The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2800 I will teach you

At the moment, Mr. Liu Shui tried his best to suppress his anger, not to let the anger radiate out. Once it radiated out, the ant might die a terrible death.

To die is to die, but from now on he has to bear the crime that makes people laugh out loud, which is really disgusting.

He tried his best to squeeze an ugly smile on his face, and said: "I have no interest in killing you, I let you come here because I am deeply interested in the instrument called piano that you made, Want to get acquainted."

Li Zedao glanced at the other party, and said indifferently: "What? You want to learn, I'll teach you."


A mouthful of old blood almost spewed out of Mr. Flowing Water's mouth, he roared in his heart, when did I say I wanted to learn?

My Mr. Liu Shui has such a high level of attainment in the rhythm, and even earned the title of a music idiot. Although the ink flute in his hand is not one of the top ten magic weapons, it is absolutely extraordinary. Do I still need to learn from you?

What the hell, do you believe that this son will kill you right now?

Li Zedao moved the three-legged piano out of the soul ring, opened the cover, and pressed a few times on the keys casually with his fingers.

Mr. Liu Shui is really a sound addict. When he saw this kind of musical instrument that he had never seen before, he immediately forgot his anger and was directly attracted to it.

Before that outside the Sanskrit Valley, he had heard this note, but the Sanskrit Valley was surrounded by a powerful soul array, so he didn't hear it very clearly.

Listening at such a close distance now, I feel astonished.

Isn't the sound from this instrument too pleasant?

"Is this the piano?" Mr. Liu Shui asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"This is the piano. This young master spent a lot of effort to make it after countless failures and modifications. For this instrument, this young master spent a lot of hard work and created some songs."

Li Zedao shamelessly put gold on his face: "For this reason, I have even delayed my cultivation, so that now I am only a mere mid-level cultivation in the Lingyu Realm."

He glanced at Young Master Liu Shui disdainfully: "Otherwise, it would be difficult to leave your name on the list of the sky, hehe?"


Mr. Liu Shui felt liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth.

No, he can't afford to lose that person.

However, what this ant said seems to be correct. It is indeed not difficult to leave a name on the sky list.

Li Zedao waved his hands at Mr. Liushui: "Just press the white or black keys, and you will be able to produce various notes. Come and try it out."

It's like bringing a peerless beauty to a young monk who has just begun to fall in love, and then the beauty said, little master, don't be ashamed, you are a slave.

In short, Mr. Liushui is at war with heaven and man in his heart. This was not the case in the past, nor was it in the past.

Will it be too cheap to pass? Isn't this humiliating yourself to death?

But in the past, the temptation is too great.

Mr. Liu Shui hesitated for a long time, but finally chose to insult himself. His stiffened body walked over, and his pale but slender fingers carefully placed on one of the white keys.

"Yes, just press it like this, and you will open a whole new music world." Li Zedao expressed encouragement in his eyes, thinking that this Mr. Liushui is really fucking cheap.

Thinking of some of his past behaviors, Li Zedao was ashamed, and firmly felt that Mr. Liushui was not cheap at all, he was very cute.

Mr. Liushui subconsciously pressed it.


Mr. Liu Shui's eyes widened all of a sudden, and his body trembled slightly following the sound.

This touch was so strange that Master Liu Shui trembled uncontrollably.

The sound was so beautiful that Mr. Shui Liu was immediately intoxicated by it, unable to extricate himself.


Mr. Liushui took a deep breath and said, "It's wonderful! Except Mr. Qinglong's love flute and Sanskrit's qin, I can't think of any musical instruments in the heavens that can compete with them!"

"You're being honest."


Li Zedao glanced proudly at Mr. Liu Shui and said, "Now, I will use this piano to play Fairy Sanskrit's "Meditation Mantra", so that you will know how far the difference between you and me is in terms of rhythm." .”


Mr. Liu Shui really couldn't understand why he would allow such an ant who kept humiliating him to live until now.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you quickly move that chair over? You don't know that you have to sit down to play the piano? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you have never seen a piano before."


Fairy Fanyin suddenly felt that Mr. Liushui was a little pitiful, and if it was her, she would have killed someone long ago.

In the end, Mr. Liushui, who has always been unreasonable and was thought to have a brain problem, and whose name was left on the sky list, actually went over and moved the chair. After putting the chair in place, he finally came to his senses.

My majestic Mr. Flowing Water, actually helped a weak man in the middle of the Lingyu Realm move a chair?

He had the urge to chop off his own hand.

Li Zedao adjusted the chair with an air of superiority, took a deep breath, and sat down.

The two sides were placed on the piano keys, and after brewing up their emotions, they started to put their hands on the keys and quickly jumped out.

