The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 897 Long Aotian

"Really not... Eh... Isn't that the junior?" Yao Bei pointed to Li Ze who was sitting beside the venue, his face full of surprise.

"Don't lie to me... Uh, it's really him..." Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up when he saw the familiar figure.

"Is he also a member of the basketball team? Will he play soon?" Yao Bei asked curiously, "But it seems wrong, he is not wearing a basketball uniform."

"I don't know either." Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "But it's true that he plays basketball very well."

"Yeah, I heard that he and Long Aotian had a dunk game on the basketball court before, and then the junior jumped up and dunked the ball with a beautiful woman on his back, and in the end he broke the basketball hoop like a beast . . . if he plays, he will set the basketball court on fire."

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded with a smile.

"Lawyer Bai, you see that he hugs left and right, and his beauty is not inferior to yours. Your rivals in love are many and powerful." Yao Bei sighed heavily and patted Bai Xiaoxiao's shoulder to express his comfort.

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled again and said nothing.

As time went by, the referee entered the field, and a certain leader wrote some ink again, such as friendship first, competition second, and so on. Finally, the starting players of both sides entered the field to greet each other, and then stood in formation.

Then the referee blew the whistle for the game, and the Huaxia College Basketball League officially kicked off, and the entire gymnasium was instantly enveloped in a deafening noise.

As Li Zedao expected, the Institute of Technology got the ball for the first offense.

Phoenix University is in charge of jumping the ball is Long Aotian, although Long Aotian's jumping ability is good, but the opponent who is in charge of jumping the ball is taller than Long Aotian, and looks more explosive than Long Aotian, it is reasonable to lose to the opponent middle.

The process was similar to Li Zedao's expectation. The game was really hard.

Although the University of Phoenix basketball team has very powerful scorers, such as Long Aotian, the level of others including Zhou Yan is not good enough. On the other hand, although the level of the five of them is not as good as that of Long Aotian , but their physical fitness is even stronger than Long Aotian.

The tigers couldn't hold back the monkeys, so Long Aotian basically became a lone hero in the end. Fortunately, he was too good, so although he was behind, the score was kept within five points.

As for Zhou Yan, who is determined to become a blockbuster in this game... well,

Just choose to ignore it. This guy was actually not that good at first, but maybe because he was playing such a formal game in this kind of place for the first time, it was said that he was too nervous or excited, and he could even dribble a ball to the sidelines by himself. ...

Li Zedao knew that the reason why Zhou Yan was able to start and get so much playing time unreasonably was because Long Aotian was afraid of being beaten by him.

"Ah, Long Aotian, come on... Come on... Come on..."

"The best of you guys at Polytechnic... here's a ball..."

"Damn it, who is that idiot twenty-three...get off the stage, don't hold us back..."


Li Zedao covered his face, because the idiot twenty-three that the audience scolded was referring to Zhou Yan.

Now it is only the third quarter, fifty-eight to fifty-three, Phoenix University is behind by five points, almost forty of the fifty-three points are scored by Long Aotian alone.

Although compared with the opponent, he does not have much advantage in height, but he is really not bragging in terms of technology. Various three-pointers, breakthrough layups, and even dunks make the opponent extremely helpless.

But Li Zedao noticed that Long Aotian is already out of breath, in other words, he is basically exhausted now.

The head coach Zheng Yu has also noticed Long Aotian's physical problems for a long time. Although he was anxious, he was helpless. He didn't dare to replace Long Aotian. His coaching strategy was...Death-Cao Longao sky!

As long as Long Aotian is present, scoring is not a problem, even if he loses in the end, the loss will not be too ugly. If Long Aotian was allowed to rest, even for a minute, then the score would definitely be opened immediately, and it would be impossible to chase after that time.

"Although Long Aotian looks wretched, he's really awesome." Miffy said with his eyes wide open, "If he hadn't been fighting with each other to death, our Phoenix University would have collapsed long ago."

"That's true, otherwise I wouldn't be attracted by professional basketball teams." Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile. If not, Li Zedao would not have let Long Aotian go so easily. After all, with him, Phoenix University basketball The team can still compete with the opponent. If he is off the field, then the other players can go home, wash and sleep, and staying on the field is just embarrassing.

Then he changed the topic and said, "However, our school will soon collapse."

