The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 890: The Law of the Jungle

"Do you know what kind of person you are in my eyes?" Qin Yiping asked with a slight smile.

"I would like to hear the details." Li Zedao said. He could predict that Qin Yiping would start to praise him next, so he was prepared in his heart to be praised.

"In layman's terms, you are a good person." Qin Yiping said.

"Good guy?"

"What is a good person? One is good-hearted, contributes to the country, the society, and others. Altruists and self-interested altruists are good people." Qin Yiping simply explained, "But you don't know much about this world after all. "

"Don't you understand?" Li Zedao was a little confused. It couldn't be that he had lived for nothing in the past twenty years, right?

"This is a crazy and even a little sick world." Qin Yiping said calmly looking at the calm water. He knew that they were talking loudly here, and the fish had long been hiding away. Will not come to eat the bait.

"Greed, hatred, filth, jealousy, indifference...the world is full of such darkness, for money, for leaving a name in history, everyone is using various means to achieve their goals. Brothers and sisters fighting each other, father and son fighting openly and secretly, friends stabbing themselves twice in the back... these are not things that happen every minute in this world."

"This kind of thing won't happen to me." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"It's about to happen." Qin Yiping said, "If your master is the kind of murderer who really digs out the liver of a three-year-old and takes it, will you do it to him?"

"I..." Li Zedao's expression was a bit painful, and this was the root of the pain.

It's not even if you do it, and it's not if you don't do it!

Dig out the liver of a three-year-old and eat it? Qin Shaomei's complexion changed slightly when she heard this, her stomach twisted even more, and she almost vomited out. And after seeing Li Zedao's inexplicable painful expression, I felt an inexplicable distress in my heart.

After all, I know too little about this big man, I only know that he is handsome, that he is different... and that I like him, but what is he thinking in his heart? Why did he have such a painful expression on his face, but he didn't know it at all.

"Being a teacher for one day and being a father for life, if you do it, you will be patricide; if you don't do it on the other hand, wouldn't that violate the so-called justice in your mind?" Qin Yiping said.

Li Zedao was silent,

I was speechless.

"Do you know the law of the jungle?" Qin Yiping asked with a slight smile.

Li Zedao glanced at him and shook his head.

"The so-called law of the jungle is the biological law of natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the law of the jungle." Qin Yiping explained. At this moment, he is like a teacher on the podium who teaches karma and solves puzzles, while Li Zedao It was the confused student.

"Just to give you an example, there is such a stalwart tree that grows in the jungle, its top is trying to go up to seek the most sunlight and rain; its thick branches occupy the space as much as possible, and breathe the most Fresh air; its root system is extremely luxuriant to absorb the most essence of the earth. However, beside the big tree, a few thin and small trees are struggling on the edge of survival. Their branches are thin and brittle, and their leaves are almost yellow... "

"As for the little tree, he just stared at the big tree angrily and said, you are already strong enough, why do you want to limit my growth? The big tree glanced at the little tree indifferently and gave such an answer... For me, your growth will always be a threat..."

"To put it bluntly, do you think lions are cruel when they kill antelopes or deer?" Qin Yiping asked another question.

Li Zedao was taken aback, pondered for a long time, then shook his head and said: "No... If it doesn't kill it, it won't be able to survive."

"Since this is the case, can your master be the lion, if he doesn't kill those children, he can't survive?" Qin Yiping asked with a slight smile.

"He's a man, not a lion." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"Is there a difference? Aren't humans also animals? It's just a little more advanced." Qin Yiping said, "Sometimes, humans are not as good as animals. Animals know how to be grateful, but humans don't."

"I know what you want to tell me, uncle. You want to tell me that there is competition and killing in this world. The strong have the right to speak. Even if you bully the weak and even kill them, it's not right. What a big deal, right?"

"Those who make big things don't care about small things." Qin Yiping said, "That is to say, you don't need to feel pain because your father took so many lives, and you don't have to worry about the so-called master-student relationship between you and him." ..."

