After school at noon, according to Miffy's request, the three drove to the Binhai Building at the exit of Zhongshan Road, intending to eat pizza at the Pizza Hut restaurant on the 24th floor of this building.

Pizza is Miffy's favorite, and this is also the place where Miffy and his senior brother "date" for the first time, so Miffy plans to come here, and Li Zedao and Lin Susu naturally have no objections.

While the second daughter was ordering, Li Zedao received a call from the pervert.

"Any news?" Li Zedao asked. The pervert was injured last time, and he lost too much blood and almost died like this, but his physique is excellent, and with Li Zedao's meticulous treatment, he is almost healed.

"No." The abnormal report on the other end of the phone, "That Zhang Heng is not at his house. I have been here for a long time, and I haven't seen him come back."

Li Zedao frowned slightly. There are two possibilities for him not being at home. First, he happened to have something to do so he didn't go home. Second... he felt guilty! In other words, Zhang Heng was responsible for the car accident of Zhou Yan's parents and the dead body of Xiao Hei hanging on the door of Zhou Yan's house. Now the criminal police are trying their best to arrest the perpetrator, so he is guilty and dare not go home.

Li Zedao pondered for a while and said, "Then don't stare, go to the No. 1 Hospital and focus on protecting Zhou Qian and her parents." Although that Zhang Heng would not have the guts to go to the hospital to kill someone, but what if? ? This has to be guarded against. As for Zhou Yan, he is tall and powerful, so he is unlikely to be the target of Zhang Heng. Besides, there is Sun Ying who is not bad at Zhou Yan.

"Understood, boss." The pervert said.

"Zedao, what else do you want to eat? I'm helping you." Seeing Li Zedao put down his phone, Lin Susu looked at him and asked with a soft smile.

"Sister Lin, I guess, the squad leader wants to, hee hee." Miffy joked, "I saw it, when he looks at you, there will always be a transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth, which is called beautiful food. "

Lin Susu's pretty face was already blushing, she looked at Miffy and scolded with a smile: "Feifei, you're going to die, I'll eat you first..."

"Okay, let's go together... I'm afraid that the squad leader is not interested in me..." Miffy said fiercely, and then winked at Li Zedao, "Is it? Squad leader..."

"Ahem, it's not that I'm not interested..." Li Zedao covered his face, his voice was like a mosquito, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Seeing this, Miffy and Lin Susu giggled together.

"Squad leader Li, there will be no classes tomorrow afternoon on Thursday, come home with me?" Miffy looked at Li Zedao and asked,

"My mother strongly demanded that I take you back, otherwise I would be skinned."

Li Zedao said with a smile: "You found such a handsome and talented boyfriend, auntie will not pick you up, but I have something to do tomorrow afternoon, find a time, and apologize to auntie for me."

"Narcissist... which sister do you have an appointment with tomorrow?" Miffy asked with a grin.

"I'm not going on a date, but a parent meeting." Li Zedao shrugged and said casually, picked up a glass of lemonade on the table, and took a sip of it.

"Huh? A parent-teacher meeting?" Both Miffy and Lin Susu looked at Li Zedao with wide-eyed eyes, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

In the next second, Miffy tried to think of something, opened his eyes wider, and asked in a voice full of inconceivable: "Do you illegitimate child outside?"

"Ahem..." Li Zedao choked on the lemonade that he hadn't remembered to swallow, and said angrily, "Student Miffy, your imagination is too rich, right? How is this possible? "

Now briefly talk about what happened at Zhou Yan's house.

"Zhou that the one who laughed a bit...cheaply at the basketball court?" Lin Susu nodded and asked.

"Well, that's him." Li Zedao said, thinking that Susu is too kind, I can't bear to say it, is that a bit cheap? That's cheap, okay? Thinking of Zhou Yan being teased like that early in the morning, Li Zedao's teeth itch and he wanted to beat Zhou Yan up... Although he knew that Zhou Yan would definitely be beaten by Sun Ying.

"So it's your younger brother's sister... oh, our sister is going to hold a parent-teacher meeting. I thought you, Squad Leader Li, had an illegitimate child wandering around outside." Miffy stuck out her tongue and smiled cutely. road.

"You think too much." Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly, thinking that you don't know what kind of bird I was before, how could I have the courage to chase other girls and even have children? Or, how could those girls like him?

Li Zedao vaguely remembered that Zhou Yan, who was recognized as the ugliest in the class, would not bother to look at him every time he mentioned the girl named Qian Zhaodi who always looked disgusted and cold.

And now, as if he was in a dream, he has more than a dozen girlfriends, and every time they are so good, is this God's compensation for him?

While feeling secretly in his heart, Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he saw not far away near the window, a man and a woman were sitting there chatting happily.

