The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 918 Someone Wants to See You

Although the big head is very free and easy to say that if you want to kill or chop you, he and Tie Shou are both elites of the Shenlong organization after all. Even if they make a major mistake, only the Shenlong organization has the qualifications to interrogate them, so Li Zedao tightly controlled him and Tie Shou. As for how to deal with it, that was a matter for the organization behind Nanji.

As for whether there is any problem with Qian Shaopeng, and where is the real snake head, Li Zedao did not participate, and let Anji go on his own. Of course, Qian Shaopeng's freedom was also controlled.

In the next few days, Li Zedao stayed in the school honestly and went to class, flirting with Miffy and Lin Susu when he had nothing to do, went to the office to talk about love with Su Shanshan, and secretly flirted with He Xiaoyu when he was in class. From time to time, I would go to Su Xuan's place to attend class with her, or have an intimate contact with Alice in the car, or invite Ji Yuemo out for a walk by Furong Lake at night...Of course, because The previous haunting turmoil has come to an end, so now there are more people by Furong Lake.

Although the weather is cold, it really can't stop the fiery and sullen hearts of the students.

Occasionally, Li Zedao's eyes accidentally meet Yang Baishu's, Li Zedao can clearly find that the latter's eyes are even colder. Of course, Li Zedao knows very clearly that this has something to do with his father Yang Sen, but Li Zedao is just a little He didn't care, Yang Baishu was not as stupid as Ma Renjie, he was a smart person, he knew who to provoke and what not to provoke, so he could only curse his mother silently in his heart.

Although Li Zedao had to appease several women a day and felt that he was a busy person, he also felt that it would be great if he could live this kind of life every day.

The only thing that made him a little helpless was that he was so cool as a substitute in the basketball team match against the next-door Polytechnic Institute, so that he was even more in the spotlight now. No matter where he went, there would always be students running over to ask for help. Signing, asking for a group photo, and what's more, some girls even shamelessly recommended themselves. This made Li Zedao very depressed, thinking that you are not only insulting yourself, you are insulting my taste.

Although it's already winter, winter doesn't mean withering for Phoenix City. At a glance, it's full of greenery everywhere.

By the Furong Lake, you can still see the rippling blue waves and the clear bottom of the lake, and you can also see the branches fluttering in the breeze on the shore of the lake, and you can also see the few wandering birds not far away. The pair of black swans on the lake.

At night, the only thing you can see is the couple sitting by the lake, talking sweet words of love in the cold wind, and even gnawing each other's mouth on the grass like no one else.

At this time, Li Zedao and Ji Yuemo were just one of those couples. Of course, they didn't gnaw each other's mouths. Li Zedao actually wanted to "do as the Romans do\

,"But Ji Yuemo didn't give in, she said that she was not as thick-skinned as you.

For Ji Yuemo, the first time she met Li Zedao and became interested was by the Furong Lake, so this Furong Lake has a special meaning for her.

When Ji Yuemo's little head rested on Li Zedao's shoulder, a trace of sadness appeared on that delicate little face.

"What's wrong?" Li Zedao clearly felt that Ji Yuemo was not in a good mood tonight.

"It's not your father who made you angry, right?" Li Zedao thought of her superb father again.

Ji Yuemo shook her head and said sadly: "No, my mother called me in the afternoon, and my grandfather was sick again. My mother said that I might not survive the Chinese New Year this time..."

Ji Yuemo's eyes were flushed, her voice was already choked up, and she couldn't speak anymore.

Li Zedao sighed slightly, birth, old age, sickness and death are unavoidable for anyone, so he stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly.

"My grandpa loves me the most. When I was in Yanjing, he always made troubles. He said that he was almost exhausted, but I didn't hurry to show him my boyfriend. He was very sorry. ...Every time he says that, I get very angry." Ji Yuemo looked up at Li Zedao, tears welling up in his eyes, "I'm not angry that he always wants me to find a boyfriend quickly, but I'm angry that he always said I can't do it anymore..."

"I know, I know." Li Zedao comforted, and even more tightly hugged this delicate body.

"Zedao, come with me to Yanjing to see grandpa these two days, okay?" Ji Yuemo buried his head in Li Zedao's arms, his voice was broken, "The old man will be very happy to see you Yes, maybe the disease will be cured... Besides, your medical skills are so good, maybe you can cure him."

Li Zedao smiled wryly, he is actually half a bottle in terms of medical skills, but he still nodded and said, "Okay."

"Really?" Ji Yuemo raised her head with tears in her eyes.

