The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1154: Zhu Xian!

On that day.

Gu Han was deceived by Luo Wushuang and reached the tenth level of the gold list. He was targeted by that ray of Immortal Emperor's will. A large number of phantoms of the Immortal clan appeared behind him, exactly like the figure in front of him!

It is undoubtedly the fairy clan!

"Fairy clan?"

Except for Tangtang, who was a little confused, everyone else, including Qianye, felt their hearts sink.

Not to mention Qianye.

Based on the cultivation and knowledge of the others, they are not ignorant about the Immortal Clan, but compared to other innate saints, the Immortal Clan is too mysterious and almost never shows up, so they don't know much about it.

Be in harmony with the Tao and hold the authority of the Tao.

This is the only remaining understanding they have of the Immortal Clan.

"It shouldn't be..."

Xia Qingyuan was puzzled, "Even if the behavior of fellow Taoist Qingmu violated a taboo, it only changed the causal relationship of a few people. The balance with the avenue was not damaged, and the backlash was reduced in advance. How could it provoke all the immortals?" ?”

Qianye looked strange and glanced at Gu Han, "Isn't this coming for you again?"

Gu Han was speechless.

Ever since the Immortal Emperor's will was injured and he left the Eastern Wasteland and went to Tiannan Realm, he has never been targeted by Dao Dao again. But he didn't expect that he would be discovered again now. Although it was not the Immortal Emperor's will who came, he still felt that Very frustrating!

He kind of wants to curse!

There is no Taoist clock here, and there is no gold list. You can find me just by relying on a trace of cause and effect?

Is the ghost really lingering?

Can the immortal race be so capable?


Suddenly, Aoki said: "It's not because of my little friend, but because of that Ming Lord!"

Hades Lord?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"On him."

Aoki raised his head and glanced at the sky, a trace of hatred suddenly flashed in his eyes, "There is a broken cause and effect, and it is related to that Ming Lord...!"


He is in a special state and can naturally perceive causal relationships that others cannot.

The Immortal Clan, the Lord of the Underworld, Cause and Effect... Gu Han's mind was racing, and he kept thinking about the relationship between the three. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he seemed to have thought of some possibility!

"Could it be..."

"No wonder."

Lu Linyuan suddenly said, "I have a doubt. I have never been able to figure it out. That friend from Tianji's lineage clearly said that Tangtang was a person with great luck and his future achievements would be limitless. Why did he suffer the jealousy of Heaven instead? This Isn’t it contradictory? And the world is so big..."

"There are so many creatures in the vast world!"

"Then how did the Nether Clan learn about Tangtang's existence and come to visit him in just a few years?"

"It's... the fairy clan!"

He suddenly looked at the immortal clan, his tone suddenly filled with a hint of unforgettable hatred.

"It's a letter from the Immortal Clan!"

Gu Han also reacted instantly.

He had talked with Luo Feng, and he knew far more about the Immortal Clan than others. The Immortal Clan was in line with the Great Dao, but it also had great restrictions. If he acted at will, the backlash would be huge. Therefore, with the existence of the Tiangong, However, if you just report the news without taking action...even if you encounter a backlash, it will be much smaller!

Combined with the words of the underworld king before.

He had already deduced what happened.

The Ming Clan wanted to find Mingzi, but they couldn't find it themselves, so they asked the Immortal Clan for help. However, the information they got was wrong, and by mistake, they found Tangtang, a little girl with great luck, and Ming Clan found him. The clan simply made mistakes... and that's how this series of things happened.

"He came looking for him right after Lord Ming died."

Xia Qingyuan sighed, feeling a little worried, "It seems that he might have been the one who provided information to that Ming Lord back then."

"I'm not looking for you?"

Qianye glanced at Gu Han, a little surprised.

First time.

Gu Han's disaster star physique did not play its due role.

"You killed Lord Ming!"

Gu Han said angrily: "I'm here to find you!"


Qianye sneered: "If you say that, then he should go find Dameng!"

It no longer matters who you look for.

In just a few breaths, the immortal figure had already appeared in front of everyone. His figure was still transparent and his face could not be seen clearly. The aura on his body was mysterious and far-reaching, and the immortal light was flowing, but his transparent eyes were full of ruthlessness and indifference. meaning.

The Immortal of Nine Heavens, high above.

In his eyes, except for the innate saints, all the other acquired beings are just stupid dogs, humble and weak.

His eyes turned.

It has fallen on the line of cause and effect between Gu Han and Tangtang.

A flash of anger flashed through.

Although he didn't speak, there was a constant roar in the sky, and there was a faint roaring sound from the domineering power of heaven, which seemed to represent his anger.


He stretched out his right hand, and with a slight tap, a force of heavenly power came down with backlash, and the causal line that was about to be completed was about to collapse!

