The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 999 Old Wang is dead

There is another room next to this office, but the door is made of metal, which is exactly the storage room Director Qian mentioned.

Of course, the results of some research are stored in it, so without the unlocking of Director Qian's fingerprints, it is impossible to get in. From this, we can also know how high the status of Director Qian is here, and it can also be seen that Director Qian is very serious about These three people from the Ming group still take them very seriously, otherwise they wouldn't have gone out to meet them in person.

After opening the door, Director Qian handed Li Zedao and the others to Xiao Zhang, and went about his own business.

"Two, please come inside." Xiao Zhang made an inviting gesture to Li Zedao and Nanji.

The engineer also wanted to go in, but the beauty Xiao Zhang stopped her with his thin hand, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, sir, you can't go in, you can only wait here."

Miscellaneous people... The engineer's heart hurts so much that it's hard to breathe. How could he be a miscellaneous person? He's the captain of the first team of the Dragon Organization, okay?

The beautiful Xiao Zhang basically ignored the sad eyes of the engineer. After walking in, he closed the heavy metal door casually, and then looked back at Li Zedao, but his eyes suddenly became complicated, and his small mouth was pouted. It was as if several bottles could be hung on it, looking extremely wronged.

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly.

Although I basically believed that the little beauty in front of me was her, but I still had a little doubt in my heart, and Li Zedao didn't even know why she was here, whether she had any purpose, what task to perform, etc. Besides, there were other people around, so Li Zedao didn't dare to say anything rashly.

And now seeing her like this, Li Zedao is 100% sure that the beautiful Xiao Zhang in front of him is the shadow, the shadow of the weird elf who likes to chew gum and watch the battle between humans and beasts, the shadow of the so-called genius hacker genius inventor expert.

As soon as Li Zedao saw her eyes, he was basically sure, and with the sweet smell in the air, it was the scent of peppermint chewing gum, and that chewing gum was Shadow's favorite, so he was even more sure.

Nanji on the side didn't know that the grievous little girl in front of him was that shadow. Looking at the expressions of the two, he thought it was Li Zedao's good friend outside, but he didn't know what the awkwardness between the two was. , at least Antarctica does not know the existence of such a girl.

So I'm so depressed, and I want to use violence against Li Zedao again. Why are those beautiful girls related to him no matter where he goes?

"Big fool..." Shadow bit his lips lightly,

Dou Da's teardrops were already rolling in his eyes, and in the next second he gnashed his teeth and rushed towards Li Zedao.

It was a very familiar title, and Li Zedao caught a lot of grievances and pains from her title, and his heart twitched inexplicably, and he already had a bad feeling. He didn't dodge or dodge at the moment, even if this delicate body rushed towards him, even if she bumped into him heavily, even if her legs were tightly clamping his waist, even if her two arms were tightly Put your arms around your neck, let...


Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, because the shadow's mouth had already blocked his lips heavily.

Jerky... Although the shadow kissed violently, it was so jerky, like a clumsy little bear, instinctively arching wildly, but at the same time madly and hotly.

Li Zedao was even a little at a loss. After all, she had no relationship with Yingying in that respect at all, so she never thought that she would be like this. He didn't know whether to "properly guide" him or not, and his mind was really messed up. What rushed into his nostrils was the girl's unique body fragrance, which greatly interfered with his originally strong will.

Li Zedao wanted to push her away, but by chance, Shadow's arms hugged him fiercely, as if he would lose everything if he let go.

On the side, Nanji's eyes widened, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she took a sip, and turned around, not wanting to take another look at this pair of shameless guys.

It wasn't until the shadow kissed him that he was almost out of breath that he let go of Li Zedao's neck, and the big eyes with crystal tears hanging on them turned to look at Li Zedao's face with a wonderful expression: "Big fool, your Mouth smells so bad, I'll give you two pieces of chewing gum later..."

"..." Li Zedao had black lines on his face, and almost slapped her little butt twice with an unrestrained big hand.

Nanji also turned around, looking at the girl who jumped off Li Zedao's body as if she was looking at a freak.

"Sister Nanji." Shadow smiled at Nanji and greeted sweetly, "You have become more feminine... Let me see, tsk tsk, it turns out that you were turned into a woman by a big fool... "

"..." Nanji blushed first, then turned black again, and almost threw the knife.

Wait... what did she mean by those words.

