The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 629 Picking Up Girls

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked in a daze. I thought to myself, why does this guy's expression and body language movements look more and more like an animal in heat?

"It's just... ah... I'm so shy..." Zhou Yan continued to twitch.

So Li Zedao had the urge to kick him out of the house, and immediately interrupted him and said, "It's your sister, I'll go pee first."

The moment Li Zedao walked into the bathroom and closed the door, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a tall and sweet little nurse in a nurse uniform appeared there, pushing a medical car in her hand. The car, there are all kinds of prepared liquids in the car for infusion to patients. It is conceivable that the time for infusion in the morning is up, and she is going to various wards to help those patients with drips.

And after seeing this little nurse, Zhou Yan's eyes lighted up a little, and he hurried forward to stare at the girl eagerly and said, "Nurse Sun, you're here..."

"Well, I heard that you were discharged from the hospital in the morning, so I came to see you." Nurse Sun nodded and smiled, "Then... goodbye..."

After finishing speaking, he covered his mouth and smiled lightly: "I'm sorry, sorry, I can't say these two words here... Then I'll go to work first, don't fight in the future and then come to this place again, let's go..."

After saying that, he waved his hands towards Zhou Yan, then turned around and pushed the car to the ward next to him.

Li Zedao opened the bathroom door and walked out, only to find Zhou Yan staring at the door with a dazed expression on his face.

"You date her?" Li Zedao said in a low voice, finally understood what Zhou Yan meant when he said that there was still something to be done, and also understood why Zhou Yan's awkward and disgusting appearance Well, the truth is, this kid... is in unrequited love.

"Boss, why are you sneaking around with your voice down? It's me who wants to fuck him, not you who wants to fuck her." Zhou Yan said with a face of embarrassment: "Actually... you can speak louder... let her hear That's even better."

"..." The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, this bitch!

"Did you see her?"

"I see." Li Zedao said, just after he finished peeing, the door opened a small gap, and he had already seen the female nurse, but in order to give Zhou Yan some time to spend alone with the little nurse, Li Zedao didn't Come out immediately, but wait for the nurse to leave before coming out.

"Then do you think she looks sexy in a nurse's uniform?" Zhou Yan asked in a low voice, his cheeks flushed slightly, like a boy who just fell in love.

Li Zedao thought about it, shook his head and said, "I don't think she's sexy."

"You actually said no? Don't you think she's sexy?" Zhou Yan was a little anxious. Is there something wrong with the boss's eyes? Do I need to go to the ophthalmologist for a check?

"Compared to Mr. He, classmate Su, and your other sister-in-laws... she is just average." Li Zedao thought for a while and said.

"You..." Zhou Yan opened his mouth when the knife was stabbed in his chest, and found that he couldn't refute. It is true that although this little nurse is sexy and good-looking, compared with Teacher He and Su Xuan, she can only be killed in seconds.

However, he soon became happy again, and said, "Boss, that's fine, if you don't think she's sexy, you won't have any thoughts about her, and you won't be my rival in love..."

Zhou Yan actually hates Li Zedao sometimes, why is he so handsome? It doesn’t matter if he’s handsome, he’s so coquettish when he plays basketball, he’s so ruthless when he hits people, and he can even dance laser beams so dynamic... When a man like this becomes your rival in love, what else can you do? Surrender, besides cursing silently in your heart that he choked to death on eating and drinking, what else can you do?

Fortunately, Li Zedao didn't think the other party was sexy, that's really... great!

"..." Li Zedao had black lines on his face.

"Boss, teach me how to take her down? Or...continue to be hospitalized? Then continue to communicate with her?" Zhou Yan asked.

"...Jump out of this window, if you don't die, you can stay in the hospital." Li Zedao said angrily.

"Boss, I am sincerely asking for advice." Zhou Yan grabbed Li Zedao's sleeve.

"I really don't know." Li Zedao rolled his eyes and slapped his hands off and said, "Although I have rich experience in relationships, I've always been chased backwards. How do I know how to pick up girls?"

"..." Zhou Yan once again felt that his chest was stabbed severely, and the pain was extremely severe.

"Boss, can you stop pretending so much?" Zhou Yan said with a resentful face, and then continued to beg, "Do me a favor."

"What do you want to do?" Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan with vigilant eyes.

Zhou Yan chuckled, and then, as if he was afraid of being heard by others, he first went to close the door of the ward, and then whispered softly in Li Zedao's ear.

