"Miss Zhou's brother-in-law? It looks like you like joking like me." Zhao Ziyang looked at Li Zedao with a smile, and gave himself a step down, at least not too embarrassing.

"I mean, I'm a die-hard fan of Miss Zhou, and I really hope to invite Miss Zhou to dinner..."

As she said that, she looked back at Zhou Xiaolu, pretending to be sad: "But Ms. Zhou has repeatedly refused, which really makes us die-hard fans very sad."

"Then you can continue to be sad." Li Zedao said jokingly, "Xiao Lu will not agree to have dinner with you."

"Really? Miss Zhou, is that so?" Zhao Ziyang looked at Zhou Xiaolu and asked, the displeasure in his eyes could hardly be concealed. When did he, Zhao Ziyang, become so shameless? He wanted to treat him to a meal, but he was repeatedly rejected.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, I'm really sorry." Zhou Xiaolu nodded.

Zhao Ziyang said with a sinister smile: "Well, since Miss Zhou is like this, then I can't force Miss Zhou... Oh, I hope that Miss Zhou's concert tomorrow night will go smoothly and there will be no accidents. For example, what are the safety hazards in the venue..."

Zhou Xiaolu's expression is already a little ugly, what does this guy mean by this? threaten?

"Young Master Zhao, we Xiaolu do have something to do..." Xiao Wu hurriedly laughed along with her.

"Do you have a place to speak here?" Zhao Ziyang looked at Xiao Wu with a gloomy expression, "Or do you think I'm an idiot? Will you believe such a lame excuse?"

Conscience of heaven and earth, when Zhao Ziyang said "You think I'm an idiot", Xiao Wu really wanted to nod and say that you are an idiot, how could you not be an idiot? If anyone says you are not an idiot, then he is really an idiot.

If you're not an idiot, why are you still pestering me like this?

However, Xiao Wu knew that he could not nod his head, let alone say that, otherwise the other party would definitely slap him. He might not dare to slap Zhou Xiaolu, but he would definitely dare to slap himself. What about the little assistant?

"Young Master Zhao, you misunderstood..." Xiao Wu quickly explained.

"Misunderstand your mother!" Seeing that this little assistant dared to slander in front of him, Zhao Ziyang couldn't hold back his face anymore, so he kicked Xiao Wu in the stomach.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, his calf hit the other calf fiercely, and then... his face was already bloodless... it hurt!

He felt that his calf was hit hard by an iron rod,

The pain was so painful that he almost sat on the ground with his buttocks unsteady.

Looking up, Zhou Xiaolu's brother-in-law was standing in front of him at some point, looking at him with a smile on his face, and his calf just hit his calf.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Xiaolu held Xiao Wu's hand, and her expression turned ugly.

"It's okay...thank you, Young Master Li..." Xiao Wu felt a lingering fear in his heart. If Li Zedao hadn't made a move, he was afraid that his stomach would be in trouble now.

Li Zedao turned back and smiled and said that he didn't care, and he was left to deal with it.

Zhou Xiaolu felt dizzy for a while, why is her brother-in-law so handsome when he smiles?

"You shouldn't threaten Xiaolu, and you shouldn't even try to hit someone." Li Zedao looked at Zhao Ziyang, who looked extremely ugly, and said with a smile, "Because if you do this, it is equivalent to giving me a reason to beat you."


"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Zhao Ziyang's face.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Zhao Ziyang's face again.

"Bang!" Li Zedao slapped Zhao Ziyang in the stomach again, kicking him off the stage.

Except for Zhou Xiaolu and Xiao Wu who are commonplace, the other staff who knew Zhao Ziyang's identity were dumbfounded, and Zhao Ziyang's friends who were planning to see how Zhao Ziyang took Zhou Xiaolu down were even more dumbfounded. They couldn't believe what they saw of this scene.

Why is Zhou Xiaolu's bodyguard so... irrational? Did he know that Zhou Xiaolu's concert might not be able to go on because of what he did?

Because it was unbelievable, Zhao Ziyang was already lying there. They didn't realize it, and hurried over to help him up.

It was even more difficult for Zhao Ziyang to believe all this.

Until his body hit the ground heavily, he still wondered if all this was illusory, but the burning on his face, the huge pain in his calf, and the soreness in his body that seemed to be falling apart, told him it was the truth, he really The other was beaten, by Zhou Xiaolu's bodyguard or brother-in-law.


So although he didn't faint at all, Zhao Ziyang still pretended to be fainted.

"Go change your clothes, and then eat roast duck." Li Zedao looked back at Zhou Xiaolu, and said as if he was okay.

