However, the strange thing is that after waiting for a long time, this time, I didn't hear the sound of no stone falling to the ground.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, he was really puzzled to the extreme, what kind of trouble is this going to cause? Couldn't it be that I threw it too hard, and then threw it directly?

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that this was basically impossible, and he was still clear about how much force he used.

At that moment Li Zedao opened his eyes, intending to find out where the damned stone was thrown, but the moment he opened his eyes, his heart shrank suddenly, his pupils widened, and he was already stunned.

What came into view was still a cloud of white mist, but there was an extra face in the white mist, a face that looked very pale and ethereal due to the thick fog, but it was very attractive! Although Li Zedao has seen a lot of beauties, I still feel that the woman in front of me gives people a very amazing feeling... What's more, this woman's figure is still so good, with big enough breasts, thin waist, round buttocks, and legs. long enough.

What really made Li Zedao's heart shrink was that it wasn't that the other party was a peerless beauty, but that this woman was wearing a strangely white dress and a pair of white cloth shoes, and these white cloth shoes were so far away from her. The ground was about three inches... Her feet didn't even touch the ground?

What's even more weird is that this woman's waist-length hair is actually silver-white, all silver-white, not a single black hair!

This is exactly the same as the show on TV, only the words "I'm a ghost" are written on the face... Is it really a ghost? Or is it that the scene in front of me is the same as the phantom of the female ghost that the white girl saw in the Furong Lake in the school using the poison, and she was poisoned by the poison?

After being dumbfounded for a while, Li Zedao said with great difficulty: "Senior?"

I heard that the inner strength has been cultivated to the state of returning to nature, the feet can be three feet off the ground, and the wind is walking, it must be like what I see now?

However, Li Zedao couldn't imagine that this senior would be a peerless beauty who looked so young and so good-looking, but his whole body was terribly white. Li Zedao felt that if his ability to bear it was a little bit worse, it would be uncertain now. Already lying there passed out.

"Your master did the same thing back then, it was a very stupid way." The woman said, her voice was so cold that Li Zedao couldn't help shivering, "Using this method, no matter which direction you go, even if you walk for a hundred years, You can't even get out."

Before, people who only heard their voices but could not see the person were not so scary, but now after seeing the real person, it is indeed scary enough. But Li Zedao also knew that when the master couldn't get out, he also played the way he is playing now,

It's like surrendering your life to God.

At the same time, Li Zedao also noticed that there was a safe in front of this woman, and there was another corpse. The corpse was facing down and his face could not be seen, but the clothes he was wearing were the same as the picture taken from the video It's a shirt.

At the same time, the smell of corpses that he had smelled before reappeared, and it was emanating from this corpse.

Li Zedao felt happy and sad at the same time. He was happy that although the senior was a bit petty, he didn't fool anyone. The reason why she disappeared just now was to find the corpse and the safe.

The sad thing is, no matter whether the corpse on the ground is his uncle Lin Sen or not, Li Zedao has no way to accept it.

"I knew that senior wouldn't just leave me alone." Li Zedao looked at this woman and smiled dryly, his scalp a little numb. He never thought that white, which symbolizes purity, would be such a terrifying color.

The senior's delicate but prudently white face showed no expression, he looked at Li Zedao indifferently, then slowly raised his pale hand, stretched it out in front of Li Zedao, spread it out, and there were two palms Pebbles.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, he felt that these two small stones looked very familiar, weren't they the two that he just picked up to determine his fate? One of them was thrown far away by him, but the other one missed the ground.

In the next second, Li Zedao felt that the two stones in the senior's hand suddenly vibrated, and turned into a pile of powder in an instant.

"This..." Li Zedao didn't know how to describe the shock in his heart. He can also grind a stone into powder, but he can't just put it in the palm of his hand like his predecessors, and then silently say "turn into powder" in his heart, and then the stone becomes powder!

"Stretch out your hand!" The senior said, his tone was extremely cold, without any popularity at all, his face... was always that expressionless but very attractive face.

"Yes..." Li Zedao said quickly. Although he didn't know what the other party's plan was, he obediently stretched out his hand. After all, in the face of absolute strength, any resistance is futile. Even Li Zedao was still thinking, if she proposed that Such an excessive request, I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to fight it with death?

