The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 647: Planting Demons (Part 1)

Ling Ya said no more.

His calm eyes fell on Leng Yushu's eyes again.

He has always believed that all a person's secrets are hidden in his eyes.

Zhong Yu, just a fool.

Mo Chenyin, Bingxue is smart.

Gu Chen, perseverance and forbearance... He has seen too many people, whether they are smart or stupid. No matter how well they hide it, he can still catch a flaw in the other person's eyes. This is his ability and his A secret magical power.

But now...

Under the tears, a pair of eyes were as clear as water, as if he could see everything at a glance. From her eyes, he could not see the slightest hatred, nor the slightest strangeness, only...a hint of incomprehension and determination.

For the first time in my life.

He felt that he had made a mistake and was a little curious, "What's the reason?"

Leng Yushu didn't answer, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, as if he was lost in memories, and murmured: "Master, that day... it was really, really cold..."

Her body trembled slightly.

It seemed that I felt a chill for a long time.


Ling Ya also seemed to be brought into her memories, and chuckled: "You had not yet practiced cultivation at that time. It was indeed unbearable for mortals."

Late autumn.

A drizzle was falling in the sky. It wasn't heavy, but the cold wind in late autumn was extremely biting. The road was muddy, and the pedestrians were walking in a hurry, tightening their clothes, all looking for a temporary shelter. Shelter from the wind.

street corner.

In an alley filled with sewage and a stinky smell.

A teenage girl collapsed on the ground.

She was sallow and thin, and the shabby dress full of patches could not stop the late autumn wind and rain.

It's just that although her lips were purple from the cold and her body was trembling instinctively, her eyes were dull and dead. She just looked ahead blankly, without any life at all, and she didn't seem to feel the cold at all, or in other words, the cold was deep into her bones. , she was so cold that she lost all consciousness.

not far away.

A young man wearing even thinner clothes had his body twisted and lay motionless on the ground. He seemed to be holding something in his hand.

The strong smell of blood emanated from him.

Mixed with the stench in this alley, it was even more unbearable.

"Damn it!"

Opposite, two men were cursing and one of them seemed to be injured.

"This kid is so strong!"

"Fortunately, I brought this guy with me, otherwise I wouldn't have killed him. I don't know how he can have such strength when he doesn't even have enough to eat!"

"No matter, take this girl back."

"Hehe, this trip is not in vain. This girl has a good foundation. After keeping her for ten days and a half, she can get new clothes and she can be sold for a good price!"


In conversation.

The two walked towards the girl.

The girl's expression remained blank, as if she was unconscious.

"You won't be scared out of your wits, will you?"

One of them frowned and said, "This way we won't be able to sell it at a high price."

"Let me see."

Another man walked up to the girl, looked at her carefully, then raised his hand and slapped her.

Visible to the naked eye.

The girl's cheek was swollen, the corner of her mouth was broken, and blood was constantly flowing down.


Her expression remained unchanged, as if she felt no pain.

"Damn it!"

The man was stunned and said, "Are you really stupid?"


Seemingly unwilling to give up, he raised his hand again and slapped her several times, but no matter how hard he tried, the girl remained silent.

"Damn it!"

The man got angrier and angrier, "I'll just kill him..."

The words are not finished yet.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Wearing a brocade robe, he looks middle-aged and has an elegant temperament.

In silence.

The two men had disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Quiet room.

"I remember it very clearly..."

Leng Yu shed tears like rain, but did not wipe them away. He still murmured: "My brother and I are wandering outside and living a very hard life... Although I am very smart, Master, you know that not everything in this world is perfect." It can all be solved with cleverness... Moreover, my brother is still so stupid..."

"I not only want to live..."

"I still want to keep my idiot brother alive..."

"I didn't have enough to eat, I didn't have enough clothes to wear, I was looked down upon and bullied..."

"That's when."

She cried more and more sadly, "I just would be great if one day my brother died suddenly, so that I could live less tiredly and don't have to starve every day..."


"It's not that I'm cruel, it's that I... it's too difficult..."

"Can you imagine?"

She wiped her tears, but she couldn't wipe them away at all. "I was not that old at that time... and I was a fool... and I couldn't live any longer..."

"turn out to be."

Lingya sighed: "This is the real you."


Leng Yushu looked at him blankly as if he hadn't heard anything, "Do you still remember the first thing you said when you saw me..."

Ling Ya was silent for a moment, stared at her and sighed softly, "Oh, poor girl..."

It seemed like he was repeating what he said back then.

It seems to pity the cold rain now.

"That's it."

While crying, Leng Yushu suddenly laughed, "At that time, those two people beat my brother to death and wanted to sell me... I know my fate is worse than death... But I can't do anything, I'm too young, and I don't have the strength to escape. I can only accept it, I can only despair..."


"Just then, Master, you appeared!"

Speaking of this, she stared at Lingya in a daze, and a surprising light suddenly bloomed in her eyes, "You said that as long as you are here, I will never be hungry, cold, or bullied... My name is given by you!"


In memory.

"Alas, poor girl."

The middle-aged man glanced at the girl and sighed.

Until this moment.

The girl realized it belatedly and discovered the arrival of the man.

Until this moment.

She regained some consciousness, and the piercing cold light made her hug her arms involuntarily, and her thin body trembled constantly.


The man smiled again, "What's your name?"

The girl still didn't answer, but the cold became more and more biting, and her body trembled more and more violently. She couldn't help but hug her arms tightly and squeezed out a few words from her teeth, "Cold... so cold..."

"Forget it."

The man smiled and didn't ask any more questions. He sighed and said, "Forget about the past. From today on, your surname... is Leng."

As he said.

He looked up at the sky.

The cold wind was whistling, mixed with sparse drizzle.

"The rain is sparse and the wind is strong..."

He smiled, "How about calling you Leng Yushu?"

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