The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 933 The Lamb to be Slaughtered

Bai Xiaoxiao looked up at the sunset in the sky that was about to set on the mountain, she lost her calmness a long time ago and became worried.

Li Zedao asked her and Yao Bei to wait for a while before leaving with his great-grandfather, but it has been three hours now, and it is getting dark, he and his great-grandfather haven't come back yet, nothing happened Is something wrong?

I wanted to call him, but I was afraid that something he was busy with would disturb him, so I hesitated for a while, and now I couldn't calm down and listen to Yao Bei's nonsense.

Of course, Yao Bei is not calm at this moment, how can he have the desire to talk about those pornographic topics with Mr. Bai?

"Could it be... that something happened?" Yao Bei scanned the surroundings, swallowed, and said with some fear. The main reason is that as the sun goes down, the surroundings have an eerie feeling besides the tranquility.

Although she is also a member of the Psychic Association at any rate, she doesn't feel like watching horror movies anymore, but when she is in such a strangely quiet environment, and there is no light at all, the door is wide open. The small dark stone house is like a haunted house. Naturally, it has another feeling, far scarier than watching a horror movie.

"No...he might be busy, we're waiting." Bai Xiaoxiao was still afraid of disturbing Li Zedao. When she likes someone, she naturally thinks a little more about him.

"Busy ass, you can't leave us two weak girls with no strength in this kind of ghost place." Yao Bei was about to cry, "If you don't beat me, I will beat you."

As soon as the words were finished, there was the sound of a car wheel coming from outside, and then a man looked old and yelled: "Old man Wang... is old man Wang at home?"

Both Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei were inexplicably nervous. Looking back, they saw an old man with a worn-out straw hat on his head, and a dirty-looking old man pulling a two-wheeled scooter like the one in the countryside. Appeared at the gate of the courtyard, yelling and looking inside.

"Old man Wang...Old man Wang..."

When he saw the two young women standing in the courtyard, the old man's eyes were obviously stunned, and then a gleam of light appeared in his yellow eyes.

"Old man Wang's granddaughter? No, I've been collecting the old man's waste for so long, and I haven't heard that he has any relatives, or did he come to stay? Because the houses in front of him were full, so I ran to Such a remote place?" The old man began to get familiar with it.

"You... Looking for my great-grandpa?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked with some vigilance, mainly because the way the old man looked at her made her a little uncomfortable.

"Old man Wang is your great grandfather, isn't he here?" The old man said with a smile, walked into the courtyard familiarly, and even took off the straw hat on his head, revealing a head with only a few hairs. The smile on his face made him look more wretched and wretched.

"Oh, he just went out and will be back in a while." Bai Xiaoxiao said.

"That's even better, I'll wait for him to heat up..." the old man looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with a smile and said, and continued to walk forward.

Seeing these two chicks retreating, the smile on the old man's face became even wider: "Why are you retreating? What? Think I'm a bad guy? What do you think of you?"

Yao Bei's eyes became even more vigilant, isn't this nonsense? With the look in your eyes, looking at my mother is like a wolf seeing meat, even a fool knows what you want to do.

Right now, Bai Xiaoxiao was stopped behind her. After all, during the years of rebellion in junior high school, she really fought a lot. Later, she changed her temper and studied hard.

If this dead old man really dares to mess around because of his lust, he should be entangled with him first, and let Bai Xiaoxiao leave to seek help... Anyway, in the end, he looks safer, doesn't he?

"My great-grandpa will be back soon..." Bai Xiaoxiao tried to calm herself and said, but she took a step forward and stood side by side with Yao Bei. She can't let her best friend face this villain alone, can she? She likes to dance laser light, so she is not the kind of girl who is too weak to die.

Immediately, he gave Yao Bei a look, indicating to her that he would entangle her first, and let her escape the courtyard at the right time.

Yao Bei rolled his eyes, it's such a time, what's there to argue about?

"That's right, let old man Wang see how his great-granddaughter was entertained by me." The old man said with a smile, looking at the two daughters as if he were looking at two lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

He even took out his hand in his pocket, and found a pocket knife.

When Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei saw the knife, their faces became even more ugly. The other party might not be able to fight with bare hands, let alone now that he still has a knife in his hand. If he stabbed him, wouldn't it be a tragedy?

"Hehe, listen to me obediently, or should I just leave a mark on your face or even take your life away?" The old man shook the knife in his hand and said with a sinister smile, "Anyway, I killed you!" People, I really don't care about killing two... kill first and then rape..."

