The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 860: Five Rows Lack of Wood

"We don't want to be friends with you, I'm really sorry." Wu Xin said, the coldness on her face was repulsive.

"That's right, why do I want to be friends with you?" Jia Qianqian said angrily, "Because you're handsome? Because you're rich? Or because your father is the director? If it's because your father is the director, why don't you just become friends with your father?" alright?"

"... Are you really so shameless?" Yang Songshu narrowed his eyes, and there was already a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

He, Yang Songshu, told his identity in the past, which girl didn't rush to post it? I went out for a stroll today and suddenly wanted to eat stinky tofu. After eating, I was looking for a place to start the delicious nightlife, so I came to this snack bar. I didn’t expect to meet the best, but there were two people. Naturally, he was shocked all of a sudden, and hurried over to strike up a conversation.

In his opinion, which girl is not vain? As long as you hear that your father is the chief of the police station, wouldn't it be easier and more enjoyable to win? Didn't expect these two girls to be so obstinate and stubborn? He still regarded him as an idiot, which made Yang Songshu feel that his face had been lost.

"Why give you face? You idiot!" A joking voice suddenly came.

The three of Yang Songshu were stunned when they heard this voice, feeling that their brains were not enough, was someone talking to them? But no one has ever dared to talk to them like that, and even called them idiots!

When I looked back, I saw a handsome boy walking over with his hands in his pockets with a lazy expression on his face.

What made the three of Yang Songshu even more astonished was that the two beauties in front of them, whose expressions were cold from beginning to end, actually smiled when they saw the boy, and then they all stood up and greeted him.

What the hell is going on? One dragon and two phoenixes?

Yang Songshu only felt that he was severely despised. The little boy in front of him was not only a little fairer, but also a little more handsome... Of course, he was not as white as he was, let alone as handsome, what else could he have? But these two beauties looked at him affectionately! Yang Songshu felt that his lungs were about to explode, and he felt that he had to give that little boy his power, so that the two beauties could see who was the most reliable.

"Has been harassed?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Isn't this nonsense? They're not blind! They don't look like so-and-so...huh!" Jia Qianqian said with a little resentment, and naturally remembered the scene when she met Li Zedao a few days ago. The other men saw Afterwards, he was basically like a bee seeing a flower. Fortunately, he slapped himself directly.

"Is it okay if I'm wrong?" Li Zedao knew what Jia Qianqian was referring to,

At the moment, he raised his hands and surrendered with a smiling face.

"If I can't, can I get into the tiger's mouth?" Jia Qianqian glared at him and snorted. From outsiders' perspective, it looked more like flirting between lovers.

"Are you full? If you are not full, go find another place to continue eating." Li Zedao said.

"Hey, this is the boyfriend you mentioned, isn't it good? Is this trying to escape?" Yang Songshu shouted in a bad tone, and Xiaofan and Mozi stood up, eager to try. He just waited for Yang Songshu to say hello, and then he gave that boy a good meal.

But Li Zedao didn't seem to hear, he grabbed Wu Xin with his left hand and Jia Qianqian with his right hand, and was about to take them away from the small shop.

Ignored? Yang Songshu's face turned blue instantly, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he shouted coldly: "Boy, you are very attractive, do you have the guts to compete fairly with me? The winner will have these two beauties at the same time?"

"Where did the idiot come from?" Li Zedao sneered disdainfully in his heart. This person is really stupid, but he has the nerve to talk about fair competition. These two beauties are his girlfriends in the first place, so why should they compete fairly with others? What else can someone say that besides being an idiot?

"Let's go." Li Zedao sneered, but at the same time, he didn't pay attention to this guy whose IQ was not as high as Ma Renjie's. He always beat up idiots. If he played too much, he didn't feel any sense of accomplishment, but felt very tired instead.

"Hey, boy, you're so arrogant! I'm stupid, a little boy with two bitches... Are you in a hurry to play double-fly?" Yang Songshu laughed and shouted, "Beauty, how much is it for a night?" Money? No matter how much this kid gives you, I will give you double the price!"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of many people in the store were immediately attracted, and then they pointed at Li Zedao and the three of them, and some of them even showed that kind of wretched smile that men only understand.

On the other hand, Jia Qianqian and Wu Xin looked angry, and stared at Yang Songshu with their beautiful eyes. Jia Qianqian even felt that if his hand hadn't been held tightly by Li Zedao, he would have picked up a chair and smashed it. This guy whose mouth is more stinky than stinky tofu is dead... After thinking about it, Jia Qianqian felt a little disgusted, and would not eat stinky tofu anymore.

As for Li Zedao, the smile on his face became colder and colder.

