Deafening but continuous explosions continued to radiate from Blazing Taotie's bloody mouth that hadn't had time to close, and the strange black fog continued to spread.

At the same time, a pair of beautiful butterfly wings burned by flames rushed out of the thick fog like meteors that finally broke through the darkness, and rushed forward rapidly.

Blazing Gluttony didn't know what happened in his mouth, it felt a lot of powerful scorching aura continuously emanating from his mouth, which made his mouth a little itchy.

But this taste, which I have never tried before... seems pretty good, so good that it didn't close its mouth, allowing those delicious "food" to continue to dance in its mouth.

So the fiery gluttonous expression is even more enjoyable.

Finally, the "food" stopped beating, so it closed its bloody mouth, and swallowed all the scorching breath in its mouth and the black mist full of it into its stomach.


Blazing Taotie exhaled a lot of scorching breath and let out a comfortable belch.

It touched its swollen belly with its paws, as if it was too full, so it took a little rest to digest and digest.

So Blazing Taotie lay down on his stomach, and under his armpit, the ferocious eyes that exuded satisfaction were closed.

In less than a moment, the deafening snoring sound spread far away.

Above the sky, the green figure looked at the rapidly fading red light, and then looked at the blazing Taotie who was sleeping happily lying there, his pupils were rounded, and his mind was roaring violently, he couldn't believe his eyes at all. what you see.

He never expected that the ant would be able to escape from the fiery glutton's bloody mouth and ascend to heaven just by relying on the so-called hidden weapon that looked interesting, but he didn't look at it at all.

How unnatural is this kind of luck?

The golden figure glanced at him and said, "How?"

"This is indeed a miracle." The green figure admired.

He thought that even if there was any miracle, it was basically because someone powerful took action and dragged the ant out of the blazing glutton's mouth.

But I didn't expect that person to be the ant himself.

Then he said: "You said let him grow up,

How high will he reach in the future? "

The golden figure was silent for a while and said, "It may be higher than the sky."

The green figure smiled and said, "My God, no one is allowed to be taller than him."

"Whether he can escape the restraint of the sky depends on how unreasonable his luck is." The golden figure said. .

"You seem to have considerable confidence in him."

The golden figure said: "This is the only thing I can do."


When Li Zedao opened his eyes, what he saw was the extremely gloomy sky.

It was gray, as if it had just been swept by a sandstorm, it looked so depressing, without any hope.

The withered and dark vegetation around them are all gray-blue, but they don't have the beautiful feeling that the blue sea brings to people. Instead, the despair in people's hearts is even worse.

The neighing sounds of various poisonous insects and beasts continued to come, adding a bit of horror to the atmosphere.

So this is not the belly of the blazing glutton, but the gloomy mountain range.

So, there is no food that has not been charred on the outside and tender on the inside and then becomes a fiery glutton.

Although he was burned by the fire again and suffered that terrible torture, which caused his soul to be severely damaged, the heavenly aura in his body still protected his soul very well.

Therefore, it can be regarded as having escaped this catastrophe, and is still alive, that's great!

Li Zedao took a few deep breaths of the depressing but extremely sweet air in his opinion.

Only by walking on the verge of death can we deeply feel how wonderful it is to be alive.

"You impress me, and I won't despise you casually in the future." The pair of beautiful butterfly wings that appeared on the back fluttered a few times.

Butterfly Wing really thought that this weak idiot master was going to die now, and then it was freed, so it was actually very happy.

But who would have thought that under such circumstances, his cultivation could still break through.

What Dieyi couldn't even imagine was that, under the circumstances of enduring such great pain and being so seriously injured, he could still make such a move and finally successfully escaped from the mouth of the blazing glutton and ascended to heaven.

Is he strong? No, he is very weak, but he was able to escape from the bloody mouth of the blazing glutton, so it can only be explained that his luck is really not so good.

Of course, no matter what, the mental power erupted by this ugly idiot master at the moment of life and death is indeed quite terrifying.

After all, in that situation, not everyone can maintain a trace of sobriety. Most people have already resigned to their fate, they gave up struggling, and are ready to die.

But he didn't, he kept struggling and finally escaped.

Therefore, Die Yi couldn't help but be amazed.

Li Zedao no longer cares about Dieyi's attitude towards him, and now he cares more about one thing.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked cautiously: "Did the blazing glutton come after you?"

Naturally, he would not foolishly think that those hundreds of big idiots could blow up Blazing Glutton to death. If Blazing Glutton died so easily, then there would be no legend of Blazing Glutton in the heavens long ago.