Not only that!

Gu Han only felt a cold backlash falling on him. Even though he was wearing armor, he still felt like he was being completely torn apart!

The same is true for Tangtang!

She was the incarnation of her lingering obsessions. At this moment, she was stimulated by the backlash, and half of her body disappeared in an instant, with a look of confusion on her face.

"Damn it!"

Qianye couldn't help it any longer, and with the demonic flames all around him, he looked directly at the immortal clan, "What bullshit immortal clan? I don't like you, so I will kill you today!"


The red gold color in Xia Qingyuan's eyes reappeared, and he was going to fight with this immortal clan directly!

Qianye didn't stop him this time.

After all, he doesn't have much power left.


Qingmu suddenly said: "If you don't make a move, he can't do anything to you! If you make a move, you will be completely involved in this cause and effect, which may backfire and aggravate the backlash of this cause and effect. The two of them...will not be able to hold on!"

He saw it clearly.

He, Gu Han, and Tang Tang had a brief cause and effect entanglement at this moment, and the immortals took this opportunity to transfer the backlash force that was supposed to be aimed at him to Gu Han and Tang Tang.

"Public revenge?"

Qianye's eyes turned cold, and the devil flame on his body became three points stronger, "How shameless!"

"I am the one who reversed the cause and effect!"

Qingmu suddenly looked at the immortals and said seriously: "I am willing to bear all the backlash alone, and it has nothing to do with them! If you agree, I am willing to give up continuing this cause and effect and let you deal with it!"

The immortals turned a deaf ear to him.

He pointed again, and the backlash force became three points heavier!

Gu Han can still hold on.

But the little girl's figure disappeared in an instant.


Lu Linyuan and Tang Miaoxin were heartbroken and wanted to take her place.

"It's okay."

Tangtang lowered her head, looking a little disappointed, "It doesn't hurt..."

It's just that I may not be able to meet you in the future...

It seems that she is afraid that everyone will be sad.

She didn't say this.

In fact, even if she didn't say it, everyone understood that if her obsession was completely wiped out by the backlash, even if there was an afterlife... there would probably be no such person as her.

Qingmu's eyes were red with anger.

He never expected that things would develop to this point. If he had known this earlier, he would rather not continue the cause and effect.

But's too late!

Obviously, not to mention others, the immortals will definitely not let the three of them go.

"I swear!" Qianye was surrounded by demonic flames, and he was extremely angry. "If you dare to attack him, I will kill you even if I have to sacrifice this remnant soul..." "Qianye." Gu Han suddenly said, "Lend me your power!" Xia Qingyuan was stunned, "What are you going to do?" Gu Han slowly raised his head and saw the heartbroken Lu Linyuan and his wife, Qingmu with a face full of regret and self-blame, and Tangtang with a lost look... His eyes, which were originally black and white, turned into a bloody red! "I want to... kill the immortals!" His tone was grim and murderous! The last time he had such a strong killing intention was when Leng Meizi sacrificed herself for him and launched the Yellow Spring Festival. At that time, he just wanted to crush all the ghosts of Gui Sanniang and crush them into nothingness! At this moment. His mood was the same, but the target was the immortals in front of him! At this moment. Among the three, Tangtang naturally had no fighting power at all, and Qingmu carried the cause and effect on his body, and had already encountered three backlashes, and had no ability to fight at all. The only one who could reverse the situation was him!


Time was running out, Qianye did not hesitate at all, and with a flicker of his body, he instantly returned to Gu Han's consciousness space and came to his soul.

"It's still the same old rules!"

While speaking.

His soul body dispersed and fell around Gu Han's soul, just like the day when he swallowed the Tao fruit and fought with Lingya. At this time, his cultivation was temporarily equal to Gu Han's cultivation!

Xia Qingyuan understood.

This method of borrowing power is indeed feasible, but few people do it. The reason is that the premise of doing so is that the two must trust each other without reservation and cannot have the slightest intention of being on guard... Otherwise, borrowing is equal to not borrowing!



Violent auras continued to emanate from Gu Han. As his cultivation level rose, although he still could not understand the domain and the power of the origin, he had a feeling of being in control of everything and being invincible!

It was naturally brought by Qianye's power!


Qianye said in a deep voice: "The remaining power of this lord can only allow you to strike one sword. After one sword, if he does not die, your fate will be more terrible than death!"


Gu Han had no expression on his face, "One sword is enough."

His expression was calm.

But as he spoke, the bloody meaning in his eyes became three points heavier!

He gently raised his right hand, and an inconspicuous black sword fell into his hand, pointing directly at the immortal clan, "You don't understand at all, how much Senior Qingmu and others have paid, lost, and endured for today's result! Now this is their only chance and their only wish. Do you want to destroy it?"

"Wishful thinking!"

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