The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 842 The flowers are sent by fans

"What's even more exaggerated..." Zhao Gang looked left and right, and said in a low voice after seeing no one, "Don't think I don't know, you Rose is the one who started screaming after seeing you in the morning. Sent by a lunatic female fan..."

"Ahem..." Chen Yan coughed speechlessly. If it wasn't inconvenient to hold Rose, he would have wanted to seal the kid's mouth. Although it was true, you didn't say it. If Zhou Xiaolu inside heard it, would the flowers still be given away?

Zhao Gang smiled cheaply and continued: "And the way you hold these flowers...well, you look like a nymphomaniac no matter how you look at it, but one is enough, such as hyacinth, which is direct and concise. The most important thing is to save money. Money... well, I was wrong, you can save money by sending roses from others."

"...Get lost!" Chen Yan scolded with a black face, "Is there someone like you who is a manager? If you want to tear down my platform, I really want to give you roses, but I want to give you ninety-nine Duo, I just want to tell Zhou Xiaolu that after two days of filming commercials together, I am hopelessly in love with her, and I am willing to be with her forever..."

Zhao Gang was so disgusted that he said desperately: "Okay, then my manager can only wish you success."

"Don't worry, I have never failed in sending flowers." Chen Yan said confidently.

"Well, only in idol dramas." Zhao Gang shook his head and continued to dismantle Chen Yan's stage. He really didn't think that Chen Yan could give flowers away. Based on his observations of the past two days, Zhou Xiaolu looked at Chen Yan. Yan's eyes were no different from the way he looked at Zhao Gang, that is to say, in Zhou Xiaolu's eyes, Chen Yan's idol face was actually the same as his popular face, and it didn't attract her.

At that moment, Chen Yan cleared his throat, calmed down the turbulent emotions in his heart, knocked lightly on the door of the dressing room, and then pushed the door open.

In an instant, the eyes of the staff in the dressing room almost turned away from the handsome bodyguard and fell on Chen Yan, and stars appeared in the eyes of many girls.

"Is it Chen Yan? It's really him, the most handsome little fresh meat in the entertainment industry..."

"It's so handsome. He's holding a big bouquet of roses in his hand. Could it be that he wants to express his love... If he expresses his love to me, I will die of happiness..."

"I really like the Situ Aotian he played in "The Domineering President". He is so handsome and domineering..."


"Who is this guy? Why is he so flirtatious?" Jia Qianqian glanced at Chen Yan and whispered to Wu Xin who was beside him, "I really want to kick him a few times."

Wu Xin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Which male star should it be? I seem to have seen him in some idol drama... I forgot.


"This seemingly unknown celebrity came here to poach that bastard?" Jia Qianqian asked with interest.

"It seems to be, but I'm afraid he will be disappointed." Wu Xin nodded and said.

"Indeed." Jia Qianqian agreed deeply. Ever since she fell in love with Li Zedao, she found that the boys around her were either ugly or naive. Presumably Zhou Xiaolu felt the same way, right?

Ignoring other people's strange gazes, Chen Yan looked cool, and his eyes fell directly on Zhou Xiaolu's body, to be exact, on Zhou Xiaolu's back, because at this time Zhou Xiaolu was doing her hair with her back to him.

But when she saw Chen Yan coming in through the mirror, Zhou Xiaolu frowned slightly, but her peripheral vision fell on Li Zedao, because she had just met, so Zhou Xiaolu hadn't had time to complain to Li Zedao that she was able to shoot commercials in the past two days Sometimes, she is always "harassed" by this Chen Yan!

The so-called harassment did not involve any physical activity. After all, Chen Yan was really not that courageous, but the way he looked at her was so hot, and the way he spoke was so affectionate, which made Zhou Xiaolu sick to death.

This time, the true love eternal jewelry company spent a lot of money to invite her and Chen Yan to come and shoot the advertisement, mainly to launch a couple diamond ring to create momentum for the next Valentine's Day, so when shooting, there will inevitably be some interaction between the two , but Chen Yan was too "enthusiastic" in the interaction, which made Zhou Xiaolu feel helpless.

"Xiao Lu, your hairstyle is so beautiful..." Chen Yan walked up to Zhou Xiaolu, and said with a charming smile.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Xiaolu asked calmly, "If there's nothing else, please don't disturb me doing the styling."

Speaking of which, she still focused on Li Zedao from the corner of her eye. She was only worried about whether Li Zedao was depressed. If Chen Yan continued to persecute her, Zhou Xiaolu felt that she might as well throw herself on her brother-in-law in front of everyone. This would not only avoid her brother-in-law’s misunderstanding, And it can let Chen Yan know that he already has someone he likes... As for the rose that Chen Yan was holding in his hand, Zhou Xiaolu ruthlessly filtered it out.

