After hanging up the phone, Nanji's cold little face was already full of emotions.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked, seeing Nanji's expression like that, as if something extraordinary had happened, he already had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Have you heard of the Devil's Nest Prison?" Nanji's expression moved.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded: "I heard...and then?"

"The off-road vehicle was chased and blocked, and finally rushed into the gate of the Devil's Nest Prison..."

"What?" Li Zedao opened his mouth wide, with an incredulous expression on his face, "Are you kidding me?"

"In the end, I rushed into the Devil's Cave Forest." Nanji's expression was even more moved, and he continued.

"..." Li Zedao was choked completely speechless.

It is unbelievable that the off-road vehicle can rush into the prison. After all, it is the most terrifying prison in China. Naturally, there are many experts guarding it there. How can such a vehicle be so easy? just rush in? Besides, why did the car finally rush into the fog?

In this way, the owner of the car inside will definitely die, and if the safe is really filled with the snake's head, then the snake's head will also be buried there forever. After all, whoever gets close to that place will die! Not to mention trying to bring the snake's head back from it.

"Master has already rushed to the Devil's Cave Forest. I'll let someone arrange a helicopter to go to the Devil's Lave." Nanji said with a deep breath.

Li Zedao nodded with an ugly face. Now that the matter is up to now, he can only go to the scene to see it first. As for the later things, he can only talk about it later.


Outside the woods within the range of the Moku Prison, the spotlights illuminated the surrounding area brightly, but there were dense crowds of people standing there, and there was a tendency to surround the woods.

One vertical, one row, the number is unclear.

Wearing army green uniforms, they are tall, with serious expressions, standing there silently, like bamboos, green pines, ancient pagodas, and giant Buddhas.

Their eyes basically fell on an old man standing there. He was the patron saint of China, Yanhuang, and the god of the entire army.

at the same time,

A strong light came from a high altitude, illuminating the whole world as bright as day, and then there was a "rumbling" sound.

Then, the light got closer and closer, and the sound became louder, and then it circled in the sky. It was a small military helicopter.

Soon, the door of the small helicopter in mid-air was pulled open, and then someone threw a rope ladder from the plane, and then a woman in black clothes and black pants quickly slid down the rope ladder. Jumped to the ground; and then, another agile man jumped down, also in black and black pants, just like the men in black that often appear in movies.

The ones who jumped out of the helicopter were naturally Li Zedao and Nanji, but because the two rarely showed up, the rows of soldiers standing there really didn't know these two people who appeared in such an awesome way. Who the hell is this guy? I only know that the woman in black leather jacket and pants is very good-looking...

Of course, when they saw the god in their hearts, the patron saint of China, Yanhuang, walked towards the two of them, they knew that it must be awesome to make Yanhuang attach so much importance.

"Here we come..." Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao and Nanji, with a wry smile on that old face.

"What's going on?" Li Zedao nodded and asked. As he spoke, he looked around and felt that the surroundings were gloomy, but he didn't see the so-called poisonous white mist.

Yanhuang knew what Li Zedao was looking for, so he pointed to the dark woods behind him and said: "If you want to see the forest of the Devil's Cave, you have to go further inside, that person may drive into the forest with the snake's head. The Devil's Nest Prison then rushed into this grove, and finally rushed into the Devil's Nest Forest surrounded by thick fog."

After Yanhuang's explanation, Li Zedao probably knew the whole story.

At the beginning, the off-road vehicle that was going north was inspected and found that there was a safe in the back seat. Under the detection of some kind of instrument, it was also found that there was copper in it. When the police asked to open the box for inspection, the driver said nothing. As he said, he kicked the accelerator, knocked a policeman into the air, and fled forward.

However, because there was a police car blocking the road ahead, it was impossible to rush over, so the driver drove the car on a rampage, and finally returned on the same road, and several police cars naturally followed closely behind.

Moreover, the driver of this off-road vehicle is very good at driving, and the performance of the car is good, so the police almost lost it. The off-road vehicle was actually modified and bulletproof, so although the police shot, they were stunned. Can stop the car.

After that, the police continued to chase after him while reporting to the higher authorities, and finally unknowingly came to the Moku Prison.

