The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 945 Dart Master

"Xiaolu...Xiaolu...ah..." Ji Yuemo continued to scream, so that Li Zedao had already sat down beside him, but still didn't notice.

Seeing Ji Yuemo like this, Li Zedao didn't bother her, but looked at Zhou Xiaolu who was singing affectionately on the stage with a faint smile on his face.

The nearly two-and-a-half-hour concert ended quickly, and Zhou Xiaolu also said to all the fans with some reluctance: "Time flies so fast, I didn't expect two hours to pass like this, there is no way, we will do it next time." Goodbye...the last song, for you, all the friends who love me and support me..."

This is an old song by Zhou Huajian, the immortal king, called "Friends". It is almost one of the must-play songs in KTV. Although the original singer is a male voice, under Zhou Xiaolu's passionate interpretation, it has a different style.

"In these years, alone, the wind has passed, the rain has gone, there have been tears, there have been pains..." The singing is very beautiful, and it is appropriate to describe Zhou Xiaolu who treats all fans as friends. Many fans are moved Crying loudly, waving the light stick, wanting to stop time at this moment.

Ji Yuemo did the same, shouting Zhou Xiaolu's name, vigorously waving the light stick in his hand, and finally sang the song "Friends" with Zhou Xiaolu along with most of the audience.

However, what should end will always end, and the earth is always turning, and whoever leaves it will continue to turn!

"My dearest friends, goodbye!" Zhou Xiaolu said emotionally while waving to everyone, and then disappeared from people's sight as the lifting stage slowly fell.

The concert ended here, and the fans in the stadium who came to watch the concert also began to leave the workers' gymnasium in an orderly manner under the command of the security guards.

"It's amazing, Xiaolu sings so well, much better than me..." Ji Yuemo looked unsatisfied, and then muttered, "Where is Ze Dao... well, give him a call and see if he wants to sing." Go to the backstage to find Xiaolu..."

The moment she sat down on the chair, she planned to call Li Zedao, but found something was wrong, because she found that the bottom of her butt was not a chair, but a person's thigh.

I was startled at the moment, thinking that I was sitting on the laps of Li Zedao's two younger brothers, so it was like sitting on a hot coal, and the buttocks jumped up like a spring. Looking back, I saw Li Zedao was looking at her with a smile.

"Zedao?" Ji Yuemo froze for a moment, then smiled like a flower, "When did you come back? I just wanted to call you."

Li Zedao was speechless other than speechless,

Some said dumbfoundedly: "Senior sister, I have been sitting here for more than half an hour."

"Ah...why don't I know?" Ji Yuemo was stunned.

"Because you only had Xiaolu in your eyes at that time." Li Zedao said with a feigned sour tone, "Others value sex over friends, but senior sister, you are good, and you value friends over sex."

"Haha, dear junior, are you jealous?" Ji Yuemo giggled, and moved her hand even more ambiguously, pinching Li Zedao's face.

"A little bit." Li Zedao held her hand with a smile, then stood up and said, "Let's go, go to the backstage to find Xiaolu, and then go back."

"Yes." Ji Yuemo nodded.

After dismissing the pervert and the tombstone first, Li Zedao took Ji Yuemo backstage.

There are naturally several security guards at the entrance of the passageway in the backstage, and they will not let people pass casually, but Li Zedao has been wandering around the Workers' Stadium for two days yesterday and today, and the staff here basically know that he is Zhou Xiaolu In addition, the day before, he had slapped the senior official's son twice and kicked him off the stage. This matter has already spread.

Zhao Ziyang was smoked but nothing happened. It is conceivable how awesome this bodyguard is, so the security staff guarding here naturally did not stop him and Ji Yuemo, and even smiled obsequiously. own friendliness.

"Why do you feel that they are a little afraid of you?" Ji Yuemo asked in a low voice.

"Because I'm handsome?" Li Zedao thought for a while and said.

Ji Yuemo giggled, and then said with a nympho: "Student, you are so handsome, so handsome that I can't help but want to kiss you."

"Only one bite?"

"Hmph, don't push yourself too hard!" Ji Yuemo pinched Li Zedao's arm, blushing and said in a low voice, "I made an agreement with Mom, I won't go back tonight..."


"Frog Prince, you smile so wretchedly... Ah, there is still drool at the corner of your mouth... You hate it so much..."


When she came to the backstage dressing room, Zhou Xiaolu was sitting there and the makeup artist helped her remove her makeup.

"Brother-in-law, Sister Yuemo, you are here..." Zhou Xiaolu said with a smile, "Wait for me for a while, it will be all right soon."

