The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2978 beat you up

Remember in a second【】

Naturally, Li Zedao would not be as knowledgeable as this brain-dead woman. At this time, he slightly raised his head and looked at the sky, his thoughts were surging.

The purpose of the thigh move is to make Mr. Qinglong mistakenly think that the box has fallen into the hands of Donghuang Taiyi, so as to drive a distance between Donghuang Taiyi and Mr. Qinglong? It's best for two people to fight to the death, so that he can reap the benefits?

Or is she trying to lure Mr. Qinglong to find her and kill him?

Thinking of something, Li Zedao's little heart trembled slightly.

"By the way, do thighs know their true identity? Do you confess?"

"Master Xiaochen, this is the courtyard."

When she came to a courtyard, Xiaobi lowered her head, her voice was like a mosquito, her eyes really didn't have the courage to look at Li Zedao more.

Li Zedao withdrew his thoughts, nodded, and said casually, "I'm sorry."

Ignoring this pitiful girl, he pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

The moment he walked in, Li Zedao's body froze suddenly, and he quickly closed the door. A humble and ingratiating smile appeared on his face, and he looked eagerly at the white figure in front of him who was no different from wearing sackcloth and filial piety.


Ninth Five is still a little unaccustomed to Li Zedao's forehead eyes that make people really want to step on them, and said lightly: "Qinglong asked you to come back?"

Li Zedao hurriedly flattered him: "The master is wise, nothing can escape the master's expectation."

Jiu Wu Geng couldn't take it anymore, and almost couldn't resist stepping on his dog-legged face.

Li Zedao continued to say with an expression of admiration that the master is really wise and mighty: "As you said, Master, Mr. Qinglong really asked me for the box. I followed what the master said, saying that the box was given by the Eastern Emperor." Robbed."

"Then Mr. Qinglong asked me to go back to Donghuang Villa and steal the box."

Jiuwu slightly nodded.

Li Zedao asked: "I don't know what to do next, please tell the master clearly."

Jiuwu folded his hands behind his back, looked at the gloomy sky, and said: "Then you stand still,

Let me beat you up. "

Li Zedao's face changed drastically, and he looked pitiful: "Master..."

Nine Five rarely explained: "I am the Holy Lord of the Eastern Emperor, and it is only natural to beat you up."

Li Zedao knew that this beating would only last him, so he said pitifully, "Can you... be gentle?"

Nine Five satirized: "Will the Emperor Donghuang be merciful to your subordinates?"

Finally, he could step hard on this guy's extremely annoying face a few times.

Li Zedao was speechless.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in such an uneasy manner: "Before the master makes a move, I want to confess one thing first."

Jiuwu glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, and said slightly sarcastically: "Frankly, you are from the Pangu domain. Are you a descendant of Pangu?"

Li Zedao's pupils widened all of a sudden, and he couldn't help but gasped: "Master already knows?"

"In that snowy region, you'll know when you take off 'Thousand Faces'." Jiu Wu sneered.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched slightly, and his mind was a little blank. He really didn't know what to say, and felt very ashamed.

He thought that the so-called biggest secret of his body had already been exposed to others, but they didn't care at all.

Jiuwu looked so powerful and said: "Even if he is from the Pangu domain, so what if he is a descendant of Pangu? If Pangu is powerful, he is still a citizen of heaven after all, let alone you."

Li Zedao's body trembled slightly, and then he smiled wryly. Does this mean that the sky doesn't really take Pan Guyu too seriously?

After half a stick of incense, with a deafening muffled sound, the entire Donghuang Villa was shaking violently.

Li Zedao's courtyard was once again replaced by a terrifying snow pit.

In the snow pit, Li Zedao was lying there with his feet up in the air, spitting blood, his almost crushed face was full of grievance and anger!

The thigh is too much, you can hit it whenever you want, why do you want to hit the face?

Are you worried that you will be fascinated by this young master's peerless handsome face and plan to destroy it beforehand? This woman is really too much!

Afterwards, Li Zedao's extremely stern voice erupted from the snow pit.

"Sage Lord Donghuang, don't go too far! Do you really think that I, Xiaochen Donghuang, are afraid of you? I...I'll tell Grandpa!"

Donghuang Shengjun, who was quietly floating on the snow pit, waved his hands expressionlessly. In an instant, a snowball made of countless snowflakes condensed and made a terrifying whistling sound, carrying countless icy cold , crazily smashed into the snow pit.

"Ah...don't, sister Lian'er, I was wrong, can't I go to grandpa to sue you? Ah..."


The entire Donghuang Villa shook violently, with the snow pit as the center, and terrifying cracks appeared on the surrounding ground covered with a thick layer of ice and snow.

After the strong man who heard the news witnessed this scene, he was so excited that he couldn't help cheering loudly.

"Master Shengjun taught you a good lesson."

"A shameless and despicable person like Donghuang Xiaochen is not worthy of being in charge of the token of glory, let alone alive."

"Yes, this kind of person is wasting his spiritual energy to live."

