The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2829 heavy love

Text Chapter 2829: Heavy Love

"This is the real "Hundred Birds Song"!"

Mr. Liu Shui was so amazing, at this moment, he couldn't feel the slightest bit of jealousy in his heart, and he couldn't even bear to let this shameless ant die.

He has been deeply impressed.

He even thought that it was his greatest luck that this ant could play the song of birds that he created.

As Li Zedao's melody mellowed again and again, there were more and more birds in the sky, and more and more birds on the ground that fainted from happiness.

There are more and more birds on Li Zedao's shoulders. Even at the end of the bamboo flute, there are three colorful birds. The eyes of these three birds are looking at Li Zedao obsessively, just like the absolute fan of the brain I'm staring at what I want to see.

When Mr. Liu Shui played before, there was only one bird standing.

At this time, Li Zedao's emotions have been fully integrated into the song, and he has reached a state of ecstasy.

He only felt that he had also become a bird, a bird that could fly very high and had absolute freedom.

There is no hatred, no lovesickness, no dirty intrigues, no pathetic servility, no mortal realm, no Pangu realm, no heaven.

Only the blue sky without boundaries, only the most free flying.

Because he was completely integrated, there was a lot of bird droppings on his shoulders, and there was a lot of bird droppings on his head, but he didn't notice it at all...Of course, the birds didn't know that they were pulling out bird droppings Well, for them, shitting on birds is simply because they are so intoxicated that they don't realize it.

Even Li Zedao didn't know that Miss Luo Hua who went to ask for wine from the wine fanatic came back.

So much so that Mr. Liu Shui felt relieved, gloated at Li Zedao, and then ran away quickly, Li Zedao didn't know.

Li Zedao only knew that he really wanted to be such a free bird forever.

He would fly higher, to the country of carelessness, if such a country existed.

However, no matter how beautiful the fantasy is, it is a fantasy after all, and it must return to reality after all.

What's more important is that if she doesn't hurry back to reality, Miss Luo Hua will probably come back.

Li Zedao returned to reality.

The sound of the flute is still curling up, lingering for a long time.

Li Zedao saw that his body was covered with intoxicated birds, and couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

"This person, really can't be too awesome. You see, it's because I'm so awesome that even Bird is deeply impressed by my charm."

"Did Mr. Liushui faint because of excessive jealousy?"

Li Zedao turned around to look around, he really wanted to see how exciting Master Liu Shui's expression would be when he heard such a wonderful sound of the flute.

For the sake of his shamelessness, Li Zedao decided to stimulate him.

But what Li Zedao saw was not Mr. Liushui's face, but two thighs that looked like telegraph poles.

Li Zedao's body stopped violently, and his scalp began to tingle.

His eyes, which had been widened all of a sudden, went up little by little.

The higher you go, the more your body trembles.

In the end, Li Zedao looked at the two hearts.

Two hearts shining with terrifying light are inlaid on Miss Luohua's horrible face.

Li Zedao also clearly saw that Miss Luohua's bloody mouth was continuously flowing out of liquid, dripping on the ground, and it had formed a small puddle. I don't know if it has been drowned.

Li Zedao was so frightened that he almost lost his ability to think.

Why did Miss Luohua come back? Where did Mr. Liu Shui go?

"Brother Li, I...I like you so much."

Miss Luo Hua stuck out her scarlet tongue, licked the corner of her mouth, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with hunger,

It makes a grunt that is not different from that of a sow in heat.

Li Zedao seemed to be hit by five thunders, his body was extremely stiff, and his eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.

So, after all, he was fooled by Young Master Liu Shui?

This "Hundred Birds Song" will make Miss Luohua fall in love? Will it make her fall in love with the player?


"Young Master Flowing Water...I...I...I am at odds with you!"

Li Zedao let out a monstrous roar in his heart.

"Hoho...Brother Li, I will definitely protect you in the future and promise not to hurt you in the slightest."

The terrifying voice lingered mercilessly in Li Zedao's ears, crazily stimulating his nerves.

Li Zedao couldn't bear this kind of blow for a while, rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

Seeing Brother Li, who was more stylish than Brother Liu Shui, fell limply on the ground, Miss Luo Hua became even more nympho, and shyly thought that the reason why Brother Li fainted must be because he clearly felt his love , I felt so happy that I passed out.

Look, look, brother Li's fainting posture is too handsome, right? Just as handsome as when he played the flute!

Ah, no, brother Li's light is too dazzling, my eyes are about to be dazzled, and I'm going to pass out.