The man is dressed in a casual suit, looking handsome and suave, while the woman is dressed in a sexy ol professional, just like a senior white-collar worker.

I rely on! Li Zedao couldn't help leaning out in his heart, isn't this man who looks so sullen just his brother-in-law He Xiaofeng? He didn't listen to persuasion and came out to meet netizens again? And that woman...isn't that the dominatrix that Zhao Xiaoying, who was expelled by herself, mentioned earlier, that is, Zhou Tong, Zhou Jiankang's cousin?

It seems very unlucky that after getting a stick from Sun Ying, he can still dress up nicely and go out to meet handsome guys, and his arm is not a problem at all.

It is undeniable that Zhou Tong is not bad-looking, but he seems to be a little older than He Xiaofeng, and overall looks a little older than He Xiaofeng... He Xiaofeng is impatient, and the old cow can't eat young grass and eats old grass instead? Li Zedao really felt anxious about Xiaofeng's falling eyes.

"Squad leader Li, our two beauties are right in front of you, but your attention is on other women. We are very hurt." Miffy pretended to be sad.

"You're overthinking, and you saw an acquaintance." Li Zedao said dumbfounded, then pointed to He Xiaofeng and said to Lin Susu, "That man is your sister Xiaoyu's brother."

"He's Miss Xiaoyu's elder brother..." Lin Susu looked at He Xiaofeng a little, then nodded slightly.

"You guys eat first, I'll go and say hello." Li Zedao's mouth turned up with a bad look on his face, and then he walked towards the two who were having a pleasant exchange.

"Why do I feel that Squad Leader Li is going to deceive people?" Miffy muttered while looking at Li Zedao's back.

"He's going to trick someone, didn't you see his naughty smile?" Lin Susu said with a light smile, looking at Li Zedao's eyes full of love.


"Hehe, Mr. He, I thought being a policeman was very rigid, but I didn't expect you to be so humorous, even more humorous than when chatting on the Internet." Zhou Tong's sexy red lips parted slightly, and he rested his chin with one hand , looking at He Xiaofeng with big eyes, and looking at Zhou Tong with big charming eyes, full of smiles.

Calm down! Calm down! Being stared at by the other party's eyes that seemed to be emitting electricity, He Xiaofeng tried his best to give himself an atmosphere in his heart, and immediately said with a calm smile: "Miss Zhou is also more interesting than when chatting on the Internet." After speaking, he moved very well. After a few clicks, the cup of coffee in front of me was no longer steaming.

Then he looked up and said with some concern: "Oh, by the way, Miss Zhou, you said that you were beaten with a stick by a madwoman for no reason two days ago? There is nothing serious about your arm, right?"

Zhou Tong's face was pulled down slightly, and he snorted coldly and said, "When I talk about this, I get angry! I got sand in my shoes when I went shopping that day, and I took off my shoes to shake the sand under a telegraph pole. Who would have thought that a stick would just come over and hit my arm, and my arm is still bruised and hurting."

"Too much." He Xiaofeng agreed.

"That's right, what's even more extreme is yet to come. That lunatic woman said afterwards that she thought I was electrified by the wires and then picked me up with a piece of wood." Zhou Tong's face was even more ugly.

"..." He Xiaofeng tried very hard not to let himself laugh out loud.

"Tell me, is it too bullying?" Zhou Tong looked at He Xiaofeng and asked.

Before He Xiaofeng could answer, a voice filled with righteous indignation sounded from the side: "It's really a bully."

He Xiaofeng and Zhou Tong heard the sound and looked at it, and then their expressions quickly became brighter little by little.

Zhou Tong thought to himself, why is it him? This is the behind-the-scenes boss of the Angel that even his cousin dare not provoke.

The corners of He Xiaofeng's mouth were twitching, and he felt an urge to throw Li Zedao down from the twenty-fourth floor. Why would this boy always appear every time he asked out beautiful women? Why? why is that?

As if nothing had happened, Li Zedao sat down on the empty seat next to He Xiaofeng, then looked at Zhou Tong sincerely and said, "Miss Zhou, we met again... Oh, that's it, The lunatic who gave you a stick is actually a friend of mine. I am sincerely apologizing to you on her behalf. Your cousin Mr. Zhou has already received my apology. Don’t embarrass my friend anymore. So last night, I also went to Mingsi Police Station to pick up my friend, and once again say sorry to you. "

"..." Zhou Tong looked at Li Zedao in fear and embarrassment, his mind was blank and he didn't know what to say.

However, He Xiaofeng had the urge to cover his face and cry bitterly, your sister, why such a coincidence is needed? Yesterday, this kid called him and asked him to check for that girl named Sun Ying, who turned out to be the crazy woman who gave this female netizen a stick?

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