Five minutes later, the police cars that surrounded the Ruihao Central Hotel where Li Zedao was staying had all left quietly, as if they had never been here before.

Another ten minutes passed, and a black Audi car quickly stopped at the entrance of the hotel. The door was pushed open, and Yang Sen, who was dressed in a low-key manner with a briefcase on his arm, got out of the car. He looked up at the hotel. , squinted his eyes, then took a deep breath, walked up the steps quickly, entered the hotel, took the elevator, and came to room 605 on the sixth floor.

Looking at this door, Yang Sen's face changed violently several times, and finally he pulled out a smile that he thought would be unfamiliar to him after seeing him, and then knocked on the door.

The door was quickly opened, and a young man who was a bit outrageous appeared there. Looking at this young face with a strange smile, Yang Sen wanted to scold his mother, but he wanted to scold her. Young people, even this one is younger than his son, why is one an elite from the China Special Bureau that he fears, and the other is a cheat who pushed him into the abyss?

"It's... from the Huaxia Special Bureau..." Yang Sen stretched out his hand quickly, feeling a little embarrassed, not knowing how to address him. Now he only knows that he is an elite from the Huaxia Special Bureau, and he doesn't know any other information. .

"You must be Director Yang, right?" Li Zedao said with a slight smile, stretched out his hand and shook hands with him, and inadvertently looked at the man who rushed here at the fastest speed.

"Hello, hello, I am." Yang Sen said quickly.

"My surname is Li, come in." Li Zedao said, moving away. Seeing that the other party didn't know how to address him, Li Zedao was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, so he kindly told him his surname.

After Yang Sen walked into the room, Li Zedao sat down on the chair and said with a smile, "Director Yang, please sit down."

"Okay, thank you... Young Master Li." Yang Sen exhaled secretly, then sat down on the chair opposite Li Zedao, and began to guess what kind of young man this was and how to deal with it.

"That... I have heard for a long time that all the members of the Huaxia Special Bureau are elites. Today I can see Li Shao, and I deserve my reputation." Yang Sen threw a little flattery in the past. This kind of kung fu is naturally extremely skillful.

"Okay, Director Yang, although what you're telling the truth is bullshit, your time is precious, and mine is even more precious, so let's get straight to the point, what do you think?" Li Zedao said with a smile. Li Zedao doesn't like others flattering him...what's the point of flattering him if it's all the truth?

Yang Sen was taken aback,

How old is it? No one really dared to talk to him like that, I'm not used to it.

At the moment, I tried my best to put some more smiles on my face and said: "Okay, Young Master Li, then I will get straight to the point. I came to visit Young Master Li, naturally I want to solve the misunderstanding that happened before..."

"Misunderstanding?" Li Zedao smiled even more, "What misunderstanding?"

"It's the misunderstanding between Li Shao and the dog Yang Songshu." Yang Sen felt very tired in his heart, such low-key words were really not his style.

"Yang Songshu?" Li Zedao suddenly realized, "The idiot I beat up in the snack bar is your son Yang Ju, no wonder, so arrogant, he dared to point a gun at me, and even shot If it wasn't for his poor marksmanship, I'm afraid I'd already have a bullet hole in my body now."

The muscles on Yang Sen's face twitched slightly, with the urge to yell and curse and tear this guy to pieces.

It's too hateful, it's really too hateful! How long has no one dared to talk to himself like this? Ever since I climbed to a high position, who saw me not put on a respectful and obedient face?

Even his superiors and opponents had to add the word "comrade" after their names when they mentioned themselves... Why did he talk to himself like that? Why?

Then Yang Sen stopped cooking all of a sudden, well, just because of his special status, just because he is holding on to his dead point... his own gun is still in his hand, if this kid is persistent, Then he, Yang Sen, is not just as simple as moving his position.

Immediately, he calmed down the anger and violence in his heart, tried his best to continue to pile up a smile on that extremely stiff face and said: "This is indeed that my son is too stupid. I will definitely teach him a good lesson, and I promise that he will not let him go out again... Oh, by the way, I heard that Li Shao, your two female companions were a little frightened, so I will tell you on behalf of my bastard son My sincerest apologies."

As he said that, Yang Sen quickly opened the bag, found a check from it, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Li Zedao.

This kid didn't expose the matter but let himself come here, isn't it just for this thing? Fortunately, after these years of operation, this thing still has a little bit of itself.