In an instant, extremely beautiful notes jumped out one by one.

At first, Mr. Liu Shui's eyeballs were so wide open that they almost jumped out of their sockets.

Is this the way to play the piano? Really unseen.

Gradually, his emotions were infected by this meditation mantra, and his heart gradually calmed down.

There is no murderous intent, no shame, no anger, no fanatical pursuit of Sanskrit Fairy, only peace! Only intoxicated! Only unable to extricate themselves!

This feeling can only be had when listening to Sanskrit Immortal playing the Meditation Mantra.

But I didn't expect that the meditation mantra played by this weak man with a brand new musical instrument can make people enter absolute peace.

At some point, the door of the small bamboo house opened, and a purple figure stood quietly on top of the big purple tree in the courtyard, as if it had merged with the big tree.

A pair of beautiful wide-eyed eyes looked seriously at Li Zedao's hands that were dancing gracefully on the keys and Li Zedao's face that seemed to be full of holiness, and his heart was extremely shocked.

She was quite surprised that this person could use the bamboo flute to blow the meditation mantra she created to such a high level.

Unexpectedly, the calming mantra played by a musical instrument that has never been seen before has a slightly deeper artistic conception than the bamboo flute.

At the end of the song, Li Zedao exhaled lightly. He was really tired. Playing the "Mediation Mantra" was really exhausting.

He raised his head and looked at Mr. Liushui, who was apparently still intoxicated by the note, cleared his throat and said, "How?"

Mr. Liu Shui woke up from the absolute silence, he stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, he was really shocked.

In the end, he bowed slightly and sighed: "In terms of temperament, I am not as good as you."

Li Zedao was almost overjoyed, thinking that even though this guy has some brain problems, he is still quite honest.

"You don't need to repeat such an obvious thing." Li Zedao waved his hands arrogantly.


"Want to learn?"

Mr. Liushui didn't respond, he fled in a hurry.

If he doesn't leave, he will do something that makes him feel extremely humiliated... It's not that he killed Li Zedao to take the title of the second person in that rhythm.

Rather, he really wanted to speak and teach me, I wanted to learn.

But Mr. Liu Shui knew that he couldn't learn it, not only because he really couldn't get rid of that face this time, but also because he knew that learning it would do him harm and no benefit.

His best musical instrument is the flute, but he couldn't use the flute to blow Fairy Sanskrit's "Meditation Mantra" out of the state that can calm the killing in people's hearts.

So, at least he has to play the flute well before he can learn the piano.

If he is addicted to the piano, it will only lower his level of temperament.

"Listen well, when will my accomplishments in rhythm be higher than yours, or after you leave your name on the sky list, I will kill you!"

Master Liu Shui's voice floated over from a very far away place.

Then there was a long silence.

Li Zedao stood proudly, thinking that it is impossible for you to be better than me in music and temperament.

In the future, if this young master can leave his name on the sky list, do you think you can kill this young master? See if I don't beat you to death alive!

After a few sticks of incense, Li Zedao was sure that Mr. Liushui had left Fanyin Valley, and he was relieved. He felt that his back was soaked and his legs were still a little weak, so he wanted to sit back on the chair ...Scared.

Li Zedao was actually betting that if he was more arrogant and crazy than Mr. Liushui, Mr. Liushui would not kill him.

In the end, he bet right.

He successfully made Mr. Liu Shui go away in disgrace.

In the yard, the purple figure that merged with the big tree still stood there quietly, and those eyes that looked like stars in the sky still looked at Li Zedao quietly.

She saw that Vice Sect Master Ning heaved a sigh of relief, and saw that his legs were trembling.

Obviously, he was really scared just now, he was afraid that Mr. Liu Shui would kill him, but he hid his fear very well.

Although this person's cultivation base is weak, his state of mind is really terrifying.

Li Zedao, whose legs were weak, suddenly felt a pair of eyes looking at him quietly, and looked up at the tree in the yard, but he didn't see those eyes.

At this moment, Fanyin Fairy's extremely apologetic voice came from the bamboo house: "It is my fault for letting Vice Sect Master Ning fall into such danger."

Letting him enter this courtyard was out of respect for the Vice Sect Master Ning and a little curiosity, but he almost killed him unexpectedly, Fairy Fanyin was extremely sorry.

Of course, if Mr. Liushui made a move just now, Fairy Sanskrit would protect the Vice Sect Master Ning behind him.

However, she definitely couldn't stop Young Master Liu Shui.

In the end, Vice Sect Master Ning would surely die, and she would just return her life to him.

Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Fairies, don't do this. It's not the fault of the fairies. It's my own fault. People who are too good always provoke the envy of others. I'm used to it."

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