Afterwards, Li Zedao's staring eyes clearly saw the faces of Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier covered in absolute fear and despair.

He also saw the hard bodies of Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier lying limp on the snow, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, waiting for the butcher's knife to fall on their necks.

Afterwards, ice dragons filled Li Zedao's ears, and the ice and snow pythons and snow spiders all let out sharp and terrifying roars. The mixed roars hit Li Zedao's soul hard.

Apparently, because of the unequal "distribution of spoils" by these four fierce beasts, the temporary alliance instantly disintegrated, and a new round of confrontation and even a big war started again.

For a moment, if Li Zedao fell into the endless darkness, there was no sound around him, and he couldn't see anything.

When Li Zedao woke up again, he was lying on the white snow.

There are still frozen cliffs on both sides, and there are winding and endless passages in the front and back, and the top is still shrouded in thick white mist.

Violent roars could be heard in the distance, and the entire space was slightly distorted under the envelope of the powerful confrontational auras, and the ground shook and trembled violently, as if a violent earthquake was taking place.

Therefore, he was still deep in the bottom of the snow abyss, and he was not too far away from where he was before, so he could clearly feel the terrifying aura erupting when the four fierce beasts confronted each other.

There were snowflakes falling in a mess, but like a lover's hand, it fell gently on his pale face, and the coldness brought by it made his spirit tremble slightly.

Li Zedao sat up, thinking of something, his face was extremely ugly.

He knew that Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er were doomed, so he didn't blame himself, after all, he was not such a hypocritical person.

He has tried his best to protect them, but if he can't do it, he can't.

Facing that terrifying beast, even if he used his most powerful method... the beauty trick, it would be of no avail.

There is some sadness, more peeing, after all, we have experienced life and death together.

He looked at his hand, and then clenched it into a fist bit by bit.

At this moment, he desperately desires to gain great strength, but he knows better than anyone else that being strong does not happen overnight, and being strong also requires enough luck.

who fell in the way of the mighty,

There are many people.

Therefore, although Li Zedao was eager, he worked hard to maintain a normal state of mind and not let himself feel any impatience.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao stood up and looked up at the thick fog above his head.

Still unable to catch any aura about this unseen beast, but he knew that this beast must be watching him quietly.

Sure enough, the soft and pleasant voice followed the snowflakes and fell gently.

"I saved you, so you have to do me a favor."

There was no forced threat in the voice, like it was a matter of course.

Whether you like it or not, you've already received the thing, and you have to pay for it, it's just a matter of course.

Li Zedao didn't hypocritically blame the other party for not saving Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier together, after all, it has no such obligation at all.

Of course, even if he wanted to save him, he didn't have that kind of strength.

Not everyone has the ability to face four fierce beasts at the same time, all of which are above the middle-grade cultivation level of Guiyi Realm.

After taking a pill, he asked, "What's the matter?"

After pausing for a moment, the voice continued to fall, but it was a little hotter: "Take me out."

"Huh?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, never expecting that this beast would make such a request to him.

Uncertain at the moment, he asked: "You said to take you out? Leave this original space?"

"Yes, when this primordial space becomes unstable again, I need your help to get out of here." The heat and longing in this ethereal voice are even more intense.

Obviously, it has been waiting for this moment for too long, just like the Baxia clan, longing to live under the sun, not in this dark primitive space.

Li Zedao frowned and asked, "What should I do?"

He didn't doubt what the beast said, after all, it didn't need to lie.

It said that if it can go out, it will definitely be able to go out, but it needs to rely on him, and it is afraid that it will have to pay a considerable price to do so.

"You will know how to do it later."

Li Zedao didn't ask any more questions, but nodded slightly and asked, "If I help you leave, will I lose my mind? I told you before, I'm afraid of death."

"The soul will be damaged, but the soul will not be scattered."

"After I get out, I will give you a core of the ice dragon, so I will keep you safe."

Li Zedao thought to himself, what should we do if this beast is lying?

But up to now, he can only gamble, otherwise, with his mere cultivation at the top level of the Great Dao Realm, there is absolutely no way to leave this snow abyss alive.

So he said: "In this case, I will do my best to help you leave this place."

The ferocious beast obviously knew what Li Zedao was thinking, and said again: "Don't worry, you will be safe."

Li Zedao thought to himself that you can say whatever you want, since I can't resist anyway.

