Donghuang Taiyi is not Qinglong, so he shook his head.

He still couldn't believe that the young man had brought that thing out, unless the young man took out that thing and put it in front of him now.

It's just that it's a big deal.

Even if that thing is not placed in that magic box, the absolute darkness in the original space can completely cover up its sharpness.

But once outside, as soon as the magic box is opened, the light of that thing will explode completely, so many people will know that that thing has appeared in Donghuang Villa.

By then, Donghuang Villa will become the center of an extremely terrifying vortex.

So even if the extremely lucky ant really found the magic box containing that thing, it must not be opened in Donghuang Villa.

Even the magic box specially used to hold that thing is not an ordinary container at all, it is a powerful horcrux refined by the heavenly father with a lot of painstaking efforts in the past.

Once taken out of the soul ring, it will emit a strange aura, and no soul array can cover up this aura.

At that time, there will still be people who know that the magic box has already appeared in Donghuang Villa.

This is also the most fundamental reason why Mr. Qinglong and Donghuang Taiyi did not immediately find Li Zedao to inquire clearly.

Of course, there is also a pair of eyes staring at Li Zedao secretly at this time. Once he takes out something like a box from the soul ring, he will immediately take the most powerful measures.

Mr. Qinglong felt that Donghuang Taiyi's move was really unnecessary. With the caution of that ant, he would never take out what he got from the snowy area at will.

"Old owner of Donghuang Villa, since he is the only survivor of this snow feast, you will give him the token of glory, and then find any reason for him to leave Donghuang Villa."

Mr. Qinglong said: "After staying away from Donghuang Villa, I will get that kind of thing from him."

Dong Huangtai glanced at Mr. Qinglong, shook his head and said, "I can't give him the token of glory."

The token of glory belongs to the Donghuang family, and it is Donghuangtaiyi's most powerful hole card. Donghuangtaiyi naturally does not allow such a hole card to fall into the hands of anyone.

Yes, anyone!

In fact, the token of glory that he had let Donghuang Shengjun keep before was a fake!

The real token of glory has always been in his hands.

Of course, no one in the Donghuang family, including Donghuang Shengjun, knows about this matter. Everyone thinks that Donghuang Taiyi is dedicated to pursuing the highest state and does not want to care about the affairs of the Donghuang family, so he handed over the token of glory to him. Gave it to Donghuang Shengjun.

Mr. Qinglong frowned slightly and looked at Donghuang Taiyi: "The old owner of Donghuang is worried that I will take the glory token? Old owner, do you not trust me?"

Mr. Qinglong felt that his character was insulted to death.

Donghuang Taiyi felt that Mr. Qinglong asked a rather idiotic question. Although you and I are on the same boat, it doesn't mean that I have to trust you completely.

He said with certainty, "Yes."

Qinglong couldn't help cursing in his heart, can you have a pleasant chat with Nima? Can there be more trust between people?

"I let him sneak into Donghuang Villa just to 'steal' the glory token. Without the glory token, the old owner thought that if I could still chat with him properly, that ant would not think too much? That ant Not only is he not stupid, he is also very cunning." Mr. Qinglong said.

Donghuang Taiyi thought for a while and said: "In this case, I will give him a fake honor token. Anyway, he doesn't know what the real honor token looks like. Then Mr. Qinglong will just treat it as the real one. .”

Mr. Qinglong nodded: "That's a good idea."

Donghuang Taiyi was still quite worried, and said: "Although you have absolute confidence in him, you firmly believe that the ant has brought that thing out."

"But what if?"

Mr. Qinglong thought for a while and said: "It's really just in case, then wait until the next time the snowy region becomes unstable again,

Old owner of Donghuang, you are holding a snow banquet, let's continue to try our luck, we will meet one day. "

Donghuang Taiyi's cloudy old eyes became sharper. Does this guy hope that all of his Donghuang clan will die?

He said in a non-negotiable tone: "Just in case, next time the snowy region becomes unstable again, you and I will enter the snowy region together to see the beauty of the snowy region."

Mr. Qinglong's eyes froze, he was silent for a while, and then said in an unquestionable tone: "I refuse."

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes became even more stern, full of oppression, and said: "Mr. Qinglong, you should be clear that if you can't find that item, the supreme lord will blame you and me for not being able to do things well. At that time, he may be Going crazy."

"Even if you are one of the four envoys by Tian's side, even if you are behind the Yun family, the mother clan of the supreme lord, the supreme lord will make you pay a terrible price, right?"

Mr. Qinglong narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a trace of strong fear.

He thought for a while and said: "If the second old owner, the three wives, and the powerful members of the Eastern Royal Family can go together, it is not impossible for me to enter the snowy area."

