The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 903: Counting People

According to the usual practice, before this so-called cultural relics exhibition and exchange meeting, there is an official speech, and then let the reporters snap a few photos... Qian Shaopeng came here to do this kind of thing.

So around nine o'clock in the morning, a small stage was simply set up at the gate of the Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall, and then those government officials and archaeological experts who came to participate in the opening ceremony of the Cultural Relics Exhibition, as well as foreign friends, arrived one after another the scene.

Immediately afterwards, reporters from various TV stations, media, newspapers and magazines rushed over one after another, and prepared long guns and short cannons, ready to bombard indiscriminately in a while.

Those citizens who heard the news also gathered around one after another, intending to enter the venue to witness the elegant demeanor of the snake head and various cultural relics.

Li Zedao, Nanji and the others shuttled through the crowd, looking at everyone present vigilantly and secretly, after all, there might be those thieves hiding among them.

Afterwards, when Qian Shaopeng came to the stage, he made a speech that Li Zedao felt very familiar but drowsy, and then the representative of international friends gave a speech.

This international friend Li Zedao is quite familiar with him. It was the French archaeologist Milles Motte who went into the desert to investigate the ruins together. This is a bald old man who has studied the Mayan civilization. He is also an international A member of the Archaeological Association and a friend of Lin Zisen.

After discovering that Li Zedao was also in the crowd, Milles Mott gave Li Zedao a very friendly smile. After all, when he was inspecting the damned ruins in the desert, if Li Zedao hadn't appeared in time, he would have died in the desert long ago.

Afterwards, the curator Li Shicheng said very excitedly that the exhibition of cultural relics had officially started... Then the gate of the exhibition hall, which had been closed for one night, was opened.

Of course, those officials, important guests, international friends and the like first entered the exhibition hall first, and then the citizens who came to visit were allowed to enter the exhibition hall.

"Before entering the exhibition hall, please temporarily store your mobile phones and cameras here. Taking pictures is prohibited in the exhibition hall! Once discovered, we will confiscate them and fine you in accordance with regulations."

The staff of the exhibition hall guard the gate and only allow people without camera equipment to enter, and those with camera equipment will be temporarily kept.

"It's impossible to prevent it at all." Li Zedao shook his head secretly. After all, if someone really wants to take pictures, how can they not be stopped?

Don't you see, how many girls' scenery under their skirts have been secretly photographed by voyeurs? These days, the camera is very secretive. For example, if you wear the right watch on your hand, it is very likely that it is also a camera.

"Aren't you going in?" Nanji asked,

Maybe she didn't even realize that the tone she spoke to Li Zedao was already a little gentler.

"Go in, I'll be on guard here." Li Zedao stared at the people who walked in and said, "With your abilities, you will definitely find some suspicious people."

"That's okay." Nanji didn't say anything more, but entered the exhibition hall together with Tie Shou and Datou pretending to be visiting citizens, and wandered around the snake head, secretly observing every cultural relic that entered People in the exhibition hall.

But Li Zedao still stood in a very inconspicuous corner like a passerby, but his eyes fell on the gate, his expression was slightly serious, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In this way, until 5:30 in the afternoon, the cultural relics exhibition hall was officially closed. Antarctica, Tieshou and Datou came out with Qian Shaopeng, Liu Shicheng and several other staff members, and then the security guards took the cultural relics exhibition hall away. The gate was closed and locked, and the alarm was activated.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who had stayed in that unremarkable corner for a whole day, saw that everyone had come out, and the gate of the cultural relics exhibition hall was closed and locked, so he appeared and walked towards them.

"Zedao, thank you for your hard work." Qian Shaopeng looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile. Although he couldn't see him all day long and didn't know what he was doing, he still had to say polite words. of.

Today, Qian Shaopeng stayed in the museum all day, and did not see Li Zedao. He also ate with those staff members until after the museum closed, and the three of them checked the entire exhibition hall together with the security guards in Anji, but found nothing. After something abnormal, it came out.

"It should." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"I will continue to work hard for you in the future, because some abnormalities have been discovered." Qian Shaopeng said with a slightly solemn expression.

"Abnormal?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I'll explain it to you later." Nanji looked at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao nodded and said nothing.