"Yeah, Long Aotian is awesome, but he is strictly guarded by the opponent, and he has to defend the opponent desperately. He is both a father and a mother. I am afraid that he has no physical strength now?" Miffy agreed deeply.

Long Aotian got the ball again, sprinted, and jumped with both feet outside the three-point line...

"Aw..." The students of Phoenix University clenched their fists and started screaming wildly. They knew that as long as Long Aotian got the ball, then the three points could be scored.

They knew they might lose this game, but with Long Aotian around, it wouldn't end there, would it?

"Long Aotian...Come on...Come on...Come on..." The cheerleading team composed of several female fans of Long Aotian began to shout desperately.

Long Aotian raised his arm and moved his wrist forward slightly.

"Bang!" A Big Mac appeared in front of him, slapped the basketball, and then the basketball slammed into Long Aotian's sweaty face.

"Crack!" Long Aotian fell to the ground heavily without compromising his body, not understanding a move.

The next second, the referee's whistle sounded, and the referee made a gesture. The opponent's defensive player was sentenced to a malicious foul, but he looked innocent and raised his hands to show that he was a normal defensive player. Foul? And it's a malicious foul.

At the same time, the entire basketball court suddenly fell into an extremely dead atmosphere. The students of Phoenix University who came to cheer were shocked and bewildered looking at Long Aotian who was motionless on the ground.

"Captain, are you okay...captain..."

"Damn, playing ball or hitting people, you want to fight, right..."

"team leader……"


Those players and the head coach Zheng Yu rushed to the front, and some outraged players, such as Zhou Yan, even tried to punch each other. The staff on the sidelines and the referee hurriedly stopped the situation to prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

Then the whole gymnasium was enveloped by the roar of students

"Damn it, dare to kill Long Ao Tianxia..."

"What kind of hero is a man who plays dirty? It's kind of a one-on-one fight..."

"Who is that, I remember you, if I let you go out of this gymnasium today, your last name will be..."

"Aotian, my Aotian, my he alright?" There was a girl with tears in her eyes, looking extremely helpless.


The students of the polytechnic institute concentrated on the south side were all snickering over there. They knew that as long as the boy who got in the way left the field, the game would be easily won.

Are you a student at the University of Phoenix? so what? It's just a bunch of nerds who only know how to read books.

"He won't just die like this?" Miffy asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Li Zedao said with some dumbfounding: "If you think too much, at most you will be hit by the ball until you see stars in front of your eyes, and then twist your wrist. You won't die, but... this game is considered dead."

"Yeah, it's a pity." Lin Susu said with some emotion.

"Who said he's dead?" Miffy looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes and said, "As long as our Squad Leader Li is gone, isn't the final victory easy?"

"Although what you said is the truth, I won't end... I'm not a member of the basketball team." Li Zedao said speechlessly, "The most important thing is that playing with them is really boring... This is not bullying person?"

"..." Lin Susu and Miffy were happy all of a sudden, but they looked at Li Zedao with eyes full of love.

If you don't like a person, you think he is an idiot when he is pretending; when you like someone, you think he is the most handsome person in the world when he is pretending.


"Long Aotian... Long Aotian..." The head coach who has common sense of first aid did not dare to touch Long Aotian's body casually, but squatted down and shouted anxiously.

Long Aotian finally opened his eyes, the face that was almost smashed by the basketball was full of pain and said: "Coach, I twisted my hand..."

I really don't want to be reconciled, although my teammates are all pigs, but they also cooperated very well and pretended to be aggressive, didn't they? As long as you persevere, even if you lose in the end, you will still get a lot of applause and applause, right? But what now?

Zheng Yu's complexion became even uglier. I saw that Long Aotian's right hand was purple and even his wrist was swollen. Obviously, it was not so much that the guy slapped the basketball, but rather that he slapped it on the basketball. On the back of Long Aotian's hand, so the other party's attack is deadly. In addition, Long Aotian was stunned by the ball, and he was too tired. Sprained after being braced.

The team doctor also hurried forward, and simply checked Xialong Aotian's hand. It was only twisted, and there was no danger of fracture or dislocation. He said: "There is nothing serious, but I have to rest for a few days."

Zheng Yu nodded, but was very anxious, what should I do? The method of death-grass dragon Aotian can't be used now, but once Long Aotian is off the field, the score that has been clinging to the fast three quarters will be quickly pulled away, and then the last quarter will be known without thinking. Garbage time.

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