The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2826 face problem

Li Zedao also discovered that this Miss Luohua was actually a relatively rare cultivator of heavenly breath just like himself.

Although the heavenly aura of heaven is more majestic, it is still far inferior to aura and magic energy, so there are fewer people who cultivate the aura of heaven.

At the same level of cultivation, the strength of the heavenly breath cultivator is stronger, but when both sides are strong to a certain extent, and even use the soul array and those powerful Horcruxes, the difference in strength can basically be ignored.

"Miss Luohua, I didn't show my ghost hand to fight you."

Pill God Bian Tuo said lightly, he is not a fool, how could he not know that even if he has a ghost hand, he can't do anything to this terrifying woman who left her name on the sky list?

In a real fight, he would have to pay an extremely painful price, and what was even more tragic was that he had already paid a painful price, and he still couldn't win against this woman.

"Instead, I need a reason for you to make a fuss about the Shendan Furnace, otherwise I will lose face."

When Li Zedao heard this, the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably.

He remembered that after the suzerain killed Bian Tuo's apprentice, Bian Tuo had a very tough attitude to claim the so-called spiritual loss from the Liuguang Villa. In the end, Hanguang Changkong stripped the ghost hand from the suzerain's soul and gave it to Bian Tuo with both hands. to appease his anger.

It can be seen that Liuguang Villa, a majestic Glory family, did not dare to provoke Bian Tuo at all.

But now, the same apprentice was killed, and even this time someone bullied him and killed his apprentice, and now Bian Tuo still has a ghost hand, and his strength has greatly increased.

But there is only one reason.

It even gave Li Zedao the feeling that as long as you just give me a reason, then I will feel comfortable and we will live in peace.

As for my apprentice, he died when he died.

How terrifying is this Miss Luohua?

"What if I don't give it?" Miss Luohua gave Bian Tuo a rather displeased look with her small eyes.

She never needs a reason for anything she does, and this Pill God Bian Tuo actually asked her for a reason, which undoubtedly made her very depressed.

"Then there's only one fight."

"Although the ghost hand can't suppress you, it can also make the fragrance of flowers on your body go away." Bian Tuo said very seriously.

Miss Luo Hua's eyes narrowed slightly, Bian Tuo with ghost hands is indeed quite tricky, even if he wins, his well-dressed makeup will be ruined.

Brother Liushui's favorite thing is not the intoxicating fragrance of flowers in his body, but it can't just disappear like this.

Thinking of Brother Liushui, Miss Luohua's heart was moved, her face like a trampled bun became shy...Of course, in Li Zedao's eyes, this kind of expression was not too close to a devil smiling, It looked like he was about to faint.

Immediately, Miss Luo Hua remembered that Bian Tuo's attainments in elixir were extremely terrifying, so there were many strong people who asked him to refine elixir. I heard that even the four envoys around Tian owed Bian Tuo favors.

This kind of person really shouldn't be easily offended.

After weighing the pros and cons, Miss Luo Hua decided to give Bian Tuo a reason.

Her finger, which was as thick as Li Zedao's handwriting, pointed at Li Zedao and said, "He belongs to me, but you captured him, which made me lose face... Is this reason enough?"

Li Zedao's face changed drastically, his throat wriggled violently, and he was almost choked to death by his saliva.

Could it be another woman who was conquered by her own damn charm?

Your sister conquered this kind of woman, she might as well eat shit.

"That's a good reason, but he ruined my living corpse and my ghost maggot that is about to evolve."

Pill God Bian Tuo said flatly: "If you let Miss Luo Hua take you away like this, I will still lose face."

"I'll pay you back." Miss Luohua waved her hand.

"It's so good."

Thinking of something, Miss Luo Hua glared at Bian Tuo: "It's just that if I compensate you like this, I won't lose face either."

Miss Luohua has always been domineering, so this time she not only has to give excuses but also pay compensation, it is really unreasonable.

Pill God Bian Tuo said: "I can help you refine a elixir, which can ensure that the fragrance of flowers on your body is more intense and lasts for a long time."

Miss Luohua's small eyes widened all of a sudden, and she said with a smile, "So, you and I will both have face."

"indeed so."

Li Zedao lying there was stunned. It turns out that the strong are giving each other face in this way. Is it childish or not, do you want face?

Your sister, you have the ability to fight to the death!

Bian Tuo put away the ghost hand.

"You take him away."

Miss Luohua nodded, and restrained the powerful aura on her body.

The gentle sunlight fell on the courtyard again, but Li Zedao's body was abnormally cold.

In his opinion, the end of going with this woman seems to be worse than staying in this place.

