The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 645 The Female Ghost Appears

While Li Zedao was on guard, his mind was surging.

The master who is watching them secretly is the one behind the scenes who deliberately used some means to create a female ghost?

If that's the case, then he just watched them and didn't jump out to make trouble, because they haven't done anything to harm his interests... For example, he discovered the secret that he was pretending to be a ghost here?

And the guy who was hiding in the dark probably didn't know that his surveillance had been seen through by him, right?

"I want to go to the bathroom." Baili Bing said to Li Zedao who was on the side, without any concealment on his face, as if he was talking about a rare and ordinary thing, which is inherent when no girl says such a thing The kind of reserve.


Before Li Zedao returned, Bai Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to Bailibing, said, "Let's go together, Yao Bei, how about you?"

"I'll go too." Yao Bei said.

"Then let's go there together," Mu Bei said. After all, it is already late at night, and it is still by the Furong Lake where ghosts appeared before. In this case, it is better for everyone not to separate together.

"After everyone comes back from the bathroom, it's time for us to enter the tent. After all, it's still quite cold outside at night, so don't catch a cold." You Ming added.

So a group of eleven people walked towards the bathroom not far away, let the three girls enter the women's bathroom first, and they waited outside. After the girls finished solving, the boys separated into two groups. Enter the bathroom back and forth to solve the problem, after all, you can't let the three girls stay outside alone, right?

Although there are female ghosts or there are no female ghosts, this is a question worthy of discussion, but there are still satyrs, what if they encounter them?

Li Zedao didn't want to pee, but he was afraid that others would think that he was too scared to pee, so he followed in and shook out two drops.

After all the problems were solved, the group returned to the campfire, their eyes widened slightly, and their expressions were a little puzzled.

"Huh? How did the fire go out?" Mu Bei's voice was a bit unconfident. After all, when he just left, the fire was burning, and before he left, he added a piece of wood on purpose. According to the time, it should be impossible to burn. It's so fast.

"Something's wrong." You Ming's face was a little ugly, "It's fine if it goes out, the spark inside is gone...even,

Even the iron bucket that was burning red is now... cold. "

"What? It's cold? is this possible?" Yao Bei looked disbelieving. After all, it was only 20 minutes since they left, and the wood burned down so that the fire went out. I can't figure it out... Put it aside for now, but the iron barrel that has been burning wood for so long is actually cold, how is this possible?

At that moment, he leaned in front of the iron bucket, stroked it carefully with his hand, and finally pressed it on the wall of the iron bucket, his eyes widened instantly, his face looked unbelievable, and he said in a slightly hoarse voice: "It's really... cold."

Everyone's complexion changed again, and they even looked around cautiously. After all, there must be a reason for such a strange thing to happen, and the so-called reason... Could it be that female ghost did it?

"What's going on?" Baili Bing frowned and asked Li Zedao who was beside him.

Li Zedao shook his head with a solemn expression and said, "I don't know..." Then he raised his brows for a moment, and with his excellent hearing, he already heard a voice that resembled a woman crying.

Then looking at the lake, her eyes widened slightly, and she said in a slightly hoarse voice: "She...maybe knows."

"Her?" Baili Bing was taken aback, and just when she was about to ask who the so-called "she" was, Bai Xiaoxiao, who was standing next to her, pointed to the lake and said in a trembling voice: "Everyone, hurry up...Look... That... what is that..."

So everyone turned their gazes to the lake, and then their pupils widened little by little. The expressions on their faces were even more horrified than when they saw Li Zedao's "headless corpse" before!

With the help of the dim street lamp light, these courageous members of the Ghost Association are very clear that the lake seems to have ripples circle after circle, and then a black and round thing is bit by bit Somewhat exposed the surface of the water... It was a human head, a human head covered by Chang's hair!

Then what was exposed was the body, the body wearing Bai Deshenren's long robe!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of that miserable woman crying lingered in their ears.

Then the hair covering her face seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind, revealing her face.

Although the distance was relatively far, everyone could still see her face clearly. Blood was bleeding from the seven orifices, her face was ferocious, and her bloody mouth was even wider. A tongue that seemed to be dripping with blood was hanging there wriggling.

