The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 3089 Tribal Dispute

Sacrifice, as the name suggests, is that each tribe will bring the selected little monsters to the sacrifice mountain by themselves, and tie them to the huge pillar.

The killing sacrifice, of course, is to kill all these little monsters, and then place their heads on the stone in front of the stone platform.

As for the final sacrifice, in Li Zedao's opinion, it must be that the tribes praise each other, and that the tribes will naturally coexist peacefully and develop together in the future.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, he knew that this is the best time to rescue the little girl! If you don't grasp it, if you want to save it later, it will become more difficult.

However, just when Li Zedao was about to show up to save people, the poisonous insect in charge of vigilance sent a strong warning, which made Li Zedao quickly retract the head that was about to pop out, trying to calm himself, he would have to start from the throat A little heart popping out of it.

Looking along the gap, I saw hundreds of powerful auras suddenly descending on the stone platform and around the stone platform!

The comers were naturally the leaders and powerhouses of the dozens of tribes respected by the Wild Tribe, the Ivy Tribe, and the Burial Flower Tribe.

In this primitive space, the Wild Tribe, the Ivy Tribe, and the Burying Flower Tribe stand on top of each other, and dozens of other tribes rely on these three tribes to survive.

Among them, the wild tribe is the most powerful.

Among them, the leader of the wild tribe is a white-haired giant, the leader of the green vine tribe is a man with a sinister face, and the leader of the buried flower tribe is a giant female with a ferocious face.

There was also an iron rod thicker than Li Zedao's head tied around the giantess' waist. Li Zedao glanced at the iron rod, and felt his eyes hurt badly. He already understood that the iron rod was probably an extremely powerful weapon. Horcrux, quickly look away.

The leaders of the three major tribes stood in the middle of the stone platform, surrounded by everyone like stars and moons.

At this time, the loving eyes of the leader of the wild tribe swept a glance at the Tianjiao from the tribes who were tied to the huge pillars, as if they were looking at the juniors in comfort.

It's hard for you to imagine that in a while, he will do it himself and harvest the lives of these outstanding juniors.

The leader of the Savage Tribe looked away, and said routinely to the leaders of the Ivy Tribe and the Funeral Flower Tribe, "If the two of you have no problems, then the sacrifice meeting will begin."

The so-called problem is that some tribes don't want to see the selected Tianjiao killed on this altar like this,

So temporarily find someone with weak talent to replace him.

This kind of thing has happened before, and then that tribe was wiped out by other tribes.

With the lessons learned from the past, since then, all tribes naturally dare not do this kind of thing again, even the three most powerful tribes are the same.

Therefore, the leader of the barbaric tribe is just asking a routine question at this time.

Both the leaders of the Ivy Tribe and the Funeral Flower Tribe nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

The leaders of the three major tribes thought it was okay, and the leaders of the other tribes were even more okay.

The leader of the wild tribe nodded slightly, and said, "Since all the leaders feel that there is no problem, let's start the killing ceremony."

Hearing this, Li Zedao's body stiffened suddenly. Is this about to start killing people?

So far, we can only use the heart of the earth!

As for how far he can escape later, it can only be left to fate.

Taking a deep breath slightly, Li Zedao took out a large number of idiots and fireworks that he had prepared on the way in the future. Naturally, these things were to attract the attention of these monsters so that they could save people more smoothly.

At this moment, the leader of the wild tribe turned serious, and continued, "But before the sacrificial ceremony begins, there is an equally important matter that I have to deal with first."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the leader of the Buried Flower Tribe narrowed slightly, and the face of the leader of the Ivy Tribe became extremely gloomy.

The rest of the tribal leaders present and the many human monsters obviously knew what the wild tribe wanted to say, so their expressions became serious.

For a moment, the huge mountain top fell into a strange dead silence, as if it was the tranquility before the bloody storm.

Li Zedao, who was about to take out the fireworks and detonate them, also pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what the devils were up to.

The leader of the wild tribe glanced at the leaders of the surrounding tribes, and said with a serious face: "Just two days ago, my wild tribe suddenly lost five eggs that were about to hatch, and only four were found in the end, and one of them was unknown. trace."

The leader of the Ivy Tribe spoke immediately, with a cold voice: "My Ivy Tribe lost three of them, and recovered two of them, and one of them is also missing."

The leaders of the other tribes also spoke one after another, saying that their own tribes also lost eggs, and some of them have not yet been recovered.

"It turned out to be about throwing eggs." Li Ze said clearly.

Looking at the posture of the leader of the wild tribe, it seems that he wants to find out the real egg-stealing mole, but haven't those egg-stealing monsters become Xiao Hui's nourishment?

Could it be that those people were just following orders, and there were more important figures in the tribe involved?

