The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 849 Vicious eyes

"What exactly do you want to say?" Chen Yan clenched his fists and roared in a low voice, his bloodshot eyes stared at the other party, his pale face became distorted due to anger, and he looked extremely fear.

The man smiled slightly, and said with a smile as if he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai: "What I want to say is that I already know everything about you."

"Then what? Taunt me? Turn my pain and anger into your happiness?" Chen Yan stood up and was about to punch this guy, but the two men in black standing behind him stopped him immediately. Grabbing his shoulders, he pushed him back on the chair abruptly.

"Let go of me." Chen Yan roared angrily.

"Let him go." The middle-aged man waved his hand, then looked at Chen Yan and said with a slight smile, "I didn't want to laugh at you, let alone turn your pain into my so-called happiness. I'm not that boring."

"Then what do you want to do?" Chen Yan asked angrily.

"Do you think you are wronged?" The man did not answer his question, but threw out such a question.

"Yes!" Chen Yan replied without even thinking about it, his tone was a bit serious, it was because that figure jumped into his mind again, he wished she could die!

"Then who do you think cheated you so much?"

"Zhou Xiaolu!" Chen Yan said through gritted teeth, "That bitch!"

"You want her to die?" the man asked with a smile.

Chen Yan glanced at the man, his eyes were terribly red and he growled: "Yes, I want her to die, not only that, but I also want to fuck her... Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Chen Yan didn't know what the man wanted to do? But it doesn't matter anymore, he has already put all his strength into it, and it's a very cool thing to have a mouthful before dying.

"Satisfied, so satisfied that I can't be more satisfied." The man looked at Chen Yan with a smile and said, "But at most, you are just thinking about it in your heart, you can't do it at all, right?"

Chen Yan snorted coldly and said nothing, isn't this nonsense? Let alone other things, it is a question of whether I can get out of this hotel safely.

"If I say that I will help you realize what you want in your heart..." The man said slowly with a strange smile on his face, "That is to say, I can help you get Zhou Xiaolu on the bed and let you do whatever you want, you believe me." Do not believe?"

"What?" Chen Yan looked shocked,

Does this guy know what he's talking about?

"To tell you the truth, Zhou Xiaolu's father and I have a bit of a gap in business, and when my son was pursuing Zhou Xiaolu before, she was severely humiliated by her and even got depressed." The middle-aged man's face Full of hatred, "So, I want to destroy her."

Chen Yan's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he remained silent.

"You can think about whether you want to believe me or not. Don't rush to answer me." The middle-aged man is not in a hurry, but he knows that this guy will definitely agree, because he has nothing but hatred!

Once a person has nothing but hatred, then he will become terrible! Isn't this terrible person in front of him?

"I believe it!" Chen Yan said after a long time, his face full of ferocity.

The middle-aged man smiled strangely and said, "Let's take a rest in this room for now, I still have things to deal with. In the evening, you will follow me into the living room on the first floor as my assistant to participate in the Eternal Love held At that reception, when the time comes, you will get what you want."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man nodded towards Chen Yan, then stood up and left the room. And as soon as he left the room, the aloof expression on his face disappeared completely, replaced by a respectful expression, and then knocked on the door of the next room.

The door was opened very quickly, the middle-aged man walked in, came to Ma Renjie who was standing in front of the window, who was standing in front of the window, and said, "Young Master Ma, you have already talked to that kid gone."

Ma Renjie turned around and said with a chuckle, "I knew it, he would definitely do it."

"Young Master Ma is wise." The middle-aged man threw a small flattery at him, "That kid has nothing but hatred."

"What should I do next, don't I need to teach you?" Ma Renjie asked with a smile. Before the crow mercenary group made a move and Li Zedao was still alive and kicking, Ma Renjie didn't want to make Li Zedao feel comfortable, and wanted to make him feel uncomfortable.

Of course, this matter must not be let uncle know, otherwise he will definitely stop this matter and even give himself a few slaps.

So Ma Renjie added: "Boss Yang, I don't know anything about what you did."

The middle-aged man scolded his mother in his heart, but he said with a smile: "Young Master Ma really doesn't know anything. I came to see Young Master Ma to admire his youthful demeanor... Sigh, I was obsessed with Zhou Xiaolu, that bitch- If the idiot son who suffers from depression has one-tenth of your wisdom, I don’t have to worry about it so much.”

"Boss Yang, be careful. After all, wisdom can't be learned. It's innate and hereditary." Ma Renjie said cheerfully.



