The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2972 ​​Blood Pool

The second wife continued with great interest: "My sister gave the 'invisible' to the victim of Donghuang Xiaochen, which is the best explanation. In this way, my father will not be able to trouble my sister and the Tang family."

"My lord father, in order to obtain 'Invisible', he must let Donghuang Xiaochen leave Donghuang Villa."

"As soon as Donghuang Xiaochen leaves Donghuang Villa, the strong man sent by my sister can kill Donghuang Xiaochen in front of my father and snatch the 'invisible.'"

"In this way, we can get rid of the thorn in the side of Donghuang Xiaochen, and prevent the 'invisible' from falling into the hands of my lord father.

The eldest lady said coldly: "Sister, what you mean is that you want to send strong men to attack and kill Donghuang Xiaochen, and take away 'Invisible'?"

The second lady laughed and said, "What's the matter, sister? You and sister are of the same mind now, why would you make that 'invisible' idea?"

The conversation changed, and the smile on her face was inexplicable: "However, it's hard to say that bitch woman, for the sake of 'invisibility', for the powerful Horcruxes that Donghuang Xiaochen obtained from Xue Yu, she is her own son... Hehe... "

The second lady sneered a few times: "Sister, you have to be more careful, don't let that bitch cut it off."

The eldest lady didn't bother to pay attention to this insidious bitch who always liked to sow discord.

Compared with this kind of insidious bitch, the eldest lady actually prefers the cruel but brainless character of the third lady.

That kind of woman is easier to deal with.

The eldest lady said lightly: "Sister, don't you think something is wrong?"

The second lady was slightly stunned: "No? What's wrong?"

The eldest lady squinted at the gate of the villa that was being slowly closed, and said, "Do you think Donghuang Xiaochen is a fool?"

Before the second lady could say anything, the eldest lady gave the answer by herself.

"If he was really a fool, he wouldn't be the only one who left the snowy region alive."

"So sister, do you think you can think of problems that Donghuang Xiaochen can't think of?"


Whether Donghuang Xiaochen is a fool or not, the second wife doesn't really care that much, anyway, Donghuang Xiaochen is already a dead person in her eyes.

But the eldest lady humiliated her IQ so much, she was saying that she was worse than Donghuang Xiaochen, which really made her quite angry.

Ruo Hanshuang below, snorted coldly: "What's the meaning of sister's words?"

The eldest lady did not respond.

The second wife is even more furious, what does this damned bitch disdain to talk to fools?

Damn it!

With a cold snort, he walked away.

The eldest lady didn't bother to pay attention to this bitch, her extremely indifferent eyes still fell on the closed gate of the villa.

Donghuang Xiaochen is not a fool, it is impossible for him not to know that the outside of the villa is far more dangerous than the inside of the villa.

In the villa, even if someone wanted to kill him, he didn't dare to be too unscrupulous and had to consider the consequences.

But outside that villa, there is no fear.

That being the case, why did Donghuang Xiaochen leave Donghuang Villa?

Could it be that he is quite confident in his own strength and thinks he can withstand any attack?

Or, what deal has he reached with his father?

He wouldn't have obediently given the "intangible" to his father, right?

The lady's eyes narrowed. If this is the case, it would be meaningless to send strong men to attack and kill Donghuang Xiaochen. It might even be a trap laid by Father, just waiting for them to jump.

"You really let me down." The eldest lady was full of anger.

Handing "Intangible" to Donghuang Xiaochen, my father, considering his old face, naturally wouldn't ask for that "Intangible" like Donghuang Xiaochen, and then just look for an opportunity to snatch the invisible back.

But she never expected that Donghuang Xiaochen would be so useless and take the initiative to send 'Intangible'.


After walking out of the gate of Donghuang Villa, Li Zedao looked up at the gloomy sky, and felt his body suddenly relaxed.

There was a feeling of finally escaping from the cage.

He looked at the towering snow mountain in the distance again, as long as he climbed over the snow mountain, it would be equivalent to completely leaving the area covered by Donghuang Villa.

Without any nostalgia, Li Zedao stepped on the soul cloud and quickly flew towards the snow mountain in the distance.

Along the way, Li Zedao kept his nerves in the most tense state, holding the black soul umbrella tightly in his hand, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

Li Zedao had no doubt that the three wives and those who hated him in the villa would launch the most vicious attack on him when he walked out of Donghuang Villa.

If what the thigh said is right, Qinglong should be staring at him right now, and Mr. Qinglong still wants to get that thing from himself, so he won't let anything happen to him.

But if the enemy's attack is too violent, so that even Mr. Qinglong has no time to make a move, it will be a tragedy.

Anyway, it's better to be cautious.

