The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 851 Love Across Genders

Then an extremely cold voice sounded beside his ears: "Mr. Yang, let's go to the bathroom and have a chat...please."


Yang Tai didn't know what happened, and he didn't know who the bodyguard who appeared suddenly was, and what he wanted to do, but he knew very clearly that this guy wanted to take him to the bathroom to chat, which is naturally uneasy and kind, but Calling for help but can't make any sound, trying to resist the body but it seems that it doesn't belong to me anymore, so I can only obediently be hooked by the other party on the shoulder... In fact, it is twisted by the other party like a chicken , walked towards the bathroom in the corner.

There are four restrooms in the hall where the reception is held, and this one is the most remote one, so few people come here at all.

It is precisely because of the consideration that few or no people would come to such a long distance to use the bathroom, so Chen Yan came to this bathroom to change clothes, and took off the old-fashioned glasses on the bridge of his nose that seriously affected his image. He found a wig to cover the cropped head that seriously affected his image, took off the black suit jacket, and only wore a white shirt. Fresh meat is back.

Chen Yan looked at himself in the mirror, and then his eyes turned cold bit by bit. If it wasn't for Zhou Xiaolu, he would still be living under the spotlight, receiving the love of many female fans, living a colorful life, not hiding In the bathroom, he silently worried whether he would be beaten to death if he went out later.

"Zhou Xiaolu, Zhou Xiaolu, you can be buried with me!" Chen Yan said word by word in a voice that only he could hear.

Footsteps sounded and someone came in.

Chen Yan quickly turned on the faucet, lowered his head, held the flowing water with his hands, and pretended to be washing his face.

Men are different from women, they are not so curious. When a woman enters the bathroom, she will look at another woman who is washing her face there, whether her face is better than her own, and whether her clothes are better than her own. If you don't have any fashion, then you can safely look away.

But men are different. When they walk into the bathroom, they usually ignore other people, and then silently find a urinal or a cubicle away from other people to solve their physiological problems.

But what was completely beyond Chen Yan's judgment was that the person who came in not only noticed him, but even reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

Chen Yan was shocked, but he kept his head down and washed his face all the time, and then said very displeasedly: "What are you doing? Are you sick?" He wanted to let the other party know that although he was "ashamed to see others", he had a very bad temper , not to be trifled with.


A very playful voice sounded: "Oh, it's okay, I just think you are very familiar... Oh, I remembered, aren't you the pig? Oh, sorry, I insulted the pig."

Chen Yan's complexion froze for a moment, he straightened up suddenly, trying to make his expression fierce, and then turned around abruptly, he wanted to let the provocateur know that when he was angry, even he was afraid.

The next second, when he saw the other person's face, his expression turned gloomy. Isn't that Zhou Xiaolu's annoying bodyguard standing in front of him?

Huh? There is still a person lying on the ground...

"Damn!" The muscles on Chen Yan's face twitched violently, this guy who was lying on the ground while trying to raise his panic-filled face, trying to say something with his mouth wide open, isn't he his own " Boss" Yang Tai?

"You... what are you going to do?" Chen Yan exhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down.

"Witness a cross-gender love." Li Zedao said with a sinister smile.

"What... what?" Chen Yan was a little confused, but the other party's smile made him feel terrified, as if a ghost was staring at you.

Li Zedao shot out suddenly, wrapped his arms around the guy's neck, and then put his heavy knee on his stomach.

Amidst his screams like killing a pig, Li Zedao grabbed his hair with one hand and slammed his face into the mirror of the sink.


The mirror was broken, and Chen Yan's handsome face was also broken.

Li Zedao let go, and Chen Yan collapsed to the ground like noodles.

"Damn, do you think you can bully people because you are handsome? I am more handsome than you, have you ever seen me bully people?" Li Zedao muttered in displeasure, and then felt that his hands were a bit dirty after beating someone, so he turned on the faucet After washing, wipe it carefully with a paper towel.

Not bad, the fingers are slender and clean, I have to say that these are a pair of hands that are very suitable for playing the piano! Li Zedao decided to go back to Su Xuan and learn how to play the piano from her, otherwise he would be really sorry that God gave him such perfect hands.

Seeing Yang Taizheng lying on the ground staring at him with horror on his face, Li Zedao said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I'm not violent at all... Oh, by the way, let me ask you a toast to Ms. Zhou." What did you put in that glass of wine?"