It's just that I threw myself on my brother-in-law, shouldn't my brother-in-law push me away?

Chen Yan smiled indifferently, took off his large glasses and said, looking affectionately at Zhou Xiaolu's pretty face singing a one-man show: "Xiaolu, do you know? I have been paying attention to you before, and I didn't expect The most amazing thing is that True Love Eternal Company even invited you to endorse its products, so, I think... this is fate, it seems that the heavens have destined us to have a destiny in this life, ha ha."

Chen Yan has already shown a smile that makes the little girls around him crazy. This is his signature smile. It has appeared in those idol dramas he starred in many times. Every time girls see this smile of his, they will Blushing, even obsessed, what's more, some people were directly stunned.

"It's over?" Zhou Xiaolu frowned again, why does this guy have such a wretched smile?


"Then please leave, the car of Eternal Love is coming, and I haven't done my haircut yet." Before Chen Yan could reply, Zhou Xiaolu ordered the eviction. If those words just now were said by her brother-in-law, Zhou Xiaolu would definitely feel that she is the happiest woman in the world, but it is a pity that these words were said by this wretched man, so Zhou Xiaolu only had the urge to vomit.

While speaking, Zhou Xiaolu nodded slightly, and secretly glanced at Li Zedao, only to see that the latter was looking at her with a faint smile on his face, not jealous or angry, so the worry in Zhou Xiaolu's heart was slightly reduced, and Li Zedao Staring at her with those eyes, a seductive blush already appeared on her little face.

"Xiaolu..." Chen Yan is really shameless...Of course, in his own opinion, he is obsessed with love. Although the other party has made it so obvious, he still has a faint smile on his face. Reluctant to leave, he said immediately, "I still have a few words to say."

"Then tell me." Zhou Xiaolu was full of helplessness in her heart, and almost said "Get out of here after you finish speaking!" This is not in line with her status.

Chen Yan showed an extremely charming smile, and said affectionately: "Xiaolu, do you know? This is the first time I buy flowers, and it is also the first time I send flowers..."

"Hey, sir..." Li Zedao looked at Chen Yan's face which was uglier than him and he didn't deserve a beating, and couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder to interrupt his words.

"You are?" Chen Yan looked back at the bodyguard and asked, although he was upset, he still showed the patience and attitude he should have when meeting Zhou Xiaolu.

"Oh, I'm Miss Zhou's bodyguard." Li Zedao introduced himself.

"It turns out." The contempt flashed in Chen Yan's eyes, and it was just a bodyguard. Although he was not bad looking, and his appearance was a little higher than Zhao Gang, he was still just a bodyguard.

Or... Zhou Xiaolu gave him the look and asked him to throw herself out?

"What's wrong?" Chen Yan asked.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said embarrassedly: "Oh, it's okay, I just think you are so handsome, and I want to get to know you."

"..." Chen Yan felt that he really shouldn't choose someone based on his profession. Although this kid is just a small bodyguard, he is so honest, and his future prospects are limitless.

"Oh, I'm Chen Yan." Chen Yan restrained the previous contempt in his eyes completely, and even lowered his body to free one hand to reach out to Li Zedao.

"Oh, I don't know." Li Zedao shrugged and said, completely ignoring the raised hand of the other party.

"..." Chen Yan's handsome face instantly became a little ugly, and he quickly retracted his hand in resentment.

"Although I don't know you, I probably know your lines." Li Zedao laughed.

"Lines? What lines?" Chen Yan stared at the bodyguard unkindly, numb, I remember you, even if you are Zhou Xiaolu's bodyguard, I will find a chance to give you some color.

"The lines you read to Miss Zhou..."

"That's not a line, it's my truth." Chen Yan was furious.

However, Li Zedao continued on his own: "I guess your next line should, I don't have much experience, and I seem a bit abrupt, I hope you don't mind... Just now, my manager still laughed at me , saying that roses are too vulgar, it is better to have a hyacinth..."

"You..." Chen Yan's complexion changed slightly, how did this guy know the lines he was brewing in his heart?

"Oh, don't be afraid, I actually don't know what you're thinking." Li Zedao looked at Chen Yan and said with some embarrassment, "It's just that I happened to be standing at the door just now, and I just happened to put you and your What is it called Zhao Gang's manager's conversation..."

"..." The muscles on Chen Yan's face twitched slightly, and he suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart.

Li Zedao pointed to the fiery red dazzling rose in the other party's arms, and said with a playful expression: "I heard your manager say that your flower was given to you by one of your fanatical fans this morning."


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