Nanji looked at the shadow with some surprise in his eyes: "You...know me? Have we met before?"

"Hee hee, what do you think?" Shadow's big eyes blinked and he smiled sweetly, two small dimples loomed, and then he took out a box of chewing gum from his pocket, took out two pieces of chewing gum, and went up She tossed it, then raised her face slightly and opened her small mouth. The gum fell into her small cherry mouth accurately, and then she began to chew beautifully.

"Shadow? Are you a shadow?" Nanji's eyes widened suddenly. The habit of chewing gum, his movements, and his eyes are the shadow of that weird elf, but this face... Nanji's expression is messed up, his eyes He looked at Li Zedao in astonishment.

"She is indeed a shadow." Li Zedao smiled wryly.

"Hee hee, if it's fake, she is the beautiful girl of this genius." Shadow chewed his gum vigorously and said, looking at Li Zedao with a somewhat unkind look, "Damn, you idiot, you didn't brush your teeth in the morning, did you? The beautiful girl's breath is no longer fresh."

"..." Li Zedao and Nanji looked at each other, and both of them could see the slightly twitching face of the other party.

But Anji didn't doubt it anymore. Although his face looked different and his voice changed, his tone, eyes, and movements were no different from the previous shadow.

And Li Zedao was stunned when he saw her for the first time, presumably not because she was good-looking, but because he suspected that she was the shadow.

But how did she change? Wearing a special mask? And also changed his identity? You know, Shadow left Huaxia a few months ago, right? Moreover, as soon as the rumors about the immortality of the Hand of God came out, and the head of the snake was stolen by the Hand of God, in this case, how could the shadow with such a close relationship with the Hand of God have such an opportunity to change his face? Leaving Huaxia with one identity, and even sneaking into a place like the dark group?

Li Zedao took a step forward, stretched out his hand and pinched Ying Ying's pink face, he also suspected that she was wearing a mask that could be mistaken for the real one,

"What? It hurts!" Shadow glared at Li Zedao, said angrily, and slapped his hands off, "This genius girl didn't wear a mask, this is my real face, isn't it pretty?"

"Your real face?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "Then before?"

"Nonsense, of course I was wearing a mask before, idiot." Shadow looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and said, "It's the kind of mask that feels similar to the real face that I will teach you how to put on later."

As he spoke, he blew out a big bubble.

"Uh..." Both Li Zedao and Nanji looked stunned, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

In other words, the shadow she saw before was actually wearing a mask, and she didn't reveal her true face? What high-tech products did she even use to change her voice? Now this face, this voice, belong to the shadow?

"What's going on?" Li Zedao asked with some difficulty, "And what about Master?" The latter question was what Li Zedao cared most about.

Shadow was silent, and forgot to chew gum, biting his lips like a face-changing expert, and the big teardrops began to roll in the eye sockets again, with an expression of extreme sadness and grievance.

"Old Wang...Old Wang...and" Shadow cried very sadly, even the chewing gum in his mouth sprayed out

"They're all dead... Woooo... They're all dead..."

boom! Li Zedao's head was in a daze, his face had already turned into an idiot.

died? Master... is dead?

Antarctica was also shocked by the shadow's words, and his brain was roaring for a while, and he couldn't recover for a long time. Who is the Hand of God? He is the legendary number one person in the world, yes, it is the world, not just Huaxia! Legend has it that he has amazing wealth, he has dozens of beautiful women, he has super strength, he has an absolutely high IQ, and he is even immortal. Cut off half a trace.

He even stole the snake's head a few days ago, playing around with the elites of the so-called Shenlong organization like idiots.

But now the shadow said that he was dead... Nanji felt that this was the funniest big joke she had ever heard since she was a child!

Besides, how could there be no movement at all when that kind of person who reached the sky died? It was like the death of an insignificant fly.

"You... what did you say?" Li Zedao stared at the shadow with wide eyes, his face was extremely ugly, his hands even grabbed the shadow's shoulders, and shook her delicate body vigorously, "What did you say? You said What? Please explain to me clearly..."

"Get out..." Shadow pushed Li Zedao away viciously, wiped the tears from his eyes and roared, "Old Wang is dead, my master is dead, and other mistresses are dead too... now you hear clearly ?"

very clear! It couldn't be more clear! So... Li Zedao looked like an idiot!

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