At that moment, Li Zeda took Nanji, Datou and Tie Shou into a western restaurant.

"My personal suggestion, the steak here is very good." After finding a seat and sitting down, Li Zedao said with a smile. He once came here to eat steak with Susan. The Whirlton steak here is a must. It is very authentic. Li Zedao doesn’t know what the authentic Wilton steak tastes like. Anyway, he thinks it’s delicious. .

"Haha, listen to Young Master Li." Datou smiled and ordered a steak. Because he has received professional training and has a hard heart, he can afford it and let it go, so the big head will not worry about being tricked by a thief for too long, at most he just feels a little shameless.

Of course, in the past, when they encountered any difficulties, they would formulate a corresponding plan in the fastest possible time, and this time was no exception. They also made a plan, that is, everything would follow Li Zedao's arrangement.

Li Zedao said to have a big meal, and they came to have a big meal.

Nanji and Tie Shou also ordered a steak as promised.

"Shouldn't you drink coffee in this situation? It's not very good for your health." Li Zedao said looking at Nanji.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, the warmth and shyness in the depths of his eyes flashed past, he didn't nod or shake his head, and he didn't say anything out loud, it was a tacit agreement.

Tie Shou and Da Tou looked at this puzzlement in their hearts. You must know that coffee is Antarctic's favorite. Even if you drink gruel, you must have a cup of coffee after Antarctic drinks.

Once on a mission in the wild, Antarctic even opened a small bag of coffee and poured it into his mouth, and then drank a saliva, which was regarded as coffee.

But now in the western restaurant, in such a place suitable for drinking coffee, Anji did not drink coffee because of Li Zedao's words... Husband and wife follow?

Most importantly... what is this situation?

Could it be...Antarctica is pregnant?

The big head and the iron hand looked at each other, and both could see the slightly twitching face of the other.

"What are you two doing?" Seeing that Tie Shou and Da Shou wouldn't eat the good steak, Nanji stared at him from time to time, and asked coldly.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay..." Tie Shou and Datou hurriedly waved their hands and forcefully forced an embarrassing and incomparably smile on their faces.

"Are you all right?" Nanji was a little suspicious. Are these two guys sick?

"It's's okay...haha,

The steak is so delicious..." The two quickly buried their heads in munching on the steak, they knew very well that if Anji knew that they knew she was pregnant, they would definitely kill her.

"What's the plan?" Nanji looked at Li Zedao and asked.

She still knows a little about this guy, if she hadn't already had a plan in her heart, she wouldn't be so calm and calm.

Li Zedao chewed and swallowed the steak in his mouth, and asked, "What about you? What do you think?"

Tie Shou frowned slightly and said, "It's impossible to go in now, after all, we can't be sure whether the other party has guns, we can't make fun of those cultural relics..."

"I'm just curious. After those thieves finally broke the password and got the snake head in the safe, how will they get out?" The big head asked his own question, "From his tone, it seems that they have planned to escape for a long time. It's time to get out."

"Escape is nothing more than these methods." Nanji said, "First, forcefully break out...Of course, this possibility is very small, because those thieves should know that they are not our opponents."

"Secondly, there is a secret passage in the exhibition hall that they have known in advance... This possibility should not be too great." Nanji frowned and shook his head. After all, it is too difficult to dig a so-called secret passage somewhere to lead to the cultural relics exhibition hall. After all, time does not allow it. It is only a short week since the decision to send the snake head to the exhibition hall in Phoenix City. Time, how could such a secret passage be dug in a week?

Besides, the security guards and staff in the museum are not decorations. How could someone not find out if someone secretly dug the secret passage? Even if there are traitors among the security guards, there should be no way to be so secretive.

"Is there a third?" Li Zedao looked at Nanji and asked with a smile.

Nanji nodded and continued: "The third is negotiation. The method used is the same as that used to deal with us just now, using other cultural relics in the museum as threats to force us to let them go."

The big head and the iron hand looked at each other and then nodded. They also felt that the thieves should also choose the third way to escape.

"What do you think?" Nanji looked at Li Zedao and asked.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Do you know why I brought you here for a big meal? It's not because I have a big chest, but because I have nothing to do and don't know what to do, so I had to come here." time to eat."

"..." Nanji, the big head and the iron hand looked at each other, and they could all see the slightly twitching face of the other party.

"Who told me just now that they can't escape?" Nanji stared at Li Zedao angrily.

