The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 892 Stop Blackmailing Him

"Baili Group?" Li Zedao blurted out.

"Yeah, I've been fighting that bastard Baili Changhe for 20 years. Looking at it now, I'm on par with him in strength." Qin Yiping looked at Li Zedao and said proudly, "Baili Changhe thinks he I don’t have a beautiful daughter? He thinks that his beautiful daughter can find a man who is talented in civil and military affairs as his son-in-law, but my daughter can’t find it... Isn’t it possible?”

"..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, he didn't expect that such a serious and insidious person would also be a master of telling cold jokes.

"Oh, if Baili Changhe knew that you had become my son-in-law, would his face turn green with anger?"

"... Uncle, we can actually get to the point." Li Zedao said, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

"Oh, that's right, let's talk about the main points first... But, I have to find a time to ask that bastard out for tea and tell him the good news."

"..." Li Zedao didn't even want to pay attention to this old guy who likes lust.

"At that time, there was another company that was also vying for business with Qin Group, and that was Jianhe Group." Qin Yiping said, "Of course, you should be very unfamiliar with this name, because about ten years ago, This group was divided up by me and Baili Changhe. Guo Tianbin, the chairman of Jianhe Group, was sentenced to life in prison for bribery and murder, and even drug trafficking. I'll go visit him."

"..." Li Zedao felt that Qin Yiping was really insidious, but when he thought about it, which one of those people who did great things was not insidious? It's just that sometimes the word "sinister" is dressed up and becomes "smart" or something.

"In other words, Qin Ming was an undercover agent sent by the Jianhe Group to your father, with the purpose of annexing the Qin Group?" Li Zedao asked, "Uncle, how did you know?"

Qin Yiping nodded and said: "One time when I went to a certain restaurant for dinner, I accidentally saw Ren Ming and Guo Tianbin enter a certain box arm in arm... At that time, the Qin Group and the Jianhe Group were not The fight was fierce, but Ren Ming and Guo Tianbin stayed together, what good could it do? My heart was cold at that time, and I felt like I was stabbed severely with a knife."

"But I still couldn't believe it, so I made a random trick and pretended to accidentally disclose a certain planning plan of the company to Ren Ming. Sure enough, just as I thought, Jianhe Group took the lead in using that plan "Qin Yiping smiled wryly and shook his head, "At that time, I was sure that Ren Ming belonged to Guo Tianbin, maybe he wasn't at first, but later he was instigated by Guo Tianbin."

"That year my father was ill,

He was very ill, and his days in this world were numbered. When he was dying, he left an inheritance saying that he would divide the thriving Qin Group into anti-parties, one for Ren Ming, one for my younger sister, and one for my younger sister. The share will be given to Qin Yiping..."

"You jumped out to be a bad guy?" Li Zedao asked thoughtfully.

Qin Yiping smiled wryly and nodded: "Yes, I was afraid that my sister would be sad and my father would be sad, so I didn't dare to tell them both, so I jumped out and became a bad person. If the father's will divides the Qin Group equally, it means that two-thirds of the Qin Group has fallen into Guo Tianbin's hands. Naturally, I have to jump out and object, but I can't change my father's mind, he just insists on Do that."

"What happened later? What happened to the car accident?" Li Zedao asked, frowning.

"What do you think?" Qin Yiping asked back, "I know, you have been investigating the car accident that year, what's the result?"

"Qin Ming said before he died that when he and Tiantang's mother were driving out to buy cakes for Tiantang, he found a car following behind him, so he speeded up to get rid of the car, but suddenly an earthmoving truck appeared in front of him. , he tried to brake but the brake system was damaged, so the tragedy happened..."

"He's farting! He's almost dead and still refuses to tell the truth. He's trying to hit me with your hands." Qin Yiping scolded with an ugly face, "Why did he get into a car accident? That's because of this kid I don’t know when he became addicted to drugs, it’s fine for him to be killed by a car while he was addicted to drugs, but he even took my sister’s life!”

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "The result of my investigation is indeed that Qin Ming did have a car accident because he took drugs, and when the car accident happened, he slammed the steering wheel to the left..."

Qin Yiping's eyes widened all of a sudden, and it took a long time before he said each word with a murderous expression: "That bastard, I was too kind to him!"

"Uncle, what's next?" Li Zedao asked.