Liu Shicheng said that he has been busy all day, it is really hard for Minister Qian, he has already reserved a box in a certain hotel.

So the whole group set off towards the hotel, only Li Zedao, Nanji, Tieshou and Datou stayed here.

"Did you find any suspicious person inside?" Li Zedao asked while looking at Nanji.

Nanji nodded with a slightly dignified expression and said, "After a whole day, we found four people who we thought were suspicious."

"Four..." Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said, "I know, you have already stored the monitoring route in your mobile phone, right? Call it up and let me see which four are there."

The big head quickly took out the phone, called up the surveillance video already stored in the phone, opened it, tapped on the screen, then pointed to the screen and said, "Young Master Li, look at this man. I have been admiring other cultural relics, as if I am not interested in the snake head at all, but we found that although he is facing the crown, he is looking at the snake head from the corner of his eye... You can also find that, regardless of When he visited the cultural relic, the corner of his eye never left the position where the snake head was..."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, "What about the remaining three?"

The big head swiped the phone screen a few times: "This is the second... This is the third... The fourth..."

"Except for these four people who we think are more suspicious, we haven't found anything else." Datou said, "But what is suspicious is suspicious. They are not necessarily thieves."

"They must be thieves." Li Zedao said affirmatively, his tone beyond doubt.

"How do you say it?" The three elites from the Shenlong organization were slightly stunned. They, who have performed many difficult tasks and have a pair of piercing eyes, dare not make random definitions, but how can he be sure?

"Since the opening of the exhibition hall in the morning, the first person, oh, Minister Qian entered, I have been doing one thing." Li Zedao said with a weird smile.

"What's the matter?" Nanji asked, frowning. In the morning, Li Zedao chose to stay outside instead of going in. Nanji knew there must be some reason for this, but all she could think of was that Li Zedao stayed outside because he wanted to see if there were any suspicious people wandering outside the exhibition hall.

"Count people." Li Zedao said.

"Counting people? What do you mean?" Nanji didn't understand.

"Counting from Minister Qian, who was the first person to enter the exhibition hall, including all government officials, staff, foreign guests, and those citizens, a total of 11,182 people have entered the exhibition hall throughout the day..."

"Uh..." Nanji, Tieshou and Datou all opened their eyes wide, staring at Li Zedao with an extremely incredible look.

"You stay there all day counting people?" Nanji asked with some difficulty, it seemed that this guy was even more perverted than he looked.

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm squatting there for nothing?" Li Zedao pointed to the inconspicuous corner and said, "Of course, the one who comes out and goes in is only one..."

"..." The eyes of the three opened even wider, this pervert! In other words, not only did he memorize the total number of people who entered, but he even memorized everyone's appearance? If he didn't remember, how did he know that someone came out and then went in again? is it possible?

Li Zedao ignored the terrified eyes they looked at him, but continued: "In the end, everyone came out, and the exhibition hall was closed, but only 11178 came out, in other words, four people did not come out. , now hiding in a corner of the exhibition hall and laughing."

"What?" The faces of the three of them changed slightly.

"This...impossible." Nanji frowned and said, "After we came out, we checked every corner of the museum very carefully, and there was no one in it..."

"Are you sure?" Li Zedao asked, looking at the exhibition hall.

"Sure!" Nanji said very depressed.

Damn, how dare you doubt yourself! The three of them are also elites from the Shenlong organization, how could they not even find out if anyone is hiding in it?

Tie Shou and Da Tou also nodded. It was hard for them to imagine that there were still people hiding in the museum. If so, it would be a slap in the face to them.

"What I mean is, did the three of you personally check all the corners of the entire exhibition hall, or did you just check some places, and the other places were checked by those security guards?" Li Zedao pointed to the security guards guarding there.

"This..." Nanji frowned.

"There are so many security guards checking the entire exhibition hall. It's not easy for people to hide inside without being discovered. What's more, there are four people hiding." Li Zedao said with narrowed eyes, "The only reasonable explanation is that there are some A certain person, or even two or three persons, is with this gang of thieves."

Li Zedao looked at the three people whose faces had changed greatly and said: "Besides, after watching the surveillance just now, I found that the four people who didn't come out look very similar to the four people you suspected of having problems!"


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