"Why, I guessed it right, and became angry from embarrassment? Want to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway? Follow me, young master, and I promise to make you all delicious and spicy. Anything you want..." Yang Songshu swayed with a smile Standing up, he and his two brothers blocked the way of the three people who did not know what to do.

Yang Songshu sneered in his heart, grandma, if I don't get you, won't I spoil you? And next, hey...

Xiaofan and Mozi followed closely behind him, looking at Li Zedao with provocative expressions.

"Apologize!" Li Zedao's face darkened, and he interrupted coldly.

Yang Songshu squinted at Li Ze with an arrogant face and said, "Hehe, sorry? Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?" Li Zedao asked. When he came out, he only heard this guy say "You really don't give face to me", but he really didn't hear the guy's previous self-introduction.

"Yang Songshu, my father is Yang Sen, chief of the Suhang police station!" Yang Songshu's face was full of arrogance.

"Yang Songshu...Yang Sen...Yang Baishu?" The corners of Li Zedao's mouth curled up a little strangely. It seems that this family is short of wood, of course, and lacks IQ. "Do you have a younger brother called Poplar tree?"

Yang Songshu was taken aback: "Do you know my brother?" He wondered if it was because the flood flooded the Dragon King Temple and the family didn't know the family, right?

"I know him very well." Li Zedao sneered, "And I can be sure of one thing."

"What's the matter?" Yang Songshu still couldn't figure out the identity of this kid, so his tone was not as aggressive as before.

"You were not born of the same father." Li Zedao said. One is arrogant and domineering like Ma Renjie, and the other is as cold and abnormal as a piece of ice. They are two completely different personalities, and they don't look alike, so it's hard to imagine that they are brothers.

"..." Yang Songshu had an idiot face, he and Yang Baishu weren't born by the same father? How could he not know about this kind of thing? How did this kid know?

"Brother Yang, this kid is talking about his aunt cheating!" Xiao Fan who was beside him couldn't stand it any longer, glaring at Li Zedao angrily and reminded him in his ear.

After being reminded by his brother, Yang Songshu finally came to his senses, and his face turned completely cold at the moment, pointing at Li Zedao and cursing: "...Damn, are you kidding me?"

"I was discovered by you." Li Zedao looked slightly ashamed.

"You..." Yang Songshu was furious, and he raised his fist to kill this bastard, but in the next second, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing over his face, making his shave painful, and then, he heard "" Crack!" With a crisp sound, he flew out.

Li Zedao had already slapped him across the face.

"Damn it, it doesn't matter if you have a low IQ, you dare to come out to bully others, even if you bully others, you actually bullied me?" Li Zedao swears lightly, then turns around and gestures a pair of scissors hands towards Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian .

When Jia Qianqian and Wu Xin saw that Li Zedao was so funny and even waved his hands with scissors, they all "chucked" for joy, and felt relieved. This kind of person is not only an idiot, but also needs a beating.

But Xiaofan and Mozi, the two followers, were completely dumbfounded, someone beat Yang Songshu? And really hit?

And the other people in the store who just pointed at Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian and even showed shrinking smiles were shocked when they saw this kid's attack so viciously, and hurriedly looked away, not daring to casually Look around.

Li Zedao's slap was already merciful, but Yang Songshu's face was still swollen like a steamed bun, with a purple-red slap face clearly left on it, and the saliva mixed with broken teeth and blood was caught by Yang Songshu. The pine tree spit it out, and he stared blankly at the broken teeth all over the floor, and suddenly went crazy.

"You hit me? How dare you hit me? Xiaofan, Mozi, you guys are dead, right? Fuck him to death!" Yang Songshu yelled, staring at Li Zedao with red eyes.

"What's the matter with beating you? I know it's a jerk." Li Zedao said lightly, and he went out with both feet lightly, and then the two followers also flew out, lying on the ground, clutching his stomach tightly, Obviously the injury is not light.

Yang Songshu's face was extremely distorted, and he roared angrily: "Okay, very good, you have a big problem, not only you, but none of the whores around you can escape..."

"It seems that the shot was taken lightly just now." Li Zedao strode up to Yang Songshu, with a gloomy expression on his face, he was already angry. Talking about him...Of course not, and talking about the people around him is even more wrong, this has completely touched his back.

"Your mother!" Yang Songshu blurted out.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Yang Songshu realized that something was wrong, and suddenly raised his head, but what greeted him was a black sole!

With a muffled "Bang!", Yang Songshu's face came into close contact with the soles of Li Zedao's feet, and his head fell back instantly, and then there was another muffled "Bang!", and the back of his head was already touching the floor. There was an intimate encounter.

Then, Li Zedao kicked him one after another.

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