Under the gaze of Li Zedao's bewildered and puzzled eyes, the senior poured the powder turned from the stone on Li Zedao's palm and then said: "On a fixed day every month, there will be A cloudy wind blows... and the fixed day is today..."

"..." Li Zedao was stunned, even though he was the top student in the college entrance examination, he didn't understand what this senior was talking about at all.

"Senior, can you be more... more careful?" Li Zedao asked cautiously with a dry smile. He didn't understand what the senior was talking about, let alone what she was going to do with the powder, but he didn't dare to blow the powder away. Who knew if the senior would be upset when he got rid of the powder? The one who just turned around and floated away, when the time comes, I will find someone to cry to.

"Yinfeng will be the only way for you to leave here." The senior said his own coldly, not caring whether this guy could understand or not.

The only way out of here? Li Zedao was shocked when he heard it, and listened to every word without losing his energy, for fear of missing something, and he didn't dare to speak casually, if the senior thinks he is long-winded, then fuck him.

"This yin wind has several characteristics. The wind rises quickly and disappears quickly. Moreover, the yin wind is so light that it can't blow any fallen leaves. At most, it can only blow the extremely fine dust... Remember, The direction of the wind will be the direction you want to go next, and you must not stop in the process of walking, otherwise you will lose your way again..."

The woman didn't care whether Li Zedao understood her words or not, and said coldly: "Also, remember, no matter what the reason is next time, don't come here, otherwise, you will end up just like him."

Li Zedao took a look at the corpse on the ground, and naturally understood that he was the dead man on the ground that the senior said.

"That...Senior..." Li Zedao plucked up the courage to speak. He felt that he had asked the matter clearly. After all, there might be no next time. "Here...uh..."

Li Zedao's face was horrified, because the fog in front of him seemed to be getting thicker and thicker, and soon, his whole body was so white that it made people get goosebumps, and the senior who was thinking about it seemed to be integrated with the fog, and soon disappears.

"I haven't finished my words yet?" Li Zedao's small face was slightly sad. What he wanted to ask was whether the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang is here, and whether you recognize Chen Tuan. Unexpectedly, this strange woman would never give him any chance to ask.

But no matter what, Li Zedao really didn't dare to come to this place again. He knew very clearly that this senior, who was no different from a female ghost, really didn't joke with him. If he really stepped into this area again, maybe this The poisonous mist can't kill herself, but she can also slap herself to death.

I am still standing here well, and I still have to thank Master in the final analysis.

At the moment when his eyes fell on the dust in his hands, what the senior said just now echoed in his mind. To sum it up, there is a kind of wind here called Yinfeng, which is very light, so light that it cannot blow any fallen leaves. Being able to stir up this extremely fine smoke a little bit, this dust is undoubtedly used to obtain the wind direction.

And if you want to go out, you have to go in the direction where the wind is blowing, and you can't stay for a moment.

But, when will this cloudy wind blow? Forget it, I don’t think so much anymore, it’s important to pay attention to the dust!

Thinking about it, Li Zedao didn't care about the safe and the corpse on the ground, but squatted down, flattened his hands, and placed them on the center of the "rice" character he had drawn on the ground before. After the dust is blown, you can roughly know which direction to go.

Then he restrained his mind and stared at the dust... Although he maintained a skeptical attitude towards the senior's words, the only thing he could do now was to believe.


Antarctic stood there straight, staring at the thick fog in front of him, but there was no special expression on his face, the whole person was like a stone statue.

She has maintained this posture for a day and a night.

Neither crying nor laughing...Of course, Yanhuang has never seen her cry, except yesterday when Li Zedao was about to enter; he had never seen her smile, this child never liked to laugh when he arrived, and always had a straight face , as if someone owed her millions.

Those who don't speak or drink or eat are simply lifeless statues.

Of course, Yanhuang is not worried about this at all. After all, for the elites of the Shenlong Shenlong organization, it is really nothing to stay in the same position without eating, drinking or sleeping. For two days, the body can bear it.

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