked.

"I want to meet this Vice-Sovereign Ning, and I want to know what kind of magical power he has to make you, Sanskrit, treat him differently, and let him enter your courtyard." Mr. Liu Shui said.

"I'd like to know more about what kind of musical instrument the so-called piano is. Is Vice Sect Master Ning really as accomplished in the field of temperament as you think?"

Under the long hair, Mr. Liu Shui's complexion became ferocious, with a nervous smile.

There is a word that Mr. Liu Shui didn't say.

Vice-Sovereign Ning, he has already defiled the courtyard, so let's die.

"Let me deal with the traitor first." Fairy Fanyin's voice was extremely indifferent.

"It's Qin Xiaoxian from Meiwu."

Mr. Liushui said in a harsh voice: "This woman dared to betray your Fanyin Palace and inform me. She really deserves death! Sanskrit, you must kill her, don't be merciless."




Mei Shengji looked at Qin Xiaoxian who was kneeling and trembling with an ugly expression, she never thought of saying that a traitor appeared in her Meiwu!

This person actually secretly reported to Mr. Liushui that Vice Sovereign Ning had played a musical instrument called the piano, and that Vice Sovereign Ning had been summoned by the palace lord.

Originally, Qin Xiaoxian hid it very deeply, and it would take a lot of effort to find it out.

But who would have thought that Mr. Liushui threw this chess piece directly.

So Mei Shengji was so angry that she also felt sad for this Qin Xiaoxian.

Qin Xiaoxian trembled and begged endlessly: "Master Shengji, please forgive me...Master Shengji..."

"Kill it." Mei Shengji gritted her teeth.

After dealing with the traitor, Mei Shengji came to the corridor, she paused for a moment, and finally raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Li Zedao, who was sitting quietly in the room comprehending the breath of heaven, heard the knock on the door, and hurriedly got up and went to open the door. Seeing that it was Mei Shengji, he hurriedly bowed.

"Master Sheng Ji."

Mei Shengji bowed in return, and there was a deep worry that could not be resolved between her brows.

"Vice Sovereign Ning..." Mei Shengji hesitated to speak.

Li Zedao was a little surprised, and said, "Master Shengji is busy? But it's okay to say."

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