The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2886 love flute is ruthless

Li Zedao lowered his head, as if humbly obeying the teachings.

Qinglong said indifferently: "There are two reasons why I asked you to execute it."

"First, someone doesn't want you to die so early, so you are asked to perform such a task. Of course, the person who doesn't want to see you die early is not me."

Li Zedao frowned slightly, he didn't quite understand what he said.

Logically speaking, if you don't want him to die early, you shouldn't let him perform such a dangerous task, right?

What made Li Zedao more concerned was who was that person who didn't want him to die early? But no matter who that person is, it is undoubtedly extremely powerful, because that person can change Qinglong's mind.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Zedao understood.

Especially for a person like him who has the blood of Pangu, if he wants to live longer in the heavens, he must have absolutely terrifying strength.

Mr. Qinglong said before that if he can complete the task, he will be able to obtain great benefits, and the benefits will naturally be the improvement of cultivation base.

So the person who was unwilling to let him die earlier asked him to perform this task, the purpose of which was to make him grow faster.

Mr. Qinglong said again: "Secondly, I heard that your luck is so good that there is no reason at all, so if you perform this task, the success rate will be higher."

"So, you're really not as important as you think."

"Only the truly strong are qualified to say that they are important."

Li Zedao bowed his hands in salute.

He knew that Qinglong was right, he was indeed not that important, even in Pan Gu's eyes, he was not that important.

Pangu didn't seem to care too much about whether he could save the Pangu domain.

Li Zedao asked: "Who is that person who doesn't want me to die sooner?"

Mr. Qinglong did not answer this question, but said: "Take it back with ghost hands as soon as possible, and carry out the task as soon as possible. The later you go, the more dangerous it will be for you."

Obviously, Mr. Qinglong knew the real purpose of Li Zedao's ghost hand.

Li Zedao looked up at Qinglong's indifferent eyes, and asked, "Is that woman named Tianmeng in your hands?"

Qinglong didn't answer this stupid question in his opinion, even if the question wasn't stupid, he didn't like to answer it.

A weak person of this level is not qualified to ask him to answer any questions at all.

Downwards his figure turned into an ethereal green, but his breath disappeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked up at the direction where the green color disappeared, thinking that if it wasn't for this young master who could never beat you, this young master would definitely beat you to death.

Looking down at the Alchemy God Bian Tuo who fainted there, Li Zedao's heart began to tremble and he was a little scared.

But the thigh has already gone, if Bian Tuo, the god of alchemy, can't swallow this breath after waking up and must kill himself, what should he do?

So Li Zedao wanted to leave as soon as possible while Bian Tuo, the Alchemy God, was still awake.

At this moment, Bian Tuo, who had fallen into a coma, suddenly opened his eyes.

It was a pair of extremely gloomy and vicious eyes, and those eyes fell on Li Zedao at once.

In an instant, a terrifying coercion suddenly spread out, making the temperature of this space suddenly become extremely terrifying. The surrounding trees began to smoke and catch fire, and the surface of the boulder also suddenly turned red.

Under such terrifying coercion, Li Zedao's body also started to catch fire.

He looked helplessly at the flames that began to crazily devour his clothes and flesh, why did he always have to be burned?

What made Li Zedao even more helpless was that even if Bian Tuo, the god of alchemy, woke up, he still dared to make a move. Isn't he afraid that Mr. Qinglong Xiang didn't go far at all?

Under the shroud of such hot and coercive pressure, Li Zedao's already extremely serious injury aggravated a bit, his mouth opened, and another mouthful of blood was congested.

Danshen Biantuo's body was like a zombie, he stood upright, his eyes were firmly enveloping Li Zedao,

It looks like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

He had to give Mr. Qinglong face, the premise was that Mr. Qinglong was right in front of him.

But now Mr. Qinglong has left, so there is no need to give face.

So he can finally kill this young man, and after killing him, he can regain the ghost hand, so that his soul will not be lost, and he will not have to wait to die.

As for killing this young man and incurring such crazy revenge from Mr. Qinglong, Pill God Bian Tuo couldn't care less.

Besides, with his strength, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a place in the huge heaven that Mr. Qinglong can't find.

The next moment, a pair of raised hands condensed from burning black flames appeared above Li Zedao's head. Without any hesitation, this raised hand clenched into a fist, emitting a terrifying aura in all directions, frantically moving towards Li Zedao. Li Zedao smashed his head over.

In the raging fire, Li Zedao's eyes did not show the slightest fear, but a trace of pity.

At this moment, the extremely hot space suddenly felt a bit cooler, and at the same time, there was an extremely ear-piercing flute sound.

The next moment, the sound of the flute turned into an endless stream of sharp killing intent, wrapping the fist that was about to hit Li Zedao's head in it.

