Before Li Zedao entered the villa, he heard the sound of the puppy barking "Wow, woof..." from inside, and he felt a little strange in his heart. By the way, when did there come an extra dog in the villa?

In Li Zedao's opinion, neither Baili Bing nor Yang Xue'er are suitable for keeping dogs. A cold-tempered person will look cold to people, let alone a dog. Let Bai Libing bathe a dog, or even Looking for something to eat, Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

The other one is a bit black-bellied with constant ghost ideas. If she becomes the owner of the dog, then the dog will not be played to death by her in three days.

With some curiosity, Li Zedao walked into the villa.

Then he found that apart from Baili Bing and Yang Xueer, there was another man in the villa and a small white pug dog in his arms. It seemed that the barking sound of the dog he heard outside came from this dog. From the mouth.

As for that man, Li Zedao is very familiar with it. Who is that Yang Chengming who threatened him not to rob him of women in the afternoon?

Of course, Li Zedao knew now that he and Yang Xueer were twins, which was beyond Li Zedao's expectations.

how? It was only in the afternoon that he was told to cry and now he is complaining to his sister? Afraid that you won't be able to beat yourself, so you hired a dog to help?

Seeing Li Zedao walking in and staring at him with a strange smile on his face, the muscles on Yang Chengming's face twitched slightly, with an embarrassed look on his face, should he stand up to say hello or just pretend he couldn't see it.

Sitting there, Baili Bing, who was wearing a black pajamas and revealed a small half of her flawless snow-white legs that seemed to be sculpted out of the finest white jade and painstakingly carved by a master sculptor, looked away from the book in front of him and landed on it. Li Zedao didn't have any special expression on his face, but his eyes were slightly bright.

"Coming?" Baili Bing put down the book and stood up and said softly. After standing up, he was a little puzzled, why did he subconsciously stand up and plan to meet him? You know, she would never do this kind of thing in the past.

Li Zedao nodded with a smile and said, "Here we come." This woman is more and more like a fairy descending from the earth, not just the kind of fairy that makes people feel ethereal.

And Yang Xueer, who was sitting there clacking and typing on the keyboard as if she was venting, stood up abruptly when she heard Li Zedao's voice, turned around, and stared at Li Zedao several times with an extremely unkind expression.

"Uh, are you okay?" Li Zedao was inexplicably terrified by her.

Yang Xueer didn't answer his question, but turned around and ran to her younger brother Yang Chengming, violently dodging the puppy he was holding.

"Woof..." The puppy barked aggrievedly, struggling desperately, as if avoiding a snake or a scorpion. It is conceivable that it has suffered from Yang Xueer before.

"Call your sister." Yang Xueer scolded, put the puppy on the ground, then stared at Li Zedao with unfriendly eyes and gave the puppy an order, "Snowball, go, bite that big idiot, big bastard, big pig's head Take a bite, otherwise you won't be allowed to eat tomorrow..."

"..." Li Zedao had black lines on his face.

"Wow... woo..." The dog moaned pitifully with frightened eyes. Isn't this embarrassing the dog? I can only act like a baby, show off and roll around, but I can't bite at all, okay?

"Hurry up?" Yang Xueer scolded, squatting down and slapping the dog on the head.

Li Zedao really couldn't bear to see her cruelty to animals, so he hurried over to hold Yang Xueer and said dumbfoundingly: "Xueer, aren't you embarrassing... a dog? If you are really angry with me, I'll let you take a bite."

Yang Xueer bit her lips lightly, looked at Li Zedao with a little grievance, suddenly buried her little head in his arms, and even lightly hit his chest with her fist, cursing: "Big idiot, big bastard who kept you from coming for so many days. I haven't come for so many sister misses you so much that you eat well and sleep well, and those who eat snacks when you're depressed have gained several pounds..."

"..." Li Zedao looked at Baili Bing in surprise, but he really didn't see that she had gained a few pounds, but the delicate body in his arms seemed to be plump.

Then Li Zedao understood that Yang Xueer was actually talking about herself after talking for a long time.

On the side, Yang Chengming ran past millions of grass mud horses in a mighty heart. He only felt that his heart was full of sadness. He originally thought that the reason why the twin sisters planned to let the dogs bite people was for the sake of To avenge him, unexpectedly, it was to express her longing that had turned into sadness.

Although women's elbows are all turned outward, don't turn them so obviously and simply.

"Keep you away for so many days... Keep you away for so many days... Forget it, I will forgive you on my sister's behalf." Yang Xueer looked up at Li Zedao and snorted coldly, her face was slightly red, a little shy.