Li Zedao couldn't help feeling that Tianyu's methods were so powerful that they could make the monsters in these tribes rebel.

The leader of the wild tribe pressed his hand and continued: "The third elder of my tribe and his son are missing."

The leader of the Ivy Tribe spoke immediately, and the coldness in his voice became a little bit lower: "The whereabouts of the Great Elder of my Ivy Tribe is unknown."

Some other tribal leaders also opened their mouths one after another, all important figures in the tribe were missing, it was as if no one was alive or dead.

The hand of the leader of the wild tribe pressed down again, and the top of Nuoda fell into a strange dead silence for a while, and many eyes fell on him, waiting for him to continue talking.

At this moment, the slightly cloudy eyes of the leader of the wild tribe suddenly fell on the leader of the funeral tribe, and the leader of the Ivy tribe also looked at the leader of the funeral tribe with a gloomy face.

The leaders of the other tribes didn't know what happened, but seeing the leaders of the Manhuang tribe and the Ivy tribe looking at the leader of the Funeral Flower tribe, they naturally turned their gazes over.

Seeing this, the ferocious female giant twisted her face slightly, and said coldly, "What do you two mean?"

The leader of the wild tribe said: "So the matter of the egg loss is very clear, that is, the missing important figures of the tribes stole the eggs of the tribe, but almost all the other tribes lost their eggs, but you buried flowers tribe Not a single egg was lost."

The leader of the Qingteng tribe echoed: "Your funeral flower tribe also has no important people missing."

As soon as these two sentences came out, the aura that shrouded this space suddenly became chilling, and those tribes that depended on the tribe that buried flowers for survival were even more frightened.

I couldn't help but wonder if the Flower Burying Tribe really did such a thing? Are the Savage Tribe and the Ivy Tribe joining forces?

If this is the case, the top of Jishan Mountain may be bloody today.

The leader of the Funeral Flower Tribe looked extremely ugly, and roared angrily, "What do you mean?"

The leader of the wild tribe said with a serious face: "I have to suspect that this matter has something to do with your funeral tribe."

The leader of the Ivy Tribe said gloomyly: "The eggs lost by the tribes and those important people are probably in your Buried Flower Tribe right now?"

The female giant's eyes showed a very dangerous cold light, and she roared loudly: "It's not that my Huahua tribe can't lay eggs by itself, even when there are many old women, it's not a problem to lay two eggs a day, and it's still necessary to go." Looking for those bastards who stole you?"

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched when he heard the words. Don't be too domineering.

The leader of the Ivy tribe sneered, and said with undoubted expectations: "The eggs of the tribes are indeed useless to you. It's just that this space is unstable now, and those people outside can enter at any time. The Flower Tribe stole these eggs in order to make a deal with those outsiders who have been spying on the eggs of the tribes!"

As soon as these words came out, the tribes that lost their eggs all nodded secretly, thinking that the analysis made by the leader of the Ivy tribe was simply too reasonable.

They already knew that outsiders peeped at their eggs, so when they encountered outsiders, they basically swallowed them alive without even thinking about it.

This time so many tribes lost their eggs, it must be related to outsiders, and even the few eggs that can no longer be found may have been taken out of this space.

No matter how powerful the outsiders are outside, once they enter this space, their cultivation will be suppressed to the low level of the Great Dao Realm. Such a cultivation base is simply difficult to move an inch in this primitive space, so they naturally need powerful helpers.

The Burial Flower Tribe is undoubtedly the most powerful helper! No, the Flower Burying Tribe successfully instigated the Third Elder of the Wild Tribe, the First Elder of the Ivy Tribe, and other important figures in the tribe, allowing them to steal the eggs from the tribe.

Seeing that such a dirty crime was poured on her like this, the giantess was so angry that she was enveloped by a terrifying murderous aura, and shouted: "How dare you spout blood, you really treat me as a tribe of burying flowers and you can't be bullied!" ?”

The leader of the Manghuang Tribe said very seriously: "We are not spouting blood, we are just telling a fact."


The giantess sneered: "You think I don't know about the conspiracy of your wild tribe and Ivy tribe? You just want to use this as an excuse to engulf my funeral tribe!"

"In that case, let's come!"

As she said that, the giantess directly pulled out the big iron rod at her waist, and the monsters of the Flower Burial Tribe, who seemed to have been humiliated, also scanned the surrounding people who were full of hostility towards them with murderous intent.

Both the leader of the wild tribe and the leader of the Ivy tribe narrowed their eyes slightly.

Facing such a terrifying powerhouse like the leader of the funeral flower, they can naturally suppress her together, but if they want to kill her, they will naturally have to pay a considerable price.

They are not afraid to pay the price, but they are afraid that the other party will have dissent. After all, their temporary alliance is actually hostile to each other.

It's just that there is a temporary interest, so they reluctantly join forces.

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