"I only know that I don't intend to do anything big, and I also know that everyone is equal, and no one can bully others at will." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"Okay, you are an idealist, you should go according to your own heart." Qin Yiping looked at Li Zedao and shook his head, knowing that his so-called law of the jungle theory was a waste of saliva, this kid Didn't listen at all. ;

"No wonder, you disbanded Yan Luodian." Qin Yiping said.

"This is not an organization that should exist in this world. Onimaru is not something that should exist in this world. It should not be created." Li Zedao said, his tone was beyond doubt.

Qin Shaomei, who was sitting by the side, became more and more confused the more she listened, what Yan Luodian? What is ghost pill? What the hell are the old and the young talking about?

However, I don't know what's going on!


After more than an hour, Li Zedao didn't catch a single fish. What made him feel better was that Qin Yiping also caught nothing.

"Haha, we're talking here. You see, it scares away all the fish. It's normal if you don't catch them." Qin Yiping comforted him with a smile, and found a good one for himself. reason.

"I think so too." Li Zedao nodded in agreement.

Qin Shaomei looked at Li Zedao, then at her father, and smiled. She suddenly felt that the old and the young had an obvious thing in common, that is, they were very Shameless.

"However, I was very foresighted, so I bought the fish in advance, walked around, went into the house, and I will cook the braised fish for you." Qin Yiping laughed, and then packed up the fishing rod.

"I'll just come." Qin Shaomei took the fishing rod from Li Zedao.

After tidying up, Qin Yiping was in front, and Li Zedao and Qin Shaomei walked towards the house behind.

"Have you met my dad before?" Qin Shaomei glanced at her father in front of her and asked in a low voice.

"Well, I met once two days ago." Li Zedao didn't hide anything, "Some misunderstandings have also been resolved."

"My father and your father are good friends... No wonder my father is so sure that you won't launch crazy revenge... Does that mean that I..." Qin Shaomei's face was flushed, "Clothes... ...Between?"

Li Zedao rubbed his nose and said a little embarrassedly: " doesn't seem to be Baituo..."

"Why doesn't it count?"

Li Zedao was embarrassed, I can't say that you feasted my eyes and satisfied my vanity infinitely... Would this answer be too beastly?

"Why?" Qin Shaomei stared at Li Zedao with her big shy eyes, with an attitude of reluctance.

"Because...Uncle, I heard that the braised fish you cook is a masterpiece. I will be lucky tonight." Li Zedao hurried forward to flatter Qin Yiping.

"Haha, you are indeed are so lucky to be able to eat my braised fish."

"...ha...that's that."

"Coward..." Qin Shaomei looked at Li Zedao's figure, her red lips parted slightly, revealing a smile that seemed to overshadow all the flowers around her.


Qin Yiping's braised fish is really good, even to Li Zedao, this is the best braised fish he has ever eaten...Of course, he has not eaten it a few times.

During the dinner, Qin Shaomei's mother smiled at Li Zedao even more. She looked at Li Zedao with hot eyes, and she looked so satisfied that she couldn't be more satisfied. She kept adding vegetables to Li Zedao. This made Li Zedao mutter in his heart, could it be that he helped her "educate" her son and she was full of gratitude to herself?

After eating, Qin Yiping led Li Zedao to his study, while Qin Shaomei cleared the table with her mother.

Qin Yiping's study room is very large, but there is very little furniture in it. There is a small bookcase with a few books in it. Unlike other rich people, the whole study room is full of bookcases. It is densely packed with books.

On the other side, there is a glass cabinet with many fishing rods inside. It seems that for Qin Yiping, fishing is much more important than reading.

"I am addicted to fishing. Fishing can relax my whole body and keep my mind in the most clear state." Qin Yiping said with a smile when Li Zedao's eyes fell on the fishing tackle, "Many important decisions of the company, It was also made while fishing."

"So." Li Zedao smiled.

"Sit down." Qin Yiping pointed to the sofa and said, "I won't make coffee for you, I know you're not interested in that thing."

"Indeed." Li Zedao nodded and smiled and sat down on the chair. His women, like Nintendo, have a soft spot for coffee.

And Nanji... Oh, Nanji is not his woman, and she is obsessed with coffee to a certain height. No matter what time of day, she cannot leave her hand with a cup of coffee. How about a cup of coffee with that corpse?

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