As soon as he entered the room, the weather outside changed like a woman's face. A gust of cold wind blew by, and the rain began to fall, and then it quickly became heavier and heavier.

Wu Xin took out the pajamas from the suitcase and put them on the bed, then looked at Li Zedao standing there, her eyes were already full of tenderness, and she walked towards him immediately.

Standing behind her, Wu Xin looked at the pouring rain outside the window and said, "It's so beautiful."

"Pretty?" Li Zedao asked with interest.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Wu Xin pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I like rainy days very much, whether it's heavy rain or light rain, I like them all. There is no special reason, I just like it."

Li Zedao nodded and said with a smile, "So, you like to get in the rain?"

"You think too much." Wu Xin shook her head slightly and said, "I just like it spiritually, I don't dare to be a physical one, I won't go to the rain when it's raining, to get in the rain A 'close contact'..."

"Then do you like to have intimate contact with me?" Li Zedao asked, looking back at Wu Xin's delicate pretty face.

"Pervert." Wu Xin chuckled, reaching out to hug Li Zedao's body from behind.

It was already winter, and because of the rain, the temperature outside had already dropped, so when the two of them came in, they had already turned on the hot air of the air conditioner, so the room was quite warm, but Wu Xin's body was relatively warm. The hot air from the air conditioner was still warm, and the soft chest was stroking and massaging the back, but it made the body instantly stiff.

"The sound insulation here should be good." Wu Xin pressed her hot face against Li Zedao's back, and said in a voice like a mosquito, already emotional.

"You'll know if you try it?" Li Zedao said with a smile, closing the curtain with one hand, and stretching the other hand behind to caress Wu Xin's upright buttocks wrapped in black uniform.

Wu Xin's figure is tall, but she is not thin, so her buttocks are extraordinarily plump and fleshy, and it feels full to the touch.

"Also, are you standing in the wrong place?" Li Zedao asked.

"Don't play tricks... I just want to hug you quietly like this." Wu Xin smiled, Li Zedao's big hands made her body numb, and her body was even clinging to his back. "It made me feel at ease and safe."

"Holding in front will make you feel more at ease." Li Zedao put forward his own suggestion,

Then, as soon as his body rotated, he turned Wu Xin to the front where her back was against the window, and then turned around, putting one arm around her waist, but her mouth had already blocked her red and sexy lips.

Suddenly, Li Zedao's lips moved away from Wu Xin's sexy red lips, and his brows frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Wu Xin asked.

"There's movement outside." Li Zedao's eyes fell on the door, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up in a strange way, coming faster than he imagined, "I'll make a call."


In the other room, Jia Qianqian was also standing in front of the window, looking at the pouring rain outside, and from the corner of her eye, she tried her best to see the light that was stolen from the window in the next room, which was the room of Li Zedao and Wu Xin , who gritted his silver teeth at the moment, there was a trace of sadness in his brows.

That guy...does he really despise himself so much?

Also, they drew the curtains, what are they doing? Thinking of Jia Qianqian's face flushing for a while, she took a sip, thinking what they were doing was none of her business, but somehow she pricked up her ears to hear what was going on next door, naturally, except for the drizzling noise outside The sound of wind and rain and the muffled sound of the air conditioner, nothing weird can be heard.

"Qianqian, it's cold in front of the window. You just left your period, and you haven't gone quickly yet. Don't catch a cold." Sister Jing, who was standing by the bed packing things in the suitcase, looked at Jia Qianqian and said caringly.

Jia Qianqian looked back at Sister Jing and smiled, "No, Sister Jing, I'm fine... Shall I get you a glass of water?"

"Then make me a cup of tea. I have black tea here. Make yourself a cup to warm your stomach." Sister Jing smiled, took out a small box of Dahongpao from the suitcase, and handed it to Jia Qianqian.

Jia Qianqian took it, went to the water dispenser in the corner, first scalded the cups provided by the hotel with boiling water, and then made two cups of tea, then handed one of the cups to Sister Jing, and asked: " Sister Jing, you were a doctor before? I heard that you are still a very good physician?"

Sister Jing smiled slightly and said, "I was indeed a physician before I joined the Tiandao Foundation, and I am quite authoritative in the treatment of uremia."

"Then why did you give up your permanent job to work in this group?" Jia Qianqian asked curiously, "Being a doctor is tiring?"

Sister Jing smiled wryly and said, "Because there are too many intrigues in the hospital, it's really tiring to see too much..." With her qualifications, she should be the candidate for the vice president this time. The medical ethics are not very good, but people with strong backgrounds squeezed her out, which made Sister Jing somewhat disheartened.