"...Thank you." Li Zedao said dumbfounded.

"Xiao Ming, he is your brother-in-law." Yang Xueer turned her head to look at Yang Chengming and snorted coldly, "Okay, you are quite courageous, when did you learn to threaten others? You still said not to rob women with Yang Chengming? Hmph, if I Tell grandpa about your arrogance outside, and see if he won't slap you hard?"

Yang Chengming was stabbed in the chest, sad and embarrassed at the same time, begged in a low voice: "Don't, sister, I won't dare to be here again."

"Yeah, Xue'er, please forgive him this time. I think Xiao Ming has some of the bad habits of a young master, such as being arrogant and arrogant, but his nature is still very good." Li Zedao Here comes the troublemaker.

"For the sake of your brother-in-law pleading for you, I will forgive you this time." Yang Xueer put her hands on her hips, obviously she is also a kid who hasn't grown up, but she looks old-fashioned, "I still don't want to ask your brother-in-law thank?"

Yang Chengming was stabbed in the chest again. Seeing that Li Zedao's eyes were full of resentment, he had to bite the bullet and said with difficulty, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

"Yeah." Li Zedao said with an adult look, "Knowing mistakes can make a big difference, Xiao Ming is not bad."

"..." Yang Chengming was stabbed in the chest again.

"Big idiot, this is a dog I raised when I was in Yanjing. It's called Xueqiu... Don't you think it's cute? I asked Xiao Ming to bring it here when he arrived in Fenghuang this time." Yang Xueer was full of enthusiasm. He helped Li Zedao introduce the poor, low-pitched puppy.

"Yeah, so cute, you raised it? It's still alive, it's amazing..." Li Zedao sincerely admired this puppy.

"Yeah yeah... Ah, big idiot, what do you mean, bastard? Snowball, bite him..."

For Yang Xueer and Li Zedao bickering and frolicking over there, Baili Bing was no stranger to it, and immediately went back to the sofa, picked up the book and read it quietly. For some reason, his mood became more cheerful .


A cartoon appeared in front of him, blocking the book he was reading.

Baili Bing looked up at Li Zedao who was looking at him with a smile, took it, looked at the writing quietly and said, "I just bought it."

There is no doubt in the tone, and there is no room for others to refute.

"Uh..." Li Zedao touched his nose in a little embarrassment, sat down beside her and asked, "I just bought it just now, did you know?"

"I blackmailed you." Baili Bing said, there was an imperceptible smile in those bright eyes.

" are so cute." Li Zedao said, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

The goddess also has a cute side of a little woman, of course, this side is only shown in front of a few people, perhaps, only in front of Li Zedao, so Li Zedao is satisfied in his heart.

"I bought a villa..."

"It was blackmailed." Baili Bing said that Li Zedao had extorted a villa from Qin Shaofeng, Bai Libing naturally knew about it, and the real estate was developed by Baili Group.

"...Okay, I was blackmailed. Anyway, the villa is about to be renovated, and you and Xueer will move there sometime?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile, "You pick a room and decorate it according to your favorite style. ..."

Baili Bing didn't answer, a rippling had already appeared on his face, which was like an ancient well, and he was a little hot, then he opened the comic book that seemed to still smell like ink, trying to avoid this question.

"Move there?" Seeing that she wanted to escape, Li Zedao smiled and didn't give her a chance to escape.

"Move..." Baili Bing said in a voice he could hardly hear, and stood up.

"I'm going to sleep." Bailibing's eyes refused to communicate with Li Zedao's eyes, and fled.

"I'm going to sleep too." Yang Xueer yawned and looked at Yang Chengming, "Xiao Ming, you'll squeeze with your brother-in-law tonight." Then she gave Li Zedao a very ambiguous look, indicating that the big bastard is today If you don't come to my room tonight, you will die.

"What?" Yang Chengming looked sad.

"Oh, Xueqiu is sleeping with you too... Tonight, if Xue'er barks so loudly that I can't sleep, I'll make it impossible for the two of you to fall asleep."


"Want Want..."

Li Zedao was very busy all night. He first knocked out Yang Chengming, who was not sleeping well, and Xueqiu, who was not sleeping well, then slipped out of the room and entered Yang Xueer's room. After spending a lot of time coaxing Yang Xueer to sleep, he then Left and slipped into Baili Bing's room and continued to put Bai Libing to sleep...

Man, tired!

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