Miss Luohua held her heart in both hands, looked at that charming little face intoxicated, and wiped away her saliva.

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

After swallowing the antidote given by Miss Luo Hua, Mr. Liu Shui clearly sensed that the poison of love flowers deep in his soul had been cured, which meant that he had completely escaped from Miss Luo Hua's clutches.

This means that from now on, I no longer have to face that woman in a disgusting manner.

He looked up at the blue sky, and because of his excessive excitement, he started to cry silently, with tears streaming down his face.

"Ant, although you are really, really shameless, I want to chop your soul into pieces in my dreams, but no matter what, you are really my savior, thank you! Thank you!"

Mr. Liu Shui muttered to himself, his face full of gratitude.

"Just put up with Miss Luohua's heavy and abnormal liking. Don't worry, I will definitely keep the musical instruments you made while sitting down."

Mr. Liushui turned into a brisk bird and started to fly. He wanted to fly very high and far away. He wanted to find an absolutely quiet place to practice those musical instruments well.


Li Zedao was already awake, but he refused to admit it, and continued to pretend to be unconscious.

He was nauseated in the fake coma, trembling in the fake coma, and greeted the eighteen generations of Mr. Liushui's ancestors in the fake coma.

While pretending to be in a coma, she was hugged "gently" by Miss Luohua.

Feeling the disgustingly greasy and smelly scent of flowers, as well as the constant stinky liquid dripping on his face, Li Zedao was devastated physically and mentally.

I felt that there were hundreds of kinds of strange poisons in my body, and I was almost going to be out of my wits.

He could only repeat in his heart over and over again: "Young Master Liushui, I'll fuck you!"

The only thing that made Li Zedao feel that he didn't need to look for death was that Miss Luohua didn't strip him of his clothes, let alone do such a horrible thing to him.

Miss Luo Hua didn't care if Li Zedao didn't wake up, on the contrary she was quite happy.

In her opinion, the later Brother Li wakes up, the more deeply he feels her love and happiness!

After some time, Li Zedao clearly felt that he was gently placed in a fragrant and soft place.

Then, a shrill voice sounded next to my ears: "Brother Li, I'm going out, so just wait here obediently for me to come back."

Li Zedao was overjoyed, this woman was going to leave at last, no matter if she could escape or not, at least she could take a breather.

However, Miss Luohua didn't leave immediately, she continued to say many "sweet words" in Li Zedao's ear, and her saliva continued to drip on Li Zedao's face.

"Don't worry, brother Li, I won't let you wait too long."

"Brother Li, why are you so handsome?"

"Brother Li, the flute you play is so beautiful, I like it very much."

"Brother Li! Brother Li! Brother Li!"


Li Zedao wanted to open his eyes and curse, I am your sister Li!

Didn't you say you were leaving? It's been another half an hour, do you know that?

Miss Luo Hua talked sweet talk for another half an hour. The so-called sweet talk was nothing more than brother Li, how handsome you are, and so on.

Just when Li Zedao was about to open his eyes and curse at others desperately, Miss Luo Hua finally left "reluctantly".

It was as if the harassing flies next to his ears were suddenly beaten to death, Li Zedao suddenly felt that the world was very quiet, so quiet that he couldn't believe it was real, thinking that he was dreaming.

After a stick of incense, Miss Luo Hua's voice was not heard again, and the disgusting flower scent has faded a lot.

Only then did Li Zedao muster up his courage, and carefully opened his closed eyes slightly.

Faintly, Li Zedao seemed to see a sea of ​​flowers.

Then, Li Zedao opened his eyes wider and looked around.

But I saw that there was indeed a sea of ​​flowers all around, and there were all kinds of colors.

As for him, he is located on a soft haystack among the sea of ​​flowers.

But I saw that the flowers bloomed extremely beautifully, and the fragrances of various flowers were intertwined to form an extremely unique floral fragrance, which smelled extremely pleasant.

"This is the real fragrance of flowers."

While wiping the wet saliva on his face disgustingly, Li Zedao admired him sincerely.

"Is there any difference between the smell on Miss Luohua's body and the smell from the maggots in the latrine? No!"

Then Li Zedao was so sick, he started to vomit, almost vomiting out his internal organs.

Thinking of something suddenly, Li Zedao didn't even bother to vomit.

He stood up and looked around at the flowers around him, with hot sparks in his eyes.

No matter what, get out of here! Otherwise, even if they are not destroyed to death, they will be disgusted to death!

That scary woman has gone out of nowhere, so now is the best chance to escape!

Li Zedao immediately turned into a bird and flew towards absolute freedom.


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