"Xiao Lu, you are so amazing, I don't even know, my voice is almost hoarse." Ji Yuemo said sincerely.

"Senior sister, you were dumb when you sang with Xiaolu and couldn't raise your pitch." Li Zedao laughed and said, not stabbing a knife, but it was true. As the host and the head of the radio station, Ji Yuemo's voice is naturally extremely nice, but a nice voice doesn't mean you can sing well, it's two different things.

"..." Depressed, Ji Yuemo pinched Li Zedao's waist several times, making Li Zedao gasp for mercy, and Ji Yuemo let him go.

"Xiao Lu, go back to the hotel to rest after unloading? After all, you've been singing for more than two hours, haven't you? Tired?" Assistant Xiao Wu said. Xiao Wu actually didn't want Xiaolu to go out with Li Zedao. After all, if she was secretly photographed and caused some scandal, it would definitely be in the headlines.

And if Li Zedao and other women are found out, then Xiaolu's reputation will be even worse. I'm afraid she will be scolded as a mistress by then, right?

If a star becomes a mistress, even if she doesn't quit the circle, her stardom will inevitably dim.

"I'm not tired." Zhou Xiaolu shook her head, looking at Li Zedao with sparkling eyes, as if she wanted to melt him.

Xiao Wu's face was full of helplessness, she knew that this very vague reminder of hers would not have any effect at all, so she could only say: "Then dress up well, don't let people recognize you."

Zhou Xiaolu nodded, looked at Ji Yuemo and asked Li Ze, "Brother-in-law, sister Yuemo, where are you going?"

"Hotel..." Ji Yuemo blurted out.

"Ah..." Zhou Xiaolu's face was already slightly red.

Ji Yuemo also realized that she had said the wrong thing, and said with a slight blush on her face, "I mean, it's still early, if you're not tired, why don't you go out for a stroll together? Then I'm sending you back to the hotel? "

Zhou Xiaolu glanced at Li Zedao and smiled embarrassedly, and then expressed admiration: "Okay, I went to play darts with my brother-in-law yesterday, and my brother-in-law won 30 darts in one go, and got a super big and cute Po... "

"Really?" Ji Yuemo's eyes lit up instantly, "That moment passed, and I wanted to play too."

Li Zedao smiled wryly, thinking that if the owner of that stall saw him again, he might cry, right?


Just as Li Zedao expected, when the owner of the dart booth saw Li Zedao, the muscles on his face twitched slightly, and he almost cried. Gone.

"Uncle, I won't make a move." Li Zedao said with an apologetic smile when he saw the boss's expression of wanting to die, thinking that it is not easy for others to make money. is gone.

"Uh...haha..." The boss can only laugh dryly, but he can't say "that's good, that's good..." This kind of despondent talk?

Or it’s okay for you to make a move... Isn’t that a fool?

"I want that Jiaohu, how can I play it?" Ji Yuemo pointed to Jiaohu and asked eagerly.

"Sister Yuemo, you can get it by shooting 30 darts in a row." Zhou Xiaolu introduced, then looked at the boss, "Is it? Uncle?"

"That's right." The boss nodded, feeling a little more at ease, and the smile on his face grew a little more. As long as the kid doesn't make a move, these two girls alone won't be able to take this Jiaohu away.

Li Zedao smiled and handed over fifty yuan, in exchange for fifty darts, and handed it to Ji Yuemo.

Ji Yuemo took it, left thirty, and gave the rest to Zhou Xiaolu, and then said with a bit of heroism: "Look at me, I have a lot of experience in playing darts."

"..." The boss's heart tightened slightly, and he already had a bad feeling.

Then "Papapa..." The sound of the balloon being popped was endless, and the boss's eyes were getting bigger and bigger, sweating profusely, with a hellish expression, how could this girl be so accurate? Except that the shooting speed is slower than that kid, the movement of throwing darts is even more standard than that kid.

Zhou Xiaolu also had an expression of surprise and admiration, she never thought that Ji Yuemo would be so powerful.

Li Zedao had already expected that. After all, Ji Yuemo was born in such a family. Although she seems a little unreliable, this does not prevent her from being in contact with guns since she was a child. She should be quite accurate in shooting. It's even easier to play darts at such a close distance.

"The last one..." Ji Yuemo pretended to be cold and said with a stern face, then took a deep breath and threw it out.

"Don't hit...don't hit..." the boss shouted in his heart.

"Crack!" The balloon exploded.


"Sister Yuemo, you are amazing..."

The two girls hugged each other excitedly, bouncing and cheering.

The boss wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, but felt blood dripping from his heart, and thought that he would be able to rest these few days, otherwise they would not be able to drink Northwest after coming here every day?

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