"Renjie... How are you? Renjie... Li Zedao, you bastard! Get out of here... Get out..."

"Boss, stop shouting, let's talk about something serious." Su Ping said flatly.

"Baby bastard, I'm a mud horse..." Hua Shulin scolded with a livid face. He was originally a gangster. When he was young, it was a kind of domineering to speak dirty, but later he became a celebrity, and he often appeared in front of the camera. Naturally, he had to pay attention to his image, so he started to pay attention to self-cultivation and became a smug one. up.

But now, he really hated this traitor to death, but he couldn't eat his flesh, drink his blood and gnaw his bones, so he could only enjoy his mouth.

"Boss Hua, what's the point of this? Childish!" Su Ping shook his head and said.

Pfft... being scolded by his subordinates for being childish, Hua Shulin was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"There are only two ways in front of you now, either die, or hand over Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel." Su Ping didn't care that Hua Shulin was so angry that he was dying.

"Sure enough, you have now become a dog of Li Zedao, you are a dog... You perfidious dog, I curse you to die..." Hua Shulin was out of breath and roared viciously.

Upon hearing that Su Ping wanted to hand over Huarong Electric Appliances and Huarong Hotel by himself, Hua Shulin was 100% sure that Li Zedao did it.

Su Ping didn't say anything, but slowly took out a dagger from his arms, squatted down, looked at Huashulin and said, "It seems that you are going to go the first way."

"Haha... come on, stab me in the chest and kill me... ah..." Hua Shulin's ferocious roar instantly turned into a scream.

The palm of his right hand had already been pierced abruptly by Su Ping with the dagger.

"Clang!" Su Ping didn't stop stabbing until the tip of the knife hit the blue brick floor and made a muffled sound.

"What do you think?" Su Ping asked expressionlessly, "Actually, there is something more painful than getting it in, and that is pulling it out. Do you want to try it?"

Hua Shulin suddenly felt that this line was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, and soon he remembered that when he was fighting for territory with others, he used such a dagger to savagely Pierced the palm of a boss, and then said such a cold word to him.

"Kill...you killed me...you killed me...ah..." Hua Shulin roared in a low voice,

His forehead was covered with beads of sweat, because the pain caused the muscles on his face to twitch continuously, and one of his arms was shaking violently. This has nothing to do with a person's psychological quality, but a physical one natural reaction.

"Compared to your life, Young Master Li wants Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel more, so I can't kill you directly, it seems that I have to work hard." Su Ping said flatly, and then the wrist holding the knife Lifting it up suddenly, he pulled out the sharp blade that pierced Huashulin's palm.

In an instant, blood surged wildly, like a spring of blood spurting upwards, splashing directly across Huashulin's face.

"Ah..." Hua Shulin let out a low growl, then bit his teeth firmly, not letting himself utter any more screams.

"Boss, for the sake of how nice you were to me before, I stabbed your right hand a second time, and stabbed the hole just now... I won't dig a second hole in your body, it's my repayment to you ..."

"Mara a coin!" Hua Shulin really wanted to swear if he still had the strength.

If you are still stabbing into the original hole, it is better to poke a hole out. After all, idiots know that the injured part is the most painful and sensitive. Let alone stabbing a knife, even blowing into the wound will make people hurt. It is hard to breathe, this kind of damage effect is no longer as simple as one knife plus one knife, but increases by geometric multiples.

"Boss, hand over both Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel, otherwise, my second knife is really going to go in." Su Ping persuaded.

Hua Shulin resisted the severe pain caused by the wound, and said through gritted teeth, "Stop...don't even think about it..."

Su Ping's eyes turned cold, and the knife stabbed down again neatly. It was still Huashulin's right hand, and it was still the blood hole in the center of the right hand!

This time, Hua Shulin didn't even scream, and passed out from the pain.

Then soon, he woke up again, waking up in pain...Su Ping pulled out the knife!

"Boss, why are you bothering?" Su Ping said.

Hua Shulin was in so much pain that he didn't even have the strength to speak, he was panting heavily, his face was already drenched as if he had been splashed with a basin of water.

"Do you know why you brought Ma Renjie here?" Seeing that Hua Shulin didn't speak, Su Ping said seriously, "Because, I'm afraid that the boss will be stubborn, and I would rather die than hand over Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel. come out……"

"You...don't...don't hurt...he..."