The fist obviously sensed the strong danger, made a weird noise, and struggled frantically, trying to break through the encirclement and suppression of the powerful killing intent.

Just at this moment, the sound of the flute became more urgent.

As a result, the endless killing intent became stronger and more ruthless, instantly cutting the black flame fist into countless pieces, but the breathing was all extinguished.

As a result, the coolness completely replaced the hotness and invaded the entire space.

The rapid and sharp flute stopped abruptly, as if it had never appeared before.

Bian Tuo groaned strangely, the wrinkled skin was as white as paper, and bead-sized beads of sweat kept coming out.

But he saw that his trembling body was covered with large and small wounds, and there was hardly a piece of complete flesh.

He was surrounded by several feet, covered with dots of black blood, which looked terrifying.

Compared with his body, his soul was damaged even more seriously. If Qinglong hadn't exerted all his strength, he would have been out of his wits at this time.

But even so, he is not far away from being scattered.

Qinglong's love flute is indeed ruthless.

Even though Bian Tuo had ghost hands, he was still far from his opponent.

At this moment, Li Zedao had a deeper understanding of Qinglong's strength.

In the past, when Miss Sunset faced Bian Tuo who possessed ghost hands, she immediately restrained her arrogance and began to give each other face.

But now, Qinglong easily defeated Bian Tuo, one can imagine that his strength is far above Miss Luohua.

Bian Tuo was actually betting that Qinglong had already left.

It's a pity that he lost the bet, so he fell down in pain, and his old eyes showed strong resentment.

Bian Tuo felt that Mr. Qinglong was too unreasonable. As the Four Great Envoys, he was supposed to assist the heavens to protect the millions of souls in the heavens, but what did he do?

What Bian Tuo didn't know was that Qinglong didn't leave at all, he was even waiting for him to make a move.

Being affected by Qinglong's ruthless song, Li Zedao was also covered with shocking scars all over his body.

He looked up at Pill God Bian Tuo, slowly wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth, sighed softly, and said, "Why bother?"

The reason why the alchemy god Bian Tuo is still alive is because Mr. Qinglong wants him to live.

Mr. Qinglong kept him alive, but it was not out of kindness that he couldn't bear to kill people, and it was not because he wanted to give the Alchemy Biantuo a face, but because he wanted to imprison the soul of the Alchemy Biantuo!

If Bian Tuo hadn't made another move, Mr. Qinglong would not be too easy to do it, after all, Bian Tuo had given enough face.

But Bian Tuo made a move, so Qinglong took it for granted.

Pill God Bian Tuo did not answer this idiotic question to him, but said, "I don't want to die so uselessly."

Li Zedao disagreed with Bian Tuo's words, saying: "It's not worthless to die in the hands of Mr. Qinglong. Besides, if you didn't make a move just now, with your cultivation base and your attainments in elixir, even if you lack soul, you can still die." Live for a long time."

Bian Tuo's eyes were full of grief and indignation, and he said, "I died at the hands of ants like you."

Li Zedao thought about it, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with his words.

Then he felt insulted, and the one who insulted him was himself.

He retorted a little depressed: "Your sister, do you know who I am? It's not worthless to die in my hands, okay?"

Bian Tuo said: "You are a mere ant with a high level of cultivation."


If it wasn't for that green figure that appeared like a ghost, Li Zedao would have wanted to slash him with his sword.

What happened to the Daojing cultivation base? Isn't it easy to kill a dog in the water like you who is not far from death?

"You should hurry up." Mr. Qinglong said lightly.

Li Zedao bowed his hands and turned to leave.

Bian Tuo closed his eyes in pain, waiting for the arrival of death.


A few days later, Li Zedao returned to Fanyin Valley.

Looking at the ghostly hand brought back by Li Zedao, Fairy Fanyin couldn't help but twitched a few times at this moment, even though Fairy Fanyin was cold-tempered and indifferent to the world, and her eyes revealed a strong Surprised, I couldn't believe it was real.

She had reason to believe that Mr. Li would be able to bring the Ghost Hand back to treat Miss Hanguang in the end, after all Mr. Li had brought back the Ice Dragon Pill Core before.

But there is really no reason to believe that he brought back the ghost hand after only ten or so days had passed.

Did he defeat the Alchemy God Bian Tuo? Or did they use some strategy to force Bian Tuo to hand over the ghost hand? What kind of painful price was paid for this?

After all, Fairy Fanyin didn't ask anything, she wasn't too curious, and although she wanted to make Mr. Li, who had an extremely terrifying attainment in rhythm, become the Deputy Palace Master of Fanyin Palace, that was just wishful thinking after all.

After all, there was no deep contact between them.

She marveled at his accomplishments in temperament, and she felt that she had found the person who could play the flute with her, that's all. ?

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