Li Zedao's body shook slightly, and he looked at Zhou Yan with embarrassment and said, "Damn it, you actually asked me to play... a hooligan? Do you think I look like a hooligan?"

"Like..." Zhou Yan replied cautiously.

"...Damn, let's go." Li Zedao's throat was sweet, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. It's okay for a younger brother who stabbed his elder brother twice for a woman!

"Boss..." Zhou Yan hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Please, for my happiness... At worst, I don't stop you from dating my sister?"

"... If I really want to pick on your sister, can you stop me?" Li Zedao looked contemptuous.


In the end, Li Zedao still couldn't resist Zhou Yan's soft-heartedness, lying on the ground, rolling around and acting cute, so he agreed to play a hooligan and cooperate with Zhou Yan to save the beauty as a hero.

However, it is not advisable to directly molest the little nurse in the hospital, so the best time is after that nurse Sun leaves the hospital after work...that is, when she leaves work in the afternoon, and Zhou Yan has already dismissed Nurse Sun from work. The time was figured out, and even the route she took after work was figured out.

So the two left the hospital and returned to school, planning to come out in the afternoon.


Huang Yu's class "General Theory of Chinese Archeology" was very popular. No, even Ma Renjie, who was hospitalized because his little nipple was burned by himself, couldn't wait to leave the hospital and appeared in this classroom to take this class.

And although Ma Renjie has been humiliated again and again these days, he put a loud and smelly fart on the podium table, and the performance of the show was replaced because of diarrhea at the welcome party... In other words, the one he had personally paid for before The laser stage is like making a wedding dress for Li Zedao.

After that, I failed in the archery competition, so I took off in front of everyone and only had a pair of underwear left, and then yelled three times that I am a pig, and then burned my own penis, and then I was seen in the ward by Yang Cypress actually stood in front of him with his butt naked...

But even so, he still has the prestige of the squad leader. After all, the wine and meat were not in vain before.

So as soon as he walked into the classroom, the students in the Department of Archeology began to care about him.

"Squad leader, are you better..."

"Squad leader, I have sorted out the class notes for the past two days. If you need them, I will send them to you later..."


Ma Renjie looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Thank you for your concern. I'm fine now... Let's get together after school this afternoon."

Everyone agreed one after another, such a squad leader is really... too loving, is there any?

Li Zedao glanced at Ma Renjie with a faint smile on his face, then lowered his head and flipped through the "General Theory of Chinese Archaeology" that he had already memorized all the contents in a bored manner.

As for Lin Susu and Miffy, they haven't come yet. A few minutes ago, he received a text message from Lin Susu saying that her "relative" came suddenly, and they had to deal with it, and they would be late.

"Third brother, are you coming too?" Ma Renjie sat down on the empty seat next to Li Zedao, stretched out his hand and put his arms around Li Zedao's shoulder, and smiled with a strong relationship, "Thanks to you ', I am safe and sound now, so thank you brother, let's have a good meal and drink tonight."

As he spoke, he patted Li Zedao's shoulder twice heavily.

Li Zedao was disgusted by his hypocrisy. This guy, who was so angry that he wanted to stab him to death with a knife, but still smiled so brightly, was indeed a talent.

Li Zedao knew that this hypocritical guy must have known by now that what he took was actually some kind of strong laxative.

He smiled at the moment and said: "Well... another day, I have something to do after school today." He was not trying to evade, but it was something. He promised Zhou Yan that he would play a gangster in the afternoon to help Zhou Yan pick up girls.

"Okay, then let's go out alone with Brother She." Ma Renjie said with a smile, and then patted Li Zedao's shoulder twice, then got up and went back to the hole next to the Yang Baishu at the back of the classroom , while walking, gently shook the already numb palm, feeling so depressed in my heart, why is this guy's shoulder so hard?

After sitting down, the eyes that were full of smiles fell on Li Zedao's back, and there was a dark and cruel upturned mark on the corner of his mouth.

"Fool, you patted my shoulder so hard...don't your hands hurt?" Li Zedao slandered in his heart, and then continued to read the "General Theory of Chinese Archeology" on the desktop.

At this moment, Miffy's pretty back appeared at the door of the classroom and walked in, and then sat down in the empty seat next to Li Zedao. Of course, there was an empty seat between the two of them, which was reserved for Lin Susu.

"Huh? Frog Prince, where's Sister Lin?" Miffy asked.

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Aren't you with me?" He thought Lin Susu was just outside the classroom and was about to walk in, so he stretched his neck to look at the door.

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