"Zedao..." Bai Xiaoxiao was already beaming.

"Frog Prince... my dear junior... I love you so much... Are you coming back, your senior sister... Oh, the main reason is that Lawyer Bai's virginity will be lost, and you will have to wear a cuckold at that time ..." Yao Bei was so excited that he jumped up and down on the spot.

"..." Bai Xiaoxiao was speechless, what was going on.

"These two chicks... are sick?" The old man saw that these two chicks were not only not afraid, but instead looked excited to death, his heart was already filled with suspicion.

The next second, a hand came out of nowhere and patted his shoulder.

"Oh my god..." The old man was really startled, and when he turned around to look, he found a kid standing there at some point, staring at him with a weird smile on his face.

"You... Damn, is it fun to scare people like this?" Facing this boy who was staring at him strangely, the old man was obviously a little guilty. Opponent, hurry up and go first.

"What do you want to do?" Li Zedao asked coldly.

"I... I came to old man Wang to collect the rags he picked up..." The old man quietly put away the knife in his hand to avoid the other party's misunderstanding, then pointed to the empty bottles in the corner and said, "Oh, since Old man Wang isn't here...then I'll come back another day..."

The voice stopped abruptly, because Li Zedao made a sudden move, grabbed his neck and lifted him up from the ground. The next second, he flung his hand back casually. This old man was very straightforward. He was thrown out, and after soaring in the air for a few seconds, he finally fell heavily on the cart he pulled.

Bai Xiaoxiao was fine, after all, she had witnessed how Li Zedao beat her mother, and finally broke her mother's two legs quite simply.

Yao Bei, on the other hand, was dumbfounded with his mouth wide open and his eyes wide open. Although Li Zedao had shown his violence by beating those seven or eight gangsters just now, but now he actually threw them more than ten meters away... Please, although that old man is not too fat, he still has a hundred and twenty or thirty catties, right? Can throw it so far with one hand? This guy is really not human.

"Sorry, something happened, I'm late." Li Zedao looked at Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei, and said apologetically. He knew that the law and order in this place was not very good, and bullying tourists was a common thing, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to be so arrogant, and even play the trick of entering a house and rape-raping, it was simply too lawless.

"You also know?" Yao Bei breathed a sigh of relief, "You don't even know how dangerous it was just now. Obviously, that dead old man wanted to fight for the overlord because of the good looks of Barrister Bai. Think it over, if it doesn’t work, I’ll sacrifice myself... Anyway, I’m not a chick, but Lawyer Bai, yes, her first time is still waiting for you to take it away... Umm..."

Her mouth was already blocked by Bai Xiaoxiao, who was embarrassed and speechless at the same time.

Li Zedao looked around in a little embarrassment, saying that he didn't hear anything.

Li Zedao immediately reported to the police. After all, this guy said that he had committed some murder case, and he didn't care about killing two people. Whether he was bragging or not depends on how the police handle it.

During the short period of time when the police arrived, Li Zedao also entered the house and carefully put the things left by the old man into a bag, planning to take them away later.

The police came soon, and after a brief understanding of the situation, Li Zedao and the others also cooperated to make a record, and then pushed the old man who fell badly into the car and took him away.

Looking at the police car going away, Li Zedao sneered secretly. He could tell that the old man knew the policeman at all. He would probably be released before the police car arrived at the entrance of the village, right?

But Li Zedao didn't bother too much, turned around and closed the dilapidated wooden door in the courtyard, feeling sad for a while.

"Let's go." Li Zedao looked back at Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei and said, "I'll treat you to a big meal when I get back to the city."

"Brother, you said this, don't go back on your word." Yao Bei said with a smile.

At present, the three of them were walking and chatting... mainly because Yao Bei was chattering about something, Bai Xiaoxiao was shy and depressed and wanted to stop her mouth, and Li Zedao, who was following the two of them, occasionally answered Yao Bei's question. Such unnutritious questions, such as why are you so handsome, how long have you been dating Attorney Bai, have you slept together, etc. How does he answer this?

Ten minutes later, the three of them arrived at the entrance of the village, and it was completely dark at this time. Of course, it was a tourist attraction after all, so there were still street lights at the entrance of the village, so it would not be too dark.

At this moment, more than a dozen people surrounded them in a dark manner, blocking the way of the three of them at once.

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