When Ji Yuemo managed to explain the meaning of the Tianhai Party to Li Zedao, who was extremely lacking in knowledge in this area, Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, and his brows furrowed tightly.

According to what Ji Yuemo explained, isn't Zhou Xiaolu on the verge of collapse now? He originally wanted to contact her to say that he would come to Fenghuang City to be the image spokesperson of his Tiandao Foundation after he was busy promoting his new album in Sanya, but he didn't expect that such a bad thing would happen before he even mentioned it. thing.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't believe that Zhou Xiaolu would do such a thing. Katsuta Taro and Qin Shaofeng did it? It seems that just letting them eat poop is too cheap for them.

"Do you know Zhou Xiaolu?" Seeing that Li Zedao's face had turned ugly, Ji Yuemo asked subconsciously.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Xiaolu has a very good relationship with Baili Bing and Yang Xueer. Every time Xiaolu comes to Phoenix City, she will live with them."

"So that's the case." Ji Yuemo nodded slightly, but didn't say it out loud. Just now she subconsciously thought that Zhou Xiaolu was also one of the eleven girlfriends that Li Zedao mentioned. Now it seems that, It does not seem.

"Sorry, Senior Sister Ji, wait for me, I'll make a call." Li Zedao said, and then slowly stopped the car on the side of the road, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Xiaolu's private number, but a mobile phone came from inside The notification sound that has been shut down.

Li Zedao frowned again, but soon he was relieved. After all, such a thing happened, there must be a lot of calls, and the phone had to be turned off naturally.

"How about...you are busy first?" Ji Yuemo said very understandingly.

"Oh, no need." Li Zedao shook his head and said, he believed that Zhou Xiaolu would be able to resist the pressure brought by the outside world, as for how to solve the problem, he would just discuss it with Baili Bing.

Then he put the phone back in his pocket, started the car again, and drove towards the Jiali Seafood Restaurant that Ji Yuemo had mentioned.

Ji Yuemo has already booked a location on the second floor near the window, and this location is very ideal. Through the window, you can see the sea view not far away very clearly.

"Not bad?" Ji Yuemo smiled.

"It's really good." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.

The waiter quickly delivered two exquisite cookbooks, Ji Yuemo quickly ordered a few of her favorite dishes, Li Zedao also symbolically ordered "Geoduck Sashimi\

,"Of course, he had no idea what it was.

"Drink?" Ji Yuemo asked.

"Uh... I still don't want it." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"Why, are you afraid that I'll get you drunk and eat you?" Ji Yuemo said jokingly, but instead of ordering red wine, he ordered two large bottles of coconut milk.

The food was served quickly, and Ji Yuemo started to eat it with a greedy look. Li Zedao didn't show any politeness to her, and he ate much faster than Ji Yuemo. Chatting in a hurry while eating.

"By the way, why is your uncle's surname Chen, but yours is Ji?" Li Zedao asked curiously, "Your mother's surname?"

"That's not true. My mother's surname is Shangguan, and her name is Mingyue. I am named after my father and mother." Ji Yue Mojie wiped his mouth with a tissue and explained, "As for why my surname is Ji... Because my grandfather's surname is Ji, so my surname is Ji."


"You want to say why my dad's surname is Chen, right?" Ji Yuemo said with a smile, "Because my grandma's surname is Chen, and his surname is mine."


"As for my dad, he has a bit of a personality... Well, it's weird. Sometimes what he says is thoughtless, so you don't have to take to heart what he said to you that day." Ji Yuemo said a little embarrassed . Now when she thinks about the reason why her father wants to join her with Li Zedao because Li Zedao's family is very rich, she feels that there is a kind of desire to have a good relationship with her father as she runs wildly past millions of grass mud horses. The urge to quarrel once.

Even if I really fell in love with him in the end, it doesn't matter if his family has a lot of money or a dime, okay?

"Haha, it's okay." Li Zedao said with a haha, expressing that he was really worried.

"That's good, then... I'll go to the bathroom, put my bag here and take care of it, don't lose it, or I won't have money to pay the bill, and then we'll have to stay and wash the dishes to pay for the meal." Ji Yue Mo smiled, then got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Li Zedao smiled, then took out his mobile phone, connected to the Internet, opened the browser and tried to enter the four words "Tianhai Party" on it, and then various shocking titles jumped in front of him.