Donghuang Taiyi's withered body trembled slightly upon hearing this.

His eyes that had become extremely cold stared at Mr. Qinglong, and there was a lot of chill in his voice: "Mr. Qinglong wants to destroy all the strong people in my Donghuang Villa?"

Qinglong said lightly: "The old owner's words are wrong, I just don't want to die in the snowy area, that's all."


The small courtyard is very quiet, only the sound of wind and snow.

The snowflakes fell on Li Zedao's body under the breeze.

Li Zedao was sitting under the eaves at this time, closing his eyes and resting his mind, slowly repairing the damaged soul and replenishing the extremely exhausted breath.

At this moment, Li Zedao felt something in his heart.

He opened his eyes suddenly, looked towards the door of the courtyard, and the corners of his mouth curled up inexplicably.

After a while, the door was knocked lightly, obviously the person who knocked on the door had absolute respect for the people in the courtyard.

Li Zedao stood up and walked over to open the door.

A young woman stood outside the door.

This young woman is not from the Mo family behind the third lady, but she is loved by the third lady and served by the third lady's side, which is of course extraordinary.

The young woman blushed, looking at Li Zedao with awe, joy, shyness, and even a hint of admiration in her eyes.

The young woman felt the aura emanating from Li Zedao's body, and felt like a deer in her heart. She wondered why she didn't realize that Master Xiaochen was so tall and handsome before?

If I had known that he had such terrifying potential, I would have given him the warmest embrace when he was at his worst.

Seeing this, Li Zedao could only blame himself for going too far, and the domineering spirit began to be released indiscriminately, which caused the little girl to fall obviously.

"Master Xiaochen."

After the young woman saluted Li Zedao, she stepped aside.

Then, Li Zedao saw the third lady.

The third lady stood in the wind and snow, looking so graceful and noble.

Her face was full of relief, and she looked at Li Zedao with a look that Li Zedao was quite familiar with. It was the look that a mother always showed when she looked at her son who made her extremely proud.

It's just that Li Zedao didn't know whether the third lady was a fake or a fake.

Li Zedao hurriedly bowed his hands in salute, and said respectfully, "My lord."

The third lady's pair of bright and abnormal eyes looked at this son who was completely useless and was about to be in charge of the honor token of Donghuang Villa very seriously, and she felt full of satisfaction in her heart.

Thinking of the distorted and hideous faces of those two sluts, the sense of satisfaction is even greater.

"Come on, come with me to meet your grandpa," she said.

"Yes." Li Zedao bowed his hands in salute.

At that moment, the third lady turned around and walked towards the East Emperor's Courtyard, followed closely by Li Zedao.

"The reason why your grandfather asked you to go there is because he wanted to hand over the token of glory to you," said the third lady.

"Yes." Li Zedao responded.

I thought that the glory token was finally in my hands, but should I hand the glory token to my thigh or to Mr. Qinglong?

The thigh told Donghuang Shengjun that she wanted to seize the token of glory first, slaughter the entire Donghuang family, and finally razed the entire Donghuang realm to the ground.

But before leaving Xueyu, Thigh didn't specifically tell her that she would bring the glory to her, and she didn't even tell Li Zedao what you should or shouldn't do.

But it seems that there is no need to explain this kind of thing. As a dog leg, you should understand what your thighs need.

But if the glory token is given to her, what will Sister Tianmeng do?

Li Zedao had a headache and didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, the third lady said earnestly, "Xiaochen, you are no longer that useless, my lord mother believes that your strength in the future will be higher than that bitch born to that bitch, but now , you are still weak after all, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep the Glory Token well..."

After a pause, the third lady said in a non-negotiable tone: "Don't worry, Mother will keep the token of glory for you temporarily."

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly.

Nima's Mr. Qinglong and his thigh both want the glory token, so why are you joining in the fun?

But he couldn't resist, at least now Li Zedao couldn't resist at all.

So he responded respectfully: "Everything is according to what the mother said."

Soon, the third lady took Li Zedao into the East Emperor's Courtyard and saluted respectfully.

Donghuang Taiyi was still sitting in front of the cold pool and fishing, and it looked like a corpse that had been frozen long ago.

So the third wife and Li Zedao continued to salute.

Li Zedao couldn't help complaining in his heart that this old man is too good at pretending like your sister, and too boring.

Why does he like to use this way to prove that Donghuang Taiyi is the most powerful existence in Donghuang Villa, even the three wives who are fighting fiercely must behave like a rabbit in front of him.

After a while, Donghuang Taiyi seemed to wake up from a big dream, and those cloudy old eyes slightly opened a gap without much light.

"Come on, you stay, you go down."

After finishing speaking, the narrowed gap without much light disappeared again. ?

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