As long as the person from the Huaxia Special Bureau collects the money, then anything below will not matter.

Li Zedao glanced at the check, and asked with a slight smile, "Buy me?"

"No, no." Yang Sen quickly denied, "This is..."

"Yes, or no." Li Zedao interrupted Yang Sen's words, and then pushed the check back. It's only one million coins, and you have the nerve to take it out? Even if you have the nerve to take it out, I'm too embarrassed to accept it!

"Anyway, I won't accept the money." Li Zedao continued.

"Oh, look at me, I missed one." Lin Sen said apologetically, and then quickly took out a check from his pocket, put it on top of the one in front of him, and pushed the two checks towards Li Zedao again. past.

Li Zedao pushed the money back again and said: "Director Yang, everyone said that the problem that money can solve is not a problem, but it is a pity that this matter can't be solved with money. Your son is a fake and powerful, relying on a policeman Chief's dad tried to molest my woman and even pulled out his gun afterwards...of course I was too good to get hurt and opened your son's brain with two wine bottles ..."

"..." Yang Sen's face turned gloomy, and soon he was filled with ugly smiles.

"I was just thinking, if I wasn't so awesome, would I have been shot to death by your son just like this?" Li Zedao asked seriously.

Yang Sen was silent. He couldn't answer this kind of question. He couldn't say that my son was actually teasing you to scare you, right? Because that bastard really fired a shot, he could shut the mouths of the boss and the clerk in the snack bar and the onlookers, but he couldn't shut the mouth of the elite of the Huaxia Special Bureau.

"Afterwards, I was very disappointed to find that the special police appeared...Although that was within my expectation." Li Zedao shook his head and said, with a look of disappointment on his face, "As soon as they appeared, they put a heavy hat on My head was buckled...and I wounded someone with a gun! Tsk tsk, what a wounded person with a gun, if I wasn't a member of the Huaxia Special Bureau, I would just be an ordinary person who earns a few hard-earned money from 9 to 5... Excuse me, Director Yang , then if I am taken away by them, what will happen to me?"

"..." Yang Sen was silent, and even more inexplicably felt that his old face was hot, as if several big hands were slapping his face invisibly.

"So I asked you to come here, not for your so-called compensation and apology, but to ask you Director Yang, do you deserve to sit in this seat?" Li Zedao said lightly, "If you think you deserve it, Then I have nothing to say. Someone will talk to you about what I have to say next. If you feel unworthy, then you can report yourself to the relevant department... But you should report yourself to the relevant department. Get rid of some of my troubles, I am very afraid of trouble."

"..." Yang Sen wanted to kill someone, and after a long time, did this kid let him come here so that he could report him? The reason is that he is afraid of trouble?

But he still didn't give up, still holding a glimmer of hope, and said in a heavy voice: "Young Master Li, please make an offer." Maybe this guy said these words because his appetite was too big, and the amount on the two checks Can't get into his eyes.

"Do you know Hua Shulin?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Flower forest?" Yang Sen was slightly stunned and nodded.

"His nephew Ma Renjie pretended to be aggressive with me, and then he donated 50 million to the Tiandao Foundation and one of his nephew's arms to calm the incident." Li Zedao said with a cold smile.

"..." Yang Sen's face changed slightly. It turned out that Hua Shulin offended him and knew his identity? No wonder when I asked him if he needed to punish the murderer severely

"Let me do the math for you. With your current salary, you won't be able to earn 50 million yuan if you earn it for hundreds of years, right? If you have this money, it proves that you are corrupt." Li Zedao said lightly, "Oh , I was wrong, even if you don’t have 50 million, you have embezzled, because judging from your salary, you can’t get those two checks.”


"Of course, if you are taken care of by a rich woman, then I am wrong."

"..." The muscles on Yang Sen's face twitched, it was extremely ugly, his hands clenched tightly into fists, his knuckles turned white, and after a while, he let go little by little, trying to calm himself down and then Said: "Young Master you really want to kill them all? This is...not good for you, is it?"

"You were the one who killed us ordinary people first." Li Zedao said seriously, "You are sorry for the rights and treatment that ordinary people have given you!"


"Oh, when your son shouted at me with a gun, my woman secretly recorded it. Would you like to see your son's heroic appearance?"


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