"The Tianhai party has become a promiscuous party, and Zhou Xiaolu, the head of China's jade girl, led many female stars to attend..."

"Earning 200,000 a day, the various large-scale "serving" of actresses is shocking..."

"Zhou Xiaolu kept silent on this matter for the time being and went missing. Lin Li issued a clarification statement to pay tribute..."


The follow-up posts under these articles made Li Zedao's brows furrowed even more.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect Zhou Xiaolu to go to that kind of party... The sales of the new album are not good, right?"

"Now that the record industry is in a downturn, what's the matter with trying to make money? Just take it off, and then you can get 200,000 yuan with one foot and one mouth. How easy it is..."

"Upstairs, my mother is 13, don't insult my goddess..."

"Goddesses are not women? Goddesses can't play deep water?"


Just when Li Zedao was about to give Bailibing a call, he heard the sound of arguing not far away, and immediately stood up with a frown and walked over with big strides.


The moment Ji Yuemo was about to walk out of the bathroom door, a hurried figure suddenly appeared there, and it was too late to escape, so the shoulders of the two of them bumped hard.

At that moment, Ji Yuemo's body was unsteady, she took a few steps back, sprained her foot, and sat on the ground, the pain in her ankle and the pain in her shoulder made her frown beautifully Down.

And the woman who collided with her took several steps back. The last one, who was not stable, already sat heavily on the ground, and because she was wearing that kind of miniskirt, it was even more vacuum inside. , so Ji Yuemo accidentally saw something she shouldn't have seen.

"This woman... is dressed too...fashionably?" Ji Yuemo muttered unflatteringly in her heart, grinned her teeth and tried to stand up, but found that her left foot was in severe pain. It is conceivable that it should have sprained just now.

Enduring the pain in his ankle, he hopped over with one leg, supported the wall, and stretched out his hand to help this not too ugly but heavily made-up woman up: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you Are you okay?"

"Crack!" The woman slapped Ji Yuemo's hand off viciously, then stared at Ji Yuemo with eyes like knives, and scolded sharply, "Where did the bitch come from? You don't have eyes, do you? "

Ji Yuemo was stunned for a moment, then shook her fiery hand, and made a gesture to jump away. After all, she still has to pay a little bit of responsibility for what happened, and the other party looked like a shrew...you Isn't it self-defeating the image of a goddess to swear at a shrew?

Ji Yuemo wouldn't do this kind of thing, let alone Li Zedao was still waiting for her, so he had to maintain his image.

Seeing that this * was about to leave as if she was okay after bumping into her, the female queen was so angry that her face turned green, she immediately got up from the ground and blocked Ji Yuemo's way, cursing sharply : "Stinky bitch, want to leave after hitting someone?"

Ji Yuemo frowned and said, "Auntie, I have already humbled you when I should apologize? What else do you want?"

"Auntie?" The woman's face turned greener, she was so angry that she pointed at Ji Yuemo and was speechless. Auntie? Who is Auntie? Are you the aunt? Your whole family are aunts! Haven't you seen that I have a 28-year-old appearance and a hot body?

"What's more, aunt, it's obvious that you ran over and bumped into me in a hurry, okay?" Ji Yuemo continued with a gloomy expression, "My ankle is already sprained, it's good that I didn't ask you to take responsibility."

"You... bitch..." The woman suddenly shot out angrily, and she was about to slap this bitch who made her extremely angry.

The other party attacked without any warning, and Ji Yuemo's leg was already injured. When she realized that her face was about to be slapped, it was too late, and her little face was already pale.

The next second, the opponent's hand stopped abruptly within five centimeters of her face, and then a caring voice sounded beside her ear: "Senior Ji, are you alright?"

Ji Yuemo looked up, but saw that Li Zedao had appeared there at some point, looking at her with concern, with one hand firmly grasping the woman's wrist, while the woman was dumbfounded. He stared blankly at Li Zedao, with a look of extreme panic in his eyes, an expression of being stunned by the living.

At that moment, Ji Yuemo felt a little sweet in her heart, then grinned and said: "It's okay, just my foot...it seems to be sprained, but it's okay, I can still walk..." Said the left foot gently put down, followed When the floor was touched lightly, the pain was already so painful that he gasped, and the body shook twice, and he was about to sit down on the ground.

Seeing this, Li Zedao let go of the woman's wrist and quickly supported her, then said helplessly, "Senior Ji, don't move, your foot has been sprained."

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