The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 882 Three million

This woman is really not stupid, she is still a little smart, if she is not here today, I am afraid she will bite her teeth and swallow it in her stomach? Or call the police? Or have a serious fight with the other party? Regardless of the way of handling it, it will definitely not be as tough as it is now.

If he really introduced her to He Xiaofeng as his girlfriend, would He Xiaofeng be sold by her and count the money for her?

Li Zedao felt that even if He Xiaofeng knew that the other party was going to sell him, he wouldn't be happy about it, right? That old virgin is now so horny that his requirements for women are outrageously low, let alone meeting such a superb beauty like Qin Xiangjun.

However, Li Zedao didn't feel disgusted or disgusted by Li Xiangjun's actions. It wasn't because Qin Xiangjun was a beautiful woman, but because he knew Qin Xiangjun's intentions.

He nodded slightly at her at the moment, indicating that he would take care of it.

Li Zedao noticed that after seeing him nodding, Qin Xiangjun's eyes flashed with joy.

And Andersan, who was standing there and staring at this weak beauty from time to time with greedy eyes, saw that this woman had suddenly changed from a sheep to a wolf. Surprised, does this woman have a lot of background? Otherwise, how dare you be so arrogant?

But when he thought of the backer behind him, Andersan felt that he didn't have to be afraid of anyone in Phoenix City... Oh, except for the violent madman he met the night before yesterday who liked to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

At that moment, he smiled coldly and said in a playful tone: "Beauty, since you have already apologized, then you can take your bastard away quickly. Why do you make such a fuss? Do you know that when you make such a fuss, it will be very difficult for a while." Is it possible that you can’t even walk?”

"Three million!" Qin Xiangjun said.

"Okay, very good!" An Deshan's expression became a little gloomy. He originally wanted to take pity on the beauty, but the beautiful woman didn't give face, so he said arrogantly, "Since you already said three million, then three million Well... If you can't come up with three million to settle this matter today, then don't even think about leaving here. "

Damn, blackmail threats? Who threatens who and who blackmails who doesn't know yet?

Before Qin Xiangjun could say anything, a voice came from the crowd: "Then three million."

"Which..." An Deshan was about to see who dared to mutter nonsense, but when he saw Li Zedao walking in front of Qin Xiangjun, his eyes widened and the corners of his mouth twitched violently Woke up.

It's him? It's him!

"Uncle... Uncle hug..." Seeing that it was Li Ze, Xiaobao said,

The purple red face was already full of smiles, and he stretched out his chubby little hand towards Li Zedao, and shouted in a childish voice.

Li Zedao smiled, and stretched out his hand to hug Xiaobao.

After seeing this scene, Andesan's eyes widened, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched even more.

"Three million." Li Zedao said with a smile while holding Xiaobao in his arms and looking at An Deshan.

"Okay..." An Deshan swallowed, and tried his best to squeeze a smile on his face.

"Yo, you are this bitch's concubine, right?" Seeing that the other party compromised again, and even gave three million foolishly, the coquettish woman was even more proud at the moment. question.

"..." An Deshan's face changed wildly, and he almost fainted from his eyes.

"Shut up!" he growled, looking back at his wife, and threw his son into her arms.

"You..." The coquettish woman didn't know what happened at all, but seeing her husband staring at her with an ugly face and eyes, she curled her lips and didn't dare to say anything more.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and said, "Oh, I'm talking about dollars."

"...Li...Li Shao, I...not so many." An Deshan was so choked by Li Zedao's words that he couldn't speak fluently, and he almost couldn't hold back a slap on his wife's face, For a pretending old man like you, you should pay close to 20 million more.

Although he was rich and related to Qin Yiping, but he was suddenly asked to hand out 20 million in cash, and he really couldn't afford it.

The coquettish girl and the surrounding parents were also stunned. The situation seemed to be different from what they had imagined.

Especially this woman, she knows this man too well, and she usually looks arrogant, but now he treats herself as the grandson of a turtle, that is to say, the man in front of this little kid in front of him can't be provoked at all. rise?

"Then how much do you have?" Li Zedao asked.

"Ten million……"

"That's ten million, and use one of your hands for the rest." Li Zedao said lightly, "Which hand do you use to slap my nephew's face, stretch out that hand."

"..." An Deshan was really taken aback. He tried his best to squeeze an awkward smile on his face and said, "Young Master Li... what happened today is indeed my fault. I am a beast, and I shouldn't have I will compensate and sincerely apologize to such a cute child, you see..."

