The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 809 Afraid of Cats

"Boss, I... I'm afraid of dead cats." The pervert swallowed his saliva and said cautiously, saying that he didn't have the courage to touch the dead cat on the ground with a terrifying death appearance.

"..." Li Zedao had a stunned expression on his face, you are so murderous, you don't even blink when you look at other girls' bodies, are you afraid of a dead cat?

Zhang Heng almost cried, touched! This man who is far less handsome than himself is really a good person, a good person will live a safe life!

"Really, Boss, I have been afraid of cats since I was a child." The pervert said with a sad face, "I am afraid of living, and I am even more afraid of dying... I remember when I was a child, I went to a big banyan tree one day. Damn, there are straws hanging there." There were a lot of dead cats, and I passed out just like"

"I understand, I understand." Li Zedao patted the perverted shoulder and said, " you think dead cats are scary or am I?"

"...Boss, I've decided, I want to overcome my fear of cats!" The pervert said loudly, "I don't want this kind of fear to accompany me all my life, I don't want to be tortured like this anymore, I want to be brave face such a challenge.”

"I support you!" Li Zedao nodded, this guy is really a bitch.

So the pervert, like a fighter, resolutely picked up the dead cat on the ground, then stared at Zhang Heng on the ground with a smile uglier than crying, and let all his suffocation be on him, damn it, what? It's not you, a bastard who has no humanity at all, who tortured and killed animals. Does I need to suffer this kind of crime?

Looking at the dead cat, Zhang Heng's heart trembled suddenly, and he felt his scalp tingling and his internal organs twisting.

"Boss, can you just cut open the belly and stuff it in?" The pervert looked back at Li Zedao and asked. He wanted to finish this matter quickly.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded expressionlessly and said, as if it is such a rare and common thing to disembowel a person.

So the pervert seemed to be juggling, and there was already a shining dagger in the other hand, then twisted his neck, and strode towards Zhang Heng.

Seeing that the other party was serious and not joking with him at all, Zhang Heng was frightened resolutely, and while wriggling his body desperately, he wailed with snot and tears: "No...don't... ...please... yes, yes, I want to donate... I want to donate, I am willing to donate everything, even my underwear..."

"Wait..." Li Zedao shouted.

"It's cheap for you.

"The pervert snorted coldly, and slammed the dead cat in his hand on Zhang Heng's body, which was a little bit of a bad breath.

"Are you really willing to donate all your property to me... Oh, the Tiandao Foundation?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, yes." Zhang Heng wept, and nodded in a busy manner, thinking that I am willing to be a fart, isn't it threatened by you? At that moment, he squirmed his body again to keep himself away from the dead cat. Only then did Zhang Heng realize that cats are so scary, especially dead cats, which are even more terrifying.

Li Zedao walked up to him, looked down at Zhang Heng, and then, as if juggling, he already had an extra document in his hand. He handed the document over and said, "Since you have already made your decision, I naturally have to respect your intention." Alright, let's sign this property donation agreement."

"..." Zhang Heng was dumbfounded, and the muscles on his face twitched extremely violently. This guy is even ready for this thing.

This Zhang Heng is quite rich. He has a food trading company that is not too big, and has millions of deposits, a Land Rover, and two houses.

"Damn it, you're already so rich that you still plan on Zhou Haiyang's small supermarket?" Li Zedao was furious, and slapped Zhang Heng on the face.

"I...I..." Zhang Heng shrank his head and dared not make a sound. Who would dislike his own money? I was originally a half-black and half-white character, and the food trading company I run now is also half-buying and half-threatening.

"Slap!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao slapped him again, then stood up and asked, "What's your relationship with Qin Xiangjun?"

"Xiangjun...she is my ex-wife, we agreed to divorce some time ago." Although Zhang Heng didn't understand why Li Zedao suddenly asked about this, he didn't dare to hide anything.

At the same time, it suddenly occurred to him that the reason why this kid came to him so quickly and ruthlessly was because of that bitch Qin Xiangjun, right? Is this kid Qin Xiangjun's concubine? Damn, say I'm looking for a woman outside? Damn you bitch, don't you raise a little boy yourself? Don't let me find Jinhui, or I will kill you!

Seeing Zhang Heng's swollen face with a pig's head fluctuating, Li Zedao used his knees to figure out that this kid was planning to take revenge, but how could he give the other party a chance to take revenge? He asked with a cold smile, "Why did you get divorced? For this woman?"

"Yes." Zhang Heng smiled awkwardly.