The location of the reception is still Huarong Hotel, the venue is the same as the previous press conference, but the layout is different.

So for the whole afternoon, until the reception started, Zhou Xiaolu stayed in the lounge of the hotel, chatting with Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian without saying a word, and the relationship between the sisters naturally became deeper and deeper.

As for Li Zedao, he was a little bored and read the afternoon with a magazine. Of course, while reading the magazine, he didn’t forget to eat the exquisite desserts and drinks brought by the staff. Anyway, he didn’t need to spend money.

Before the party started, Yan Yan personally came to greet Zhou Xiaolu and said that it was time to attend the reception. After Zhou Xiaolu changed into her dress, the group left the lounge and went downstairs to the huge banquet hall on the first floor.

Just as Li Zedao expected, many people came to the reception, and most of them were the bosses of some local enterprises in Suzhou and Hangzhou, as well as the second generation of merchants, and there were also a few official figures.

Li Zedao also saw Hua Shulin, and it could be seen that he had a good relationship with Yan Yan. The two exchanged pleasantries as soon as they met. Of course, Hua Shulin didn't notice Li Zedao. The bodyguard retreated into the corner like a bodyguard. In addition, he was wearing such a big sunglasses that he was really unrecognizable at first glance.

As for Jia Qianqian, she took Wu Xin to destroy the delicious food. Jia Qianqian was from a poor family before, so naturally she didn't have the opportunity to eat such delicate and delicious food, so naturally she ate it with great enjoyment. There is also a special liking for food, so the speed of elimination is really not slower than Jia Qianqian.

When Li Zedao was smiling and looking at Jia Qianqian and Wu Xin who were feasting over there, he felt as if a pair of extremely malicious eyes glanced at him around here, and the eyes hidden in the sunglasses were very dark He began to look around, and finally his eyes fell on a man in a black suit in the corner, his brows were already slightly frowned.

Chen Yan! This guy who turned from a shining star into a street rat in the blink of an eye also appeared in this reception.

Yes, although he has changed into a vest, his hairstyle has changed even more, from the previous elegant to the current one, and there are big black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, he is completely different from the previous image, but Li Zedao Still recognized him at a glance.

Just how did he get in?

Li Zedao knows that if you want to enter this reception, you must have an invitation letter, or you must be an assistant secretary who has an invitation letter to come in with them, for example, he also has Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian. Those who can't get in here, if they force their way in, they will definitely be thrown out by the security guards guarding the door.

After such a "bad" thing happened, it was naturally impossible for Stern to invite Chen Yan to this reception, and he would even use the fastest speed to terminate the endorsement relationship with this stinky mouse. The only explanation is that he followed Someone came in with an invitation letter, and he didn't hesitate to cut his handsome hair. What does he want to do? Or what was the purpose of the guy who brought him in?

revenge? It seems that this is the only possibility, otherwise why did he look at himself with that vicious look just now?

"Ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone, I am the sternness of Eternal Love! Welcome to the reception held by Eternal Love. First of all, please invite our special guest, Ms. Zhou Xiaolu, the spokesperson of Eternal Love, to come on stage!" Stern voice It interrupted Li Zedao's thoughts.

After sternly and gracefully making a gesture of invitation, the lights in the arena immediately focused on Zhou Xiaolu who was behind her sternly. Zhou Xiaolu was wearing a white evening dress, and she was wearing this jewelry exclusively sponsored by True Love Eternal Jewelry Company, like a flower seed Walking towards Strict like an elf, there was a burst of applause and cheers in the arena.

Li Zedao glanced at Chen Yan in the corner, and found that the latter was looking at Zhou Xiaolu viciously, with the corners of his mouth curled up in a strange way.

At the same time, while everyone applauded, discussions arose one after another.

"This is the famous Ms. Zhou. It turns out that the real person is much more beautiful than the one on the poster. She is like an elf who has fallen into the mortal world. She is so beautiful!" One of the bosses looked at Gao Mengjie with a bewildered expression, and smacked his lips. Can't wait to exclaim.

"That's right, if I can make love to her for a while, it's fine even if I die!" The other boss' breathing became a little short.

"I just don't know how much it costs for one night... But I'm willing to spend any amount! One million is not enough, then two million, two million is not enough, then three million..."

"Mr. Zhu, I'll give you 10 million, and I'll send you the one I'm taking care of now, so don't steal it from me..."

"Fart, who wants your broken shoes, I'll give you 20 million back..."

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