Dieyi was quite speechless, and said angrily: "If you catch up, do you think you can still be alive now?"

Li Zedao also felt that he asked a rather stupid question.

It seems that Blazing Taotie may have been stunned for a while, or he may have suffered a little injury and went back to heal his injuries.

Li Zedao really didn't know that Blazing Glutton had eaten all the breath from the big fool as a delicacy, and he was sleeping beautifully at this time.

The main thing is too hard to imagine, after all, it is a poisonous pill that he has carefully developed.

Of course, although he is still in great danger, at least it seems to be safe for now, and he can breathe freely and freely.

So Li Zedao took a few more gulps of sweet air, then took out a Nourishing Soul Pill and swallowed it, and began to repair the severely damaged soul, especially the charred body.

As a diamond member of the Appearance Association, Li Zedao absolutely cannot tolerate any flaws in his appearance.

After an unknown amount of time, pairs of terrifying white eyes appeared.

But breathing, that still frighteningly white figure descended from the sky, her face was still pale, her eyes were still indifferent, she glanced at Li Zedao, as if seeing a corpse.

Even though he was so unpopular, Li Zedao's sense of security was suddenly overwhelmed, and even his eyes were a little moist.

He even wanted to throw himself into the arms of this terrifying woman and confide in him the grievances and pains he had suffered before, and let her feel how scared, how helpless, how much she missed her at that moment...

Li Zedao thought to himself, what a great day to have thighs!

What's even more pleasant is that although the complexion on this thigh is quite ugly, that face is quite pretty.

If it was Miss Luo Hua, Li Zedao felt that he would still let Blazing Taotie take the initiative.

On the back, Die Wing disappeared by itself, and he didn't want to talk to this idiot master anymore.

It feels very ashamed, it feels that it has made a big mistake.

How can I look at this idiot who is greedy for life and afraid of death with admiration? How could I not despise him? Isn't that insulting yourself?

"Which way are you going?"

Donghuang Shengjun squeezed out these words indifferently.

Li Zedao excitedly looked at the unusually beautiful face on his thigh, and casually pointed in a direction.

Donghuang Shengjun was the first to float in that direction, she really couldn't stand the way this damned ant looked at her.

A few days passed by, and Li Zedao still failed to enter the valley shrouded in blue mist, and naturally he also failed to find the holy spring of the blue pool.

Donghuang Shengjun didn't care, he floated quietly behind Li Zedao like a ghost.

In fact, for the past few days, she has been hesitating whether to kill this ant that was given to her and brought great humiliation to the entire Eastern Emperor Realm.

The reason why Donghuang Shengjun appeared in this gloomy mountain range was not because of the holy spring of Bichi.

Because of her stagnant cultivation, she came to this extremely dangerous place to look for further opportunities.

Of course, it would be even better if we could find the Holy Spring of the Bichi.

And during this period of time, through intense confrontation with such powerful beasts as Blazing Gluttony and Ten Thousand Poisonous Spiders, and even life-and-death battles, she has successfully found a further opportunity.

What made Donghuang Shengjun unacceptable was that she hadn't bathed for several days. She had never had a bath for so many days like now.

This made her feel that her body had become very dirty, that something was wrong all over her body, and sometimes it was as if several ants were crawling around on her body, which was extremely itchy.

So, she wants to return to the Eastern Emperor Realm now, she wants to take a bath!

She will kill whoever refuses to let her take a bath!

"Kill him now or send him to Huashen's unknown place? Or bring him back to the Eastern Emperor Realm and let him spend it in endless pain from now on?"

Donghuang Shengjun frowned slightly as he looked at the figure in front of him.

She felt that it was too troublesome to make such a choice.

At this moment, a strange breath surged over.

While Donghuang Shengjun frowned slightly, he also made a decision.

She is going back to take a bath now. As for the ant that brought her great shame, let him suffer from the fire again, let him taste the life that is worse than death, and finally become the belly of a blazing glutton. Chinese food.

As for Miss Luo Hua... Since that ugly woman dared to be so rude, there was no need to give her face.

If she came to him, she would tell her brother Li had already been eaten by the blazing glutton, and if she was upset, a fight would be enough.

Immediately, the Donghuang Shengjun's figure flashed and disappeared quietly in place.

Li Zedao, who was walking forward carefully, naturally didn't know that his thigh left by himself, leaving him alone in this ghost place.

At this moment, Li Zedao keenly caught a terrifying aura, which was so familiar!

Blazing gluttony!

Li Zedao was about to cry, why is your sister so lingering?

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