Li Zedao glanced at the old lady, who was curled up there, trembling, and didn't dare to lift her head, thinking that Zhang Heng's taste is really weird, you don't want a beauty like Qin Xiangjun, but you want this girl from outside? Planting weeds, is it because the weeds are hot and strong enough? Can play well in bed, but dare to drive into someone outside?

"It was you who threatened Qin Xiangjun to call her student Zhou Qian to make an appointment so that you could carry out the kidnapping?" Li Zedao asked again.

Zhang Heng nodded, thinking that Qin Xiangjun had already told you the matter, why did you ask me a fart? Well, you bitch, if I don't post your naked photos all over the Internet, I will take your surname!

"What are you threatening her with?" Li Zedao asked.


"Stuff the dead cat into his stomach." Li Zedao turned around and said to the pervert.

The pervert can't wait to go over and stab this bastard to death with a knife. If the fucking boss asks you, can you answer well and it's over?

"... the custody of my son." Zhang Heng was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "And... her nude photos..."

Li Zedao's face darkened, and he was bound by his reputation and the inseparable mother-child relationship. No wonder a woman like Qin Xiangjun was willing to be this bastard's minion and do things that harmed her students. Thinking about it this way, that woman In fact, it is quite unlucky, and it is quite sympathetic.

"Where are the nude photos?" Li Zedao asked coldly, the only thing he could do to help the poor mother and child seemed to be the only thing.

" want to admire?" Zhang Heng looked up at him and asked.

"..." Li Zedao's face turned black instantly, and he immediately raised his foot, stepping on the opponent's body one foot after another, Zhang Heng was kicked until he wailed, and the expression on his face was extremely painful.

After kicking dozens of times, Li Zedao put down his feet, then squatted down, and said coldly: "Do you know why I kicked you? Because you insulted me."

As he spoke, Li Zedao grabbed the middle finger of Zhang Heng's left hand that was protecting his head, and then snapped it down violently.

"Crack!" There was a crisp bone breaking sound, and then Zhang Heng opened his mouth and screamed miserably.

"Ah!" The voice was shrill, as if a handsome young man in his 20s was molested by an 80-year-old man.

Li Zedao grabbed Zhang Heng's severed finger and said with a smile: "The reason why I broke your finger is to make you sober and remember where you stored those photos. I will give you ten minutes Go and destroy them all, let me know if you keep one, I will cut off one of your fingers, if it takes more than ten minutes, your belly will be Xiao Hei's grave."

The pain was piercing to the bone, and large beads of sweat appeared on Zhang Heng's forehead. Only now did he realize that this kid was more ruthless than he imagined. He was sucking in the cold air desperately, his body trembling, he got up and cried: " I... I'll delete it right now... I'll delete it right now... I have it in my phone... I have it in the notes next to the TV... and I also have it in the USB flash drive..."

Before Zhang Heng finished speaking, Li Zedao had already walked over and grabbed the notebook, and then smashed it down on the ground. In an instant, the notebook was torn apart, and then Li Zedao seemed to have some hatred for this computer. Lifting it up, and then going down a few feet, the whole notebook quickly turned into a pile of waste.

"Sure enough...not for appreciation, I really insulted him." Zhang Heng muttered in a voice that only he could hear, his heart was full of sadness.

After smashing the laptop, then the USB flash drive and the mobile phone were all crushed by Li Zedao very simply. No matter what, the data inside could not be recovered.

"Is there any more?" Li Zedao looked at Zhang Heng and asked.

"No... not anymore... really not..." Fearing that Li Zedao would not believe it, Zhang Heng hurriedly swore, "If there are any more, I will die..."

Li Zedao sneered: "Your ending was not good."


Li Zedao didn't pay attention to Zhang Heng anymore, but his eyes fell on the shivering woman who squatted there for a long time and said: "Hey, you should also have savings, right? How much?"

"Uh..." The woman raised her head and looked at Li Zedao in horror.

"Ask you a question?" Li Zedao was furious, "Believe it or not, I let my little brother... oh, that guy standing there watching you drooling make you feel good?"

"..." The pervert was stabbed in the chest, but he was inexplicably looking forward to it. He wanted to ask the boss if what you said was true, but he was embarrassed.

The woman took a look at the pervert, and seeing the green light in the eyes of this ugly guy, she was startled, and said in a choked and trembling voice, "There are... more than four hundred thousand... "

"You don't need to donate your savings to the foundation, all of it will be used as compensation to Zhou Haiyang for medical expenses, mental loss, lost work...Although it is far from enough, but because your body has been seen by my little brother Bai for so long, I don't care about it." Li Zedao looked as if he had been taken advantage of.


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