"..." Yang Tai's expression became even more frightening. How did he know such a secret thing?

"Do you still have the medicine?" Li Zedao picked up Chen Yan's black suit while he was talking, touched it, and quickly took out a medicine bottle from his pocket. There were a few strangely red pills in the medicine bottle. small pills.

"Is this it?" Li Zedao shook the medicine jar in front of Yang Tai.

Yang Tai's expression became even more horrified, and the cold sweat on his forehead dripped down desperately as if he didn't want money.

"It seems so." Li Zedao said with a nervous smile, then unscrewed the medicine jar, and poured out two pills inside, "I have always liked a saying, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you, this sentence It means that what you don't want, don't impose it on others, I think Mr. Yang, you don't like to take this medicine, right?"

Yang Tai's eyes were horrified and he nodded madly. He was really afraid that the other party would force this medicine into his mouth like this, and at this time, only his neck was left to twist. As for the other parts of the body, But I don't know what was done by this horrible guy, and it has already been destroyed.

"Don't like it? I don't believe it." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "If you don't like it, why did you put this medicine in Miss Zhou's wine?"

"..." Yang Tai nodded desperately, shook his head desperately, opened his mouth wide, trying to explain something.

Then suddenly, he found that there was a foreign object in his mouth, and then the foreign object seemed to be alive and drilled into his throat, and then smoothly reached his stomach, and then... His pupils dilated Yes, that face has already turned ashen, because he knows exactly what he swallowed.

Li Zedao grabbed Chen Yan's cheek, forced him to open his mouth wide, and then popped a pill into his mouth. Then he looked at the already dumbfounded Yang Tai with a nervous smile and said, "Let's Chen Mister is a very popular young man in the entertainment industry, and I don't know how many people miss him, Mr. Yang, you are blessed, let's 'enjoy' today."

After saying this, Li Zedao also felt a little disgusted, then he stood up, under the gaze of Yang Tai's terrified eyes, he patted his butt and left, not forgetting to help close the door of the bathroom.

A few minutes later, that beast-like growl echoed in the bathroom.

A few minutes later, the boss of a company surnamed Zhao, who was a bit uncomfortable in his stomach, was going to squat in this small bathroom. When he opened the door and walked in, his pupils widened instantly. The expression on his face was vivid, and in the next second, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, his face turned pale, his throat was still twitching slightly, and then he opened his mouth "Wow..." and spit out wildly.

"Mr. Zhao, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Boss Zhao vomiting wildly from a distance, another boss who asked for his help hurried over to show his concern, and then he also saw the earth-shattering happening in the bathroom. In the scene, he accompanied Mr. Zhao and vomited wildly.

Then the third person passed by, the fourth person passed by, and the fifth person passed by... The reception was held strictly and Hua Shulin, the big owner of the hotel, also passed by, and their expressions were more exciting than seeing pigs flying in the sky, In the next second, the severity couldn't bear it anymore, and he also found a trash can and vomited wildly.

Then, the hotel's security came over quickly, blocked the door of the bathroom, and didn't let anyone else in.

"Sister Xin, there seems to be an accident over there, let's go and have a look?" Jia Qianqian belched and suggested.

Before Wu Xin could say anything, Li Zedao's voice rang in her ears: "Don't go there, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat tomorrow, or even the day after tomorrow..."

"What's the matter? Did someone drink too much and fell into the pit?" Jia Qianqian looked back at Li Zedao and asked, her eyes were flooded with curiosity.

"...More or less." Li Zedao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Because what happened in the bathroom seriously affected Yan Yan and those business owners and government officials who saw that scene, so Yan Yan came to the stage to express his thanks in a hurry, and then it ended. This is more like a disgusting farce reception.

After Li Zedao waited for Zhou Xiaolu to change the dress and put on a set of casual sportswear, the group left the hotel and came to the caravan sent by True Love Eternal to pick them up, planning to take Zhou Xiaolu back to the one where she stayed. In a five-star hotel.

Li Zedao glanced at the driver who opened the door for them, frowned slightly, then smiled and asked, "Brother Driver, I remember that it wasn't you who came to pick me up in the morning, right?"

"Yes, dear sir." The driver said with a grin. "That's my colleague. He's off work. I'll take his shift."

"So." Li Zedao nodded and said nothing.

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