"Where did this come from?"

"Yeah, where did it come from? And... I think I saw her wearing a pair of dirty sneakers..."

"How could those sluts wear shoes like that..."

The two men in black looked at each other, and then their expressions changed drastically: "No..."

Then two men in black quickly pushed open the door of the box and rushed in, and shouted loudly: "Young Master Ma..."

But seeing that there was no one in the box, where was Ma Renjie?

"Where's Young Master Ma?" One of the men in black looked nervous and affectionate. If something happened to Ma Renjie, they would have to shed their skins even if they didn't die.

"The bathroom is bright, go and have a look... Damn, what's the smell?" Another man in black frowned and said, and then the two hurried to the bathroom, but they didn't open the door to go in and take a look. After all, if Young Master Ma solves some physical problems inside, Young Master Ma will be angry if you rush in like this.

"Master Ma, are you inside?" one of the men in black asked cautiously.

No one responded, it was as if there was no one there.

At that moment, the two looked at each other and nodded to each other, and then one of the men in black grabbed the handle of the door and pushed it in bit by bit. The strange smell made his brows wrinkle all of a sudden, and he almost vomited it out like this.

The other man in black smelled this strange smell, and felt that his stomach began to twist slightly, and he was very uncomfortable.

At that moment, the man in black held his breath, continued to push the door open a little, and then looked inside. When he saw Ma Renjie lying there with an extra toilet brush on his buttocks, his pupils dilated instantly, and his face changed. It's getting extremely weird.


After fleeing Huahua Bar as if fleeing for his life, Gao Niu continued to run forward, and finally came to a van, opened the door and jumped on it, and then gasped for breath.

"Brother, you are well dressed." Zhao Qiang, who was sitting in the driver's seat, suppressed his nausea and said, almost vomited out. If all women in the world look like this, then all men will hang themselves To commit suicide is really ruining the three views.

Said Zhao Qiang started the car,

gallop forward.

"Brother Qiang, I laughed, I laughed." Gao Niu was embarrassed, his face was flushed, and he tore off the wig on his head, and then changed his clothes.

If he hadn't escaped the scene safely, he wouldn't have worn women's clothes. God knows how many people vomited after seeing him on the way out? Gao Niu firmly believes that if he is given a mirror at this time, he will immediately spit it out.

"Have they all been photographed?" Zhao Qiang asked, "Give me the things."

"It's all taken." Gao Niu handed over a mobile phone.

"Damn it, you can live with this thing." Zhao Qiang cursed viciously in his heart, reached out to take it and asked, "By the way, how do you contact that... oh, Young Master Li?"

Zhao Qiang felt aggrieved in addition to being aggrieved. It's really uncomfortable to feel this kind of life being held in the hands of others.

"Li Shao said that he will contact us naturally after the matter is completed." Gao Niu said that although he had Li Zedao's contact information, he didn't have the guts to contact him.

"Fuck!" Zhao Qiang had no choice but to curse secretly in his heart, then carefully put it in his pocket, and when he got back, he would post it on the Internet and quickly end this matter in exchange for the antidote.

At that moment, Gao Niu turned the steering wheel, and the car turned into a dark alley, then he glanced back at Gao Niu and said, "Brother, let's do this to Young Master Ma. Once things are revealed, we're afraid Will it be chopped up and fed to the dogs?" As he spoke, the murderous look in his eyes flashed past.

Gao Niu smiled wryly and said: "It may be light to chop it up and feed it to the dog. I'm afraid he will let us live or die." Those who are afraid are afraid, but Gao Niu has no regrets at all, after all, his father's illness Now there is some hope.

"That's right, with Shao Ma's perverted methods, he will definitely make us desperate for survival." Zhao Qiang agreed with Gao Niu's words, "So the less people know about this matter, the better. What do you say?"

Gao Niu's eyes widened slightly and he said, "Brother Qiang, what do you mean, you want to give that woman... a click?" Gao Niu made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"That woman is already dead." Zhao Qiang said, with an inexplicable glint in his eyes.

"Dead... dead?" Gao Niu had a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah, if you're not dead, shouldn't you sit and chat with us now?" Brother Dafa said very casually, "Before you came out just now, I had already sent her to another place... Oh, she I strangled you to death while sitting where you are sitting now, and I threw the body in the trunk."