Li Zedao nodded affirmatively, and reached out to help her wipe away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes: "Sister, when did I ever lie to you?"

"Who said you never cheated my heart away..."

"...It was given to me voluntarily because you saw that I was handsome."

"You... hate it." Ji Yuemo scolded.

Being interrupted by Li Zedao, and Li Zedao promised to go back with her to visit her grandfather, Ji Yuemo's mood couldn't get any better, so he said immediately: "Then let's go on Friday afternoon? We can go to Yanzhou in the evening. It's Beijing."

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded.

Then the phone in his pocket rang.

Ji Yuemo knew that Li Zedao had many women, and that many women meant that there were many things to do, so he got up from his arms very obediently.

Li Zedao smiled, took out his phone and looked at the calling number, it was Nanji.

In the past few days, Anji is solely responsible for the theft of the snake's head. Although the big head and the iron hand are under control, and Qian Shaopeng is also regarded as a suspect, he has lost his freedom. The entire Phoenix City is still in a state of blockade to prevent the loss of the snake head. The snake head left Fenghuang City to flow outside, but there was still no progress.

After the big head and the iron hand were controlled, they didn't say a word, Qian Shaopeng yelled that he was wronged, and the flying fox gang couldn't provide any more useful information, and the whereabouts of the snake head was still a mystery.

Of course, after the incident happened, the higher-ups also sent experts to Phoenix City to identify the snake head that was identified by Millers Mott as fake, and the conclusion they got was naturally, it was fake! The kind of fake that is enough to confuse the real! But what is false is false, and there is no way to become true.

"I'm at the gate of Phoenix University now, come out." Nanji's voice was as cold and domineering as ever, and he didn't care what Li Zedao was doing now or whether he had time.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "That...uh..."

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, because Nanji hung up the phone very simply.

Seeing Li Zedao's deflated look, Ji Yuemo laughed heartlessly: "Tsk tsk, our frog prince still has this kind of time? Which sister is it? Uh..."

Ji Yuemo's small mouth was blocked by Li Zedao very simply.

It wasn't until both of them were panting and having difficulty breathing that they separated. At this time, Ji Yuemo's little face was already flushed red, full of embarrassment.

"I'll take you back to the dormitory." Li Zedao said.

"Go and do your work, I'll just go back by myself." Ji Yuemo said.

"That can't be done. You are so good-looking. What if someone with no eyesight eats tofu on the way back?" Li Zedao said domineeringly, "Only I can eat your tofu."

"That's right." Ji Yuemo nodded, "I am so good-looking, the probability of being eaten tofu is indeed very high."


After sending Ji Yuemo back to the dormitory, Li Zedao walked out of the campus and came to the school gate. He saw a domineering off-road vehicle parked there, so he went over and opened the co-pilot's door to get in.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, and didn't ask him why it took so long for the ink to come out. Instead, he started the car neatly, kicked the accelerator, and the car roared forward and galloped away.

"I haven't rested these days, okay?" Li Zedao looked at the cold side face and asked. After asking, he felt that he was just talking nonsense.

Now it can be said that the entire burden is on Antarctica, and Li Zedao is not qualified to participate directly in this kind of matter except for friendship or love help, and even the entire police system of Phoenix City is not qualified to participate in putting forward his own opinions. Yes, the only thing they can do is to stay there and wait for the Antarctic transfer.

Sure enough, Li Zedao saw Nanji looking at him like an idiot, and then parted his sexy thin lips: "Nonsense!"


"It's common to not sleep for a few days." Nanji said leisurely, "It's nothing."

Li Zedao felt a little distressed for no reason. After all, she is a member of the Shenlong organization, and there are many difficult tasks that need her to perform. Even death is a common thing, let alone not sleeping for a few days.

However, although her expression is as cold as ever, she must be very sad in her heart, right? The kind of fluctuation in the heart of anyone who suffers from the betrayal of his companions will not be too small.

"If you need my help, just bring it up, no matter if you go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, my brows will not frown." Li Zedao said seriously.

Nanji was silent, maybe even she didn't realize it, she loosened the steering wheel inadvertently, so that the fast-moving car shook twice, and then said softly: "How many girls have you deceived with such words?"

"..." Li Zedao wanted to vomit blood, please, how could you be so uncooperative at such an affectionate moment? This woman... is so annoying.

"Someone wants to see you." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao and said.

"Who?" Li Zedao asked. In fact, when Nanji came, Li Zedao could guess that someone wanted to see him, so he asked Nanji to pick him up. After all, if there were other things, a phone call from Nanji was enough.

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