The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 840 Professional Mercenary Corps

Li Zedao dared to swear by his handsomeness. With the speed of the Internet, I am afraid that Ma Renjie is now famous all over the world and has become the object of everyone's discussion after dinner. So Ma Renjie should be hiding under the covers and crying at this time. Why did you call him all of a sudden? And he also said on the phone that he could not wait to come to see him when he learned that he was coming to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and he was already downstairs in the hotel.

While Li Zedao was puzzled, he also went downstairs to meet Ma Renjie, and then the two came to this restaurant for coffee.

"I have to spare time to entertain you even though I'm busy." Ma Renjie said with a smile, with a very enthusiastic look, "Who made us brothers?"

Li Zedao smiled, thinking, haven't you already entertained me? First, let the police come to crack down on pornography and disgust me, then let the people in this restaurant pour drugs in their coffee, and also arrange younger brothers to monitor everywhere... At the same time, I felt a little emotional in my heart, this kid has really changed It's even more shameless or even more terrifying. He used to blink his eyelids when telling lies, but now he didn't even blink at all.

Moreover, the waiters in the restaurant and the people who came to enjoy breakfast were obviously "poisoned" by the video last night and recognized Ma Renjie as the leading actor, so they glanced around with strange eyes from time to time. He pointed at Ma Renjie, but Ma Renjie acted extremely calm as if he didn't know about it.

Li Zedao felt that now Ma Renjie's thick skin had reached a height that he could only look up to and worship him, perhaps only his master could compete with him! If it were him, he would have buried his face in the arms of his women long ago, not daring to see anyone.

At this moment, a few men who seemed to be successful people walked into the restaurant again. The leader was a majestic middle-aged man. After seeing Li Zedao, his face brightened and he strode towards him.

"Uncle..." Seeing Hua Shulin approaching, Ma Renjie quickly stood up and greeted him.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth curled up slightly in a strange way, and then he also stood up.

"Young Master Li, long time no see. Why didn't you tell me when you came to Suzhou and Hangzhou?" Hua Shulin smiled and stretched out his hand to Li Zedao, "When Renjie said that you were in Suzhou and Hangzhou, I hurried coming."

"Mr. Hua, you are too polite. I just heard that the scenery of West Lake in Suzhou and Hangzhou is intoxicating, so I came here on a whim." Li Zedao reached out and shook hands with him. Sure enough, it was an old fox. He came here to show weakness, but he acted like he was meeting an old friend, and Li Zedao had reason to believe that Hua Shulin had been waiting outside the restaurant for a long time. He only came in when the time came, pretending to be He looked as if he hurried over when he heard Ma Renjie say that he was in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

How could Li Zedao not know that Hua Shulin had guessed that Ma Renjie's chrysanthemum was on the toilet brush? At this time, I came here to show weakness or apologize... Although Hua Shulin didn't say a word of apology,

But everyone is a smart person, just know it well.

Immediately, the two exchanged a few more pleasantries. It was nothing more than Hua Shulin desperately but secretly putting some high hats on Li Zedao, and Li Zedao took it without hesitation, because he felt that Hua Shulin was telling the truth.

"Li Shao, then I won't disturb your time." Hua Shulin said, "How about this, I will hold a reception in my clubhouse tonight, welcome Li Shao..."

"Mr. Hua, you really don't have to be so polite. I'm still with a few friends, so it's a bit inconvenient." Li Ze apologized and said with a smile, "So... next time, next time when you come to Suzhou and Hangzhou, you must visit Mr. Hua. .”

"Okay, then next time." Hua Shulin said with a laugh, leading people away without any delay.

"Okay, third child, I won't bother you anymore. Call me if you have something to do. In Suzhou and Hangzhou, there is really nothing I can't handle." Ma Renjie patted Li Zedao's shoulder and said, with a brotherly look look.

"Okay, I will." Li Zedao said with a slight smile. This guy has something to say, he can't settle in Suzhou and Hangzhou without him, in other words, can he settle himself?

Looking back from Ma Renjie's back that disappeared by the glass door of the restaurant, Li Zedao looked down at his shoulder. Ma Renjie just took a few shots here, and felt helpless at the moment. It seemed that he had to take a shower when he went back, and I really don't want this dress anymore.


The moment he walked out of the restaurant, the smile on Ma Renjie's face disappeared, replaced by an extremely gloomy expression, and he ran away with big strides towards a cool white Maserati parked by the side of the road In the past, came to the front, opened the car door and got in, started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car roared and galloped forward.