"That..." Li Zedao's face was already full of embarrassment, "That, I can't count it as a guarantee, it's more of a comfort... Things have already developed to this point, panic and anxious It's of no use either..."

"Get out!" Nanji said angrily, almost throwing a knife at Li Zedao.

I was extremely disappointed with Li Zedao, so Nanji decided to call Qian Shaopeng and tell him the truth. After all, the task of Shenlong organization this time is to protect the snake head from being stolen, but the snake head is now in danger of being stolen. Once stolen, it means mission failure.

The Shenlong organization absolutely does not allow the mission to fail! Absolutely not allowed!

"Antarctic, what's the matter?" Qian Shaopeng asked on the other end of the phone, and could vaguely hear the sound of toasting and flattery, which showed that they were also eating, and they were all in high spirits.

"Minister Qian, this is how it happened." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao coldly, and said in a cold voice, "There are four thieves who are trying to crack the password of the safe in the exhibition hall right now..."

"What?" Qian Shaopeng's terrified voice came over.

"We also talked to one of the thieves on the phone. The thieves said don't disturb them to crack the code, otherwise they will use * * to blow up the cultural relics."

"They... and *..." Qian Shaopeng's voice was even more astonished.

"Yes, so we dare not act rashly." Nanji said.

"Wait for me, I'll be there right away." Qian Shaopeng said in an extremely serious tone, and then hung up the phone.

Nanji put the phone in his pocket casually and stood up, glanced at the big head and the iron hand in a cold tone and said: "Go." He left his seat and walked towards the door of the western restaurant with big strides, from beginning to end In the end, they didn't even look at Li Zedao, as if he was a transparent person.

Tieshou and Datou took a look at Li Zedao who was embarrassed, and without saying anything, they quickly stood up and followed Nanji and left the restaurant.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, then picked up the knife and fork, and continued to cut the steak. After all, there is still more than half of it, so it can't be wasted, right?

At this moment, the phone in his pocket vibrated, and a text message came in.

Li Zedao took out his phone and opened the text message, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a strange way.

"Waiter, pay the bill!" he shouted.


At the gate of the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall, Qian Shaopeng and the curator Liu Shicheng rushed here with people, probably because of being too nervous, Liu Shicheng's face was still covered with thick beads of sweat, but Qian Shaopeng was calmer , but the complexion is not very good-looking.

"How could this be? How could this be happening?" Liu Shicheng jumped anxiously. The thieves inside were so bold that they yelled and yelled and yelled and blew up other cultural relics without letting him concentrate on cracking the code. What kind of joke are you talking about?

"What's going on? It was sneaked in by thieves? How did you protect it?" Qian Shaopeng asked with a dark face.

"Minister Qian, pay attention to your tone." Nanji frowned and said, a small Minister of Cultural Relics is really not qualified to dictate to them, "We don't want to see this kind of thing happen."

Qian Shaopeng also realized that his tone was wrong. After all, these three uncles were not his subordinates at all, and there was no need to follow his arrangements for some actions. Even if the snake head was really lost in the end, Qian Shaopeng was not qualified to hold them accountable.

At that moment, Qian Shaopeng breathed out a deep breath and said: "I'm really sorry, because this kind of thing happened, I couldn't control my emotions at once, so... tell me, what should we do now? I will let people Cooperate with your actions."

"I think, after the four thieves inside broke the code and obtained the snake's head..."

"That's the most advanced safe, and the password is impossible to crack." Liu Shicheng interjected.

Nanji glanced at him coldly and said, "Give me one night, and I can crack it."

"..." Liu Shicheng shut up.

"After they get the snake head, they should negotiate with us." Nanji said, "So my suggestion is, in order to avoid causing greater losses, we can only wait until they take the initiative to contact, and tomorrow's exhibition will be cancelled. "

"That's the only way to go." Qian Shaopeng nodded with an ugly face, and even his voice became a little hoarse.

"By the way, where is Ze Dao?" Qian Shaopeng asked.

The anger in Nanji's eyes flashed, and then Li Zedao's voice came from behind.

"Uncle Qian, I'm here, I'm really sorry, I can't help you much." Li Zedao walked over and smiled wryly.

Qian Shaopeng shook his head and said, "No one wants to see this kind of thing happen, so I thank you for your hard work."

"It's not convenient for me to participate in the next thing." Li Zedao said apologetically, "Then I'll go back to sleep first."

"Get out!" Nanji looked at Li Zedao with cold eyes, wishing he could stab him to death with a knife!

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