"..." Gao Niu was so shocked that he even jumped up from the seat. Unfortunately, he forgot that he was in the car, so his head hit the roof of the car hard, causing him to grin in pain. bared.

"Besides her, there is one more person who must die." Zhao Qiang continued.

"Who?" Gao Niu asked, rubbing his head, wouldn't this guy also want to get rid of Brother Dafa?



Zhao Qiang slammed on the emergency brake, and Gao Niu didn't pay attention, and his body hit the back of the front seat so hard that he became dizzy for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the car came to a complete stop, and Gao Niu felt his temples were icy cold, being pressed against the black muzzle of the gun.

"In the next life, let's play as brothers for a few days." Zhao Qiang said with a cruel smile on his face, "Brother, I'll send you to meet that bitch right now, you won't be lonely down there."

"No...Brother Qiang...don't kill me...don't kill me..." Gao Niu's face changed wildly, his body trembled with fright, and the cold sweat on his forehead was pouring out like he didn't want money.

Zhao Qiang still had a cruel smile on his face, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"No..." Gao Niu closed his mouth and let out a wailing and terrified voice.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... ten seconds passed.

still alive? Paralyzed, why hasn't this bastard fired yet? Do you know that if you are not shooting, I will not be shot to death by bullets, but scared to death by you, do you know?

Hey, why is that cold thing on his forehead gone? Zhao Qiang is playing with himself? Thinking about it, Gao Niu opened his eyes slightly, and then his pupils widened suddenly, but he saw that Zhao Qiang had collapsed there at some point, and at the same time, a man who was far less handsome than himself didn't know what happened. He appeared in the car, staring at himself with a weird smile on his face.

"You..." Gao Niu swallowed, feeling that his little heart could hardly take it anymore.

"Boss... oh, it was Li Shao who asked me to save you." The pervert shrugged his shoulders and said, "Get out of the car."

"Li Shao..." Gao Niu's eyes were red, he almost cried, he struggled to get up and jumped out of the car.

"Where is the thing that was photographed?" The pervert asked.

"On him." Gao Niu pointed to Zhao Qiang who didn't know whether he passed out or died, and said in a trembling voice. The bloody smell on the person Li Shao sent to rescue him made him Feeling scared, Gao Niu knew that this person must have a lot of blood on his hands, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a heavy smell of blood.

The pervert reached out and touched Zhao Qiang's body, and quickly took out a mobile phone, then looked back at Gao Niu and asked, "This?"

"Yes." Gao Niu quickly replied.

The pervert nodded and put the phone in his pocket casually, then said: "Hold the woman in the back compartment down, and then let's go."

"Woman..." Gao Niu's face changed, he wanted to let himself carry the corpse.

The pervert shrugged his shoulders as if he had read his mind and said, "Don't worry, she's not dead, it's just that you fainted, and you can give her artificial respiration later, and she will wake up."

"Artificial respiration? I'm very good at this." Gao Niu hurried over to open the trunk, and carried the scantily clad woman out. Although she was so frightened that her body went limp, the woman was not too heavy, so she reluctantly Still able to hold it.

Sure enough, the woman was still breathing, and she hadn't been strangled to death as Zhao Qiang said.

"Let's go." The pervert shrugged and said, then walked forward.

"Where are you going?" Gao Niu quickly hugged his comrade in arms and followed.

"A very suitable place for you to give this woman in your arms a good artificial respiration." In the darkness, the pervert had an extremely wretched smile on his face.



Li Zedao looked at the screen of the laptop computer provided by the hotel, with a look of disgust on his face, thinking that this Gao Niu really has a talent for shooting, he just took pictures no matter how disgusting he looked, and even came a few Close-up, what a talent.

As soon as this video got out, Ma Renjie might not be able to hang out in Suzhou and Hangzhou, right? It's not clear that Hua Shulin would kick him away because of the problem of losing face.

There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him, and Li Zedao hurriedly pressed the screen down. After all, the content was disgusting enough. After reading it, Wu Xin might not be able to eat for three days.

"What are you looking at?" Wu Xin asked with a slight smile. While speaking, she put her arms around Li Zedao's neck from behind and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm watching something unsuitable for children... I guess you don't want to watch it."

Wu Xin spat and cursed with a reddish smile, "Fuck you, pervert..." Then she took the initiative to print her fragrant lips on the pervert's lips.

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