Although there were many checkpoints guarded by soldiers with live ammunition in front of the big iron gate of the prison, the off-road vehicle rushed straight, knocked several soldiers into the air, and then rushed through those checkpoints. It had been specially modified, and it was caught off guard, so it failed to launch an effective blocking attack, and could only watch helplessly as the car roared and continued to rush forward.

What's more coincidental is that a prisoner just happened to be escorted to this Devil's Cave Prison, so before the big iron gate could be closed, the car rushed inside.

Afterwards, chased by the guards of the prison, the car fled into the woods like a headless chicken, and finally rushed into the cloud of smoke.

"The whole process is probably like this, you should kill!" Yanhuang shook his head, a trace of murderous aura appeared on that old face, so that the backs of the soldiers standing behind him felt inexplicably cold. Keep calm in front of the old man.

In this chase, four criminal policemen were killed, three soldiers guarding the Devil's Cave Prison, and a dozen or so were injured. After paying such a huge price, they finally watched the car get into Tuanbai foggy.

Although it was known that the extremely rampant driver had escaped death, it also meant that the safe with the snake's head would be buried in the mist forever. Such a result made Yanhuang very aggrieved, his anger was stuck in his chest, and he couldn't let it out no matter what.

And for the Devil's Nest Prison, it is even more shameful! After all, what is said here is the most dangerous prison in China, and there is even a troop stationed here, but let one person and one car break down the defense line, it is really shameful!

Of course, it is understandable that the line of defense is more or less overwhelmed. After all, this is the Devil's Cave Prison, the most dangerous prison in China. Who would foolishly go here by themselves? So those soldiers who are responsible for guarding the checkpoint are more or less careless.

Li Zedao nodded with an ugly face, Nanji's small face was extremely gloomy, and his little hand tightly grasped the gleaming dagger in his hand, really having an urge to stab someone.

"Report to the chief, here is the photo of the driver." A soldier trotted up to Yanhuang, gave a military salute, and then handed over a few pieces of paper in his hand.

Yanhuang took it, and Li Zedao and Nanji moved over.

There is surveillance at the stop. Although the driver did not get out of the car when he was checked, the window was open, and the surveillance still took pictures of his face. Naturally, this photo was cut from the video and printed out. , although it is not very clear, but basically the outline of this face can be seen lightly.

About forty years old, wearing a white shirt, and combing his hair meticulously and extremely shiny...

Li Zedao was immediately dumbfounded, while Yanhuang's eyes narrowed for a moment, then widened again, with an extremely unbelievable appearance, and then his eyes fell on Li Zedao.

As for Antarctica, I don't know the man in the photo, I only think he is the one who stole the snake's head, the villain who instigated the big head and the iron hand to shame the Shenlong organization, so he stared at that face, Cold and murderous.

Li Zedao raised his head to look at Yanhuang, and said with great difficulty: "Lin...Lin Sen?"

"Lin Sen?" Nanji glanced at Li Zedao in surprise, "Do you recognize him?"

"A well-known figure on the killer list, one of Wang Zi's most trusted people, Lin Sen." Yanhuang looked a little ugly, looked at Li Ze and said, "You should call him 'Uncle Master'."

"..." Antarctica's face was already moved. It turned out to be someone from the Hand of God, and he was the most trusted one. Doesn't that mean...the snake's head was indeed stolen under the instruction of the Hand of God? ? He was the one who instigated the big head and the iron hand? Is Qian Shaopeng his?

Li Zedao's face was extremely ugly, and he took a deep breath and said: "Yes, he is my uncle, and he gave me a few pointers when I was in Fenghuang City. The driving skills are indeed very good... But, how could it be him? ? How is this possible? This is impossible!"

Li Zedao stared fixedly at the face on the paper, feeling his head swell and aching, and couldn't believe what he saw was real.

"I can't believe it either." Yanhuang's voice turned cold, "But it's definitely him, no doubt!"

The facts are right in front of you, it's hard to be sure! Besides, Yanhuang knew very well that with Lin Sen's strength, he could not only escape the police's pursuit and interception, but also have the ability and courage to break into this prison.

As the boss of the Shenlong Organization, he naturally knew that Wang Zi had recruited and trained many good fighters in the past twenty years, such as Lin Sen, the once famous killer Wu Mu! For example, Tathagata, who has a skill in roasting beggar chicken, has a bigger background. He was once the number one master on the killer list, and there are many other masters who are either killers or mercenaries.

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