Miss Luohua said: "I'll send someone to send a hundred evolved ghost maggots later."

Bian Tuo nodded slightly: "It will take three years to refine the elixir."

Miss Luohua has no objection, in her opinion, the longer the refining time, the more it proves that Bian Tuo is not playing tricks on himself.

Turning around, like a dinosaur staring at a shivering sheep, he stretched out his hand, and that chubby hand picked up the frightened and helpless Li Zedao.


Li Zedao felt a flash in front of his eyes, but found that he had been thrown on a pink soul cloud.

I was really terrified in my heart, the speed of this woman was too terrifying.

Miss Luohua really can't be bothered to pay attention to this ugly ant. If she didn't owe a favor to Yunmeng Villa and needed to pay back, and she also learned that Brother Liushui was actually protecting this ant, otherwise, now is the critical period for her breakthrough in cultivation again. , she is too lazy to come to this place.

Miss Luo Hua stretched her waist, and made a "lazy" sound that Li Zedao heard was no different from that of a sow.

No, I'm too tired, let's sleep for a while.

Then he lay there and began to sleep soundly.

The snoring sound, like thunder, spread far away.

And even the soul cloud under his body seemed to be unable to bear this weight, and it trembled, and it might disperse at any time.


Li Zedao still had the small piece of bamboo stuffed in his mouth, and his eyelids were still pressed tightly by the stick, so he could only make a pitiful indistinct sound.

The tears full of fear and grievance were almost about to flow out.

Li Zedao felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

He didn't know who this terrifying woman was, let alone what she wanted to do to him.

But no matter what she wanted to do to him, Li Zedao would absolutely not accept it, even worse than letting eat that bear's shit.

I don't know how long it has passed... In Li Zedao's view, it may have been several years.

In short, the grunting that tormented his soul finally stopped.

Miss Luohua woke up, she stood up, stretched quite comfortably, took out another piece of pink silk, and wiped off the shocking liquid at the corner of her mouth so "coyly".

It's really shameful to dream of being like Liu Shui brother like that.

At this moment, Li Zedao was lying pitifully on the wet soul cloud. It wasn't raining, but Miss Luohua's saliva soaked the whole soul cloud...

Acid water was coming out of the piece of bamboo stuffed in Li Zedao's mouth uncontrollably.

Seeing such an expression on that face, Li Zedao was so frightened that his body stiffened, and the acid water that came out rolled back into his throat.

Mom, help, there are ghosts!

After wiping off the saliva, Miss Luohua glanced at Li Zedao with her thin eyes, but yawned again, and then flicked her thick fingers.

In an instant, Li Zedao felt a powerful aura hit him fiercely.

Like a pitiful bug, he was bounced away by Miss Luo Hua.

In this way, Li Zedao flew directly out of the soul cloud, and then began to do free fall.

After a few breaths, an extremely dull sound resounded from the beautiful valley below.

After the muffled sound, there was a big hole in the ground.

Li Zedao lay in the pit in a state of embarrassment, feeling extremely painful, and felt that his soul had been smashed to pieces.

His eyes that could not be closed looked at the big and fat terrifying figure on the soul cloud above his head, and he could clearly see water droplets dripping from the soul cloud, like rain It seems that the face is full of grief and indignation.

It's like eating a big mouthful of flies and chewing them, it's so disgusting.

This woman, how could she act so excessively towards a handsome guy?

Does she know that her behavior has seriously offended those beautiful women in the heavens?

Your sister, when my son has the strength to fight to the death with the heavens, I will definitely help you lose weight! your sister!

Miss Luohua, who had swept down the soul cloud, looked at the so ethereal and handsome white figure in front of her, and her heart was flustered for a moment, her face was very red.

"Brother Liu Shui, I'm back." Miss Luo Hua said "coquettishly".

Li Zedao was dumbfounded when he heard the words, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

Then, he couldn't help laughing.

Mr. Liushui's body gave a severe pause, he really didn't have the courage to turn around and face that horrible face.

He felt a mouthful of sourness gushing down his throat, and he really wanted to vomit.

But he can't vomit, Miss Luohua will be very upset if he vomits, and if she is upset, God knows what horrible actions she will do.

For example, will she do something that is inferior to a beast to him in the green mountains and green waters?

"You... are back."

Mr. Liu Shui looked forward with his hands behind his back, with a cold demeanor.

He worked even harder to make his voice colder, he knew that this scary woman liked his coldness.

Sure enough, Miss Luohua had a nympho face, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes seemed to be embedded with two hearts.

Mr. Liu Shui didn't feel any heat from these eyes, what he felt was extreme coldness, extreme nausea, and strong murderous intent.

He wants to kill! ?

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