The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 885 Can I pack it?

A ten-story white cruise ship... To be precise, this is not a cruise ship, but a building. This building is quietly "parked" on the coast. The sea is stirred by the wind, and some fish are spotted. The black shadow of the body shuttled past and disappeared under the boat-shaped building.

At this time, a large slab connects the Angel and the coast, wide enough for vehicles to drive directly on, and polite waiters standing on both sides, with harmonious smiles, welcome one after another to set foot on the Angel There are several distinguished guests in black suits standing around, looking around with sharp eyes. They are the bodyguards of the Angel, ensuring that nothing will happen.

While her heart was shy and nervous, her face was calm and calm, holding Li Zedao's arm and walking towards the gangway, Qin Shaomei looked up at the boat that was close at hand, and then glanced at Li Zedao again, feeling dazed for a while.

The place where I met him for the first time was the Angel. At that time, I attended the birthday party of Princess Su of the Su family, and he was the male companion of Sister Baili. Now, at the same place, he became his own male companion.

With a naturally beautiful face and an extraordinary family background, Qin Shaomei has met many men... men with small backgrounds or not small backgrounds. But those men either pretended to be deep and elegant in front of themselves, or pretended to be literary and artistic in front of themselves, and more men stammered and nervous in front of themselves, and couldn't even speak completely... But their eyes were the same, Like a wolf trying to swallow himself up.

There was only one exception, the way he looked at himself was so flat...even when he took off his clothes. Qin Shaomei still believed in her own charm, so she could only blame it on Li Zedao. It was because she had seen too many beauties and became numb, so she remained unmoved.

But no matter what, this little man with distinctive eyes has been branded on the softest part of Qin Shaomei's heart like a brand.

Coming to the front, Qin Shaomei took out the bronzing invitation card and handed it to the waiter.

"Two, please." The waiter made a gesture of invitation after checking the invitation.

At that moment, Qin Shaomei and Li Zedao came to the deck of the Angel. At this moment, the deck had been arranged as a meeting place piled up with flowers. There was a red carpet extending from the front entrance and exit of the cockpit door, which was as tall as a building. There are many colorful balloons placed on the door, it seems that the newlyweds will come out from here to receive everyone's blessing.

Moreover, there were no less than two hundred men and women wearing various dresses gathered on the deck at this time. They gathered together in small groups to chat and laugh. The men all looked so elegant, and the women looked so noble and charming.

"Zedao, am I right? There are many beauties." Qin Shaomei smiled.

"A lot indeed.

Li Zedao said with a smile, "But you are not as good-looking as Sister Qin." "

"Really?" Qin Shaomei looked at Li Zedao with sparkling eyes, like the most precious gems.

Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile and said, "Sister Qin, you probably know a lot of people here, right? And you must also visit your friend, so don't worry about me, I'll find a corner to eat by myself .”

Qin Shaomei nodded and said, "Then find a place to rest by yourself, and I'll go find you later."

After being in the business for so long, she does know many people here. Even when they saw her coming up with Li Zedao on her arm, they all looked at herself and Li Zedao with stunned eyes.

It's no wonder that he is known as a rose with thorns in this circle. How many outstanding men have run into a wall in front of him? When did she show up at a party with a guy? No wonder they feel incredible.

After parting from Qin Shaomei, Li Zedao went straight to a corner with few people, picked up the dinner plate, put some food on the table, and started to feast on it.

After Li Zedao couldn't remember how many pieces of that delicious vanilla cake he ate, there was only a soft "pop!", and then overwhelming applause and cheers resounded through the entire deck.

Li Zedao looked up, and saw some paper flowers exploded in the blue sky, scattered down one after another, with some colorful ribbons.

Then the speakers on the Angel began to vibrate, conveying the gentle and magnetic voice of the host: "Ladies and gentlemen, our handsome Mr. Dong Qingshu and the beautiful Miss Zhao Zihan will be on the Angel today. Their engagement ceremony will be held above, thank you for coming and the many blessings you have brought..."

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, shit, isn't that Jiang Xiaoyao's voice? I really didn't expect him, the deputy general manager of this dignified seven-star hotel, to be the master of ceremonies. The key is that he is so professional.

"Next, please send your warmest applause and blessings, let us welcome this couple who are about to enter the marriage hall..."