"Down with Donghuang Xiaochen, and return my Donghuang Villa to a bright future!

^0^ Remember in a second【】



Donghuang Shengjun ignored the extremely excited people around her, she looked indifferent, turned and left.

In the midst of cheers, Li Zedao, who was beaten so badly, finally climbed out of the snow pit with difficulty, his blood-red eyes glanced around, and his voice screamed: "You guys, do you want to die?"

Those who were cheering vigorously heard the words, their faces changed drastically, they shut up angrily, and dispersed one after another.

Xiaobi's face was full of worry, and she came to the front with such apprehension: "Master Xiaochen, are you... all right?"

That Donghuang Shengjun is really scary, Xiaobi's little heart is still trembling with fright, she is really worried that if she is so close to Young Master Xiaochen, then she will also suffer.

But Xiaochen was beaten so badly, it's not good to ignore him.

The little hand stretched out, wanting to help Li Zedao up but dared not.

Li Zedao spat out a mouthful of black blood gorgeously, stood up, looked towards the direction where his thighs were leaving, his face full of anger.

Then she shook her head slightly: "It's okay, it's just that this courtyard has been destroyed again, please trouble me to arrange another courtyard for me."

Half an hour later, Donghuang's other courtyard, in front of the cold pool.

Donghuang Taiyi sat there like a few withered corpses as before, motionless.

Of course, very few people knew that he had just come out of the extremely fragrant big room not long ago.

Li Zedao vomited blood, and tearfully stated all kinds of atrocities committed by Donghuang Shengjun, saying that sister Lian'er said that as long as he stays in Donghuang Villa for one day, she will beat him up until he hands over the token of glory until.

"Grandpa, as you said before, she is the older sister, the strongest of the younger generation of Donghuang Villa. She represents the future of Donghuang Villa internally and the face of Donghuang Villa outside, so even if she is beaten like this Xiaochen, wishing to take Xiaochen's life, but Xiaochen still dare not have any hatred."

As he spoke, Li Zedao took out the box given by Donghuang Taiyi before, and took out the key that looked like a small sword to open the box, revealing the token of glory inside.

This honor token is naturally not the honor token given by Donghuang Taiyi before, which is so fake that it cannot be faked.

But whether it is material, shape or color, it can be said to be exactly the same as the previous glory token, even Donghuang Taiyi can't tell it apart.

This honor token was given by Nine Five.

Li Zedao probably knew what kind of trick his thigh was trying to play.

In the eyes of bystanders, this trick can be said to be full of loopholes, and it will be exposed extremely easily.

But in the eyes of the two authorities, Donghuang Taiyi and Mr. Qinglong, they couldn't see any loopholes.

Mr. Qinglong has always been direct and domineering, and what he believes will never change.

But Donghuang Taiyi only believed in himself.

These two people who have always been extremely confident can't see the trick of such a simple loophole.

Li Zedao took out the token of glory from the box with a pious face, held it high above his head, and then said with such aggrieved look: "Grandpa, sister Lian'er and so many strong people in the villa think that Xiaochen has no The qualification to be in charge of this glory token must be because Xiaochen is indeed not qualified, so Xiaochen implores grandpa to take this glory token back."

Donghuang Taiyi did not respond.

Li Zedao could only wait honestly while cursing in his heart.

Li Zedao just held this fake honor token like this for half an hour, Donghuang Taiyi just woke up from a dream, and opened a small gap in his cloudy old eyes.

He glanced at the miserable Li Zedao, and then his eyes fell on the honor token in Li Zedao's hand, feeling really puzzled.

Qinglong didn't take this honor token?

Before it could be taken away, the ant returned to Donghuang Villa for some unknown reason?

Donghuang Taiyi asked: "Didn't you be asked to go out to practice and improve your cultivation? Why did you return after only a few days?"

Li Zedao's face became panicked, and he was trapped in a powerful illusory soul array as soon as he left the villa, and he almost died in the illusory soul array.

Donghuang Taiyi's expression remained unchanged, as if he had seen through everything so that nothing could cause his heart to fluctuate.

Only he himself knew that a trace of extremely strong evil spirit had already surged in his heart at this moment.

They even wanted to kill Donghuang Xiaoche, because they wanted to seize the 'intangible' that would belong to him sooner or later! This is repeatedly questioning their decision and provoking their authority. They really think that they are extremely important to Donghuang Villa, so they won't kill them?

Donghuang Taiyi said a few words of comfort, and asked, "Do you know who moved the hand?"

Li Zedao shook his head with lingering fear: "Xiaochen doesn't know."

Donghuang Taiyi said: "Since the token of glory has been handed over to you, you can't tolerate what others say."

"Relax, Lian'er, I'll go back and tell her that she won't trouble you anymore."

"Now you go back to heal your injuries first, and after your injuries are healed, go out to practice. Don't worry, I will send a strong man to protect you in secret this time. I want to see who dares to treat me Donghuang Taiyi Grandson strikes!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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