"With your concern, boss, I feel more at ease." Su Ping said, then turned his head, reached over, grabbed Ma Renjie's flowing hair, and lifted him up directly.

"Ah..." Ma Renjie also woke up from the pain, struggling desperately, "Let me go... let me go..." But how could his strength be stronger than Su Pin's? No matter how hard you struggle, it's futile. Besides, the hair is pulled, and the more you struggle, the more painful it becomes, as if your scalp is about to be pulled.

"Your life and death are not in my hands, but in your uncle's hands... I beg him, beg your uncle to hand over Huarong Electric Appliances and Huarong Hotel, so you won't die."

"Uncle...I'm going to die of pain...you promise him...uncle..." Ma Renjie cried out flatly, with a terrible voice, as if the chrysanthemum had been burst...Of course, his place is also true Got scrubbed by the toilet brush twice.

Hua Shulin was silent, looking at Su Ping with red eyes as if he was looking at a dead person.

Su Ping shook his head: "It seems that your uncle doesn't care too much about you... Or does your uncle really think that I dare not kill you? I'll kill your brother first... Oh, it means, Geji Geji! "Speaking, Su Ping lit up the dagger in his hand that was still dripping with red blood, and made a gesture to stab Ma Renjie's crotch.

"No...no..." Ma Renjie's eyes were terrified, and more tears filled his eyes, "Uncle..." The voice stopped abruptly, and Ma Renjie had already fainted from fright.

"Stop...you bastard, stop..." Hua Shulin hissed.

Su Ping stopped, and when the bloody dagger peak was less than one centimeter away from Ma Renjie's crotch, he stopped.

Of course, the reason why he stopped was not because Hua Shulin yelled "Stop!", but because he only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then a strong hand clasped his wrist like this, So much so that he couldn't move at all.

When he looked up, he saw a man who had appeared in front of him at some point, and was staring at him with a strange smile on his face.

Su Ping's face suddenly changed, and in the next second, the hair that was holding onto Ma Renjie let go with a tremor, and then Ma Renjie fell to the ground again.

"Li Zedao..." Hua Shulin stared at the man who suddenly appeared with scarlet eyes, and growled in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"To be honest, I am really happy to see you torture Hua Shulin and Ma Renjie so much." Li Zedao looked at Su Ping with a smile and said, "But how can you say that I asked you to do this? When did you get rebelled by me? Why don't I know? One of the things I hate is being misunderstood..."

"Crack!" Li Zedao's hand holding Su Ping's wrist suddenly squeezed hard, breaking his wrist very simply.

"Ah..." Su Ping screamed, and the knife slipped from his hand all of a sudden.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Li Zedao reached out and grabbed it firmly, and then stabbed Su Ping's thigh without saying a word.

"Ah..." Su Ping screamed again, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

"I'll give you two ways to go, either die or tell me, who told you to attack Boss Hua, and then pour dirty water on me?" Li Zedao looked down at Su Ping and said with a smile. There is no sense of mercy in it.

"No...it's not you?" Hua Shulin saw that Li Zedao attacked Su Ping so fiercely and said such words, already knew that Su Ping was not Li Zedao's person, otherwise Li Zedao would not have jumped out at all and returned it to Su Ping to be ruthless.

Then, Hua Shulin suddenly thought of something, his face was extremely pale, and his body trembled violently because of anger and pain.

"Wei Yaoming... I'm a mud horse..." Hua Shulin roared with all his strength.

Li Zedao didn't look back, but looked at Su Ping, and continued with a smile: "It seems that you have only a dead end, because Boss Hua has already said everything you should say."

"Don't...kill me...don't..." Su Ping pleaded, panting.

"Bang!" Li Zedao simply kicked him aside, then looked back at Hua Shulin with a smile and said, "Boss Hua, although I saved your life, I also saved the life of Ma Renjie's little brother." , but don't thank me, I just don't want to take the blame, go back to sleep first, bye."


When he learned that it was Hua Shulin's secret helper Chen Yan who gave him the opportunity to take revenge on himself and Zhou Xiaolu, and that he was the one who secretly ordered Sun Jundong to discredit the Tiandao Foundation, Li Zedao's first feeling was anger. If he really succeeded, then Zhou Xiaolu Even if Ji Yuemo didn't die, he would be seriously injured. As for the Tiandao Foundation, which would be involved in huge public opinion, it would be aborted.

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