"Left hand or right hand?" Li Zedao interrupted his words, and then returned Xiaobao to Qin Xiangjun who was relieved, ready to do it.

"This... Young Master Li..."

"Seeing that you don't look like a left-hander, then your right hand is fine." Li Zedao said, suddenly reached out with his hand, first clasped his wrist, pulled his right arm down, and then moved up under his natural reaction. When raising his arm, Li Zedao suddenly reversed his strength and raised his arm violently upwards.

The next second, "Crack!" A scalp-numbing sound of bone breaking sounded, and Andesan's entire arm was torn off by Li Zedao.

"Ah..." An Deshan's entire arm was torn off by Li Zedao, and a heart-pounding pain hit him. He covered his arm with his good hand, rolled and wailed on the ground, his voice was miserable, and his condition was horrible.

An Xiaogang, who had a smug face just now, was stupefied at this moment, his small mouth was slightly opened, his eyes were round, and saliva flowed down his chin, showing a dull and incomprehensible expression.

The expression on the face of the coquettish woman is not much better than that of her son. She never thought that this man who usually walks sideways in Phoenix City would have such a day that someone would forcibly twist his arm, and then look like It lay there howling like a dead dog.

As for the surrounding parents and the kindergarten teacher, they were even more frightened by Li Zedao's ruthlessness, and immediately took their children away.

"Ah, hubby, are you alright?" After the coquettish woman came to her senses, her arrogant face was filled with horror. She immediately put her son down and tried to help her husband up. .

"Hiss... Damn it, don't bang me..." An Deshan screamed.

Li Zedao glanced at An Deshan, and then at the child. Seeing Li Zedao looking at him, the child backed away in fright, couldn't stand upright, sat down on the ground, and burst into tears.

Li Zedao was so depressed, please, I'm not your father, I really can't do that kind of thing that both people and gods hate, and come out to do something to a brat like you.

Inexplicably, Li Zedao's heart was blocked, and he already remembered what Dongfang Bubai said. The reason why Master can stay young forever is because he slaughtered those little people who were born with Yang veins and lived in the imperial atmosphere. boys, and take out their livers to make an elixir of life?

If this is the case, then Master's methods are too...

Li Zedao shook his head, didn't think too much, but looked at An Deshan coldly and said, "Don't pretend to be dead, I'll give you five minutes to bring over 10 million, and if it's over a minute, don't take your left hand either. If it takes more than two minutes, you will be like your elder brother, and I am afraid that you will spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair."

"I... I'm ready now, I'm ready..." Andersan endured the pain caused by the broken arm, stood up with his wife's support, and then shouted at his wife, "Quick, Quick, give me your phone... hurry up..."

Ten million is not a small amount for Andesan. He can't prepare it within five minutes, so all he can do now is to ask Qin Yiping for help.

The coquettish woman quickly took out her mobile phone and gave it to Andesan, who quickly picked it up with his intact arm, and then gave Qin Yiping a call.

After the call was connected, An Deshan took a cautious look at Li Zedao, and then begged pitifully, " old man, please save me..."

After saying a few words, Andersan carefully handed the phone to Li Zedao and said, "Young Master cousin wants to say a few words to you..."

"Your cousin?" Li Zedao nodded, then took the mobile phone in An Deshan's hand, put it next to his ear and said, "Hello..."

"Zedao, I guessed it was you." Qin Shaomei's faint voice came over, as if Li Zedao had done something to apologize to her, "How about giving Sister Qin some face? Let my short-sighted My cousin and his family will leave first, as for the ten million... just wait for me, I'll send it to you right now, how about it?"

"Sister Qin has said so, so I naturally have to give Sister Qin some face." Li Zedao laughed.

"That's fine, I'll be there in about ten minutes, you wait for me to get off." Qin Shaomei said.

"Okay, Sister Qin, I'll wait for you." Li Zedao said, then threw the phone back to An Deshan, and said coldly: "For your cousin's sake, apologize, and get out!"

"Yes, yes, yes... I'll apologize, I'll apologize..." Andersan hurriedly said as if he had been pardoned.

Then he looked at Qin Xiangjun and Xiaobao sincerely and said, "This lady, this kid, it's all my fault, I'm a beast, I'm not human, I shouldn't do anything to such a cute kid..."

As he said that, he endured the severe pain even more, gritted his teeth and raised his left hand to slap himself twice across the face.

"Aren't you going to apologize quickly?" Andesan yelled back at the alluring woman.

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