The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 610 Tragic Character

The sun is shining brightly, another beautiful day.

Fascinated by the devil's tears, these people also woke up one after another, but after waking up, their heads were still dizzy and their headaches were splitting. They couldn't remember what happened yesterday. Why did they sleep here? Asking around The people who got the same result as themselves, they also slept here, and they didn't know what happened.

In the end, it can only be blamed on the fact that they probably drank too much last night, and then ran here to sleep in a daze, and some people began to check whether their clothes were neatly dressed, whether there was any pain in the lower body, etc. After there were no abnormalities, I was relieved.

Of course, some people sneezed and started coughing, and their speech was hoarse. After all, it was already late autumn, and the temperature at night was still quite cold. things, but some people with weak constitutions still catch a cold.

Then the waiter of the farm began to help everyone prepare breakfast, and found medicine for those who were not feeling well.

"What's going on?" Susan patted her head, which was still a little dazed, and looked at Li Zedao, as if if you don't tell me the truth, I'll make you look good.

Nanji, Lin Susu and Miffy's eyes also fell on him, and they were also waiting for an answer from him.

They were the first to wake up in the morning, but what they saw was that except for the three of them sleeping in the tent, everyone else was lying outside in disorder. Some of these people were familiar to them, such as those students majoring in archeology, and even Most of them are not familiar with them at all.

But their heads are very swollen. Except for Antarctica vaguely knowing something, the other three girls have no impression at all. They don't know when they fell asleep, and they don't know when they entered the tent. Yes, and what about those people lying outside?

Li Zedao smiled wryly and said in a low voice: "To put it simply, you, the tourists and the waiters all fell into a strong poison and passed out. I carried you to the tent. As for the others, I don't care There's no obligation to wait for them to sleep in a tent, just find them something to cover."

"You hugged me?" An angry look appeared on Nanji's face. How dare this guy eat her tofu while she was fainting?

"Dear classmate Li, you didn't take the opportunity to do something you shouldn't do to the teacher, did you?" Susan asked while looking at him with a smile.

"Frog Prince..." Miffy smiled shyly, blushing slightly.

Lin Susu looked at Li Zedao with a shy smile, as if she couldn't see enough,

As for what happened last night, she didn't care too much.

Li Zedao had a black line on his face: "Shouldn't the focus of your attention now be on things related to strong sex?"

Susan blinked and smiled, "Why should we care? I think you've already taken care of it, haven't you?"

Susan is not an idiot. After Li Zedao said that and noticed that Li Zedao's clothes were dirty, and Alice, who had been hiding in the dark, was sitting there staring at Li Zedao with a nympho, she already knew that they After fainting abnormally, Li Zedao encountered some dangers. In other words, Dong Tu, who had been trying to lure him out these days, made a move.

But they are fine now, Li Zedao is fine, and the others are also safe and sound, which proves that Li Zedao has solved those people perfectly.

And this kind of thing is not suitable for other people to know, so as not to cause some unnecessary panic.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "It's indeed taken care of... After the waiter brings you hot soup, you can drink a little and your heads will feel better, and then we should go back."


"Ahem..." Ma Renjie coughed while patting his drowsy head. He slept outside for some reason, and even woke up to find him hugging Yang Baishu, which made him sick... ...have a cold! Otherwise, how could he, who is in such good health and rarely catches a cold, catch a cold at this time?

Yang Baishu on the side looked at Ma Renjie as if he was looking at a dead person. It was conceivable that he was very concerned about the fact that he and Ma Renjie were hugging each other when he woke up in the morning, so much that he wanted to kill someone.

"Classmate, take some cold medicine, it will make you feel better." Xiao Li, who came to get the medicine, brought a cold capsule and a cup of steaming water to Ma Renjie, "Be careful, the water is still a little hot."

"Thank you." Ma Renjie said in a hoarse voice, took the cold capsule and the cup of hot water, and threw the cold capsule into his mouth. Then, a smell like glycerin filled his mouth, and Ma Renjie's face changed wildly.

"Bah..." Ma Renjie quickly spit out the cold capsule in his mouth, and the next second his hands trembled violently. The cup in his hand slipped from his hand and fell directly on his crotch. The steaming hot water is poured on it very simply.