"Really...really...really there are ghosts..." Yao Bei, who always thought he was very courageous, trembled more and more, then rolled his eyes, and collapsed on the cold ground and passed out. up.

Immediately afterwards, it was You Ming and Mu Bei, and then Bai Xiaoxiao, and the other five boys, without exception, all fell there in a mess and passed out.

Baili Bing didn't faint, she stared fixedly at the white ghost figure that appeared in the center of the lake, her complexion became rather ugly, but her tone was still calm: "Is it a ghost?"

"No... I know..." Li Zedao's eyes widened, his face was uglier than Baili Bing's, his voice was full of uncertainty, and his heart was full of powerlessness.

In fact, when this ghost appeared just now, he secretly flicked his finger and fired a coin over, but in the end the coin passed through that ghost... yes, passed through that ghost's body, and that ghost But Ying didn't seem to be affected at all, still standing on the water, maintaining that terrifying posture.

"You... don't know?" Baili Bing frowned again, and then suddenly felt that his head seemed to be very heavy, and he couldn't lift it up.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing that Baili Bing's body was tottering, Li Zedao didn't care about the female ghost who seemed to be sticking out her tongue, and quickly supported her body.

"No...don't" Baili Bing said weakly. Lost consciousness.

"Bailibing..." Li Zedao's face changed wildly.

After feeling her pulse just now, she already knew that Baili Bing's bodily functions were rapidly disappearing. In other words, the reason why Bai Li Bing fainted now was not because she was frightened by that female ghost, but because of other reasons. .

At this moment, the female ghost in the middle of the lake suddenly disappeared, and then a tingling and desolate voice sounded beside Li Zedao's ear: "Woooo..."

Li Zedao's expression turned extremely ugly, and he could feel that the female ghost was right behind him, very close to him. At that moment, he gently put Baili Bing on the ground, and clenched his trembling fist tightly.

"Woo...I'm so cold...I'm so cold..." The female ghost's sharp voice rang beside his ears, which made Li Zedao's ears ache.

"Cold your mother!" Li Zedao growled and turned his head abruptly.

His feeling was right, the female ghost was right behind him, and she was almost about to meet him face to face. It was still the strangely white dress, seven bloodstains on the pale face, the bloody mouth was wide open, and the eyes with blood-red liquid oozing out were full of ferocity.

At that moment, Li Zedao just looked at the female ghost quietly, his eyes were cold, without the slightest intention of avoiding, let alone panicked, and he roared in a murderous tone: "You... to my woman , what did you do?"

"I'm... so cold... so cold... come to hell to accompany me..." The female ghost opened her bloody mouth, her voice was sharp and intermittent, her scarlet tongue suddenly stuck out, and a trace of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of her mouth. Viscous liquid mixed with red and white.

Li Zedao slammed his clenched fist at the opponent's bloody face!

"Boom!" There was a dull sound as if the air had been pierced by his angry punch.

In the next second, Li Zedao's fist hit the female ghost's terrifying face heavily!

However, the breakdown passed! Yes, it passed through, as if Li Zedao's punch hit a cloud of smoke, without the feeling of hitting something real with half a click.

When Li Zedao retracted his fist, there was a hole the size of a fist in that face. There was blood in it, and you could even see maggots crawling inside, but Li Zedao's hand was not glued to it. Any bloodstains and the like, at the same time, that cruel and vicious voice was still lingering in his ears: "Go to hell... stay with me... stay with me..."

Li Zedao looked at his fist, and then looked at the one close at hand. Compared with just now, there is an extra blood hole, and you can even see the face with maggots crawling inside, but there is nothing in his heart. The meaning of fear, on the contrary, became more and more cold, filled with strong murderous intent!

He didn't know whether the female ghost in front of him was a real ghost or an illusion created by a certain master by some means, but he knew very clearly that when he faced her, although he was full of murderous looks, he couldn't give her a try. The opponent brought any threat or harm, because with that punch just now, even a cow would have been sent flying by him, but the opponent just had a hole in his face, so there was no harm.

And Baili Bing's bodily functions are rapidly disappearing at this time, and this matter definitely has something to do with her.

"What should I do?" Li Zedao wanted to threaten the other party, saying that if you don't save my woman quickly, I will rape you.

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