Dongfang Bubai glanced at Li Zedao and nodded, then picked up the cup of coffee on the table again, took a sip, felt the special aroma of coffee filling his entire mouth, then put down the cup and continued: "At that time Wang Zi was in high school at Meizhong School in Fenghuang City. At that time, the principal of Yenching University, Shang Guanwen, also known as your great-grandfather, was a talented person. After learning that there was such a student who always got full marks in the exam , so I came to the US Central School and personally invited Wang Zi to apply for Yenching University after taking the college entrance examination."

Li Zedao glanced at Dongfang Bubai and said, "Actually, you can focus on the key points, because I already know what you said."

Dongfang Bubai nodded indifferently and said: "Don't worry, I will let you know the whole story, but I have a problem with myself, that is, I have always been very strict in my actions, so... I'll try to be as selective as possible."

"... I'm in trouble." Li Zedao said apologetically, "I'm just impatient."

"It's about your father's affairs, it's only natural for you to be anxious." Dongfang Bubai comforted with a soft sigh, "Then I'll continue talking..."

"Because your great-grandfather's two granddaughters, that is, your father's two older sisters, and your two aunts all fell in love with Wang Zi, so naturally, Wang Zi finally applied for Yenching University and became your grandparents. Grandpa's favorite student, it can be said that your great-grandfather completely treats Wang Zi as his own grandson, and treats him extremely well, even making your father jealous, wondering if he is your great-grandfather's real grandson, and finally Well, your great-grandfather also passed on to Wang Zi a secret that has been passed down from generation to generation in your family for hundreds of years, but not to your father."

"Wh...what? A family...secret passed down from generation to generation?" Li Zedao's face changed slightly, and his heart was already filled with huge waves, and he remembered the great-grandfather that Huang Yu mentioned in Zhenfeng private restaurant before. The secret that Shangguanwen passed on to him came, of course, that Huang Yu was not the real Huang Yu, but his father, Shangguan Haoyu!

And the so-called family secret passed down from generation to generation is about the so-called five-colored stones and the quick method of inner strength left by the old man Chen Tuan in the Song Dynasty. It is said that Chen Tuan put these two things that are enough to make the world crazy. In his tomb, and also arranged some traps, leaving clues to several of his disciples.

But now, according to what Dongfang Bubai said, the secret was passed on to the master by the grandfather, not to the father, but the father knew... the master told him?

"It seems that you already know this secret?" Dongfang Bubai asked while looking at Li Zedao's face.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded with some difficulty and said, "It's just..."

"I know what you want to say." Dongfang Bubai said,

"I know that your father told you this secret, but, in fact, your great-grandfather passed this secret on to Wang Zi, not your father. Your father didn't know about it until several years after your great-grandfather passed away. Secret."

Li Zedao looked at Dongfang Bubai and frowned: "You also know that secret?"

"I know." Dongfang Bubai admitted unceremoniously, "Naturally, your father told me. I will explain this to you later. Let me first talk about the cause of your great-grandfather's death."

Li Zedao's eyes froze, and he nodded slightly. He knew that what Dongfang Bubai was going to say next was the things he had been eager to know for a while.

Regarding the death of his great-grandfather and the series of decisions made by his father back then, these are what Li Zedao urgently wants to know now.

"I've already said that your great-grandfather was very kind to Wang Zi, even closer than his own grandson. He even passed on the secrets of your family to Wang Zi, but in the end..." Dongfang Bubai shook his head. , said with a heavy tone, "Wang Zi murdered Shangguanwen ruthlessly."

Although Li Zedao already knew what Dongfang Bubai wanted to say, but after hearing it, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide, with an unimaginable expression on his face! Yes, he really didn't dare to imagine that Master would murder his great-grandfather. If that was the case, what was Master's motive for killing?

"Now you already know that although your great-grandpa died of a heart attack on the surface, he was actually infected by a Gu." Dongfang Bubai said.

Li Zedao moved his already stiff neck with great difficulty, expressing that he did already know that when he was in Fengming Mountain that day, Huang Yu said that Shangguanwen died of a disease called "disease Gu" Gu poison.

This kind of poison is cultivated from the corpses of those who died of serious illness. If your body is healthy, this kind of poison has no effect at all, but if you have some kind of disease in your body, this kind of poison will make you feel sick. Your disease is more than ten times worse in an instant!