Just then, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Ma Renjie held the steering wheel with one hand, and took out the phone with the other hand. He glanced at the calling number and answered, "Hello."

"We've found someone." A deep voice came over, "I'll be in Suzhou and Hangzhou in the afternoon."

"Do you rely on Pu?" Ma Renjie asked in a cold voice, "The target is very violent. It's like playing with twenty or so hooligans."

"It's the internationally famous mercenary group Crow, don't worry." The other party's voice was a little disdainful, "The kind of gangster you mentioned is no different from garbage in the eyes of these professional killing machines."

"A professional mercenary?" The corner of Ma Renjie's mouth was already raised with a hint of ferocity, "That's really great."

"You also hurry up and get the money ready." The other party said.

"Don't worry, it's ready, not a penny is missing." Ma Renjie said, his heart was bleeding, and his savings of "frugal living" for many years were gone.

"That's it. I'll contact you when the killer arrives. I plan to make preparations in the afternoon, and I can act as soon as tonight." The man on the phone hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Ma Renjie threw the phone aside casually, and laughed like a madman. After laughing, he gritted his teeth and growled word by word in a voice that even scared him: "Li Zedao ...I will kill your whole family...I will kill your whole family..."


After returning to the hotel, Li Zedao knocked on the door of the room, but it was Jia Qianqian who opened the door. When the latter saw Li Zedao, his eyes lit up and his face was happy, and then he let him in with a cold snort.

Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded, saying that he didn't seem to have time to offend this young lady today, right?

"I don't seem to be bullying you?" Li Zedao asked.

"I'm only angry because I didn't bully me." Jia Qianqian murmured in a depressed voice.


"'s okay." Jia Qianqian said, "Young Master Li, please come in."

Wu Xin gave Jia Qianqian a funny look, then she looked at Li Zedao and said, "I'm going to have breakfast with Qianqian just now, do you want some too? I'll make you a cup of coffee."

Because I was given laxatives during breakfast in the restaurant, so I ate breakfast directly in the room. The cakes I ate were individually packaged from the supermarket, as was the coffee, so I didn’t have to worry about someone privately It's time to start.

Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile: "Then have a cup of coffee." Then he glanced at Sister Jing standing there and nodded.

"I'll go." Jia Qianqian glanced at Li Zedao and said, wondering if I should spit in this guy's cup later?

"I'll help." Sister Jing said with a smile.

"You're going to find Xiaolu, have you called her yet?" Wu Xin looked at Li Zedao and asked.

"No." Li Zedao walked in and said, "You didn't give it either?" After all, Zhou Xiaolu had an itinerary when she came to Suzhou and Hangzhou. Who knows where she is going to participate in today, such as some fan meeting or filming commercials?

"I thought you did." Wu Xin looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes, "After all, Xiaolu would rather receive your call."

Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded, and immediately stretched out his hand and pinched Wu Xin's proud nose, then took out his mobile phone, found Zhou Xiaolu's private phone number, and dialed it.

"Hey, brother-in-law..." Zhou Xiaolu's surprised voice came quickly.

"Don't you have any plans today? If not, I'll come and find you." Li Zedao laughed.

"This...not." After hesitating for a while, Zhou Xiaolu's very happy voice came over.

"Miss Zhou Xiaolu, you are not very good at lying." Li Zedao joked, Li Zedao already knew the second Zhou Xiaolu hesitated, and Zhou Xiaolu's itinerary for today was already arranged.

"...Brother-in-law, I can push it away." Zhou Xiaolu lay on the sofa, her face was already full of embarrassment, and she whispered into the microphone immediately. Today's itinerary has indeed been arranged, and I have to go to an event.

"I know a little about the nature of your job. If you turn it down, will you have to pay for liquidated damages? Besides, I'm afraid that the media will report that you are playing big names again?" Zhou Xiaolu's heart-thumping magnetic voice came over, "So don't push it away."

"Okay, brother-in-law, I'll listen to you." Zhou Xiaolu's mouth was so pouted that she could hang oil bottles, her voice was full of regret.

Hearing the resentful voice like the ding-dong of spring water, Li Zedao couldn't help but said, "Well, I'll go find you, and then pretend to be your bodyguard to accompany you like last time. Is it convenient to go to the event...?"

"Convenient brother-in-law, of course it is convenient." Zhou Xiaolu jumped up from the sofa in excitement, "Then... I will wait for you."

"Well, it will take about an hour... Is there enough time?" Li Zedao asked.

"Well, I didn't start until ten o'clock, and it's only eight o'clock now, so I'll make it in time." Zhou Xiaolu smiled like a flower.

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