"Moreover, most people give up treatment after getting sick, not because the treatment is not good, but because they have no money to continue treatment, but the hospital is not a charity, and if you have no money for treatment, you will naturally be invited out... It just so happened that the Tiandao Foundation wanted to hire medical experts, and our President Wu’s father is an old friend of mine, so he asked me if I wanted to work at the Tiandao Foundation after knowing my situation, so I resigned and came here.” Jing Jing sister said.

Jia Qianqian nodded and said, "So that's the case..."

He hesitated for a while and continued to ask: "Sister Jing, what do you think that bastard... Li Shao is like?"

"Young Master Li?" Sister Jing looked at her playfully and smiled, "I think you should know him better than me, what do you think?"

She also heard a little bit of the conversation between Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian, and the way Jia Qianqian looked at Li Zedao fell into her eyes a lot, so she already knew that this little girl was harmful to young people. I was tempted by the handsome and unrestrained Shao Li, and also, if I was twenty years younger, I would definitely be tempted too.

"Not really." Jia Qianqian twitched, her pretty face blushing slightly, "I didn't know until this afternoon that he was the founder of the Tiandao Foundation, and even the behind-the-scenes boss of the Tiandao Foundation... Did I know that bastard?" For a few days, that bastard didn't tell me anything."

Thinking of how proudly she said in front of Li Zedao before that she defeated 500 people to enter the Tiandao Foundation and became an assistant, Jia Qianqian wanted to beat Li Zedao hard, that bastard must have laughed at herself at that time Stupid?

"That proves that he is not a person who likes to show off." Sister Jing said with a smile, "After ordinary young people achieve such results, they would like the whole world, especially such a beautiful girl like you, to know, but he is like this. low-key."

"He's not low-key." Jia Qianqian curled her lips, and then felt a little embarrassed, "I'm not pretty either... Mr. Wu and Mr. Ren are the only good-looking ones."

Sister Jing looked at him a little amusedly and said, "Mr. Ren and Mr. Wu are indeed one-in-a-million beauties, but you are not bad either. I believe that Young Master Li will like you."

"Sister Jing..." Jia Qianqian said embarrassingly and shyly, "Whether he likes's none of my business? Old lady...I don't like that bastard!"


"Movement?" Wu Xin was taken aback, but she couldn't hear anything except the sound of the rain outside the window, the muffled sound of the air conditioner, and Li Zedao's phone call.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Li Zedao said with a relaxed face after he glanced at the door after finishing the phone call.

Wu Xin pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I'm not worried about anything when I'm with you."

As soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of a key being poked into the lock from the door. The next second, the door lock opened with a "crash". Because the anti-theft chain was not put on, three men in hotel security uniforms It was very easy to push open the door and rush in. Each hand held the very long stick-type glare flashlight, which can both illuminate and hit people. These flashlights made the room brighter It's like daytime.

"What's wrong?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile. He actually underestimated the other party. He originally thought that the other party would knock on the door, but who knew that he just rushed in like this.

"Stop and don't move, check the ward!" One of the men shook Li Zedao's eyes and shouted aggressively, while the other two quickly surrounded him, trying to twist Li Zedao's arm without saying a word.

"What are you doing! Get out!" Wu Xin frowned and said loudly, she was originally the kind of character who would not bow down to evil, and since she managed the Tiandao Foundation, her majestic temperament has become even more unconscious That's it.

The man glanced at Wu Xin and said with a sneer, "Hmph, what are you doing? We are here to fight pornography. We suspect that you are prostitution in our hotel!"

Although the temperament of this chick is very different from that kind of prostitute, but she can't learn from the unknown, can she? And if the lonely man and widow stay in the same room, do they still worry about not being charged? Simply give them a crime of prostitution.

"..." Wu Xin was so angry that her face turned pale and her body trembled. These guys actually thought she was a chicken?

Li Zedao was still smiling, but his smile turned cold. When the hands of the two hotel security guards reached out, he twisted their arms and stood behind them in a somersault. The two fell down on the spot.

The last security guard was really startled when he saw this, and he gritted his teeth and swung the electric shocker towards him. Blue sparks shone from the front of the black electric shocker, and it made a crackling electric sound, which was truly terrifying.

Then the security guard felt his hands go numb, and his eyes widened all of a sudden, because the electric shock device in his hand fell into the other party's hands at some point.

"I'll give it back to you." Li Zedao smiled strangely, and the electric shock device went to the opponent's crotch.

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