After checking the pulse, Li Zedao gently put down Shangguan Daobo's hand, then looked back at Shangguan Mingyue and Ji Yuemo, the mother and daughter, and whispered: "There is nothing serious about the body, but the old man has reached a certain age after all. Yes, the decline in physical function is inevitable, if you take good care of it, there will be no problem in three to five years."

Shangguan Mingyue and Ji Yuemo naturally knew the meaning of Li Zedao's words, that is to say, as long as they are well adjusted, there is no problem in living for three years, even five years.

"Really? That's good, that's good?" Both the mother and daughter looked delighted.

Although they are reluctant to give up, they are actually well prepared. According to the doctor's preliminary estimate, if the patient fails to make it through this time, he may not be able to survive the Chinese New Year. It is not a problem to live for three to five years if it is recuperated, which is great news.

At that moment, Li Zedao found an excuse and left the ward. After all, the mother and daughter had been separated for a while, and there must be some homely things to say. It might not be suitable for him, a big man, to stay.

After he came out, he saw that Shanshang Guanpeng, who was going to pick him up at the airport, was standing there like a gate god. He smiled at him friendly, and Shangguanpeng also responded with a smile. This future son-in-law gave him a very good feeling. That's right, although the immaturity on his face hasn't faded completely, but there is no immature aura on his body, giving people a very safe and steady feeling!

Moreover, Shangguan Peng, as Shangguan Mingyue's bodyguard, naturally has extraordinary skills and vicious eyes. In his opinion, although this future son-in-law looks harmless when he smiles, he is actually a very scary person.

At that moment, Li Zedao put his hands in his pockets and wobbled towards the bathroom at the end of the corridor, intending to wash his face. Just at this moment, a figure walked towards him, and Li Zedao's eyes suddenly narrowed.

This is a young man, a man wearing a baseball cap and exuding an aura that is very familiar to Li Zedao. Li Zedao has experienced this aura many times in the bodies of the big head and the iron hand from the Shenlong organization. Of course, the one who feels the most Still from Antarctica.

In other words, this man, like Big Head, Iron Hand and Antarctic, also comes from the Shenlong Organization.

The man stopped, raised his palm, and raised a piece of information in his hand. His big wolf-like eyes looked at Li Zedao and said, "Young Master Li, take a step to speak."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Li Zedao's disagreement, so he turned around and left.

Li Zedao walked forward behind him without any hesitation.

"Pa-ta... pa-ta..."

In the empty hallway,

The footsteps of the two echoed, and finally, when they reached the stairs, the two pushed open the fire door and walked in.

"Shenlong organized?" Li Zedao looked at the man and asked.

"Young Master Li has good eyesight. I'm an engineer." The man grinned, without any concealment. Of course, he also knew that he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. After all, the person standing in front of him was an apprentice of the Hand of God. According to the boss Yanhuang, this is also a pervert.

"How about Antarctica?" Li Zedao asked.

The engineer shook his head, sighed softly and said, "The situation is not very good...although the final result has not yet come out..."

The task of protecting the snake's head this time, the Shenlong organization stumbled, not only lost the snake's head, but even shockingly, the snake's head was completely guarded and stolen, and two of the elites of the Shenlong organization actually participated in it. When this incident happened, they died in the end, and they didn't know who murdered them. It was a very useless death. After all, even if the members of the Shenlong Organization died, they died on the battlefield, right?

The last remaining member will take the blame for this action. It is very unreasonable, cruel, and impersonal, but the blame will definitely be blamed.

And the Shenlong Organization lost three masters at once, which can be regarded as a big bloodshed. More importantly, because there are traitors in the Shenlong Organization, the higher-ups are very disappointed with the Shenlong Organization. A major change is coming.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was already an extremely fierce murderous aura in the mixed voice.

The engineer already sensed the danger, so he couldn't help but clicked his tongue secretly. This guy was indeed a pervert. If he met him, he probably didn't know how he died.

"Of course, although the Antarctic mission failed this time and caused the loss of the snake's head, the medals she has won in the past cannot be erased. When the time comes, the merits and demerits will be offset, and with Yanhuang's influence, the punishment should not be too much." It's right, Young Master Li, don't worry." Said the engineer. Yanhuang said very cryptically that this pervert is having an affair with Antarctica, and looking at it now, it seems to be true.

"Why did you come to me?" Li Zedao asked. He knew that this guy wasn't here to tell him about Antarctica.

"Young Master Li, you will know after reading this document." Said the engineer, and handed over the document in his hand.