Moreover, this kind of Gu poison can only target one disease, and the person who casts the Gu will cultivate a targeted disease Gu if he wants the person who has been poisoned to have some kind of disease. Shangguanwen had a heart attack, but because of the proper treatment, there was nothing serious about it, but it was because of this sickness that his condition suddenly worsened, and he passed away.

"It seems that you don't really believe that Wang Zi will kill your great-grandfather?" Dongfang Bubai asked.

"Yes." Li Zedao took a deep breath and nodded to admit, "Master...he is a master, if he really wants to kill someone, he won't let others know, and I don't understand, he Why do you want to kill such a killer? I don't think he has any motive for committing the crime."

Dongfang Bubai sighed heavily and continued: "When your great-grandfather had a heart attack, only Wang Zi was present, and it was Wang Zi who took your great-grandfather to the hospital. Of course, after arriving at the hospital, your great-grandfather had already passed away. "

"Even if this is the case, it doesn't prove that Grandpa's death is related to Master, right?" Li Zedao retorted.

"That's true." Dongfang Bubai nodded and said, "It's really impossible to prove that Shangguanwen's death had something to do with Wang Zi based on this alone, and it's even more impossible to prove that Shangguanwen died of Gu poison. He is the principal of Yenching University. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world is full of peaches and plums. The students who received his favor were also leaders in many fields at that time. After they learned the news of Shangguanwen's death, they rushed to the hospital to pay their respects. In the end, a student of Shangguanwen who worked in Miaojiang and studied Gu poison quickly discovered that his teacher was not just a nervous new heart attack, but was poisoned, which led to Heart attack!"

"Of course, the student saw the clues, but out of caution and out of respect for Shangguan Wen, he was also afraid of offending someone, so he didn't announce the matter." Dongfang Bubai Said, "After all, things like Gu poison are not accessible to ordinary people at all, and it is too far away for most people, and others may not believe it if it is said; moreover, if Shangguan Wen died unexpectedly, then it is not true for Shangguan Wen. Last but not least, whoever dared to do such a murderous thing against Shangguanwen must have a strong background, and if he muttered about it, his life might be lost."

Li Zedao took a look at Dongfang Bubai, nodded slightly, and then continued to stare at the cup of coffee in front of him that he had never taken a sip of. The glint in his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"The person who saw the clue didn't dare to complain like this. In this way, everyone believed that Shangguan Wen died of a heart attack rather than an accident, so Shangguan Wen was buried richly, and the matter came to an end like this. Dongfang Bubai said, "Not long after your great-grandfather passed away, Wang Zi also took his women to live in seclusion abroad, and faded out of people's sight. After graduating from the archeology department of the university, he also joined the Cultural Relics Bureau."

"Afterwards, your father led a team to Miaojiang to inspect an ancient tomb that was accidentally discovered. There, your father met your great-grandfather's student who was working in the cultural relics bureau over there, and had a research on Gu poison." Dongfang Bubai looked at Li Zedao and said, "After that student of your great-grandfather met your father, he couldn't stand the torture in his heart anymore, and it had been so long, so he told your father about that day. His discovery shows that although your great-grandfather did die of a heart attack, he was poisoned by a poisonous poison and died unexpectedly."

"When your father got the news, he just felt dizzy, because once poisoned, it would explode immediately. It would never explode after lurking in the body for a period of time. When your great-grandpa had a heart attack, , he has only Wang Zi by his side, that is to say, if your great-grandfather is really poisoned to death, then the only one who can attack him is Wang Zi."

"Why can't it be someone else secretly injecting Gu poison?" Li Zedao asked hoarsely.

Dongfang Bubai shook his head and said, "It can't be someone else."

"Why?" Li Zedao's voice trembled.

"Because Wang Zi is a master, as the absolute elite of the Shenlong Organization and the Huaxia Special Bureau, he is also very researched in Gu poison, and even one of his subordinates is an elder-level figure in Miaojiang Miaomiao Village. He is a A master of Gu poisoning."

Dongfang Bubai said: "So if someone else is secretly poisoning him, it is absolutely impossible for him not to find out. Even if he can't find out, how could he who has a lot of research on Gu poison not be able to see that Shangguan Wen was poisoned by Gu poison? Now that he has seen it Why didn’t you rescue him? So, the only possibility is that Shangguan Wen was poisoned and killed by him!”

Li Zedao was silent, but he clenched his hands unconsciously. Could it be that Master is really the murderer?

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