The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2875 powerful confinement

Facing such a formidable enemy, the human demon was not afraid, instead he roared out of excessive anger, struggled to his feet, and fiercely grabbed Xuanwu's face with his hands with terrifying nails.


Its neck appeared in Xuanwu's sleeve-length hands.

Xuanwu's hands are very beautiful, so beautiful that even if they pinch the neck of such an extremely weird-looking shemale, they are still full of beauty.

Xuanwu looked resentful, and said: "Such a beautiful face, you are willing to destroy it?"

Turning the topic around, he said with a smile: "But your face of the underlord looks really unique."

"Think about it, old lady, among the thousands of creatures, which one has such a unique appearance?"

After thinking about it, Xuanwu couldn't think of a reason, so he looked up at Qinglong and said with a smile: "Mr. Qinglong is known as the most knowledgeable person in the heavens, do you know what kind of beasts the Baxia clan is descended from?"

Qinglong shook his head, expressing that he was not clear either.

Xuanwu mocked: "It seems that Mr. Qinglong's so-called knowledgeable is just a false name."

Qinglong responded lightly: "I don't have such a reputation in the first place, how can I have it in vain?"

This woman is really annoying, why did she put such a hat on his head? She clearly knew that there was only one person in the vast heaven who was qualified to be considered well-informed.

That is the high sky.

Xuan Wu was too lazy to continue talking to this puzzled and funny man, his eyes fell on the egg face again, and he said with a smile: "Forget it, no matter who is the descendant of your Baxia clan who crossed with some ferocious beast, anyway, you are about to be wiped out." , Hehe, it’s really pitiful, I can’t bear it anymore.”

As the mouth said so, the other hand waved slightly.

All of a sudden, a blood-red aura turned into countless swords and slashed towards the egg face overwhelmingly.

But breathing, there are countless deep or shallow cuts on the face of the egg, and a foul-smelling liquid is constantly coming out of the wound.

Because of the decisive pain, the ladyboy's body trembled unceasingly, and painful and extremely depressive voices continued to emerge from the choked throat.

Xuanwu's extremely charming face showed a nervous smile, and his bright eyes looked at the egg face with countless cuts seriously, as if admiring a work that made her extremely satisfied .

He smiled and said, "Tsk tsk, this looks much more pleasing to the eye."

Before the words were finished, a terrifying cold aura suddenly erupted without warning, completely engulfing Xuanwu and the monsters of Naha's next clan.

Immediately, the gloomy and cold aura turned into turbulent waves, as if possessing the power of destroying the world, it crazily enveloped Xuanwu.

This cold aura naturally came to the overbearing patriarch who perfectly wanted to hide his figure and aura.

Xuanwu is so arrogant that when it uses the center of the earth to plan a sneak attack, it dares to torture the children of the Baxia clan in this way, and even utters such angry words, the patriarch of the Baxia clan can't stand it. Make a decisive move.

A shot is the most powerful blow, even if it consumes a lot of spiritual energy, Xuanwu will have to pay some price.

And with the eruption of the cold breath, Qinglong, Baihu and Suzaku all frowned, and at the same time, Qinglong's ruthless note has already turned into a terrifying sword rain.

At the same time, a golden sword aura and a saber aura shining with white dazzling light erupted at the same time, and these three terrifying forces crushed towards three directions at the same time.

But breathing, these three terrifying auras crushing in three directions respectively formed an extremely powerful encircling circle at once.

Obviously, there must be an absolute tacit understanding between each other before they can do this.


Several terrifying muffled sounds resounded, the whole space trembled violently, and the sound of "click! click!" could be heard vaguely, obviously the space was still on the verge of shattering.

As for the ruins of the surrounding palaces,

Under the cover of such a terrifying atmosphere, all of them were crushed into powder.

At this time, the domineering monster in Xuanwu's hands has turned into a blood mist, and even his soul has been crushed into pieces.

Of course, for it, this is not a relief.

But Xuanwu didn't have any scars on his body. Except for his pale face, he was still so gorgeous and charming. The disdainful line outlined at the corner of his mouth was so attractive that people couldn't help but want to take a bite. .

At this time, a mysterious red light shone on her body, which was the light from the broken shield.

The broken shield, one of the top ten artifacts.

Even if Tian personally took action, it would be difficult to break Xuanwu's broken shield!

So Xuanwu didn't pay attention to the Patriarch Baxia who was hiding in the dark at all, because she knew that the Patriarch Baxia couldn't break through her defense at all.

Of course, Patriarch Patriarch Cai Cai's unreserved blow was too powerful, so even with a broken shield, Xuanwu still suffered a bit of a loss after all, and the breath in her body was consumed most of the time.