The doubt in Li Zedao's eyes flashed, but he also reached out to take it, and then quickly but carefully looked at each one.

Then, Li Zedao's expression became more dignified or ugly!

"Jihad?" Li Zedao's eyes turned cold.

The data page recorded everything about Zhou Xiaolu's concert in Yanjing this time, and the most recorded one was the clues of the jihad!

These clues all point to Zhou Xiaolu's concert!

Dongtu failed to launch a jihad last time in Phoenix City, and even Dongtu’s second-in-command Reyimu died in Fenghuang City. The leader of Dongtu, Aishan, was naturally very angry, so he gathered his strength again and planned to launch a jihad again. And this time the location of the jihad was chosen to be Yanjing, at the concert of the big star Zhou Xiaolu!

Once they succeed, it will definitely be a big event that shocks the whole world!

"The news is accurate?" Li Zedao asked solemnly.

He has dealt with these people in Dongtu many times, and he knows that there is no absolute master among these people, and he can kill them alive by pulling a team of special forces out, but these people are cunning and ruthless, they will not let If you find them easily, they are just animals and have no humanity. Killing those innocent people is just like playing.

This group of people is a huge threat to ordinary people.

"Absolutely accurate!" The engineer said with a firm expression, "I just don't know how they will do it, but even if one or two casually sneak into the stadium and start a massacre, it will be a disaster... Yanhuang said Yes, because of the snake head, the entire Shenlong organization is very passive now, and there is no energy at all. In addition, you have dealt with Dongtu and other bastards many times. Last time in Phoenix City, it was thanks to you that you smashed Dongtu's conspiracy. So I implore you to help this time..."

Li Zedao nodded: "I see."

For the grandfather who founded the Shenlong organization, but also for Antarctica, and even for those innocent people! Furthermore, Li Zedao also hated the bastards like Dongtu, so Li Zedao couldn't stand by and watch.

Of course, it is impossible to ask Zhou Xiaolu to cancel the concert, because even if Zhou Xiaolu's concert is cancelled, Dongtu will not just stop like this. No more, without any defense, the damage will only be greater.

So it's better to take advantage of this concert to destroy Dongtu.

"Leave this matter to me." Li Zedao threw the materials back to the engineer.

"Without help?" asked the sapper.

"No need." Li Zedao shook his head, "Just pretend you don't know anything, and don't strengthen the guards, otherwise those guys will see the clues, and I'm afraid they will cancel this operation. After all, what they want is To cause the biggest massacre, just to kill a few people, this kind of thing Dongtu will not do."

"I see, I'll go back and report to Yanhuang." The engineer nodded, left his contact information for Li Zedao, and then walked down the stairs, like a patient coming to see a doctor, without attracting anyone's attention!

Li Zedao returned to the ward and chatted quietly with Shangguan Mingyue and Ji Yuemo for a while, while Ji Yuemo and Shangguan Mingyue lay on the other bed together, mother and daughter chatting quietly.

And Li Zedao also took off his coat and lay down on the sofa, naturally he didn't want to sleep.

The next morning, when Shangguan Daobo woke up and saw Li Zedao, his old face was already full of smiles: "Not bad, not bad, girl, I am very satisfied with this grandson-in-law."

"Grandpa..." Ji Yue couldn't help feeling shy.

"Grandpa, you haven't recovered from your illness yet, so don't get too excited." Li Zedao said quickly, and directly changed his address. Shangguan Daobo has symptoms of high blood pressure. If he gets too excited, his blood pressure may soar.

"Haha, it's okay. I know my body. I feel better now. My girl finally has a boyfriend." Shangguan Daobo said cheerfully, really happy that his granddaughter found a boyfriend, just like his The granddaughter is a slow-selling product, and it seems that no one wants it.

Naturally, when Ji Yuemo heard this, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, but her face was full of smiles. Grandpa's illness was more than half healed, so she was naturally in a good mood.

"That kid Wang Zi... oh, that's your master, is he alright?" Shangguan Daobo looked at Li Zedao and asked.

Before Li Zedao could answer, he laughed straight away: "It's a waste of time to ask, that kid lives such a nourishing life, how could it be bad? I haven't seen him for fifteen years, right? "

Shangguan Daobo looked at Shangguan Mingyue, and the latter question was naturally asked of her.

The latter nodded, and said with a sad expression: "Yes, it's been fifteen years. Fifteen years ago, my brother came back, and I haven't seen him since then."

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