"Okay, brother-in-law." Zhou Xiaolu smiled sweetly, her eyes were bubbling, she was already a little nympho, and Zhao Ziyang, who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, was forgotten by her.


Zhao Ziyang finally got up from the ground. There was no other way. It was already cold winter. Although there was heating in the gymnasium, the floor was still too cold.

Of course, he completely ignored the concerns around him, so he left the Workers Stadium with a gloomy face, looking like he was going to kill someone, got into a BMW parked there, and then He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

As soon as the other end of the phone was connected, he shouted angrily: "Dad, no matter what reason you use, I will definitely stop Zhou Xiaolu's concert tomorrow, and even block her! I want her to die!" , I want her to be ruined..."

"What happened?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone. His voice was very calm and did not change because of Zhao Ziyang's fierce attitude.

"She..." Zhao Ziyang was about to cry, he couldn't say that he wanted to invite her to a meal, and finally went to bed to exchange feelings, but he was rejected, right? Of course, I can't even say that I was slapped twice by Zhou Xiaolu's bodyguard and kicked away, and now my face is still swollen like a steamed bun.

"She's so hateful, playing a big game... A friend of mine wanted to invite her to dinner, but she humiliated her. I couldn't stand it, but she scolded me, saying I was a son of a bitch... ...Dad, she scolded you together, damn it, she thinks she is so arrogant now that she is so popular...Dad, you must block her, or I will..."

"So what?" the man asked.

"Just... I will terminate the father-son relationship with you." Zhao Ziyang burst out with excitement.

"I agree...to dissolve the father-son relationship with you." On the other end of the phone, the man's voice was almost roaring.



In the Maserati, when Zhou Xiaolu was secretly looking at Li Zedao with some nympho, the mobile phone in the bag rang. When I opened it, it was the assistant Xiao Wu who called.

Zhou Xiaolu went on a date with Li Zedao (in Zhou Xiaolu's view, this is a date), so naturally she couldn't bring Xiao Wu with her, but she was also worried that Zhao Ziyang would become angry and do something, so she asked Xiao Wu to call him in time.

When Zhou Xiaolu picked it up, before she could say anything, Xiao Wu's hurried and stammering voice came over: "Xiao...Xiaolu...Zhao Yazhou called me..."

"Zhao Yazhou? Who is he?" Zhou Xiaolu was taken aback.

"Zhao Ziyang's father...that high-ranking official..."

Zhou Xiaolu's heart tightened slightly: "What did he say?"

"He said... He said that he sincerely apologized to you on behalf of his son, and he also said that he has reserved a box in Judequan, intending to apologize to you and Shao Li in person..." Xiao Wu's voice was still stammering, It's really hard to calm down, "He called me because... he didn't have your contact information..."

She never expected that one day, a senior official from the Ministry of Cultural Relics would call her in person, with such a sincere and polite attitude, which really made her feel flattered. If you continue to drive, you will be tripped up secretly.

Zhou Xiaolu froze for a moment, then looked at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Let Xiao Wu write back to Zhao Yazhou saying that we are now on our way to Judequan." Since everyone is showing face like this, if you don't show face, it is a bit unreasonable.

Besides, roast duck is very expensive, and someone pays the bill, so why not do it?

Zhou Xiaolu nodded, explained to Xiao Wu, and then hung up the phone.

"Brother-in-law, have you dealt with everything?" Zhou Xiaolu looked at Li Zedao and asked, then patted her head, feeling that she was really stupid for asking this question. If she didn't handle it well, Zhao Yazhou could call herself to apologize Are you sorry?

"From now on, that Zhao Ziyang will not dare to harass you, let alone trip you secretly." Li Zedao said with a smile. Just kidding, this is an extraordinary time, and the higher-ups still hope that through Zhou Xiaolu's concert, they will lure Dongtu out of the hole and kill the snake's head. How can this concert be terminated?

So when Zhou Xiaolu was changing clothes, Li Zedao gave the engineer a call directly, and with the energy of the Shenlong organization, it was very easy to deal with a small Director Zhao in the Ministry of Cultural Relics. That's why Zhao Yazhou was here Contact Xiao Wu to apologize and apologize.

"You chased away all your suitors, don't you blame me?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law...you are so annoying." Zhou Xiaolu blamed with a shy face, her eyes were a little nympho again, thinking that it would be fine if you don't push me aside.

Li Zedao smiled, stepped on the accelerator again, and the car sped forward even more quickly. In less than 20 minutes, he had already arrived at the gate of Judequan, and he saw two people standing at the gate from a distance. , one of them is Zhao Ziyang. Of course, the arrogance on his face has long since disappeared, replaced by a tense expression.

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