In the end, Li Zedao crossed the snow mountain without any surprise or danger. He felt the surrounding scenery which was completely different from the snow mountain, but his tense nerves became more tense along the way.

Li Zedao knew that this place might be more dangerous than the previous section of road. After all, the previous section of road was still within the coverage of Donghuang Villa, and those strong men in Donghuang Villa might be afraid.

But this place is no longer covered by Donghuang Villa.

At this moment, Li Zedao's body tensed up suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He clearly felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him quietly behind him.

Li Zedao knew that the strength of the comer was probably very strong, otherwise with his cultivation base at this time, the other party would not be able to get so close to him, so he realized it.

There was a hint of panic in Li Zedao's eyes, he secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and even more firmly grasped the black soul umbrella in his hand, ready to deal with any attack and kill.

At this moment, Li Zedao's heart tightened suddenly.

Because, the situation is not right!

It wasn't that a terrifying strong man appeared behind him at all, but that he fell into a trap.

A more accurate statement is that the surrounding area for several miles has already been transformed into a powerful trap by the enemy, just waiting for his prey to enter.

Li Zedao's eyes flickered suddenly, and he found that everything around him had changed drastically.

The surroundings were no longer covered with white snow, and the dry trees that had lost their leaves long ago were no longer there. The entire space was filled with endless blood mist.

There were pools of blood that were continuously boiling in front of them, and the thick blood was indescribably dazzling and terrifying.

"Gulu! Gulu! Gulu..."

The sound of blood boiling is so terrifying and piercing, every time a blood bubble bursts, the blood mist covering this space will become thicker.

"Could this be that, the illusionary soul array?"

Li Zedao gasped, his scalp was so numb that he almost couldn't feel it.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth again: "The third madam has done something? Can you stop being so vicious, Donghuang Xiaochen is your own son."

Li Zedao couldn't help but doubt the third lady. After all, the Mo family behind the third lady has extremely high attainments in the soul formation, just like the Tang family behind the eldest lady has extremely high attainments in refining Horcruxes.

It's not surprising that the Mo family would arrange such an extremely rare but extremely powerful illusionary soul array.

While gnashing his teeth, Li Zedao felt an infinite chill in his heart, countless goose bumps appeared on his body, and the black soul umbrella in his hand had already been opened.

There are many types of soul formations, the most common of which is the defensive soul formation.

In addition to the defensive soul array, there are other rare but extremely terrifying soul arrays, such as this illusionary soul array.

Once you stray into the illusionary soul array, it is equivalent to falling into the killing trap carefully set up by the soul array master who arranged the soul array. At that time, what kind of terrifying killing will occur depends on the soul array master. How to play dead prey.

Therefore, this phantom soul array is an extremely perverted soul array, and the prey trapped in the soul array are often destroyed to death by various vicious means.

There are only two ways to get out of trouble.

One of them is naturally to forcibly break the formation.

As long as you are strong enough, you can easily smash this soul formation.

The second is to find the soul array master hiding in this soul array.

Li Zedao knew that with his current cultivation level, he was not strong enough to forcibly destroy the illusory soul array that had been arranged long ago for his arrival, so he tried to find the soul array master hiding in the soul array.

To put it bluntly, the soul array master is the eye of this illusionary soul array, and it is the weakest point of this illusionary soul array.

It has always been extremely difficult to find the eye of a soul formation.

Therefore, the difficulty of finding the soul array master who arranged this illusionary soul array seems to be no less than forcibly breaking the illusionary soul array.

Therefore, Li Zedao was a little desperate.

"Mr. Qinglong, is your old man there?"

Li Zedao can only pin his hopes on Mr. Qinglong temporarily, hoping that he is around here at this time.

At this moment, the pool of blood in front of him boiled even more violently, and he kept making such a hasty and terrifying "grunt" sound.

Li Zedao stared fixedly at the pool of blood, and the chill in his heart became even worse, and cold sweat broke out from the hand holding the black soul umbrella tightly.

He also had a long sword shining with coldness in his other hand, but he didn't strike rashly.

After being in such an illusion, the most important thing is to be calm. It is a big taboo to shoot without a target. It will only waste one's breath, and even accidentally injure oneself.

"Where is the soul array master hiding?"

Li Zedao's thoughts surged extremely violently, and the burst of powerful perception continued to explore every move in this blood fog space, but he found nothing for the time being.

At this moment, I heard a muffled sound of "Wow!", but seeing the blood boiling in the blood pool in front of me splashed everywhere, which really shocked Li Zedao.

As blood splashed everywhere, a head emerged from the pool of blood, followed by a bloody figure crawling out of the pool of blood!

It feels like a dead body crawling out of a grave.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank suddenly, his scalp became numb violently, and he couldn't believe what his eyes saw. ?

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