The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 771: The white-robed Gu the Great Swordsman!

Do trees have faces?

Gu Han felt that there was a high probability that there wasn't, at least that little sapling. And the most important question now was not whether the tree had a face at all, but Kuishan who couldn't be bypassed!

"how long it takes?"

Gu Han glanced at the black-faced ghost and said in a solemn tone, "Are there any restrictions on the method of growing demons?"

"Not too restrictive."

Naturally, Leng Yushu would not hide it from him, and explained: "For me, it is more of a mental and spiritual exertion, but for the person being used, it depends on how strong the other person's will is, although it is not directly related to the cultivation level. It doesn’t matter, but you also know that the higher the cultivation level, the more determined the mind will be.”

Growing demons against Lingya, and growing demons against a young monk, naturally becomes more and more difficult.

Gu Han was thoughtful.

It’s not just the devil in the heart of the Tao. The higher the level, the more difficult it is to find magical powers. The requirements for qualifications are not high, but for other aspects, such as character, character, luck... These things that ordinary people don’t pay attention to, on the contrary, It is extremely strict, and if it is not suitable, even if it is barely accomplished, it will not be able to exert much power.

in short.

They are all tailor-made and not universal.

After successfully finding a reason for himself that was not suitable for cultivating demons in his heart, Gu Han was in a much better mood.

"What about him?"

He pointed at the black-faced man.

"A quarter of an hour at most."

The cold rain is sparse without thinking.

This kind of low-level ghost soldiers who only know how to kill brutally have holes in their defenses. It is much easier than planting demons in Ding Lan and Li Yin.


The black-faced ghost looked at the two of them in horror, "What are you going to do!"

"Old rules!"


A black sword instantly hovered between his eyebrows, and then Gu Hansen's cold voice came, "If you dare to move, your pain will be ten times greater than it is now!"

The black-faced ghost didn't dare to move again.

No matter how evil the devil is, he is just a little sheep in front of Gu Han at this time.

Let the cold rain do its thing.

Gu Han then looked at the people from the two tribes gathered together in the distance. They were dressed in rags and barely covered their bodies. They were all sallow and thin. They lived a very hard life. In addition, after the disaster, many of them A person's parents, wife, and children were all killed in the hands of evil spirits. No matter how numb they are, they still look sad.

not far away.

The young man gathered a group of three or four-year-old children together, carefully took out the fruits hidden in his arms, and divided them one by one.

There is very little fruit.

It often takes three to four children to get one, but it still makes them drool.

Gu Han secretly shook his head.

Although there is vitality here, there is no spiritual inspiration. In addition, under the coverage of the Law of Underworld, materials are extremely poor. The lives of these people... are not even as good as those who looked at the countryside when he was going through the human tribulation.

It's just that now he wears a ghost face and a ghost robe, and even evil ghosts are suppressed by him. Those mortals dare not take a step closer to him. As soon as he takes a step forward, those people subconsciously take two steps back.

Not afraid.

But awe.

A blind, god-like awe!

Gu Han had no choice but to take off the ghost-faced ghost robe, revealing his true appearance, and his temperament changed from cold to gentle.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, most of the pressure in their hearts was reduced, and they had a new understanding of Gu Han.

turn out to be.

Messengers are human beings just like us!


The messenger is so handsome!

White clothes fluttering, Gu Dajianxian.

On appearance.

Gu Han has no opponent here for the time being.

It was also the first time that someone recognized his appearance more than he recognized his strength. This made him feel quite inflated. He secretly slandered a certain handsome man in his heart. He suddenly gave birth to a kind of rat. How dare he do it? The heroic ambition of war.

In a good mood.

He waved his hand towards the witch priest and handed out a big gift, "Your lifespan is actually not over yet, it's just that your body is decayed and old. Taking one of these pills every few days will be of great benefit to you. It will also be of great benefit to you." With them..."

"The body is too weak."

"Put these elixirs in water and drink a small amount every day to strengthen your body and prevent all diseases."

For mortals.

Except for some crazy monks who practice evil methods, most monks don't bother to pay attention to it, and of course, they don't pay attention to it.

But he is different.

With the special experience and the cultivation of human understanding, he naturally would not treat the other party as cannon fodder.



The old witch priest burst into tears and knelt down again, and the rest of the people also knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Han non-stop. However, they were simple-minded and could only say the word 'thank you' over and over again.

He said a few words of comfort.

Gu Han immediately asked the shaman to prepare.


At this time, the young man cautiously came to Gu Han, took out the last green fruit, and handed it over, "Thank you for saving our lives!"

"You take such a big risk."

Gu Han didn't answer and shook his head, "You almost died, just for this fruit?"


The young man hesitated and said, "I promised them that I would pick the fruit for them. Besides, this fruit doesn't look good, but it's actually very sweet. We usually can't eat it for a long time."

"where is your family?"


The young man's eyes dimmed, "My father and mother are both dead, and grandpa also volunteered to be eaten by those evil spirits. I am the only one left."



The boy explained.

Under the raging evil spirits, the people here can only rely on hunting to feed themselves. However, there are not many wild animals in the mountains and forests. The smaller the tribe, the harder it is to survive. In order to save food and prevent the evil spirits from wreaking havoc, some of them have lost their physical strength as they age. The old man will automatically stand up and let him eat.

Just like those before.

Gu Han suddenly sighed, "What's your name?"


The young man was stunned for a moment, "My name is Shen Fanghu, envoy, just call me Ahu."

The people here all have tribal surnames.

"You can eat this fruit."

Gu Han shook his head.

From beginning to end, he saw it in his eyes. The young man picked the fruits, but he was not willing to eat any of them.


Ahu mustered up his courage, "You...can you teach me how to kill evil spirits?"


Gu Han saw through his little thoughts at a glance, "Are you still thinking about that stick? I told you, even ten of you can't lift it."

Called Ahu.

But he is not a tiger at all, but very clever.


Ahu didn't say anything, he was just very disappointed.


Gu Han changed the subject and said, "After you learn the skills, you will be able to handle them."


Ahu was overjoyed, "Are you... willing to teach me?"

Gu Han thought.

If the mission can be completed, it would be a simple matter to take Ahu to find a place rich in spiritual ideas and introduce him to practice.


He lectured: "Open your horizons, what's the point of worrying about a broken stick? It's ten times better than this, I have a hundred times as much!"

"Do you... have a sword?"

Ahu asked tentatively.

Gu Han's swordsmanlike style of killing evil spirits has penetrated deeply into his heart and made him yearn for it. Naturally, the first thing he thought of was the sword!

"Stupid question!"

Gu Han scolded him with a straight face.

The majestic Xuantian Sword Head is missing a sword?

It's like asking Qianye whether he has a father-in-law...

More than stupid?

Just stupid!

"I collected the things."

He took the green fruit over and said calmly: "If you can get out, I will give you a peerless sword!"

"Thank you messenger!"

Ahu bowed his head and bowed.

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