"After that? After that, I was too kind to that boy Ren Ming! I never dared to tell my dad that he had a car accident because of taking drugs, and let people control Ren Ming's freedom of movement. He must not be allowed to take drugs anymore. Drugs." Qin Yiping said with a chilly voice.

"Uncle, you are taking revenge." Li Zedao said.

Qin Yiping laughed: "At any rate, I am also your father-in-law, so you can't save me some face by talking?"

"..." Li Zedao wondered, when did he become his father-in-law?

Qin Yiping's eyes were already cold: "Who said it wasn't? I just wanted to make him addicted to drugs and make him miserable. Seeing him in such pain, you don't even know how happy I am! Ren Ming said The kid still has some toughness, and it may be because of the stimulation of a lot of alcohol, which made him quit drugs, but it also made him an alcoholic."

"I think, he can't pass the hurdle in his heart, he still loves his wife." Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "So he dare not face it, use a lot of alcohol to numb himself, even, he doesn't Dare to face a daughter whose face is somewhat similar to his own."

"Maybe." For this, Qin Yiping nodded in agreement.

"At that time, my father, who was getting older and more confused, insisted on giving two-thirds of the group to Ren Ming." Qin Yiping smiled wryly, "I had no choice but to tell the truth. I told my father that Ren Ming and Ren Ming Guo Tianbin walked very close and told him that the accident happened because that kid Ren Ming took drugs!"

"After my father heard this, he became even more ill. He couldn't believe that Mingming would do such a thing." Qin Yiping's voice had a hint of bitterness, and he was very concerned about making his father's illness worse. He had a lot of self-blame about the matter, "So he called Ren Ming to him and asked him if this was the case. Ren Ming admitted, and my father left in a rage."

"I wanted to use some tricks to let the police take Ren Ming away. It would not be a problem to get that kid out of prison." Qin Yiping said, "But considering that there is no mother in heaven. , without a father, isn’t that too pitiful? And I know that although the child in heaven is still young, he is smart. Smart people often have a problem, that is, they are too self-confident, and Ren Ming sometimes bewitches him. You have long believed in your heart that the car accident was planned by me, right?"

"Indeed." Li Zedao nodded.

"Hatred often makes a person extremely terrifying and makes people lose their minds. I hate Ren Ming and Wu Jiwu, so naturally I don't like Heaven very much, even though he is my sister's biological daughter." Qin Yiping smiled wryly, "And I'm also afraid that Tiantian and Ren Ming will be cruel and poison my son and daughter, so I let them leave the Qin family."

"But after all, she is my niece, my sister's daughter, my father's beloved granddaughter, so I gave her a large sum of money, enough to make her comfortable, and I also secretly helped her, such as prescribing beauty treatments. When she was in the hospital, she refused a director's late-night heart-to-heart talk request, and that guy actually wanted to close her shop, so I directly asked people to throw that shit director into prison."

After a while of silence, Qin Yiping looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile, "Will you believe what I say?"

"I will pass on what you said to Heaven, and let her judge by herself." Li Zedao did not answer Qin Yiping's question indirectly.

Qin Yiping smiled wryly: "If she doesn't believe it, she insists on seeking revenge on me?"

"She's not the kind of person who likes to make trouble for no reason." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Besides, uncle, don't you go back and visit that Guo Tianbin occasionally? Just ask Heaven to visit her too."

Qin Yiping was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "It really feels good to be cared by my son-in-law."

"..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, when did he care about him? Besides, when did he become his son-in-law?

"I own one-third of the Qin Group now?" Li Zedao asked.

Qin Yiping glanced at Li Zedao, the shrewdness in his eyes flashed and he smiled and said, "I know what you want to do, you want to give the third to that child in heaven, right?"

"That's true, she deserves it." Li Zedao said.

Qin Yiping smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you give it to her, anyway, heaven is your woman, and in her hands is in yours...Of course, I will give the other two-thirds to my daughter, I will give it to you." Your daughter is also your woman, so it belongs to you... The Qin Group is considered to be the dowry I bought for my daughter and my niece."


"Young Master Li, please don't think too little, haha." Qin Yiping laughed, obviously in a good mood.

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, feeling that Qin Yiping's words were too pretentious.

"As for Shaofeng, I will trouble you to take care of him in the future... We are all a family, so stop blackmailing him." Qin Yiping added.

"..." Li Zedao almost vomited blood, is he that kind of person?

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