And among the four ambassadors, some kind of terrible tacit understanding has already been formed.

The moment Patriarch Baxia made a move, Qinglong and the other three also made a move together, and even the aura they erupted immediately surrounded Patriarch Baxia.

Although the center of the earth can perfectly hide the figure and aura of the Patriarch Baxia, he still exists and is still there, but others cannot feel his existence.

So when it attacked Xuanwu, it immediately exposed its position.

Unsurprisingly, it fell into the siege of Qinglong and the others.

There are only a handful of people who can block the powerful blows of the three envoys at the same time, and this naturally does not include the Baxia Patriarch, let alone the previous hard battle, which has already suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, Patriarch Baxia suffered another serious injury. This time, it was not just as simple as consuming a lot of aura, but even his soul was damaged!

Qinglong felt that there was an extra breath in the space, and said lightly: "It hurt him."

There was no joy or sarcasm, but a calm statement of a natural fact.

Under the circumstances that the patriarch of Baxia exposed his position, if they could not harm it by joining forces on the third floor, then they could simply kill themselves to avoid embarrassment.

Bai Hu was very sure: "It must have been injured by Lao Tzu's knife."

Qinglong and Suzaku were too lazy to say anything, after all, their skins were not as thick as Baihu's.

At this moment, Suzaku frowned slightly, raised his head and looked around.

She found that at some point, there was an extra powerful confinement around them, which enveloped the four of them and the hundred transgressors lying on the ground who were waiting for them to confine their souls.

In addition, there are nearly a hundred ladyboys who are outside the confinement.

Since they intended to imprison their souls, these human monsters naturally did not die, but suffered extremely serious injuries and could not move.

At this moment, everyone's eyes flickered, and the figure of the domineering patriarch appeared.

Its figure that was about to blend into this gray space became so clear at this moment.

The figure was still tall, but it was slightly distorted, trembling, almost unable to stand still.

Its egg face was still dripping with gray liquid, which looked extremely terrifying and tragic.

There were constantly extremely weak gasps of anger, erupting from its body.

"What's the situation?" Baihu glanced at the overbearing patriarch coldly, then looked at Suzaku.

With just one glance, he knew that the domineering patriarch's soul was seriously damaged, even the ice dragon core that could nourish the soul could not nourish such a severely damaged soul.

Therefore, the overbearing patriarch will not live long.

Although there were some accidents, they still succeeded in killing the overbearing patriarch.

But Baihu didn't feel any complacency, instead he felt a little ashamed.

The four envoys were dispatched at the same time, and the four envoys all possessed powerful weapons, yet they were still put into such a mess, which is really embarrassing.

"There was originally a confinement hidden here, and now the confinement has been opened."

Suzaku frowned and glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on the overbearing patriarch, and said, "With our strength, we can forcefully break this restraint together, but it will consume a lot of energy."

From Suzaku's point of view, although they joined forces just now, although it was enough to injure the overbearing patriarch, it was not enough to cause the overbearing patriarch to be injured so seriously. Therefore, the reasonable explanation is that an extremely painful price must be paid to open the imprisonment.

This also explained why the domineering patriarch didn't activate the imprisonment at the beginning, but did not open the imprisonment until it was sure that no miracle would happen, and imprisoned the four of them in it.

Suzaku said again: "But when this original space becomes unstable again, this imprisonment will disappear by itself."

"Then wait until this primitive space becomes unstable." Qinglong looked at the overbearing patriarch.

Qinglong knew that the domineering patriarch hoped that they could break the imprisonment, after all, once they made a move to break the imprisonment, they would consume a lot of energy.

Although the domineering patriarch's soul has been severely damaged and he will not live long, it is enough to die with them who have become weak.

None of the other three had any objections. Under such circumstances, they naturally didn't want to waste their efforts to break the imprisonment, and then end up with a dying person.

At that moment, the four began to imprison the souls of those transgressors lying on the ground.

In this way, in front of the domineering patriarch, they imprisoned the souls of those monsters and completely harvested their lives.

When the domineering patriarch saw this, its already rickety body trembled even more violently, and its voice was even more shrill and angry.

But it can't do anything except sorrow, hate, and curse, and it can't save its people at all.

Not to mention that it paid a heavy price, and finally successfully opened the secret confinement.

Although the prison successfully trapped the enemy, it couldn't enter the prison to save the lives of his clansmen even if it wanted to.

Not to mention that even without the obstruction of this confinement, it would be powerless at all.

The only fortunate thing is that there are still half of the clansmen outside the confinement. Although they are extremely injured, they can at least survive.

These clansmen survived, and the Baxia clan was not wiped out. ?

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