"This primordial space is about half a month away, and it will enter an unstable state again, so we don't have too much time. You should leave this snowy abyss now and go to that snowy mountain."

Li Zedao frowned slightly: "Snow Mountain?"

"I will tell you what to do next when I get to the snow mountain."

Li Zedao nodded slightly and asked again: "I heard that the snow region is stable and unstable, and there are no rules at all. Why do you know that there will be about half a month before it will enter an unstable state?"

"If you stay in this snowy region for a long time, you will understand why I know."

Li Zedao didn't ask more questions, it probably has something to do with experience.

Snowland is unstable and unstable, indeed there are no rules at all, but after staying here for a long time, you can roughly know when it will enter a stable period.

Although it is not very accurate, it can be close to each other.

At the moment, he is driving the soul cloud, shuttles in the thick white mist, and floats upwards.

Because there is an extremely powerful adsorption force in this snowy abyss, the upward soul cloud seems to be pulled out by an invisible hand, and its speed is extremely slow.

From a distance, it looks like a snail slowly climbing upwards.

At this moment, Li Zedao clearly felt a powerful breath enveloping him and the soul cloud, and began to pull upwards, and the speed of rising was much faster in an instant.

And on the way up, I didn't encounter any attack by poisonous insects and beasts. It is conceivable that when these poisonous insects and beasts sensed the existence of the unknown beast, they were afraid that they would not dare to pop their heads out. coming.

"You play the piano well." The light voice lingered in Li Zedao's ears.

Li Zedao's eyes flickered with a hint of vigilance, and he said, "Thank you."

If there is an extremely important fanatical fan like Miss Luo Hua, Li Zedao thinks that he should be out of his wits, lest he be drowned by that disgusting saliva and choke to death by that disgusting love words.

"Playing it again."

There is a hint of lofty nobility in this ethereal voice, giving people the feeling that this is not asking for your meaning, but a gift, letting you play the piano is to think highly of you.

When ordinary people hear such a request from such a powerful beast, they are afraid that they will be frightened and play the piano quickly, not daring to disobey or slack in the slightest.

But Li Zedao closed his eyes and responded lightly: "I'm not in the mood."

Your sister, you think this son is stupid, do you know if he will become the second Miss Luo Hua? Besides, I really don't like your superior attitude.

The ferocious beast was not angry, let alone forced, and responded: "Since you are not in the mood, then let it go."

It doesn't really have to be listened to, it's just to pass the time.

Thinking of something, Li Zedao opened his eyes and asked curiously, "What kind of beast are you?"

"A fierce beast? I'm not a fierce beast."

Li Zedao was slightly taken aback, uncertain: "Isn't it a beast? Is it a human? A monster?"

Generally, in the primitive space, humans are the least, followed by human monsters, and all kinds of beasts are the most.

There was a hint of desolation in that voice: "Human."

Li Zedao nodded slightly, thinking, don't lie to me, how can you be human? It's something that no one can do, okay?

The unstoppable voice sounded endlessly: "And he came in from the outside just like you."

Li Zedao's eyes were rounded all of a sudden, his mind roared violently, and his mind was so turbulent that he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

It doesn't matter if it is a human being, after all, it is normal for human beings to be bred in this primitive space.

The point is, she actually entered from the outside, she is not a creature conceived in this primordial space!

In astonishment, Li Zedao thought to himself that it is indeed so!

Even creatures that were not born in the original space can stay in the original space for a long time if they use some means when the original space becomes unstable.

Li Zedao couldn't help asking: "Wait, you are not the Eastern Emperor Qiankun of the Eastern Imperial Family, are you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched uncontrollably, feeling that he had asked a rather idiotic question.

Let’s not say that such a delicate and beautiful voice is not like a man can utter, but even if Donghuang Qiankun’s voice is like this, how could he not save his two daughters? life?

Why didn't he know his useless son?

There was a hint of annoyance in the voice, and it seemed that it was a very shameful thing to be regarded as the Eastern Emperor Qiankun.

"You are really stupid."


Li Zedao frowned: "Listen to your tone, do you know Donghuang Qiankun?"

Then, the corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched even more, and he found himself asking another rather idiotic question.

What happened to this brain, how did it become such an idiot? Could it be that he was infected by those people in Donghuang Villa when he was lurking in Donghuang Villa, such as Tangshan? For example, Donghuang Dachen?

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