Immediately, very romantic piano music and violin music sounded, and more lively cheers and applause filled the entire deck.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Li Zedao, after all, he didn't come here to attend the engagement ceremony of the couple, he just came here for dinner.

So when others were watching the newlyweds slowly come out and applauding or taking photos frantically, Li Zedao silently held a plate and enjoyed the delicious vanilla cake on the plate.

"Bless you." Li Zedao said in his heart.

Not far away, the attention of several well-dressed and handsome men was not on the newcomer who was receiving everyone's blessings, but on Li Zedao.

"That's him?" the man in the lead asked. The man was very young, in his twenties, with handsome cheeks, short hair, sticking up at the roots, giving a very aggressive look. He wore a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose. It covered up his sharpness a bit, giving him a little bit of gentleness.

Wearing a tailored black suit and black shirt. There is no tie, and the top two buttons are undone, giving people a casual and natural feeling.

He had a gentle smile on his face but looked at Li Zedao with extremely sharp eyes.

"Yes, Young Master Yang." Another man standing in front of him said, "Many people saw it just now, Miss Qin came up with his arm."

The smile on Yang Chengming's face became wider, but his eyes were even sharper. Ever since he ran into Qin Shaomei at a certain party, he, a returnee who grew up abroad and had just returned to China, was deeply attracted by Qin Shaomei, and pursued her, but repeatedly hit the wall.

Even in Yang Chengming's opinion, if his cousin was not quite familiar with Qin Shaomei, Qin Shaomei's attitude towards him would have been even worse.

In fact, Yang Chengming didn't know the couple, but because he heard that the woman was Qin Shaomei's good friend in college, that is to say, Qin Shaomei would come to the engagement banquet, so Yang Chengming came uninvited.

But unexpectedly, Qin Shaomei came to the engagement banquet holding a man's arm. Is this to send some kind of signal?

If Qin Shaomei's male companion is extremely powerful, handsome, capable, and even more powerful than Yang Chengming, then Yang Chengming really has nothing to say, but is this his virtue?

What do you see him wearing? It's really disrespectful to wear such casual and cheap sportswear to such an occasion to attend someone else's engagement banquet. And others are sending their blessings over there now, but he is good, hiding in the corner without the slightest image of feasting, as if he hasn't eaten this kind of food in eight lifetimes, it's a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

After losing to such a woman, Yang Chengming felt that his face was hot, as if an invisible hand was swaying his face left and right.

"Let's go, let's meet this guy and see what advantages Miss Qin has in him." Yang Chengming smiled, and then walked towards Li Zedao with big strides.

"Well, this cake is really good, take two yuan home for supper?" Li Zedao was beyond satisfied with this cake, and he was going to visit Qin Yiping in the evening, who knows if the braised fish he made is delicious?

So Li Zedao waved to the waiter standing there.

"Sir, may I help you?" He walked up to him and asked politely. Because Li Zedao seldom came to the Angel, the waiter had no idea that this man, who seemed out of tune with the situation, would be the behind-the-scenes boss of the Angel.

"I want to ask, can this cake be packed and taken away?" Li Zedao pointed to the vanilla cake and asked.

"This..." The corner of the waiter's mouth twitched slightly, his face was troubled. He had never met such a person who asked him such a question, which made him not know how to answer.

Say yes, it seems wrong, say no, it seems that there is nothing wrong, after all, these cakes are transported away and disposed of in the end, it is impossible to send them back to the kitchen for processing and then send them to the dining table again.

At this moment, a burst of laughter came over: "Sir, this question you raised really made our waiter too embarrassed."

Li Zedao looked up at the uninvited guests who came to him pretending to be aggressive, ignored them, and looked at the waiter with a little embarrassment and said: "It seems that the question I asked really embarrassed you, I'm really sorry , It's okay, you go to work first."

"Okay, sir." The waiter nodded with an unnatural expression and hurried away.

Li Zedao continued to immerse himself in enjoying the cake, thinking that he would find Jiang Xiaoyao later, and then ask him to prepare some of these vanilla cakes for him to take away. As for not looking for Zhao Xiaoying, it was because Zhao Xiaoying had a rest today and went with Li Mengchen to the villa that was about to be cleaned up. After these women arranged their rooms, they could live in them.

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