Ma Renjie was stunned for two seconds, then he looked down mechanically.

"Ah..." A shrill scream came out of his mouth, and then he stood up, covering his crotch with his hand, and jumped up.

The students around Ma Renjie were stunned for a few seconds, and then exploded.

"Ah... the squad leader's little ** was scalded by boiling water..."

"Hurry up...cold cubes..."

"Call 120..."

"Pull off his pants quickly, before they burn..." Li Zedao yelled these words, and then those guys who "cared about" Ma Renjie really did it.

Susan, Lin Susu, Nanji, and Miffy quickly turned around and didn't dare to look at them. Except for the corner of Nanji's mouth pulled slightly and didn't smile, the other three girls couldn't help laughing, and then quickly restrained themselves. After all, if such a smile is seen, it will be despised, especially the counselor Susan.

Alice glanced at it, and then looked away with contempt on her face. This really pitifully small.

Forty minutes later, a roaring ambulance drove into the Pingtung farm. Ma Renjie, whose pants had been pulled down and poured cold water on his crotch, was carried into the ambulance, and then the ambulance roared again to the hospital. go.

From beginning to end, Ma Renjie covered his face, but his body was twitching slightly, with tears streaming down his face. He let everyone take off his pants, let everyone pour cold water on them, and did not resist... Of course, he also There is no strength to resist.

An hour after the ambulance left, except for Ma Renjie who was taken to the hospital and Yang Baishu who followed, the other students majoring in archeology gathered again, and then the group left the farm in a mighty way under the leadership of the counselor Mr. Su and headed down the mountain Let's go, ready to end this extremely unforgettable journey for everyone.

During this journey, a very cool person appeared, and it was naturally Li Zedao, whom everyone disliked. This guy, when he was playing real CS, pulled up the flag and gave it to the hostile side with a flattering face. It really shocked everyone.

Afterwards, he also bent his bow and shot the crow, and he subdued everyone very simply.

Of course, there also appeared a very tragic character, that is, the squad leader they all liked. First, he lost in the archery competition and had to take off his underwear, and shouted three times that I belong to a pig. This morning, it might be because of the hot water that the cup slipped and almost cooked my stuff...

"If you count the romantic ones, let's look at Li Zedao, but if you count the tragic ones, it must be Ma Renjie!" Someone chanted this poem in his heart.

Going down the mountain is easier than going up the mountain, so everyone didn’t have to spend as much energy as going up the mountain yesterday. We have already arrived at the bottom of the mountain, and Miffy, the life committee member, also called the master of the bus. We only need to wait for his arrival, and then we all go up the mountain. The car returned to the gate of the school, and this wonderful journey came to an end.

Because Pingtung Mountain is a tourist attraction, there are many drinks at the foot of the mountain, local delicacies such as oyster fried fish balls, and small toys. The main customers are of course parents with children. The stalls attract many tourists who are about to go up the mountain or have already come down the mountain.

While waiting for the bus to arrive, Lin Susu and Miffy went to one of the stalls to buy a few coconuts, dug a small hole and inserted them, then took them back and distributed them to Li Zedao, Susan, Nanji and Alice.

While sucking the coconut milk in the coconut, Nanji frowned slightly and said, "Isn't that the old man I met when I went up the mountain yesterday?"

"Huh?" Li Zedao followed her gaze and saw the old man who was about to go down the mountain that he met yesterday when he went up the mountain.

And just like what happened yesterday, the old man was holding a dirty and worn-out noodle bag. The bag was slightly bulging, revealing the drink bottle inside.

At this moment, tremblingly, he was planning to bend down to pick up an empty bottle thrown there by a tourist on the ground.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, but the empty bottle was kicked open, and then a very uncomfortable voice sounded: "Fuck, go away, old man, don't dangle in front of me, see You are annoying!"

The old man looked up with some difficulty, and looked calmly at the three look-alike gangsters standing in front of him, but he didn't say anything, but turned around tremblingly, and then turned towards the gangster The empty bottle that was kicked away slowly walked over.

"Damn it, old man, shit!" The yellow-haired gangster who kicked the bottle away spat on the ground and cursed.

An indifferent voice sounded next to my ears: "Apologize, and then... get lost!"

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